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“Curing” the anxiety of the unknown


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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"Curing" the anxiety of the unknown

From a creation viewpoint, something must be given up and cast into the furnace or the cauldron of creation to be melted and poured into a new cast to create a new future. There will always be an anxiety as our current world is dissolved and before the new can be seen and experienced. In this regard, we will never really cure the anxiety of the unknown. Rather, we can learn to understand the creative process and work with the process and break free of the hold the anxiety of the unknown hold over us. The hardest truth we will ever have to face is learning to be happy with what is, as it is, in the realization that everything is perfect just the way it is, even the anxiety we feel when our world crumbles.

This is why in addiction recovery programs it is off said that one is always recovering from an addiction and never cured. We need to understand, for anything we try and consciously or nonconsciously create, including our life since our life is a creative endeavor, there will be some level of anxiety. Unless we learn this fact and works with it, we will always be seeking consciously or nonconsciously to suppress it or numb it in some way. The key is to learn and use the gift that pain provides and use the information that pain or discomfort the anxiety is providing.

It needs to realized we are a perfect as we are as the perfect creator of the experiences we have based on how we are choosing to use the creative/creation process. Everyone is getting exactly what they need and choose to experience for where they are in their understanding at this instant in time. This is a difficult point for our mind to accept and comprehend but it is the truth of reality whether we like it or not. This is what is. This does not mean we sit and do nothing.

The process of creating a new future starts with us going inside ourselves and determining what needs to be given up and changed within our being to allow a new future to manifest. It means that we need to go inside and ask, "What do I need to do to change and/or to face within myself that is causing me to feel the way that I do? Why can I not be happy with what is as it is?" Then, when we have the answer of what we have to do inside ourselves first and do it, then we can ask, "What does my intuitive guidance lead me to do externally?" Our intuition will lead us to what external action we need to take to allow the situation that we are experiencing to begin to change in the direction of a more tolerable situation. Often we have to change, not the situation. Our inner world is reflected in the outer. If we act before going inside and making the necessary changes, we are acting from the mind and projecting the past. When we do not go inside first, we project the inherent wisdom within our being that is sustaining our body and the creation we are experiencing.

To bring this understanding into a form that we can use it in our life to deal with life as it presents itself, there are two approaches. One is to use the assistance of another as outlined in the Fifteen creative steps/Guidelines. They were developed for use to help us to create what we desire. We need do nothing more than be centered on what we desire to create and apply these steps/guidelines. The second way is to do two things. One is to learn to hold a single point focus such that we never lose focus and we do not allow ourselves to be distracted from what we desire to create. This second way is to access a passion like the passion a drowning person has for air.

One suggest that often makes our creative endeavor easier is to apply the proverb "Give an individual a fish they eat for a day, teach them who to fish they eat for a lifetime" to ourselves and our creativity. It is to first create an experience of the depth and breadth of the creative power we have and how the creative process works. Then, when we have experience with our creative power and the creative process, the issue of the anxiety of unknown no longer becomes an issue because understand exactly what it is and why it exists.

Breaking Free of the Anxiety of the Unknown

It can be said there are two reasons for incarnating. The first reason for incarnating is to have a set of experiences that we incarnated to have which includes some specific intention or intentions and/or purpose. The second reason for incarnating it to claim our birthright. Claiming our birthright is to consciously co-create our reality and to consciously become the creative being that we are. However to consciously co-create our reality means that we must be willing to sit in the anxiety of the moment and open to the infinite possibilities of that moment. The point of creative power in the moment, the now. Also we cannot create the future of our choosing free of the past until we "clean up," finish or change what we are already manifesting. Unless we become conscious of what they are doing here in the first place they cannot be in the state of awareness to change what is currently manifesting in our lives and release our attachments.

If we are in a row boat flowing within the current of a river, it doesn’t do us a lot of good to come to the realization that we can change the direction of the boat. The current is still going to carry us where it is going. We need to realize two points. The first is that we can change the direction of our travel and the second is that we need to get out of the river current or over come the power of its flow before we can choose to go where we want to go.

Our life is in a current. Unless we come to the realization of that current we cannot get out of it. We become aware of the current in our life by being fully present in the moment and allowing the current of life to take us where it is going. In doing so we can begin to see the direction it is going.

To see the direction of this current effectively we need to do two things. One is that we need to be in the anxiety of the unknown of the moment and outside of any habit of the mind that we use to numb this anxiety for the illusion of the habit doesn’t let us see what direction we travel. The second thing is to have a very clear intention for our life that transcends our enculturated ego or the ego of who we think we are that we developed in this lifetime. Being in the anxiety of the moment going with the flow allows us to flow in a given direction unencumbered by illusion. Holding to a clear intention allows us to measure our progress relative to our intention so that we can determine the direction our life is flowing. We need a reference point outside both our boat and the flow of the river current to get an understanding of the direction we are really moving.

One problem is that the habits that we use to escape to avoid anxiety of the unknown are extremely strong and quick. Many, if not most, of these habits go back to very early in life to a time before we become conscious of the habits that we formed. If we sometimes feel we are stuck in habits of our childhood, we are completely correct, But most of the habits go back to the first 2 or 3 years of life if not earlier which we developed as our mind developed and became aware if feeling. Here it need to be remembered we are talking about a specific set of habits concerning how we learned to respond to the anxiety of the unknown. More than two years is more than sufficient time to develop such habits.

A second problem is that of obtaining a clear intention that lies outside of the enculturated ego. This second problem exists because many of the criteria that we use for success in life or about life come from the family, society and culture in which we grew up and the current that is carrying us may lie outside the flow of the family, society or culture. We cannot look to any success criteria from our family, society or culture to guarantee we have found a reference point that allows us to see the real direction of our life.

If we are not willing to be in the anxiety of the moment to look beyond our family, society and culture to see where we are really going in life, we will not have a reference point to access our birthright. Accessing our birthright lies within the ability to see beyond the reason for we having our current physical body and its place here in time and space, that equivalent river current, which includes why we chose our particular family, society and culture.

Once we know the current which brought us into life we can turn our boat around for we will know how we are capable of turning our boat around, that is, change the direction of our life. Once we know where the current of life is taking us and why (our purpose for being here in our particular body at this time and place), then we are truly free to choose where we wish to go and how we wish to create our reality. Of course, our choice may be to just fulfill our purpose for incarnating which is to remain in the current we in which we find ourselves. What is surprising for many is that when we access and begin to understand the intention for our life, we come to find it was a good intention all along. Often it is much more enjoyable than we could have anticipated and created, or rather could create, with our enculturated mind of this life.

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