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An approach to breaking creative addictive patterns


The Twelve Step approach from the creativity perspective

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To become free from any addictive pattern we have which interferes with (1) our creativity, (2) being present to what we feel, and (3) being present in the moment at that point of creative power, we can use an approach which parallel the successful traditional Twelve Step approach. The original Twelve Steps were develop as an approach to address alcohol addictions. Over the years has been expanded successfully to a variety of other addictions. However, to apply the Twelve Step approach to our creativity, each of the twelve steps needs to viewed and used slightly differently. The following discussion provides the basis and recommendations which should be incorporated if the Twelve Step approach is to be applied to our creativity, which includes looking to create health as opposed to healing.

It needs to be understood there is a difference in creating health and healing. Healing is about correcting something which is not functioning properly. To think about healing is to be engaged in the perception something is not working properly and needs to be fixed. Creating health is a different perspective. To create health is to hold a view there is nothing wrong relative to our creative ability and creative power in our current condition as we experience it and however our mind judges it. That is, our creative ability and creative power function adequately. We just did not create wisely and create something which serves us, meets the desires of our mind, and/or is enjoyable. As such, to create health means there is nothing to fix. Rather it is about taking responsibility for what we created and experience and create something which better serves us in some way. This, of course, often means we need to go back to find the root cause of why we created the condition which we see as requiring a healing.

The following comments arose from the original critique of the Twelve Step approach discussed in the topic, "Twelve Step Critique - original 1999 version." The original critique was reviewed and revised at the end of the journey into the exploration of our inherent creativity. The results of that subsequent review are provided here.

In reviewing these comments, it needs to be remembered the goal in accessing and releasing our unlimited creativity is to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration. Such a state of play move us close to the most powerful creative state of being. It is a different objective than to gain control over an addiction.

The comparison provided here is directed toward understanding how normal addictive patterns are perceived slightly different when we are attempting to break our thinking addictions to release our unlimited creativity. The recommended approach to remove addictive behavior or an addiction relative to our creativity is to consult our body wisdom and intuitive guidance for guidance as to how to proceed. If we have numbed our feelings and/or denied or not developed our intuitive guidance for whatever reason we may have such that we can’t use our body wisdom and intuitive guidance, it is recommended we first work on opening ourselves to feeling. Then subsequently developing our intuitive guidance and body wisdom. They will be the greatest ally for any creative endeavor we attempt to undertake, including creating health if that be our goal. Whether we use a Twelve Step approach as discussed here or some other approach is our choice.

Two ways to review these comments

Relative to our creativity, we are looking to break out of addictive patterns. Most of these patterns are thinking addictive patterns. These thinking patterns keep our creative life energy and creativity bound and prevents us from claiming our birthright and destiny as a being of unlimited creativity and consciously create our experiences. In critiquing the Twelve Steps for use as an approach to address addictive patterns affecting our creativity there are a few concepts discussed in the section entitled "Background" which should be considered to: (1) better understand the basis of the critique of each the Twelve Steps; (2) what it is appears to be key to success the Twelve Steps have had; (3) why it is believed an addict is always recovering in the Twelve Step concept of understanding; and (4) what can be done to make the Twelve Step approach more successful as an approach to access and living our unlimited creativity.

There are two ways to review the information provided here. One way it to first review the background material and then review the considerations for each of the Twelve Steps. The second way is to review the consideration and then look at the background material. The background information provides comments which cut across all the Steps. The considerations of each Step tend to be specific to the step. Which way is best is an individual preference and probably depends on how familiar one is with the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material.


The following topics arose as background considerations, issues, concerns, divergences, and the like relative to the Twelve Steps as they are normally uses. Hyperlinks in the discussion provide additional discussion on each of the topics.

Mind body connection

The mind body connection is about how our mental state gets reflected into the biology of our body. Most are aware of how worry and mental stress affects the body. But most are unaware of how our thinking and emotional issues also become reflected in the body in some way. Analogously, in the way we strengthen our muscles by putting the focus of our attention and awareness on doing certain physical exercises, our patterns of thinking similar affect certain aspects of our body. Particular ways of thinking can get encoded in our bodies and can result in creating certain types and kinds of biological conditions. For example, medical intuitives, individuals who can see into our energy fields as to the origins of our illness and disease talk about cancer being a disease of unfinished business which eats away at us. Similar, deny and not speaking our truth often gets reflected in areas of throat and thyroid. Most give little consideration as to how our thinking materializes and creates damage to our bodies.

Relative to addictions, it is well known that continual use of certain chemical substances can damage the body. But the ingestion of anything starts with some type and kind of choice to ingest it. The question most do not consider is, "How does the thinking behind the choice we make create the addiction we end up facing?" Relative to calling back our creative power to recreate our life it is essential to pull the string and become mindful and aware to understand the thinking and beliefs lies at the root of the decisions we make.

Healing comes from within

Within the creativity perspective healing is seen to come from within and it is the healing wisdom of a free creative spirit which heals. In essence, our creative spirit for whatever reason, is not free to respond to life in a way which serves us. It could be that we have bound the free flow of our creative life energy in past attachments or we have placed our creative spirit in a cage of our own making seeking to protect its vulnerability. In any case, essential to the recovery from an addiction there is the need to release our creative spirit from such a cage or from where is bound through our attachments. Another individuals, for example a healer of any type, may assist us in the process of healing by give us an experience we think we need to have or creating a safe and secure space for our creative spirit to unfold. Nevertheless, it is the free creative spirit within which will heal us from within. We need to follow feeling of the fullness of being, the expansion of our being, the fullness of life, and/or a passion for living characteristic of a free creative spirit if we desire to find a healing.

Separation from our desired creation and experiences we incarnated to have

Within, and essential to, the creative process of creation as discussed in the topics "Origins of Creation" and the "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality" there is a separation which occurs. Although some will see this as a separation from oneness or from wholeness, the observer and the observed are never really separate. It is only the illusion of Creation and the illusion of mind which allows us to perceive the separation as Creation. In the awareness of the separation the illusion vanishes and one can see the interconnectedness of all that is and one can come to see the continual ebb and flow into and out of form.

