Mature feminine aspect - the mature feminine nurturing energy


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The feminine aspect of the creative/creation process is seen as the nurturing and sustaining aspect of energy consciousness. It holds the form of the new creation in such a way that the new creation is allowed to grow and unfold according to its own nature within the environment it finds itself. One of the most important things the feminine aspect does is to create and hold the space  to nurture the creation. In essence the feminine creates a womb where the creation will grow and unfold. The question for the feminine aspect of creation is how much of herself will she give to nurture and sustain a creation. If consciousness changes its focus and move from the feminine into its masculine aspect to thrust into another direction, the initial desired creation can suffer if not die unless the focus is returned.

It needs to be realized that the feminine aspect of creation/Creation is to become one with the Creation/creation in some way if not totally reform itself to be the creation. This is a difficult aspect for many humans to understand since we live in separate bodies and our physical offspring become separate individuals. Yet, the fetus in the womb of the mother feeds the fetus until it is born into the world. She and the fetus are one until it is born. So too the feminine aspect of our being for any creation in which we engage.

The mature feminine nurturing energy is willing to give of herself and become whatever she needs to be come to nurture the creation. She nurtures the creation in the way it needs to be nurtured to grow including giving her own life but not at the expense of her life. Without the mature feminine nurturing energy, the creation can only unfold true to itself to the extent the feminine nurturing energy has matured.

There are several points that need to be emphasized here about the mature feminine. The first and second go together. One is that she becomes what she needs to become to nurture the creation. The second is she nurtures the creation in the way it needs to be nurtured not in the way she want to nurture it. When no conscious awareness is involved, both of these aspects of the feminine tend to occurs quite readily. With no conscious awareness, there is no interference by mind and its preferences.

However, when human consciousness is involved, it is very difficult for the ego to give totally of itself in the way it needs to give itself. Nor is it willing to give in the way it needs to give. Human awareness tends to impose it ideas on what is needed. This statement is not directed at females for it is true for males and females alike for both possess a feminine aspect. We are just more aware of the feminine aspect in females.

This in turn brings up the third point. Many females and males are taught to give at the expense of themselves for their offspring and their family at the expense of themselves. At first glance this appears noble and the correct thing to do. However, if one does not properly maintain themselves, they will be unable to properly give to the either their offspring or their family. In the end, all suffer.

It needs to be realized is that a car will not run very long without proper maintenance. So too our being. There are spiritual, mental, emotional and physical maintenance issue to which we need to attend to doing. They are unique to our being and we have to become intimate with ourselves to know how to properly address those needs. This is why it is said the mature feminine will give but not at the expense of her life. She is sufficient aware to be able to address her needs so that she will be available to address the needs of her offspring.

It needs to be emphasized here that this statement about the mature feminine is true for males and females. Both males and females have a feminine aspect that is needed to nurture any creation in which the male or female become engaged in creating. If we cannot adequately nurture need of our feminine creative aspect, we will be unable to properly meet the needs of our creation.

On this point it needs to be realized the feminine does not throw her energy or her life away. It is the hero type of sacrifice only to the point that the sacrifice is the only way the new creation can occur. There is no foolishness here or ego. There is no parasitic relationship. It is an act that transcends the individual. She will give of her life if necessary but it is not done to sustain a creation that will not, in turn, become self sufficient and, in many ways, bigger than herself.

What is interesting about the nurturing creative feminine energy is that it can, and will, pull out of the masculine things the masculine does not know it is capable of doing. In many way the masculine does not know what is inside of itself. It takes the feminine to call it forth and pull out its essence. This is not about a female calling something our of a male. It is about the feminine within a male or female calling forth the masculine within another male or female.

You call look at this aspect of the feminine pulling out of the masculine from the energy consciousness perspective. Consciousness, the masculine aspect of energy consciousness, is not aware of itself unless there is a movement of energy, the feminine aspect of energy consciousness, in order to have a contrast. In this sense it takes a flow of energy, the feminine, for consciousness, the masculine, to awaken. Hence the feminine nurturing energy awakens the masculine, consciousness, to its full potential.

The ripening of the self/Self is really about the maturing of our nurturing creative feminine aspect of being. It is about being able to become internally and externally whatever is needed for the creation/Creation to unfold. The ripening of the self/Self is about learning how to become more feminine that another to call forth the masculine aspect of their creative spirit to thrust out into the world true to itself. That is, we each need to learn to speak and live our truth in the world. Our truth and our creative energy and power to live that truth is long suppressed by the world in which we grow up. Although we are very successful in life, we are not necessarily living our truth and true to the essence of our being. We tend to live what we are programmed to live. We each need another, a nurturing feminine presence, to call forth our creative spirit and create the safe and secure space for us to live our full potential.

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