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 The Seven Chakra Questionnaire Background 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Origins of the approach

The approach used for rituals structured around the Seven Chakras System is based on the heart, that is, the symbolic flow of our creative life energy as it flows directly form the Source of Creation into physical manifestation. In using the Seven Charkras this approach builds on the similarities to other esoteric traditions to which we many have been exposes that discuss how we create our reality and how we create the experiences we have. But in many ways it is significantly different.

The approach used within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is based on the simple concept that our creative life energy, that life force we have within our being that is sustaining our life, flows directly form the Source of Creation in real time. We are always directly plugged into the Source and never separated from it. When we are out of mind, that is out of our ego and out of the thinking, judging and analyzing mind, this energy flows without interference through our being into Creation animating us to have an experience of Physical Creation in the process. When mind steps in through its nonconscious or conscious desires and intentions this flow pattern is interrupted and disrupted. The reason for this disruption is that mind acts as a switching station to divert this energy into creating what mind wants.

The Seven Chakras System is one approach that has traditionally been used to represent this flow pattern and its alignment within us. Although there are various schools of thought as to how to use this model within the Eastern and Western traditions, the attached Seven Chakra based questionnaires were developed around the Chakras and the duality of energy consciousness to assist individuals in manifest their intention. It serves the primary function of helping to identify the blocks or obstructions that impede or divert the our creative life energy from manifesting our intention.

In looking at the effectiveness of the Seven Chakras, it is interesting to note that seven has traditionally been a number used to represent completeness, God and/or the Divinity that Created and sustains Creation. Seven most probably arises form the fact that the typical experience of the unmanifested energy of Creation one has in a near death or transcendental experience appears as light. Its equivalent in the physical plane, physical light as it appears and is experienced by man is made up of the seven colors of the rainbow, namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet often referred to as ROYGBIV (pronounced roy - gee- biv).

In reality, the light we experience as humans is only a small fragment of an infinite electromagnetic spectrum. Like Creation itself, the physical plane is only a small tiny fragment of an infinitely vast set of realities. Additionally, there are an infinite number of shades of light between any two colors we pick. In any case, we need all seven frequencies of light to have the complete light as experienced by humans. In this regard, the seven conceptual areas of the Chakras give an extremely good approximation to the complete nature of the human relative to our ability to create the experiences we have. It only need to be remembered and emphasized the view of Creation by a human, from a human experience of life, is, and always will be a limited view of Creation. We can expand our abilities to see beyond the way a human normally sees, but the view is still a limited view.

Originally arising out of the Eastern esoteric traditions, the use of the Seven Chakras and its many variations as a model of the human body has found a wide variety of successful applications in the esoteric and spiritual traditions of both the East and West. The Tree of Life, coming from the Jewish Kaballah (also spelt Cabala) tradition containing ten Sefirah, is probably the closest independent model that parallels the Chakras. In this model the ten Sefirah lie on seven levels that approximate the Seven Chakra. Three of these levels have two Sefirah representing the dualistic nature of reality. Evidence suggests the Kaballah tends to emphasize hierarchical aspects of the energy flows and is less useful for transformation of the ego as discussed in this document.

For the purposes of the questionnaires based on this background, the symbolic locations of the Seven Chakras on the body will also represent the conceptual areas they represent. However, it must be understood the concepts areas lie in our belief structure and the body only manifests the beliefs we hold through the mind body connection. Although there is some variability in the lower Chakras the typical locations on the body are as follows: Seventh - crown of head, Sixth - brow of the head, Fifth - throat, Fourth - heart, Third - solar plexus - Second - upper urinary and ovary area (also spleen), First - bottom of groin. Although there are references made to the Chakras and the Sefirah, we should not see the questionnaires a necessarily being consistent with, or in alignment, with the traditions of the Chakras or Sefirah. Rather, the Chakras and Sefirah only represent convenient topical reference points to localize the discussion. Similarly reference to the rainbow is used as the representative of the divisions of light as opposed to talking about the individual frequencies of the infinite electromagnetic spectrum of energy.

It should be noted that as we work with Chakra system as presented here in questionnaires based on this background, we will be able to see these areas can also be related to the esoteric traditions containing a triune arrangement, such as the Huna three selves (Higher, Middle and Lower) or the Christian Trinity (Father, Son and Spirit). However there Huna and Christian triune systems are actually quite different from each other.