However, to experience the creation, it is much the a paper cutout where the cutout is removed from the fabric from which it is cut. Creating the cutout can be seen and orgasmic experience where the current form is shatter to create the new creation. The rejoining of the cutout to the fabric and it subsequent annihilation as form supplies the energy which animates the creation. This is a natural ebb and flow process which can be experience quite painlessly if nothing obstruct either the formation of the creation and it subsequent annihilation and dissipation of the energy back into the proverbial "no-thing-ness," that place of no form.

However, if the creation is not free to flow because of how we are attached to the past form or we block or bind the flow of energy into the new form, there will be discomfort if not outright pain. In essence, we become separate from our desired creation. It is not the separation of creation/Creation which gives rise to creation/Creation which causes our pain. Rather it is the separation from the process which allows for the free flow into and out of form. We are then faced with either letting of the attachment, removing the block, numb or suppress the pain, or live with the pain. The choice is our as to what we will do with the pain. Numbing or suppressing can lead to addictions. Hence to remove the addition, we need to uncover the source of the pain and the decide how we will address the pain.

The exploration into our inherent creativity revealed that whether we realize it or not, there is an intention for our life. There is a reason for us being here and there are things our awareness incarnated to do. If we do not do what we came to do there will be a discomfort about life, a feeling something is missing in life or there will be outright pain for which we can’t seem to find its source. When we are in general agreement with what we incarnated to do, life is reasonably enjoyable even if we do not have the wealth and success as seen by the eyes of our society. However, we are unable to live the intention for our life for whatever reason, we will experience discomfort or outright pain. In essence, we are separate from our desired creation. The desired creation is what we incarnated to do and when are unable to experience that desired creation.

The choice we have is one of three options. One options is to become sufficient aware and awake as to how Creation works to change the intention for our life. The second is to align with the intention for our life. The easiest way to do this is through calibrating our internal compass and following it. The third way is to face the pain. Facing the pain gives us to options. Suppressing it or numbing it risking addiction or living with it.

The exploration of our inherent creativity has revealed most of our life is about choosing how we will face the pain we feel. There is an ultimate pain we all face and this pain lies at the deepest levels of Creation. The ultimate pain we face will not arise as an issue in our life if we are able to live the intention for our life. The reason for this is the fundamental reason why Creation exists is to address this ultimate pain. Our full participate in Creation by living the intention for our life addresses the ultimate pain. However, if we are unable to live the intention for our life we are separated from our desired creation and we experience discomfort, dissatisfaction, depression about life, if not pain. Addictions, as most of our responses to life arise from how we choose to face the pain we feel. The key to recovery and calling back our creative power to a sufficient degree to create a life worth living is to pull the string on the pain/discomfort we feel and look at what is giving rise to the pain we feel. Is it our attachments or how we have bound our creative life energy.

Our creative nature

Based on the exploration of our inherent creativity it was concluded we are an infinite creative being of unlimited creativity. We each are an aspect of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation as presented in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective. The full implications of this is discussed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material.

What is important to understand is how we create our experiences can be viewed in a variety of ways. To create our experiences we can be seen as giving away our creative power, binding the free flow of our creative life energy, denying one or more aspects of unlimited creativity, or simply we forget how and why we created our experiences by becoming lost in our creation. The illusion in which we live is that we are not the creator of our experiences and, as such, do not take responsibility for what we experience. The question is whether or not we wish to continue to live in the illusion of mind or do what needs to be done to call back our creative power and embrace the depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power.

The critique of the Twelve Steps and their applicability to creativity is not abased on the tradition concept of the soul and our relationship to God as we understand God as reflected in Step 3 of the Twelve Steps. Rather, the critique is about calling back our creative power based on the understanding of our creative nature discussed here and how we create our experiences, including the experience of an addiction.

It needs to be recognized and emphasized, we are not powerless as a human being. We may have given our power away and learned a response pattern to life that creates an addictive pattern but we are not powerless. We are seemingly powerless over our addiction for that is what an addiction is. It is something that we are powerless over. We cannot control it for it controls us but only because we have given our power to control it away.

This of course brings us back to control and the illusion of control is part of the illusion of mind. The illusion of control exists when we think we can control something we don’t and it exist when we think we can’t control something when we can. We cannot control what we sense for we sense the energy of the universe and it is infinite and our conscious awareness is limited. However, we can control our habits by how we choose to respond to what we sense. Our habits and addictive processes mask our ability to control our response so we are in our addictive system and in the illusion of control when we think we can’t control our response. Because we are living in this illusion about control, we are powerless over the addiction. It needs to be emphasized what is said here. We have control over how we respond to what we sense. We don’t have power over the addiction we have to be able to respond. There is a difference here and that difference is the key. If we are open to feeling we can respond to what we sense before the addiction and/or our mind steps in to take control. On this note, the most powerful act we can make is to choose to take back our control and set the intention to do what it takes to regain our control.

We have simply giving our power away and have become a victim. But that is how we are trained in life. We are trained to give our power away to those in authority or we perceive as having authority. Especially if the control or influence affects our ability to get what we need to nourish our life. It needs to be understood, we are not powerless as a human being. We just need to understand what is it we really have power to control and where we don’t. We may, in many ways, be powerless in controlling what we experience in life, But we are not powerless in choosing to live our heart and how we respond to life. As we live the heart in alignment with our creative life energy and tap into the Source of our being, we will find we are not as powerless as we think to create the experiences we have in life. There is a fine distinction here. We do create the experiences we have in life but we cannot control the experience. But, we can control our response to the experience. The experience is a result of the sum total flow of energy of the universe. Where and how we place our selves in that energy is what makes all the different and we do that by our ability to feel the flow as opposed to thinking we know the flow.

Need for another - creation/Creation is not done alone

Although not recognized by many, creation/Creation is not done alone. We will need another or others in some way to give us the experiences we desire to have. The question is whether or not the individual or individuals and the environment in which we find ourselves is willing and can support our creative play and the true and free expression of our creative spirit. This is probably one of the most important reasons the Twelve Steps are successful. That is, they are done with another or others. Another listening and being supportive of our journey is essential to calling back our creative power. As discussed in the topic, "Soul retrieval," another and the community is essential to retrieving what was lost. In an addiction recovery the essence of the process is about calling back the part of our soul we need to gain control over our addiction.

