Separation and birth of a creation


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Separation and birth of a creation
Related and influencing topics
feminine -creation midwife - separating the mold and the casting - potential for the awakening of consciousness

The sixth step in the creative/creation process is stated as: separation or birth [feminine -creation midwife - separating the mold and the casting - potential for the awakening of consciousness]

The sixth step is about the separation and/or birth of the creation. Once the seed is conceived or germinates and grows it beings to take on a life of its own. This step is where the creation becomes an entities unto itself. It may not be self sufficient but it nevertheless now exist as a separate creation. This step is where creation appear to come into existence from the unseen.

Exactly what the separation and/or birth looks like differs for different creations. In the pair production process were energy is converted to particles with mass, the birth is the moment the particles of mass appear. For humans and animals, it is when the child is born into the world. For music, it is the moment the note of music is made not necessarily heard. It is like the light that comes form the stars. The light exists long before we see it and some stars from which the light came can already cease to exist when we see their light. For a painting you can argue it is the moment the artist puts the first brush stroke on the canvas or the last stoke.

It doesn’t really matter when we say a creation is birthed and becomes a separate entity. Often it is a little arbitrary as with the painting. What is important is that there is a moment when the creation becomes a separate and individualized, recognized creation. The separation and birth is that moment.

Related and influencing topics (Top)

feminine -creation midwife - separating the mold and the casting - potential for the awakening of consciousness

(Top): The feminine aspect of creation is what nurtures and sustains a creation. Upon birth, the feminine continues to give to the creation in the way needed by the creation. She cannot give wants she wants to give. She must give to what the creation needs. Even thought the creation is becoming a life unto itself if the feminine is not safe and secure to nourish the creation as the creation needs the creation will suffer. How much the creation suffers depends on how and why the feminine is not free to nourish the creation as required.

Creation midwife
(Top): The creation midwife assists in birthing the creation to take a form in the world. They do what is necessary to bring that creation into the world. The birthing and separation process in general is automatic and assistance is not really needed. However there are times which the assistance of another is helpful if not essential. The creation midwife does what is necessary. Most often it is to ensure and safe and secure space is provided for the birth and separation to occur. When the mature nurturing feminine creative energy is available, the creation midwife is usually unnecessary. In many ways, the creation midwife supplements and complements the feminine presence to bring it up to a level of the mature nurturing feminine creative energy. In many ways what the creation rainmaker is to the formation and gestation of a creation, the creation midwife is to its birth.

Separating the mold and the casting
(Top): The analogy used for creating has been pouring molten material such as iron into a mold to cast. There comes a point in time after the material has hardened that the mold is separated form the casting. The birth and separation step of the creative/creation process is the equivalent of this separation. The energy freed in the Energy Generation Step has flowed into a form created with the Conceptual formation Step within a space created in the Creating the Space Step and has now solidified into the desired creation or is flowing to manifest the desired creation. It is at this stage that if we wanted to change our creation the energy is no longer free to flow into a new direction without some type of sacrifice of the existing form. For all practical purposes our creation now exists. We may not yet be able to use it for the desired experience but the energy of creation is now committed to the form we need to have within the existing environment to have our desire met.

Potential for the awakening of consciousness
(Top): With the birth and/or separation of the creation comes the potential for the awakening of consciousness as an individualized entity. With the energy consciousness model it is said that consciousness awakens as a result of a flow of energy. With the separation and birth of the creation and the flow of energy that sustains it, there is the potential for the consciousness to awaken to its own existence. This does not mean the consciousness within the creation did not or cannot awaken sooner. Rather, it means the consciousness can now awaken to its own unique existence as a separate individualized flow of energy and consciousness.

The next step in the creative/creation process
Nurturing to self sufficiency

The previous step in the creative/creation process
Gestation/germination of a creation

Steps in the creative/creation process

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