In the triune arrangement of Huna, the seventh area the crown, would be representative of the Higher Self and our connection to the Higher Self. The fifth and sixth areas, the brow and throat would be characteristic of the Middle Self and what we would call the conscious self, that what we think and say. The first, second, third and fourth areas would represent the Lower Self and the nonconscious and often called the automaton since these areas seem to run on automatic programming with a mind unto itself.

Relative to the Christian Trinity, the Father is actually the fifth, sixth and seventh areas for it in this collections of region the word is made flesh and we cause Creation to happen. The three areas are the "Father" of our creations. When we align our thinking, our beliefs and our words with the ultimate truth of reality, these three become the "Father" and the word can be made flesh. It is then the "I" of ego and the Father become one. The fourth area of the heart is the animating energy of life and is representative of the spirit of life and what gives live our creative spirit or spirit if we wish. When we speak the truth of our being (throat) and it is aligned with what we think (brow) and what we think is in total alignment with the animating energy of the Universe (crown), God if we wish, then we can say that what flows through the heart is the Holy Spirit. The lower three areas are the son, the creation or the offspring of the fifth, sixth and seventh. Here again with the fifth, sixth and seventh are align with the ultimate truth of reality the son becomes the Son.

The recommended view

What needs to be understood in all of these traditions is that the creative life energy, that creative spirit, still flows within us no matter what our ego thinks or what it believes. It is like the rain and falls unconditionally on the good and bad alike making no judgments about how the waters of life are used by us. In the understanding of energy consciousness and of how energy manifests physically, it is recommended the use of the Chakras in these questionnaire be seen as an inner and outer reflection.

The first, second and third conceptual areas should be seen representative of the nonconscious self. They are representative of how we actually attach or view the world outside ourselves. They represent how we actually plug into the world and representative of the world that we have created. The fifth, sixth and seventh conceptual areas are our inner world and representative of who and what we think we are. The heart is simply the gift of life that we have been given and is representative of the truth of what is, that is, we have been created to manifest a physical experience. Aligning with the heart aligns us with the intention for our life.

What we experience is determined by how our "father" that inner world chooses to perceive reality and manifest an experience, the "son" by how we attach to our external world to create the experience we have. However, if we step out of our inner world surrendering to the flow of energy itself, the heart and what we feel, we align totally with the flow of the Source of all Being to be one with the Father allowing the Spirit to manifest as the Son. In using the Chakras, it is only another way of saying that our inner self (Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chakras) must be balanced with and reflected in our outer self (First, Second and Third Chakras) and both the inner and the outer must be in alignment with the flow of energy within the heart (the Fourth Chakra) . In any case, all of these views are only a construct and we need to use whatever vehicle is convenient and effect for our life. Questionnaires based on this background are constructed around the Seven Chakras and could have easily been constructed around any of the other existing systems, however as we shall see, the Seven Chakras lends it self to a much easier way of viewing how we create the reality and create the experience we have.

Theory of the Seven Chakras in rituals

The overall theory that establishes how and why this methodology works is beyond the scope of this questionnaire, however, the basic concepts are as follows.

Given the understanding that energy and consciousness are one and the same, mind is seen as a switching station directing the flow of our creative life energy. In knowing the location of an obstructions within our belief systems that is controlling the flow of our energy, a ritual can then be use to address each of the blocks to remove them from our belief structure. The result is a clear path for is to manifest what it is we desire.

What needs to be noted and remembered is that creation manifests by consciousness choosing its response to the experiences it has based on how it thinks and believes. The choice then directs the energy of energy consciousness flowing and molding itself into a form and experience based on what consciousness thinks and believes.

Additionally, we define ourselves by the experiences we have. By bringing the focus of our attention and awareness to particular aspects of what we think and how we think and then actively working to create a ritual to express those beliefs, the experience of the preparing for the ritual in itself changes and shifts who and what we are and how we think and believe. As we progress with the ritual and actually performs it, the experience again shifts who and what we think we are and how and what we think and believe. In this regard the focus of our awareness and attention on why and where we feel our creative life energy is not freely flowing allows us to free the energy to some degree.

Obviously if a simply ritual is an insufficient focus of our attention and awareness to free the block we can move into more and more complex efforts. If necessary, we can even pursue some formal therapy program if the injury and hurt causing the block warrant such focused and intense effort.

The use of the Seven Chakras in rituals is based on two key ideas. The first is that to restore our creative power it is necessary to pull back or call back our energy and attention from previous activities that no longer serves us. The second is to then direct and focus this reclaimed energy through the focus of our attention and awareness into the new direction for our lives.

