Nurturing to self sufficiency


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Nurturing to self sufficiency
Related and influencing topics
feminine transition - creation nanny - growth of the inner masculine - awakening to the self

The seventh step in the creative/creation process is stated as: nurturing to self sufficiency [feminine transition - creation nanny - growth of the inner masculine - awakening to the self]

During this step in the creative/creation process the creation grows and becomes strong enough to “stand on its own two feet” and go into the world. The creation is learning to become self sufficient in the world in which it finds itself. We may not yet be able to use the unfolding creation for the desired experience but the energy of creation is now committed to the form we need to have within the existing environment to have our desire met.

It is during this step an important transition needs to occur. The nature of the feminine presence changes. It must move from an external presence to an internal presence. The inner feminine begins to make it presence to nurture the creation. The creation must become self sufficient and learn to sustain itself. The creation needs to learn to nurture it own needs. If is does not learn how to give itself what it needs it will suffer and never unfold true to itself or reach its full potential.

Analogously this step is like a ship leaving port. When a modern ship is tied up to the pier it gets all of it electricity from the shore. It feeds off the shore and is on shore power. There comes a point in time when the machinery of the ship must produce the electricity needed by the ship. It must become a self contained entity unto itself meeting all its energy needs. Otherwise, it will be unable to leave the pier and sail away. So too any creation. There must be a transition to an internal source of energy that sustains it or otherwise it will never survive in the world.

As a minimum, nature and the Source of Creation supports the creation and the feminine nurturing presence reflected by the mother can leave. For many creations, they now follow a growth cycle natural to the creation and the arrangement of the energy of creation. But it here another possibility exists and what it looks like depends on the creation. This other possibility is for the creation to awaken to its own existence.

The question is whether or not the creation awakens to the individualized flow of energy that flows from the Source of Creation and sustains it. From a creativity perspective within the energy consciousness understanding, consciousness awakes as a result of a flow of energy. In awakening to itself, the awareness then has the possibility of awakening to the inner masculine and inner feminine. Awakening to the inner masculine allows the creation to thrust its truth into the world rather than responding to the world. Awakening to the inner feminine allows the creation to nurture its needs in the way it needs to be nurtured.

With the inner feminine nurturing the creation’s unique needs, the inner masculine then has the possibility of maturing into the mature inner masculine. The mature inner masculine is then capable of defending its truth and its needs so matter what is happening externally in the world. As the inner masculine matures, ir provides the inner feminine the possibility of maturing and providing an energy source to the creation to become a light. In doing so it catalyzes and energizes the inner masculine to thrust out into the world in its truth. This in turn, allows for a marriage between the inner masculine and inner feminine that produce an offspring or a life in the world that is unique to the creation. In doing so reveals its unique gifts and talents to the world.

Related and influencing topics (Top)

feminine transition - creation nanny - growth of the inner masculine - awakening to the self

Feminine transition
(Top): The feminine aspect of creation is what nurtures and sustains a creation. After birth, the feminine continues to give to the creation in the way needed by the creation. She cannot give what she wants to give. She must give to what the creation needs. Even thought the creation is becoming a life unto itself and finding its own way in the world, if the feminine is not safe and secure to nourish the creation as the creation needs, the creation will suffer. How much the creation suffers depends on how and why the feminine is not free to nourish the creation as required.

It is at this step a transition occurs. To sustain a creation, any creation, a feminine presence will be needed. During the this step the feminine shifts from a external feminine presence to that of an inner feminine presence. It the inner feminine cannot provide what is needed, the creation will look externally to get what it needs. Sometimes this is quite nature to the creation. For other creation it represents a significant liability if not the death of the creation. The human being is especially affected when the inner feminine is unable to fulfill its role. Such issue are more appropriate addressed under the topic “Feminine Power and Creativity” for it is in the feminine aspect of our being that our real creative power lies.

Creation nanny
(Top): The creation nanny assists the grown and maturation of the creation creating a life unto itself in the world. The basic acclimation process is automatic much the way any child grows up and learns it way in the world. However, as with raising a child, there are times in which the assistance of another is helpful if not essential. The creation nanny does what is necessary. Most often it is to ensure and safe and secure space is provided for the growth and unfoldment of the creation. When the mature nurturing feminine creative energy is available, the creation nanny is usually unnecessary. In many ways, the creation nanny supplements and complements the feminine presence to bring it up to a level of the mature nurturing feminine creative energy.

Growth of the inner masculine
(Top): the growth of the inner masculine is about awakening to the uniqueness of one’s own being. As the energy that sustains creation shifts from the feminine energy of the mother to the flow of energy that arises directly from the Source of Creation, the creation has the possibility of awaking to itself. In awakening to itself a part of the natural process of awakening is to form an identity. That identity will be based on the experiences the creation has. Much of what is experience is responding to the world as it is and often that response is to protect itself. As the awaken consciousness responds to the world it has the possibility of awakening to its own uniqueness and its own needs. For the creation to awaken to give to its own needs is to awaken the inner feminine. To awaken to the ability to thrust out into the world unique to oneself and awakening to the need to give what is needed to oneself and defend that nurturing is awakening and developing the mature inner masculine.

Awakening to the self
(Top): Awakening to the self is for the creation to awaken to the individualized flow of energy that is sustaining it. It is to become aware that it exists. It may or may not awaken to the fact that it exists separate and apart from Creation. All creations do not awaken and become aware of themselves. All creations that do awaken do not awaken to the awareness they are a separated individualized consciousness. In this regard there is a spectrum to awakening. A creation can awaken and be aware of existing. A creation can awaken and be aware of existing separate and/or apart from other creation. But awakening to existing and existing separate does not mean the creation is necessarily aware of its own unique existence nor as a separated individualized consciousness.

On this point of awakening, an important note needs to be made. Most human awaken to the awareness of existing. Most awaken to the fact of their own existence. Most awaken to the fact they are a separate creation from the world around them. Most, however, do not awake to the depth and of their own uniqueness nor do the awaken to the fact that they are a separate individualized unique consciousness and what it means.

The next step in the creative/creation process
Growth and unfoldment of a creation

The previous step in the creative/creation process
Separation and birth of a creation

Steps in the creative/creation process

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