Relative to the need of another, it needs to be understood that usually it is an individual who is the occasion for our creativity to become thwarted in some way or another and, as a result of our loss of creativity, often accompanied with the loss of trust. Similarly, it will take an individual creating a bond in trust which will allow us to regain what was lost and to provides us the safe and secure space to process our pain. Inherent to our creative nature is the desire for a safe and secure space in which we are true needs are nourished. We all desire what can be called a "warm fuzzy place" to heal and to have our true needs nourished. Such a space can only be created for us by another. The Twelve Steps go a long way to creating that space. If one were to add the "magic" of a creative shape shifter to address our true needs a safe and secure space will be created where there can be quite phenomenal healings.

The issue of surrender

The issue of surrender arises several time in the Twelve Steps such as "Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity" and "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." In this regard, Twelve Step Programs are about surrender and that is an essential element of any transformation process. However, the question is to what do we surrender to. Do we surrender to an external power or authority or do we surrender to the creative life energy within our being that will guide our transformation process? People are improved a little by talking about their problem and we all have used others in some way or other to help ease the burden we carry by talking. But at the bigger level, talking keeps us in the addictive system simply because talking is of the mind. We cannot talk ourselves out of an addictive process that is limiting our creativity. We have to create ourselves a way out and that means actively doing and surrendering to the path that we create. Since our inner world is reflected in the outer, the process begins by making the internal changes and allowing those internal changes to be reflected externally in our life.

In working to deal with the addictive patterns we have created, especially our thinking addiction we need to change who and what we think we are. It means to step out of mind and the mind we have created. It requires a surrender to the flow of our creative life energy and our intuitive guidance and body wisdom.

One of the things we can change is ourselves. But, we cannot change by the control of the mind. We can’t control the change by mind for changing by control of mind means we are going to have to use the mind but the mind is an addictive pattern we wish to change. The problem we face in changing is that anytime any person thinks they can control they are in an addictive system by definition. Remember to be in control is to be in the mind and the mind will not allow itself to lose control so we will not change. To think we are going to control how we are going to change is just another addiction we put ourselves into and one cannot change themselves by thinking for the addictive process of thinking is in control. If we are trying to change ourselves to get out of the addictive process by control we are not going to do so. Our body wisdom and intuitive guidance however can guide us through transformation if we surrender to them, but we are not going to control the process.

The anxiety of the unknown

Living life is a creative endeavor. Every creative endeavor takes us through the anxiety of the unknown and the anxiety of creation. The anxiety of the creation is a result of the chaos of creation which is inherent to the creation/creative process. The anxiety of the unknown exists simply because the unknown is unknown to our mind. As such we will always feel and anxiousness about life. How great the anxiety we feel depends on how we have raised the threshold of what we feel and what we are desiring to create in, and with, our life. In the same way individuals seek to numb or suppress the pain they feel, many seek to suppress to suppress and numb the anxiety of life. Many will use one or more patterns of thinking to distract their attention and awareness rather than being open to the moment and feelings the anxiety of the unknown and/or anxiety of creation.

We are always connected to the Source of Creation

The illusion of Creation as discussed in the topic "Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective," is that we are separate from and not connected to the Source of Creation. This illusion gives rise to the belief that the creative power of Creation lies outside of us and we are powerless to change the experiences we have. However, we are always connected to the Source and both our creative power and awareness as to the nature of Creation and our creative ability lies on a spectrum.

At one end of the spectrum we have little to no creative power, have little to total lack of awareness as to our creative ability and creative power. Our awareness is asleep if not dormant. At this end of the spectrum we live in a victim consciousness. We live at the mercy of powers well beyond our control. At the other end of the spectrum is total power to create and/or recreation creation within a cosmic consciousness. Here we awaken form the illusion of Creation only to experience the profound loneliness and desire to share which give rise to Creation in the first place. We can get a glimmer of this profound loneliness an desire to share as experienced in the ultimate pain we face and/or in the deep inner longing for a soul mate or the beloved/Beloved.

As we awaken and become aware we expand our awareness of our creative ability and creative power and can gain the ability to recreate our life and create the experiences we have. With a little more awareness we can come to see how to recreate the world we experience and how we create the reality we experience. However, as a human being, most never move beyond accessing this level of creative ability and creative power because we incarnated to have the physical experience as a human being to have certain types and kinds of experiences governed by the intention for our life. The question is, "Are we willing to do the work necessary to access the depth and breadth of power within our being to recreate our life or do we remain tied to the world as we currently perceive it and which gives rise to our addiction?"

The issue of always recovering - looking externally to what we ourselves must fix

Within the Twelve Step approach is the belief that an addict is always recovering. In looking at what many individuals face in gaining control over their addictions, such a belief appears to be quite true, if not irrefutably true. However, if we look at the Twelve Steps, they do not really address the Arab proverb, "Trust in God but tether your camel." That is, there are things Creation and God, in whatever form we believe God to be, are responsible for doing and there are things we are responsible for doing. We cannot look to God or any other to fix what we must do. The question is what do we need to do take responsibility for how we created our addiction.

The issue with addictions within the creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred is that there is an intention for our life. The intention for our life is what gives us life and what brought us into this world. When we live that intention we find life, have life and are full of life. Our life has no room for addictions. The addiction arises as a result of the pain we experience in not being able and free to live the intention for our life in one way or another and we try and numb the pain rather than deal with it.

To live our life every day being unable to live the intention for our life and denying our truth to become pleasing and acceptable to others keeps us in pain in two ways. There is pain of the separation from our desired creation and there is the pain of denying who and what we are and the lack of the free expression of our truth. So we try and numb the pain in our addiction. But then we go to a Twelve Step meeting and find a group people who are willing to accept us as we are and accept our truth. They even gives us some room to start living out truth. But yet, we never leave the world where we deny our truth and/or the intention for our life nor do we fully enter the world where we can live our truth and meet the intention for our life. Rather, we remain in between two worlds. One world is denial and the other world is acceptance. As a result, we are always recovering and find freedom from our addiction.