Typically we direct and change the direction of the flow of our energy by where we place our conscious attention and awareness. However, because of habit and the mundane distractions of life that continually divert the focus our attention and awareness, we forget where we have directed it. We must look carefully at our inner and outer worlds and remember, recall or reclaim this attention. Questionnaires developed based on the Seven Chakra System are a convenient and "relative" complete approach we can use to address the major areas or aspects of how we attached or diverted our creative life energy through our beliefs, experiences of life and the choices we made and then retained in our memories. We say "relatively" complete because we are an infinite creative being and there will always be as aspect of ourselves we keep hidden so to maintain the illusion of separation to create the human physical experience.

In setting any intention, we need to transition from living the world in which we are currently living to living in the world of our intention. Traditionally most esoteric traditions describe the way Creation works as a descending systems starting from the highest level of how we connect with the spirit or unseen world, or the world of the unmanifested, down to the lowest level and how we connect or ground the energy to the physical world or that world of form. It is very much like the way energy of lightening is perceived to travel from the clouds to the ground.

In this descending system approach when applied to the Chakras, the Chakras are viewed and more as energy step-downs or energy transformers in the way a series of electrical transformer steps-down the transmitted electrical energy from a hydroelectric dam to make it available for routine use such as for a coffee pot or home radio. However, esoteric traditions tend to create very hierarchical overtones in our application that goes beyond the concept and principle of energy step-down. Namely, a higher level is more important than a lower. However, in reality the energy doesn’t flow unless all parts are functioning. Or, if it does flow with improper functioning lower levels, it flows in a very uncontrolled way as the way a transformer burns up when the flow path is inadequate and a short circuit results. The Chakra system tends to refer to levels, which can imply one area or aspect is higher, more important, superior to, or in some other way as not be equal to all the others in importance. The bottom line however, is that if we are willing to disregard the erroneous hierarchal view, the Chakras provide a convenient expression and construct to represent the beliefs that we each carry that represent, and are essential to, how we transform the world of spirit into material form.

The seven conceptual areas described by the Seven Chakras provide a relatively complete list by subject areas. They can be used to understand how we expresses our personal beliefs in each of these area to create our reality. What needs to be emphasized is although the concept of levels discussed in the Chakras is very applicable as to how we create form and describing how energy descends as like lightening descending from the sky, from a transformational aspect, all these levels must be view as being equal and addressed simultaneously to have an effective transformation. We will use the word conceptual areas as opposed to levels to avoid the hierarchal implication that one is more important than another. In this regard, to free our creative life energy we should try and focus on the fact there is no one aspect of Creation better or worse than any other. They are just different and we, in our ego and our body, have a preference of what we like and dislike.

It needs to be fully understood, the seven area are all interconnected and simultaneously interacting with each other. The interconnection is such that a change in one will affect the other six. We can look at the analogy of the rainbow. To have a complete white light or a complete rainbow we need all seven colors of the spectrum. If we are missing one, the rainbow is incomplete. Any one color is not any better or worse than any other. Each will affect the rainbow equally.

Although there is a stepping down of energy between the unmanifested and the manifested, to look at any one chakra as one higher, more important, or superior to another, is not really correct. To look at the levels as hierarchal will cause we unnecessary diversion of the flow of our creative life energy. All is sacred and all are equally important in manifesting. When it comes to transformation and freeing our energy attachments to a given aspect of our life, it does no value to focus on one chakra over the others. We only need to focus on where we are actually blocked to free the energy. All must be ultimately balanced and brought into harmony to allow or unfettered and unrestricted flow. We then must creatively walk and step out of balance to create our desired creation.

Also it needs to be noted that to say all the Chakras need to be balanced from an energy perspective only means that the flow of energy though each Chakra is balanced. That is, the intake equals the out take. That does not mean all the Chakras are seen as being expressed equally. One Chakra or more than one Chakras can appear to dominate the expression of the others. For example, we see more electrical poles in a town than high transmission wires. Yet the high transmission wires bringing the electricity to the town are carrying the same amount of energy as the electrical poles. It is only how the electrical energy is used and distributed such that we need more electrical poles.

Basic conceptual areas

Each of the seven conceptual areas are discussed in the in any questionnaire based on the Seven Chakras to which this background discussion applies.

The transition

To effectively change the world in which we live we need to change all seven areas relatively simultaneously to effectively live in the new world of our intention. It may appear difficult at first but it is not. It is like mooring a blimp or a hot air balloon. We can look at each of the seven conceptional areas as a rope. One end of the rope attaches to our psyche, the balloon or blimp, and the other end to an object or person, the focus of our attachment.

