Creating Rituals

Initial initiation as a creator



A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The journey to consciously create anything and/or to live the intention for our life is actually about becoming a conscious creator. To acknowledge the intention for our life is to choose to acknowledge the consciousness that created our life and fulfill the intention or purpose governing our life. To do so appears to be relinquishing our responsibility and giving our life over to some unseen power rather than becoming a conscious creator.

However, if we explore the true depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity, we will come to find either we created the intention for our life or we agreed to incarnate to fulfill that intention. We will also come to find we chose our body is the perfect vehicle for the experiences we desired to have. To choose to live the intention for our life acknowledges these decisions we made before our current mind came into existence. In doing so we acknowledges ourselves as a conscious creator. We acknowledge what we already agreed to do. In accessing the intention for our life we align ourselves with the source of our creative power in this life. In doing so we have the creative power to create what we desire for we access the optimum creative power available to us without doing anything more than being true to our truth and who and what we are. As we develop our creative ability we amplify the creative power we have.

At the start of the journey to access the deep feelings which give rise to the an awareness within the feeling to know the intention for our life the recommendation is made that the individual state their desire and do something that demonstrates taking that first step. Additionally, there should be an acknowledgment that they are willing to act to take responsibility for creating what they experience in life.

An initiation is something that is done to an individual which causes them to know they are different and have been somehow changed by the initiation. In many ways an initiation is symbolic of a rebirth into a new form and new order whatever that new form and new order may be. In this regard, an initiation should be done which include some actions that causes the individual to know they have stepped into the role of becoming a conscious creator. In this regard the initial initiation ritual to become a conscious creator should somehow require the individual to demonstrate they are choosing to become a conscious creator and do something to demonstrate they are taking responsibility for what they experience.

A few suggestions

Choose to become a conscious creator: Creating and signing an original permission statement for their creative spirit to come out and fully express itself has been one way of the individual demonstrating the commitment to become a conscious creator. Although a sample is provided and may be used for guidance, the permission statement is something they create to know exactly what they are causing and allowing to happen. The reason for this is once the creative spirit is free to express itself it will take on a life of is own. Our mind will need to be willing to follow our creative spirit and support its efforts if we do not desire to again place our creativity in a cage of our own making.

Taking responsibility: As for taking responsibility for what we experience there are a variety of things we can do. But, the individual must learn to realize how their decision cause things to happen. For example, choosing to go to the beach seems like a good idea. But when we become stuck in traffic on an interstate highway because of a accident several miles ahead and there is no place to turn around, it is 100 degree Fahrenheit outside, and you have three or four hungry children in the car with nothing to eat and the air conditioning does not work, the idea to go to the beach no longer seems that good of an idea. We can attempt to blame the accident or anything we want to blame for our discomfort. However, we made the decision to go to the beach. It is ultimately our responsibility for having made the decision and chosen to go the way we did. Whatever is created within the initial initiation ritual, something should be done that can bring the individual awareness to the fact presented here.

The individual need to begin to understand that as a creator we will enter the unknown. We will not always know what we will find. We cannot blame anyone for what we find no matter how pleasurable or unpleasant. Quite simply, it is about creativity growing up. Rather than being that child who complains about what they experience and looks to hold someone else responsibility for what they experience, the conscious creator takes responsibility for what they experience. They look to see what they need to do to create something which better serves them.

Similarly the conscious creator is willing to step out of a victim consciousness. They know that whatever another does to them, at some level of their being, they agreed to have the experience they have. They know creation is not done alone and we need that other to give us the experiences we have. When the conscious creator experiences something which does not seem to serve what they desire, they look within to understand how and why they have allowed themselves to experience what they have experienced. They look first to see what they need to change within before they blame the outside world for what they experience.

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