To find freedom from our addiction, it is necessary to recreate our life. This requires us to access and level of creativity that takes us well beyond the limits and barriers of our current mind and what the Twelve Steps as created ask us to do. To become free of our addictions, we need to die before we die. We need to die to the life that created our addictions and recreate a life where the addiction is not needed. It is to become the Phoenix and transform ourselves and create a life worth living and we are free to become our truth.

The concept of recovery relative to recovering our creative ability and creative power is about spending more and more time in our creative living process recreating ourselves to aligning with the flow of our creative life energy and less time in our addictive process. Here again if our addictive process is thinking, we will have to step out of mind. We step out of mind by our intuitive guidance and being present to the moment and that point of creative power. It is to be what is our own truth and find the space and community of people to support the unfoldment of our uniqueness.

Pleasing the external world

Many may not realize it, but many aspect of the Twelve Steps are dealing with the fact the world asks us to change ourselves to meet some standard as to what is acceptable and we judge as "looking good." Many of the steps talk in one way or another about how we deny ourselves and the truth of our being for the expectations of others. One of the main issues in addictions is denying who and what we are and not being given the space to become who and what we are true to ourselves. Key to addiction recover is learning to become our truth and live that truth in the world. The presence of another or others in our life who nurture our true needs and create the safe and secure space for us to freely unfold true to ourselves makes our effort much easier. If the individual in our life who creates such a space is willing to become a creative shape shifter, we have the possibility of experiencing a gentle phoenix in our transformation to becoming our truth and recreating our life.

The illusion of self improvement

Any group, psychology, self help or other types of groups that are based on self improvement are based in mind and what mind thinks. The whole concept of improving the self is an illusion. That is, we have created an image of our current self and we have an image of what the self should be. Both are creations of our mind.

The self does not need to be improved and there is nothing wrong with who and what we are. The question is what do we wish to create and experience and are we willing to sufficiently awaken to call back our creative ability and creative power to create what we desire. The problem is the illusion we have create about our self and who we think we are. Mind believing who we think we are is an addictive pattern which keeps us from accessing our creative power and accessing the point of creative power. To think we can break out of the addictive pattern of mind only replaces the pattern with some other pattern created by mind. Mind is too smart to give up its control. Besides, if the approach is self improvement, it builds on the self and mind is in control during the entire process. To do the transformation necessary to step out of the addictive patterns to pursue calling back our creative power we must step out of mind. We must step out of the self and any concept of the self and die to whatever image we have of ourselves. We must set a clear intention for what we wish to accomplish and open ourselves to feeling and surrender to the body wisdom and intuitive guidance to lead the transformation.

Considerations in using the Twelve Step Approach for creativity related addictions

The following Twelve Steps (in italics) are taken from Alcoholics Anonymous (third edition 1976) followed by the appropriate comments and/or alternatives to each step based on, calling back our creative power, accessing our unlimited creativity or to manifest a desired intention. In reading these comments on each of the Twelve Steps, it needs to be understood, none of the comments should be taken as a criticism or inadequacy in the Twelve Step Program for what the Twelve Steps were designed to do. The comment are made because the comment are for a slightly different purpose and understanding from which the Twelve Steps were designed. Here the Twelve Steps are being discussed as they need to be modified for use in creativity and, as such, the objective is different. That is, recovering or gaining control over an addiction is not the same endpoint as to create our life without the need for the addiction. Here again all the comments should be evaluated against the objective to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration to move toward the most creative state of being to claim our birthright and destiny to be the being of unlimited creativity that we are.

Step 1 We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives has become unmanageable.

Comment: Relative to our creativity and how we create our experiences several things need to be understood. One is that we are not powerless relative to anything. The second is our life is a creative endeavor and it would never be managed mind. Mind is a product of life and the past experiences of life. Rather we need to learn to dance. We need to learn the dance between heart and mind as we would for any creative endeavor. The issue of managing our life tends to center around what other want us to be and how we are expected to perform and be what another wants us to be. The question is, "What is the reason as to why we started the addictive action and what is it we need to do to address the root cause?"

From a creativity viewpoint, it is important to realize that we have given away our power and ability to manage and create our reality to something, or someone, external to us and that we have done so often enough we have created a habit. Any habit we develop is the loss of control over our response to life to some degree. There is nothing wrong with this if the habit serves us and what we desire to create.

When the mental habit becomes fixed in our body, we have crosses the bridge of the mind body connection and "hard wire" the pattern. This, in turn, will make us feel powerless over what we experience. Yet, it is only a pattern we, ourselves, have created. Any addiction ultimately start with some choice on our part for whatever reason. The question is are we mindful and aware as to why we started our pattern and do we become mindful and awareness sufficiently to break the pattern. Here we need to remember, our addiction started with a choice we made and recovery starts with a choice we make.

As a result of giving our creative power away our lives have become unmanageable no matter how much control we try and exert over our lives. However, we are not powerless. To say or believe we are powerless is the most damaging and self defeating statement we can make relative to our creativity and ability to create our reality. It is most important we realize we have only chosen to become powerless and we have choose to give away our power. The important point that needs to be understood is that in choosing to give away our power we have to choose to take it back. It is only after we have taken our power back do we regain the ability to manage our response to life.

Relative to creativity, we have to choose to break the habit that keeps us from being present in the moment and avoiding the anxiety of the unknown. We needs to choose to form a new habit learning to be fully present to what we feel and sense and to happy with what is as it is no matter what it is. It is important to note here that being happy with what is as it is does not mean we do not what to change what we are experiencing. Rather, to be happy with what is, we do not run away from something or avoid something. To be happy with what is as it is so we can step out of all the judgments and opinions concerning what is to be able to be present in that moment when the body wisdom and intuitive guidance presents itself and before mind jumps in to bias it. Then being fully present to what is as it is, in that moment and that presence of being with what is, we are fully open to the infinite possibilities of the moment. That moment of being in the moment is the point of power. We cannot get there if we are living in any habit and/or addiction. Additionally, until we recognize we have give our power away and are powerless, we cannot take our power back.