If we have seven ropes holding a blimp or balloon to its moorings and severing only six cables, the blimp or balloon is not free to change its location. We must be prepared to release all seven ropes at one time. Or, analogously, we must be prepared to change all seven aspects of the Chakras all at one time. When constructing any ritual, all seven areas should be reviewed to check our influence on what we desire to create. In doing this, it is like a blimp or balloon severing its mooring cables and floating free. To hold the blimp stable in a given location, several cables are needed to keep it tied down so it doesn’t blow away or bounce all over the place. When these cable get severed the blimp, being filled with Helium, or a balloon with hot air, floats free in the currents of the wind until it is anchored again.

A similar phenomenon is true with our psyche and our focus and attention. Our psyche is the blimp and the cables the way we have framed our world (7th chakra) through our world view and attached to our external world through our self esteem (3rd chakra), control (2nd chakra), and ownership (1st chakra) and internally we attached our feelings (4th chakra) and judgements (6th chakra) to that world and how effectively these attachments allow us to speak and live our truth (5th chakra).

To transition to a new external world created by our intention from the world we are living and the ties that currently binds us to our current world, we must make a change in all seven conceptual areas. We must separate the lower three chakra connections, the issues self esteem, ownership and control involving our intention from the ties to the current world. We also must must make the corresponding parallel changes in the other four Chakras; our world view, our feelings about the existing world, our judgments about it and how we speak our truth about it. If we severs one or more of these cables but not all of them some interesting things happen. If we try and change our world view and how we relate the spiritual world to the physical world (7th chakra) without changing any of the other attachments, we will have only a very theoretical and intellectual idea with no practical basis or application of how we will be fragmenting and scattering our creative life energy. We will be forever puzzled why we can’t seem to get our ideas and view manifested in the world of form. The reason is that although our viewed changed, the energy is still very attached to the old form.

Similarly we can set an intention and sever the external connections of attachment of self esteem, ownership and control from the area in our life involving the intention we set. But if we do not sever our internal attachments and view of the world, we will actually feels like we are floating relative to the area of our intention. We will feel neither here or there since we are in the world but no longer attached to the world. However, we are still attached in the old way by how we view the situation, think about the situation, feel about the situation and how effectively all of these attachments allow us to speak and live our truth. Although we are unanchored externally, we are still subject to any and all thinking and thoughts relative to this area of our life. We are still attached to the judgments of the tribe, our enculturation, or our past way of thinking about this topic.

To become free of these internal attachments, we must change our world view to accommodate the external changes. That is, how we think and feel about the new intention and understand how effectively the new intention allows us to live and speak our truth. Now if we successfully sever both our internal attachments and our external attachments but retain our old view of how the spiritual and physical planes interact, what we do is essentially detach but quickly re-attach to basically the same spot or same general area. The view that we hold about how the physical and spiritual planes connect and interact with each other is what allows us to actually move to a new position and a new environment.

It does need to be noted that the Seventh Chakra in addition to being a cable that attaches our psyche to a way of being in the world, that is, how we view the world we are in, the Seventh Chakra is what give our the necessary "lift" to carry our psyche (the balloon or blimp) to an altitude high enough to transcend and cross the highest mountains and obstacles in our life. The obstacles in our life are ultimately only the limits and barriers that we use to contain and keep our unlimited creativity confined in a box. We can look at the seventh chakra in addition to being a cable that ties us down as also being that valve or control system that adds more hot air into our balloon or controls the propeller to our blimp that allow us to maneuver in the atmosphere and rise above anything that limits us.

That does not mean we try and live at some upper or transcended realm of existence. Rather it means we allow ourselves to see our self as powerful enough and creative enough to transcend any obstacle, including God Itself, to create what we desire to create. If we look very carefully every "Master" at some time and/or in some way they will declare themselves overtly or covertly to be God or the Creator. Some refer to it as claiming the God within. It doesn’t matter how we do it for it is only the way we can transcend any limited or barrier that the concept of God would otherwise impose on us and limit what it is we desire to accomplish. Whether we access the level of consciousness where we perceived all that is as All That Is, the Consciousness that spans all doesn’t matter. The issue is can we transcend the barrier, that obstacle, to our creative endeavors that our concept of God imposes.

In any of these transformations, until we reconnect through the spirit and seventh chakra and establishes an identity of the creative spirit that is independent of the external world or we establishes a new belief about self-esteem, ownership and control in the world that feels correct and is judged to be good for our new creation, we will feel as if everything, including our identity, has been stripped away. This, in fact, is what happens. For most individuals the way we tie to our external world is through ownership of things, control of people and things, and how we derive our self esteem from those things we own and control is what determines our identity. When we sever those connections of the external world, we feel as though we have been stripped of who we are.

