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A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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For the longest time the author believed what he was told about Creation. He believe those who were priests, teachers and/or masters. He believe what he read in the sacred books of many spiritual and religious transitions. He believe what he was told about there being a spiritual realm and a physical realm and the two were separate. He also believe there was a void or a place of “nothingness” or better said, “no-thing-ness” out of which Creation manifested - that is Creation was created by God and arose out of a “No-thing-ness” or void. He did not question those who “knew” or what the sacred books reported. Yet he was a little puzzled. There was suppose to be a oneness to all of Creation and no separation. So from where did the separation come from?

The author’s experience of the Ultimate Accident changed all of that. In that experience, the author experienced the oneness and wholeness of Creation. He came to see what this place of “no-thing-ness” really was and he understood from where the perceived separation arose. Separation arose from the same place as the concept of “No-thing-ness” and the concept of the void. Quite simply the answer laid in the fact that there are multiple perspectives that can be used to observe Creation and the creative/creation process. It all depended on what perspective we were choosing to use. The discussion "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trip of mind" provides a way to understand these multiple perspective and their impact. 

What needs to be understood is the concept of a void and nothingness are relative terms. What we see depends on the perspective we hold. As stated in the discussion “The Creative/Creation Process,” there are multiple perspectives from which to view the creative/creation process. Perceiving the process from within the process and/or from the world of the creation, one can experience a place of “no-thing-ness” We perceive a place of nothingness only because we are not looking at the whole process but only a part of the process.

When perceived from either of these two views, we cannot see past the point out of which the creation forms. Experienced from within the process our consciousness as we normally experience
consciousness as reflected in our mind cannot not see past the point out of which mind arises. That is, it cannot see into the unseen realms for consciousness as we normally experience it arises from what we can see and experience. That is we see consciousness as our mind rather than the awareness which gives rise to mind. Similarly  when viewing a creation from the world in which that creation exists, we cannot see past the points of the birth and death of the creation. Hence between death and birth there exist “no-thing-ness.” That is, the creation does not exist. There is no form. There is no-thing.

The first thing that needs to be realized is nothing or nothingness just means no-thing or no-thing-ness. That is, there is no thing presents as opposed to something. Nothing does not mean the absence of something that cannot be seen and/or experienced. For example, we do not see air, yet it exists. We do not see water vapor in the pure blue sky yet it is usually there. The unseen water vapors in the air are where clouds ultimately come from. Without the water vapor in the air no clouds form. Similarly, we cannot put a thought, concept or idea in front of us and experience it as a thing we can touch. Yet they exist and some of them have transformed the world as we experience it.

No-thing-ness and form-less does not mean there is not some “stuff” out of which Creation forms. All it means is that the “stuff” or material of Creation has not taken the form of any thing or any experience. To be in a state of “no-thing-ness” the “stuff” or material of Creation simply remains pure potentiality and has not yet been defined. It needs to be realized is that all that exist is nothingness because simultaneously anything is both everything and nothing. Whatever is, or whatever exists, can be dissolved or melted and recast into a new form. That is, it can be returned to a state of “no-form” or “no-thing” and recast.

As described in the topic “Making music analogy for the creative/creation process,” when music is made there is a process that occurs between the notes that is not heard that give rise to the next note. From the perspective of hearing a note, nothing exist between notes but silence. But in the unseen realm beyond hearing, action is being taking to create the next note. In the silence between two notes made by a piano is the hammer rising only to all on a string to create that second note.

There is no “place” of “no-thing-ness.” Never was, and never will be. The perceived silence between the manifestations, a place of “no-thing-ness” is simply the experience of the stuff of creation when it has no form as perceived by a consciousness that becomes aware of itself because of the experiences it has in form.. There seems to be a calmness or silence between the dissolution and emergence of the new creation because of how we are choosing to view the process. It is only a result of our focus that we do not see what is occurring to give rise to the next creation.

When our mind is allowed to focus on what is felt in the creative/creation process the conscious experience of that movement is chaos. Yet, if we become aware of the creative process, the chaos evaporates. In awareness, rather than feeling chaos as our existing world dissolves, we see the organization in a new creation forming. Creation in all its forms manifests from the unformed essence of creation, which would be called the unmanifested, a place of “no-thing-ness,” or undefined energy. Yet, it is only the cauldron of creation where the old form is allowed to dissolve into its essential components to be recast into anew creation. All creation is a emanating outward only to collapse back upon itself moving through a point of “no-thing-ness” to form into a new creation. We actually enter and leave this place of “no-thing-ness” all that time. We just don’t see it for what it is.