Suggested rewriting of Step 1 based on releasing our unlimited creativity: We admit that we have given our power away and have become powerless and as a result our lives have become come unmanageable. We now choose to take back our power.

Step 2 Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Comment: The key issue here is the power to create an inner satisfaction which never runs dry and to create a life worth living comes from within. To believe that there is a power greater than ourselves that is needed to restore our sanity is to live in a victim consciousness and makes us dependent on the reality external to us and denies the power and the creative life energy that is currently flowing in and sustaining our being. The creative life energy that created and stains the reality that we see and experience before we is the same creative life energy that is flowing thought we and sustaining we. The power we see external to us is also within us. We are, after all, part of reality and all that is whether we like it or not and whether we believe it or not.

All the power that one needs is already within our being which takes us back to the first point that we have chosen to give our power away. That fact that we may not know how to access our power or how to get it back and we may need some assistance from some external being, God or otherwise, does not negate the fact that healing comes from within the individual. Look at any wound that we have. The healing occurs for within the body and with the body wisdom that is inherent to the body. We may have a physician that sets a broken bone or cleans our wound and provides a stitch or two, but it is our body wisdom is what heals our wound. That same body wisdom will heal any wound at any level of our being if we allow that wisdom to operate and follow its lead, not the lead of some external source. An addiction is the result of a wound, a separation within our being. It too can be healed by our body wisdom and intuitive guidance if we surrender to their lead. The challenge we face is to access and release the healing wisdom and power within our own being.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Come to believe that the Power with my being and sustaining me is fully capable of restoring my sanity and healing the wound I have. Or, if more appropriate to what we believe we can say: Come to believe the Power within my being and sustaining me in conjunction with the external creative power/Creative Power are fully capable of restoring my sanity and healing that wound I have.

Step 3 Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Comment: This statement is about surrendering to the power that created the reality we experience for that is who and what the concept of God ultimately represents. Two points need to be made here. One is the choice to surrender. As was said above, we must chose to take back or call back our power. We must choose to take back our creative power for our experience of Creation is based on the choices that we make, have made and will make. We do have a free will to choose.

Why surrender? Because there is an intention that brought us into this world and we need to at least access it and understand it if not live it. We will return to that, but first the second point. The second point is potentially a very real problem. This is the fact that to surrender to God as we understand Him could actually be very damaging to us in that we may have a poor understanding of God or what God really is. More often than not, our concept of God is a creation of our own mind rather that a accurate understanding of what God really is and how He/She/It operates.

We will be limited by our limited understanding of God and we will be limited by how we believe God communicates His/Her/Its will to us. Does God speak to us directly or does God speak through an intermediary. How do we know when God is talking to us and how do we know that we are listening and hearing what He, She or It, has to say to us?. And how do we know what God says to you is applicable to me and what He says to me is applicable to you? How do we know what to surrender to? But it is vitally important to surrender but to what and how?

The recommendation made here is we surrender to the only truth that we really know and that is what is true for us within our being and is effective in our life.  Of course, the question is what is effective in our life? The recommendation is that we surrender to that power and wisdom that is already inherent in our being and sustaining our being. This does mean, however, to step out of our mind and who we think we are and how we think the universe works. It means to be open to the wisdom inherent in being in the moment and open to that anxiety of the unknown for it is there we can create from infinite possibilities and access the point of power.

We need to sit in the anxiety of the moment not knowing what will happen. But to do so is uncomfortable. To do this, courage is required. Whether we believe in God and project our power outside of ourselves and to this God, or we access the power within our being and within our body that created us and sustains us, we have to be willing to surrender to that power. The end is the same. We have to sit and wait. To sit in the anxiety of the moment not knowing where we will be lead and how we will be lead but be willing to go where ever we are lead is very difficult. But this anxiety is the root of the addiction we are trying to correct. That anxiety produces some of the greatest fears and uncomfortableness that we will ever experience and we have a choice. That choice is to sit in that anxiety or run away from it by running to a habit of the mind or taking some external substance to numb the anxiety. Hence ultimately there is the need to have courage. Raw courage to sit and wait, experience what we feel, to listen and to be lead. And by the way, we already have that courage. We only need to chose to make it manifest.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Make a decision to turn our will over to the body wisdom that is the manifestation of the creative life energy that created and sustains my being.

Step 4 Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Comment: A searching and fearless moral inventory is no more that looking into our being and seeing why we are making the choices in life that we are make and when we deny ourselves and or our truth and/or give away our creative power. Doing such an inventory will mean we need to become mindful of every choice that we make and pull the string to look at what lies at the root of every choice. There is a reason why we choose the way we do. The question is, "Why do we choose the way we do over any other way?" We always have a choice.

For every action we take, there is the choice not to act. Every time we embrace a belief, there is the choice not to embrace the belief. Every time some authority such a mommy, daddy, or our teacher says to act we have the choice not to act. We will need to "pull the string" as we would pull the string on a sweater and to unravel that sweater for each choice we make.

For every "because" that we give ourselves, we can ask "why?" again and again until we get at the real reason why we are choosing the way we do. Often it is fear or the consequences we will have to face. But we will also find that often it is because we are afraid to choose otherwise and/or we don’t like the anxiety of not knowing what we may get. This then bring us two question. One is, "Do we face our fears and deal with the real potential hazard in our fear or do we let the fear control our life?" The second question is "What are we using as our criteria to make our choices?" Do we choose because some authority outside ourselves says something is right or wrong or do we choose because our body and its wisdom gives us the feeling that it is the correct thing to do?

If we pays attention to our body and body wisdom asking our body wisdom to reveal itself we will begin to feel when a decision is in alignment with our body wisdom or not. We will have what are called "knowings" about a topic or subject. That is, we just know. We don’t know how we know but we know. However our mind may quickly judge what we feel and what we know before we even realize we have denied or suppressed the body’s wisdom. We will have to learn to become mindful and aware to watch our mind and how it is working to catch it at its games.

