Dance Between What Sustains Us and What We Wish to Create

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In our lives, there are two ongoing creative efforts. One is the flow of energy that sustains our being to create the experiences and life we incarnated to have. Our body was chosen as the vehicle to have these experiences. In this regard, a certain portion of our creative life energy is already directed toward sustaining that life.

The second creative effort is the flow of energy into whatever we desire to create based on what we have come to think and believe. The easiest way to live is to have both in alignment but that is not necessary. More often than not, they are probably not aligned. Additional our focus on either is often broken by the mundane of the world. To access our creative power and creative ability to consciously create what we desire we need to learn to dance between the two efforts and hold a single point focus for what we desire to create.

Although there are no judgments on what we create, there are consequences. The issue we face is that we provide enough focus and sufficient energy to what we incarnated to create or otherwise satisfaction in life will elude us. We will be unable to create an inner satisfaction with life that allows us to have a life that is worth living. We may have an enjoyable life, or even a very successful life in the eyes of the world. However, we will not have an inner satisfaction and feel that something in life is eluding us. Similarly, if we do not obtain clarity of intent and meet the five requirements to create, we will be unable to create what we desire.

There are two important questions. One is, “How much they these two efforts aligned or not aligned.?” It these two creative efforts are not aligned we need to learn to dance between the two efforts. The other question is, ‘What is interfering or obstructing what we desire to create?” As for what is interfering and/or obstructing what we desire to create we may need to look to see if the interference lies in the inner dance or outer dance we need to do.

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