Fear of going it alone



A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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For many, one issue that often rises in pursuing a creative endeavor, especially the exploring the depth and breadth of our creativity is that we are reluctant to take a creative journey by ourselves that removes us from the world we know and those in our life.

Creativity, by its very nature, takes us into the unknown and the creative/creation process give rise to the anxiety of creation. The human being, as a creativity machine, will always be creating in some way. As such we will always be faced with the unknown and the anxiety of creation at some level of our being. Many find facing the unknown and the anxiety of creation frightening and fears arise to thwart our efforts. However, in addition to these types and kinds of fears is another. It is the fear of going it alone for a creative endeavor can lead us away from the world we know.

As a result of how a creation is connected to its environment, we can expect our world to change. Many become afraid that our creative endeavor will cause us to become too different and thy no longer “fit” into the world in which we know. Yet, in the oneness of Creation, no one is really separated from another. Separation is just an illusion. No one needs to separate from another. But, nevertheless, some creations do not support certain types and kinds of people in our life and/or certain types and kinds of experiences.

For many, the easiest way to live life and face the uncertainty of life is follow the path of another. In following the path of another we think we know the outcome and we don’t have to become separate from a world we know. However, following the path of another will not really take us into the unknown that we seek to access our creativity. To walk the path of another is to walk in the know and in their past. The unknown is what we seek to find those creative solution. As such, ultimately there will come a point in time that we will have to step into our own understanding and walk forward in our own understand into the unknown.

The question becomes, “How can we pursue our creativity and not separate ourselves from the world we know?” A two fold recommendation is made here. The first recommendation addresses if we are unwilling and afraid to step into our own understanding. In this case, the question arises, “Who’s path should we follow to truly understand how to execute and manifest our thought in the world in which we live to live a life the truly serves us?” “Who is the wisest teacher available to us?” “Who can provide us the best understanding with the lease amount of personal opinion?”

Since we are talking about executing and manifesting creativity and creative solution in the external world, in order not to follow the path of another, the recommendation made here is that we look to see what physical Creation communicates to us about creation/Creation. In many ways it is to use the Bohr Approach that revolutionize our understanding of atom structure. It is suggested here that the Universe that we see before us is the wisest teacher available for us. As far as we know, it has no opinion about its existence, its own important and no ego to push its views. Many esoteric traditions call the reality in which we inhabit “Creation.” Since we are made from the material of Creation, we might just as well come to some understanding of exactly what our physical world has to say about creation and how our physical world is a creation and creative.

Many of us have come to refer to the world in which we see, experience and live in as being created or as a creation of or by some unseen force, energy or God. How Creation happened or how the creative energy manifested creation is seen as a mystery beyond the knowing of humanity. For those individuals who believe and/or hold a perspective that considers Creation and the reality in which we inhabit a mystery it is suggested they look at the multiple perspectives we can use view the creative/creation process.

Yet, if we learn to become a detached witness and look to see what Creation is really communicating through the various perspective we can use, we find it is not as mysterious as it first seems. We can find a place of inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is happening in the external world. In doing so, we find that we can remove much of the anxiety and fear about creation/Creation. To remove the anxiety and fear we only need to claim our birthright as the creators that we are and see the gift of pain that lies in the pain we experience in life. In time we can come to how we are the creator both the experiences we have and the reality of those experiences.

The second recommendation concerns separating ourselves from the world we know. Separating ourselves from the world we know may be inevitable as discussed in the topic “Environment and the unfoldment of a creation.” The recommendation here is that we set the following or its equivalent as part of our intention and allow any separation that does occur be done gently and not as a result of any desire on our part. In setting the following as part of our intention, the door is open for other individual in our life to change with us and enter our new creation.

“As I (we) progress on my (our) journey,
I (We) love and support those who are lead to me (us).
(We)I know that as I (we) grow and are seen different from those who interact with me (us)
I (we) cause them no pain and they are gently lead to where they feel secure.”

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