One of the more interesting games to catch mind playing is how mind will mask itself as feeling or an internal knowing from a body wisdom. However, if we ask our body to let its wisdom be known, the body will give us some type or kind of feeling unique to our own being that will be of such strength that our mind cannot deny its presence. It is much like what one experiences in the discerning truth exercise. One of the most common ways the body does this is by manifesting a discomfort or pain. If we feel any discomfort or pain what so ever, we can probably be assured we are denying our truth and the truth of our body wisdom somewhere in our life, somewhere within our being. Often illness and disease are ultimately only a result of we denying the truth of our body wisdom somewhere. The moral inventory that must be made is how effectively do we listen to and follow the truth that flows within our being.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Make a searching and fearless evaluation of my choices and understand why I choose the way I choose and determine if I follow or deny the truth of my own being as reflected in my body wisdom and intuitive guidance.

Step 5 Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Comment: In the interconnectedness of all that is and oneness of Creation, there are no secrets. To believe secrets exist and things can be hidden is ultimately an illusion. What is right? What is wrong? What are we going to use as a criteria as right or wrong?

From a perspective of accessing our unlimited creativity the only wrong is when the creative life energy within our being is denied, suppressed or somehow not acted upon. No one can judge what another feels, knows and/or perceives. Each will have to judge according to our own heart when they are, or are not, following the wisdom of our body and our intuitive guidance. If we have so denied our body wisdom and intuitive guidance to no longer know how to perceive them, then that in itself will be the wrong that needs to be corrected. Each of us will need to become aware of how our body wisdom speaks to us. Additionally each will have to explore if the mind so controls our being that it masquerades as the feeling and perceptions of the body.

What needs to be understood is the root of any addiction whether it be an addiction to an external substance or whether it is an addiction to an internal habit, is the mind suppressing what we are feeling or what we know. Whenever we try and run away from what we are feeling we need to ask ourselves, "What am I running away from and what don’t I like what I am feeling?" Here it needs to be noted that many judgments we make on things being right or wrong is only an addiction of the mind that mind uses to suppress what we feel. By judging something a wrong because we do not like what we feel about what we are experiencing inside ourselves is one way of producing warm and fuzzy feelings. We get a "high" on the feeling of being right. Mind use this "high" of being right to suppress the truth that needs to be faced. The ultimate game is that we so dislike what we are feeling that we judge the cause or occasion of what we feel as wrong. In the righteousness of our judgment we destroy what we perceive as causing the feelings we don’t like so we don’t have to face the feelings. We need to understand why we feel what we feel.

It does need to be noted that the hardest truth we will ever have to face is learning to be happy with what is as it is in the realization that everything is perfect just the way it is. Everyone is getting exactly what we need to experience for where we are in our understanding at this instant in time. This is the truth of reality whether we like it or not. This is what is. This does not mean we sit and do nothing. It only means that we needs to go into our heart and ask, "What do I need to do to change and/or to face within myself that which is causing me to feel the way that I do? Why can I not be happy with what is as it is?"

Then, when we have the answer of what we have to do, do what we have to do within ourselves first. Then we can ask, "What does my heart lead me to do externally?" Every time we perceive something we dislike external to ourselves or in a circumstance in our life, we must first look within ourselves. We need to being to understand and work with the concept of how our inner world is reflected in the outer. If everything is exactly the way it needs to be, we need to understand and ask, "Why can I not accept the wisdom of Creation manifesting as it is?" When that question is addressed, then our heart will lead us to what external action we need to do allow the situation that we are experiencing begin to change in the direction of a more tolerable situation. Often we have to change, not the situation. If we act before we going inside and making the necessary changes we are acting from the mind and not the inherent wisdom within our body that is sustaining our being. We need to remember, from a creation viewpoint the creation process requires something must be given up and cast into the furnace to be melted and poured into a new cast to create a new future. The process of creating an new future starts with we going inside ourselves and determining what needs to be given up and changed within our being to allow a new future to manifest.

Now there is an interesting statement made here about admitting to another the exact nature of our wrongs. To create something, it must be made manifest in the world. So too with each of us. If we want to create something new, we must make it manifest in the world. Talking to God and ourselves can be done internally, but talking to another makes our actions manifest in the world. There is a very powerful symbolism and ritual at work here in admitting to another the exact nature of our wrongs. However, it is suggested that it is not the confessing of the wrong that is important but rather the corrective action that we agree to do and commit ourselves to do to which another is the witness that is what is important. The corrective action cannot be something someone tells us to do but rather it must be something that we freely elect and commit to doing. We may incorporate the advice of another but we have to choose the corrective action. We have to take ownership and take responsibility for how we am going to fix our wrong. Then take the corrective action that we said we would.

Suggested Rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Admit to God, to ourselves and to another human as a representative of the external world exactly how I have denied my truth and the my body wisdom and identify what corrective action I will take to correct that denial and live my truth.

Step 6 We’re entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

Comment: There is an old Arab proverb" "Trust in God but tether our camel" referring to the fact that although God is going to take care of us, we have to work within the way things are and the nature of a camel is to wander off if it is not tethered. We need to attend to the things that we need to attend to doing and God is not going to deny the nature of something else to meet our desires.

Two comments need to be made. First, God is not going to fix what we ourselves need to fix. We have a free will and that is what it means to have a free will. There are things we are responsibility for doing. There are things that only we can fix for we are free to choose as we wish. God is going to work within our nature and the nature of the world around us allowing each to live and be according to our own nature. God does not deny the nature of an other to meet our desires. If we don’t like the way we have created ourselves and our life because of our choices that we made in the past and we no longer like the consequences, then fix those choices. We are not powerless. We only gave away the power that we had. So take it back.

Second, what makes us think we have any defects in our character? Who told us that we are defective? What is are standard of comparison that we are using? What criteria and whose criteria are we going to use to determine if we are defective? If we were born with our defect, did we ever think that we needed that defect to have the experience in life that we are having and there is a purpose for that defect? And if we where not born with it, who created that defect? Where did the judgment of defectiveness come from and is it really a defect? Often a perceived defect is the greatest source of enlightenment one has in their life.

