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 Personal power 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Personal power is probably best defined as the ability to manifest effectively. To manifest, we need: 1) the perspective and strength of will for us to hold our focus of attention and awareness on our intention and to act and overcome the obstacles and fears that arise and have the courage to take what opportunities present themselves; 2) the confidence, knowing, perspective and understanding to have an attitude that does not doubt under any condition; and 3) the emotional energy and passion to act and carry out all that is required.

By learning and practicing to increase our personal power, we increases our ability to both manifest circumstances in our life and evolve our being. To evolve and expand our consciousness, we need to have the level of personal power to achieve and sustain that growth. We tend to resist our own evolution and unfoldment because we think it will be difficult and painful. Pain comes from the attachment for holding on to a universe that doesn’t exist or is changing. Something, somewhere is being held onto that is not reflective of the reality we are living or need to live. The difficulty is in not having developed the strength of will necessary to overcome what is encountered or to hold the space for our new found creative spirit so we are pushed to return to our old environment.

The keys to developing personal power are: develop the strength of will; obtain an experiential knowing that does not allow for doubt; and increase the enthusiasm and passion for life to tap into the necessary passion and emotional energy. The primary technique for developing the strength of will is to get clarity on what we want and where we want to go and holding a single point focus of our attention and awareness on that intention. As in learning any new skill, practiced is needed to develop and strengthen that skill.

Holding the focus of our attention and awareness is a skill. It needs to be practiced as if we were learning to play a musical instrument. We need to start small, do the exercises and expand the repertoire and then move on to bigger and better compositions. As we learn and remove limiting beliefs and manifest a few things, we gain confidence. We develops the attitude of trust and not doubting that we can, and will, manifest on whatever we apply the focus of our attention and awareness. The third facet is to expand and tap into the passion for life, and the greatest passion comes from living that the intention for our life. It is the emotional energy that is the ultimate essential factor in manifesting and drawing intentions into form. But, we need to heal and clear away the blocks around our heart to increase the flow and enthusiasm for life. The issue we face is that frequently we have much pain and fear around living in and from the heart and what the heart wants.

Our creative power and especially our emotional energy can be greatly increased or decreased according to circumstances. Depending on the conditions we are in, some thought forms are more stable than others. Play and relaxation have been very effective at softening many rigid beliefs to make it very easy and effective for their removal. The ritual, through a combination of techniques, especially the use of special environments - locations, places, buildings, and people of the right consciousness, can be tailor made for the individual to put them into a state equivalent to play and relaxation to soften particularly hardened and difficult to remove beliefs, habits, fears and other obstructions that interfere with the us living and creating the life that we choose to create. The optimum use of rituals is to address our particular needs, to help us develop that which is needed to improve our ability to grow our personal power so we become empowered to grow and choose the life of our choice. When we have developed a sufficient personal practice, ritual can then be effectively used to "pump up" the emotional energy and direct that energy to the specific intention for which the ritual was designed. Such a ritual gives our psyche the powerful emotional experience and memory can continually draw upon to manifest the intention long after the ritual is over.

The recommendation is to access and strengthen our personal power. To help do this we can: develop a personal practice that allows us to hold our creativity sacred; call back our creative power from where we have given it away; expand our awareness and understanding about how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience; allow our creative spirit to freely unfold; access and live the truth of our being; and other similar things.

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