Many mystics talk about meditating or focusing on the space between thoughts. That is, the place of “no-thing-ness.” The reason for this is that the moment is the point of our creative power. The moment between thoughts is where we are creating the next thought whether or not we are aware of how we are doing it. It is here in this moment that we direct the flow of our creative life energy into a new creation. However, to do this we must open and mindful of what we feel and the flows of energy giving rise to the creations we are experiencing. To sit in silence or sit is this place of "no-thing-ness" and deny or otherwise suppress what we feel is to miss the point of power in that we lose to ability to flow with the energy. As discussed in the topic,  “The Point of Creative Power” we must be aware of two flows of energy and align those flows. One is the existing flow of energy giving rise to what we experience and the other flow of energy is the flow into our desired creation. Then, in alignment, surrender to the flow wherever it carries us. Surrendering to the flow will most probably call us to action in some way. We can’t move into action to do what needs to be done we hold sitting in our meditation practice as somehow more important and sacred that surrendering to the flow of energy to create what we desire.

The place of “no-thing-ness”: In discussing the creation process what cannot be over emphasized is that energy can neither created or destroyed, only transformed. As energy consciousness, the same is true for consciousness. Consciousness can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed. To create anything new whether from a consciousness perspective or an energy perspective, one must enter the place of “no-thing-ness,” the place of “no-form” where no structure exists or that place of emptiness. You can call this place of “no-thing-ness” as a place of silence but it must be remember as in the “Making music analogy for the creative/creation process,” silence does not mean nothing it happening. What it means is that from the view point of experiencing the creation, the creation is unseen and no form, no thing exists.

From a consciousness perspective, this place of “no-thing-ness” it is a place of emptiness within our consciousness. It is the place of “no mind’ or being “out of mind.” We need to empty ourselves from who and what we think we are and how we think reality works to make a space available, to empty our vessel, for a new creation and a new understanding to take root and grow. It is being out of mind as one knows it and how one has defined it.

It needs to be realized we can never really be out of mind for mind is a property of consciousness. What you have to be out of is what mind has created. We have to be out of that existing form mind uses to perceive reality. Most fear that to be out of mind is to be come crazy. That will happen only if we believes that silence follows death. If however we understand the unseen realm of Creation as a place of re-form-ation following death, then we can never become crazy going out of mind. We only enter a new realm in which we can only feel our way though. That is why feelings and body sensations are so important. It needs to be realized that the body is our creative spirit manifested in physical form or localized in Physical Creation. Our energy spans the infinity of reality. We already exist in the unseen realms. It is just that our awareness is focused into or onto the physical. We are always connected with the unseen realm and our body will keep us stable and anchored when we step out of mind. That is of course if we are willing to listen to our feelings and body sensations and we have either not numbed them or raised their threshold so high all that we feel is physical pain.

As said in “Making music analogy for the creative/creation process,” some have described this place of emptiness, this place of “no mind” of “no-thing-ness” as a place of silence like the silence between two notes. When viewed from the viewpoint of experiencing the creations of the mind, this is a perfectly adequate description. But it needs to be noted and emphasized this view is only from the perspective of the experience of the creation of mind. It is only in the silence between the notes that a new note, a new sound can be formed. So too with creation. There needs to be a silence between the created forms, a place of nothingness or no-form for the new creation to be made manifest.

To see this midpoint between created forms as silence or “no-thing-ness,” like the silence between two notes, can be very deceptive and deluding. To think this is the origin of Creation is in one way one hundred percent correct. But in another way it is one hundred percent wrong. Although we can create a place of silence as the silence between the notes and reside their, it is only a creation of our mind like any other. In actually, it is a place of mind and we have never left the mind when they consciously experience a “no-thing-ness” for they are only experience another of its creations. From a creativity view point the silence in the experience of “no-thing-ness” is actually the last place we should desire to create. From a consciousness viewpoint, especially from the viewpoint of accessing and releasing our unlimited creativity, chaos is the preferred place for chaos is the place of our creative power
at the moment our current world is dissolving and the new has not yet manifested.

In addition to what has been discussed, there are two additional ways to describe how to experience something from nothing. One is the cutout and a hole as discussed in the topic, "Implication of the pair production in our creative endeavors." The other is to create a discontinuity or separation of some type to create a reference point.

A reference point is something which stands apart from everything else which we readily describe to know where we are in relation to the description we provide. What we do or do not understand is this is exactly what we do when we claim any identity. It is that which is reflected in the ‘I" and "not I" duality. In many ways it is like an iceberg. The ice is the same as the water in which it floats. However, the temperature difference of the ice provided a discontinuity for the ice to be experienced as separate from, and different from, the water. It is the existence of such discontinuities which allows for a creation to be experienced.

Without the discontinuity analogous to the discontinuity between the ice and the water, we could never experience Creation. It is here we really find the beauty and magic in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective. It is said the consciousness within, or behind, Creation, shatter itself through the illusion of mind into an infinite number of points of consciousness each an unique aspect of itself. It is the fact that each of these points of consciousness are unique that provides the discontinuity for creation/Creation to unfold. Our beliefs and the naming of things, as opposed to just being with that which is as it is, is what creates the separation and discontinuity we experience.

What this means is that any point of consciousness will see each and every other point of consciousness or energy within creation as separate from itself. The reason for this is every point of consciousness outside of itself is uniquely different in some way no matter how small it is. That difference is all that is needed for the experience of "I am this" and "I am not that." As soon as the awareness see itself separate from what it experiences, it creates a discontinuity we experience.

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The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind

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