The issues in not the defects that we think we have. The issue is being willing to let go of those parts of ourselves that must be thrown into the furnace to be melted and recast into a new form to create what we desire. If we feel something is defective, are we willing to give up all that goes into making it defective to be recast? But how do we really know our perceived defects are not just the greatest gifts that we have that we just never learned how to use. It is like a very sharp knife. In the hands of an unaware child it is quite dangerous and can cause tremendous pain. In this sense the knife can be considered defective. In the hands of a skilled surgeon it is the embodiment of a miracle. Maybe we are just a child who needs to grow up and learn to use the gifts that we have, including what we judge as defects.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: We’re entirely ready to give up all that needs to be given up to be recast and remold what we think are the defects in our character realizing of course we may find what we think is defective is one of the greatest gifts we possess.

Step 7 Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

This statement is very similar to the last statement except that it added two things. One is "humbly" and the other is "the need to ask." Otherwise, the discussion on shortcoming is the same discussion on defects, "Who told us that we had shortcoming?" What criteria are we using for such judgments?

The first comment is about humbly. Humbly is actually a dangerous word. One meaning is to be free from pride or vanity and to be respectful. The other meaning is lowly in station or rank and to be servile and/or fawning. To be respectful of the power/Power of creation/Creation and to be out of the self gratification is always important. To feel lowly in station or servile is self defeating and denies the our birthright to be a co-creator of the reality we experience and in the view and judgment of releasing our unlimited creativity, it is down right wrong and erroneous to think such a way. It robs us of our power and is one of the most effective ways of giving away our creative power and plants the seeds for victim consciousness. Our destiny is to be that co-creator of reality with the Creative Life Force that created and sustains creation. We cannot and must not devalue or downplay our creative potential. However, the more we do for "I" and pump up our ego, the more dangerous we become and damaging to ourselves. So it is essential that we be both respectful and free from pride and vanity, hence humble. But humble only in this sense of the word. We must not be humble in the sense of lowly in station or rank and to be servile and/or fawning.

Second and the most important point is that we must ask for what we want and we can do it one of two ways. If we feel that our ability and power comes from some external source other than the creative life energy that is sustaining our being, then we need to ask that source for what we want. If we feel that our ability and power comes from within our own being and the creative life energy that is sustain our, then we only need to set the intention to direct our energy to manifest what we desire. In any case, we must become very clear on what we want and ask and/or set the intention to manifest it.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Respectfully but with full awareness of our own creative ability and responsibility ask or set the intention to become the person we wish to be.

Step 8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

Comment: We can make a list of all the persons we have harmed and make amends is a nice idea but doesn’t address the real issue. Most of us harm another only out of ignorance of our actions, in response to our own pain, in response to our fears. In general, we harm others because of our own pain. But if we were to create such a list, it also needs to address than number of people we harm that we never know about because we are just unaware of how far reaching the repercussion of our actions are. There is a ripple effect to everything we do. We treat one person badly and they in turn, treat a second person badly because we caused them to be in a bad mood and so on. In one way, we are in fact responsible for that whole chain of people being injured. So we need to ask, were do I being and where do I stop listing the people that I have harmed and where does the individual I have harmed become responsible for not allowing themselves to be disturbed or upset by another to, in turn, ripple the harm to another.

It is really rather naive to think we can compose a list of the individuals we harmed because many of the injuries we caused we did so in complete unawareness. Also there is a deep subtly that is not considered here. What fails to be considered here is the fact that we may have done something that we feel harmed the person when in fact it was something the person needed to experience. If our intention was to harm the individual, that is definitely a problem. However if we harmed someone but our intention was not to harm but harm resulted, how do we know that we were only a vehicle to allows something else to happen? A simple example. We swerve to avoid hitting a child and cause another car to wreck and cripple an individual. We did harm them. Similarly compare the situation if drove our car while knowingly under a prescriptive medication that impairs judgment and causes and individual to wreck and become crippled. Again we have harmed the individual. Of course there is no need to consider the case where we intentionally ran into the individual with the intent of harming them. So where do we being determine where we are, or are not, responsible for causing harm? Then there is the individual who is harmed. How do we know what they need to face in life. They may have needed to be harmed by someone acting in the innocence of the moment to break the belief that everyone is out to intentionally harm them.

Rather, the process should be reversed. Make a list of all the people we feel that have harmed us and send them forgiveness and make amends for how we have treated them, thought about them, or acted towards them because of how we feel about what they did to us. Let go of all that we hold against another no matter how much pain they have cause us. If we look deep inside that other individual we will see they themselves were in great pain. We only need to ask, "Why would and individual cause me such pain?" and what will come to us is a feeling, understanding or awareness of the depth of pain and/or fear that the individual carries. We may not believe the information we get, but it will none the less be true, at least as well as our mind can understand it.

It is only in forgiveness and letting go that healing occurs and letting go is essential to the creative process. It is extremely hard to let go of the pain and hurt we feel and how we feel about that individual who caused us such pain until we understand that they had to feel a pain, a hurt or a fear that went much deeper that what they caused to us. They may not be aware of the pain they carry but it is none the less there. They have only found some way to mask it in the same way that we mask our pain. They could not have acted how they did unless they carried such pain, hurt or fear. It is in that realization that all we can feel is compassion and in that compassion all we can do is to forgive.

To help us forgive what others have done to us, we need to realize, people are doing the best they can and know how to do. Our mind may think we or another should know better but we act on what we truly believe and in what we allow ourselves to feel. If we knew how to be different, we would be different. We act on what we understand and believe and we give what we have. We need to realize we cannot give what we do not have. If we have pain, we give pain. If we have love for ourselves to nurture our true needs, we can love another and nurture their true needs. If we have pain we cannot give love for if we understood how to love we would address the root of our pain.

If we are capable of forgiving all those who have harmed us, our heart will be more than able to tell us what to do for those we have intentionally harmed and we will not even have to think about it. We will just know what we need to do to make amends, if any.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Make a list of all the persons who have harmed us. Forgive them and be willing to make amend to them all for how we have treated them, thought about them, or acted towards them because of how we feel about what they did to us.

Step 9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Comment: The second half of this statement is actually puzzling and the feeling is there is something very wrong in the logic that is being proposed here. Why would we think of doing anything in the way of amends that would intentionally injure someone. The whole concept is self defeating. To amend something is to change it for the better or improve it. It is to free from faults, correct or reform. We can see a surgeon cutting a person technically injuring them to correct an unhealthy condition but that is not action taken to injure the person, it is action take to heal.

