Creating Rituals

Calling forth our creative spirit initiation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The goal of calling forth our creative spirit initiation is to participate in a unique initiation which creates a safe and secure space and that calls forth our creative spirit to freely express itself in the way it needs to be expressed.

Traditionally, an initiation is an act of initiating to admit to membership in an organization, fraternity, cult, etc, usually with special rites, instructions, and/or ceremony, and the imparting of secret knowledge. In many initiations, what is performed in unknown to the one being initiated. This is especially true when secret knowledge of any form is imparted. Other than imparting secret knowledge, one of the reasons for the initiate not knowing what will be done before is to strengthen the awareness that the individual is moving from a past, and breaking with the path, to move into a new role and new life. In many ways the initiation is symbolic of a rebirth into a new form and new order whatever that new form and new order may be.

What is most interesting about our creative spirit is that most of us do not know it or understand it. It is the most intimate part of our being but yet we never face it face to face. To do so requires us to be in the awareness which lies in deepest feelings and creative passion and a passion to create that we can imagine. Consequently, for most of us, knowledge about our own creative spirit is secret knowledge unknown to our mind. As such, it is not something we will access through or with our conscious mind. We will have to be initiated into knowing our creative spirit.

Now it is possible to create a self initiation to call forth our creative spirit. To do so requires us to essentially create a could be called a critical mass of enlightenment as described in the topic, "Creating the occasion for the Ultimate Accident - assembling a critical mass." It is to pull together a sufficient number of actions that cause who and what we think we are to be totally shattered and to stumble into the Ultimate Accident.

The recommendation made here and listed in the sequence of rituals found within the topic "Create a series of rituals and an initiation to access the intention for our life" is to request someone to do an initial initiation representing our desire to become a conscious creator. Then, a later ritual at, or near to, or after what we do to die before we die and empty ourselves to call forth our creative spirit. The topic, "The initiation to call forth our creative spirit to live the intention for our life" provides some guidance and advice on creating such a ritual. It does need to be noted and emphasized here is that whatever initiation is done needs should be designed around he individual’s unique situation and how they originally lost their ability to creatively play.

A note on the calling forth, death and entering the grave/cave, cleansing, and rebirth rituals

These four rituals can been seen and experienced as one overall process. That is, one overall encompassing ritual and/or metatheater can be done which addresses all four. Our creative spirit is called forth and we die. In dying we enter the underworld and/or the unseen world where we are cleansed only to be reborn anew with a "clean slate" so to speak. Rebirth can be seen as coming out of the cave or the grave in which we entered at our death. The cleansing is what occurred in the cave.

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Our creative spirit
Generic symbolism for action in rituals and metatheater

Sequence of action in creating rituals

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