The recommendation is that if we make the list to forgive those who have harmed us and forgive them, we only need to ask our heart where we need to make amends to either those who harmed us or those who we harmed, we will know what to do. We only need to honor the guidance we received.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Ask our heart where we need to make amends and what must be done. Then do it fully trusting it is the correct way to act leaving the results to destiny.

Step 10 Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Comment: This is a continuation of what has already been done. If we wish to sustain our new creation, we will have to create a world in which the creation can be sustained. If we create a world where we can live without denying our truth, then we will have to continue to live our truth to sustain that world. If we wish to live in the world of infinite possibilities, we must not fall back into the habits of the mind that take us way from the anxiety of the unknown. We have to become aware and awake as to how we are making our choices in life and recognize when we escape to a habit of the mind rather than deal with reality.

There is one point that is missing from this statement. When we identify where are wrong and denying our truth, we must correct the error. To identify and admit an error says nothing about correcting it.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Continue to take personal inventory of how we are making our choice and where we deny the truth of our own being promptly admitting it and correcting it.

Step 11 Sought though prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Comment: Two comments. The first is a repeat of the proverb, "Trust in God but tether our camel." We cannot expect God to do for us what we ourselves must do. We must, as a minimum, become clear on what it is we desire to create and hold the desire with complete trust that it will manifest giving up what needs to be given up to make room for what we desire to manifest. We must remember, all that is, was and ever will be, already is. Everything is already in an existing form or moving to some new form. If we wish to create something new, we must be willing to give up that which needs to be given up to form the new creation. Our past will create the future in the image of that past unless we give up and let go of the past we no longer wish to experience. However everything can be a two edge sword if we allow it to become one. To judge something a "bad" and desire to have the bad removed from our life, we also have to give up that which we judge as good that is tied to that bad other wise the bad cannot leave our life. One half of a duality cannot exist and explained in the topic "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality." A simple example. Our enemy, who we judge as bad allows us to hold all that we perceive as good in contrast to that enemy. If our enemy is going to leave our life, then all that we hold as good in opposition to the bad no longer has the contrast that we need to hold to the good.

The request for the power to carry out the will of God very strongly implies that the will of God is not our will and our will cannot, or does not, lie in alignment with God’s will. This is very true if we perceive God as being outside of ourselves. However if we realize that the creative life energy that created and sustains the created universe also flows in us and sustains us, we are the will of God manifesting. This means that Its will is our will and our will is Its will. So the question become, why are we separated in our thinking such that we do not recognize the fact that for us to be sustained by the creative life energy of the universe in the form that we are, is the will of God. So why do we not perceive that reality exactly as it currently is is exactly how it is suppose to be and everything is perfect as it is for God is sustaining everything as is? Why do we think there is anything wrong with everything as it is being as it is? Quite simply we do not follow the creative life energy that is sustaining our own body and being and flow in and through us every moment. We deny what we feel and what we perceive and listen to someone outside ourselves thinking they know better than we do what we feel and are experiencing. So we deny the truth of our being to follow someone else lead.

As for improving our conscious contact with the God we understand, we need to understand most concepts of God refer in some way to the Creator of Creation and the power which gave rise to Creation. Here we need to realize an doctor talks differently to another doctor than a lay person. Similarly an engineer talks differently to another engineer than a lay person. The same is true for the Creator. The Creator talks differently to another creation than to any other. To deepen our contact with the Creator, we need to become a creator and to talk to the Creator, creator/Creator to creator/Creator as we are creating. But our life is a creation. So, if we can become a conscious creator of our life, we can always be talking to the Creator, creator/Creator to creator/Creator. But then the issue becomes, are we listing to both what we say and the answer/reply we get?

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Maintain a clear focus on that we wish to create and seek though prayer and meditation improved conscious contact with the creative life energy that sustains our being and manifesting our wish and follow that energy with unwavering faith.

Step 12 Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practices these principles in our affairs.

Comment: There are several things here. The first is it appears a very common aspect of humanity is to share what it has found. It too is a dual edge sword. Some of the desire to share is out of altruism and the wonderment of childlike discovery and some of it is out of the need not to be alone in our new found world. But neither is good not bad. In some traditions, it has been said that Creation Itself was formed out of the All That Is wishing to share and have a playmate much as in the "Creator Story for the Creativity Perspective." Christ has said, to love another as we love ourselves. To love ourselves sufficiently to want to give ourselves a playmate is to love another enough to give them a playmate too. To share from the mind and say, "Look what I have found!" with the emphasis on the "I" is an ego trip. To share from the heart and to say, "Look what I have found" with the emphasis on sharing in a childlike fashion is to love another as ourselves. What is needed here is only a shift in emphasis and that shift is on the being true to ourselves and share that truth allowing the other to be true to themselves and share our truth.

To believe in a realm of spirit and a realm of the physical is to live in separation. It is not so much a spiritual awakening as to awaken to how to work with the unseen aspects and powers of Creation that lie both inside and outside of us. It is to awaken and work with our own creative ability and creative power to create our experiences and create the reality we experience.

Suggested rewriting based on releasing our unlimited creativity: Having had an awakening as to who and what I am as a result of these steps, practice these principles and become the embodiment of truth of my being, and in loving another as myself, create the space to allow others to freely live the truth of our being.


After all of this discussion, it appears the end result is as it always was. We need to live and be our truth and the truth of the creative life energy that is sustaining our being, not denying in any way who and what we are with the realization we are where we need to be. In loving ourselves enough to be true to who we are, loving another so as to create the space that they can freely live the truth of their being. If we are addicted to the mind and unwilling to face the anxiety of the unknown to live a world of unlimited creativity and infinite possibilities, it doesn’t really matter. We are exactly where we need to be and perfect as we are. Nothing needs to be fixed. We only need to decide what we wish to experience and have the courage to create reality as we wish to experience it. It is to choose to claim our birthright to be the infinite creative being that we are and to be the embodiment of unlimited creativity. It is our choice. Always has and always will be. We can choose to do nothing and have more of the same or we can choose to create something new and that is where the fun and play of creation really happens.

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