This experience of this stripping away has been called the Dark Night of the Soul in the Western Traditions which tends to emphasize the loss. This stripping ways is seen as the Kundalini rising in the Eastern traditions for the emphasis is on the increase flow of energy we now feel to "rise above" the old form. It is interesting to note that the Western Traditions focuses it attention on the loss where as the Eastern Tradition focused on the rising and ascending. The two concepts seem opposed but in reality are only the flip sides of the same coin. There will be a sacrifice and increased flow of energy for any new creation. Both however are only representative of severing our old ties and realigning with a set of new ties that are in closer alignment with the source of our creative power and source of our life. In the mythical literature this process is called the Phoenix experience. It is symbolized in the Phoenix, a mythical bird who chooses to destroy itself every few hundred years in the funeral fire of its own nest ignited by the sun, to be consumed and then reborn anew from the ashes. The fire of course is the Dark Night of the Soul and the rising from the ashes is the Kundalini rising.

Becoming the Phoenix - to live from the heart

A word of caution needs to be expressed here. The most extreme example of this stripping away occurs when we choose to recreate themselves to live totally from our heart and express our creative spirit as opposed to living according to any enculturated conditioning or for the values of our tribe or family. Living our heart or in complete alignment with the expression of our creative spirit may cause us to transcend all boundaries and limits. A lesser form of this stripping away will occur when ever the heart is chosen over the demands of the enculturated mind or the tribe and the amount of stripping away depends on the degree to which the heart is followed. Totally living the heart is the worst case scenario for detaching from the external world because it means all self-esteem, control and ownership issues are removed.

To live the intention of fully living the heart or being the complete expression of our creative spirit, it is necessary to sever all the attachments to the physical world - we need to be willing to give up everything we own, both material and non material. The non-material being things like titles, prestige and all the influence we may have from the titles and prestige we may have. We need to give up our weapons of control. That is, those things and methods that we use to control people and things whether used covertly or overtly and/or consciously or nonconsciously. Finally we will need to give up that form which we draw a self esteem from anything external to us including and especially our male or female identity. We need to become that person with no identity based on the external world and having no worth relative to the trading commodities of our world in which we live.

Yet we will also have to give up our internal identity. We will have to speak the truth of our heart as opposed to our mind. We will need to give up our view of the world and how we think the world works and we will have to give up our ideas of how the unmanifested realms of existence work and what ever view or perception we have of God or the Divine in order to just be with what is. Our value and worth will come totally from inside ourselves and not be based on anything in any way external, no matter who the teacher or authority is who can give us an identity. Additionally we follow the heart and what we feel as opposed to any characterization of the mind.

In choosing to live from total internal guidance, we pass through the harshest stripping away that is possible and that experience is the Dark Night of the Soul. The term Dark Night of The Soul as used today is being applied to much less traumatic experiences and tends to be used when an individual just doesn’t like what the world is giving them. The total experience of transcending our current life and/ recreating our life is a process. It can last on the order of about seven to ten years with an approximately 2 year very intense period. How difficult a process it is depends on how we hold on to our attachments which must leave our life. The transformation can be quick and gentle with most of the time spent on recreating our life based on our understanding or it can be long and difficult.

In some ways this transformational experience can be viewed as relearning how to relive life returning to that new born and grow up within a new understanding and perception about reality. Or, it can be viewed as getting a doctoral degree on the subject of our own unique creative passion. So we need to look at this seven to ten year process not as a burden but simply creating a new identity. We need to understand both childhood and college can be fun if we allow ourselves to enjoy the experience even if there is some pain and suffering as when we fall down or hard work when we have to study for a big exam. Here it does need to be noted and emphasized that in understanding this journey it can be made gentle and even quite enjoyable and done in much less time. It is entirely possible to have a "Gentle" Phoenix.

In this process of choosing to live from intuitive guidance it is no trivial process or journey. We chooses to live from the heart. In choosing to live from the heart we give up our self esteem and live in, and of, the creative spirit. In doing so, we become susceptible to all the thought available about being female or male on earth. Since we chooses to live as a creative spirit, the are choosing to live beyond the physical identity of any single individual male and female. In doing so we will transit the human collective and all the possibilities of what it means to be male or female as a collective. That is, we can feel the pain of any one or all the role the male or female is capable of playing or has every played. If we wish we can look at this aspect of the journey as our genetic karma or the burden we carry because of what our genealogy represents in the annals of the human collective for the two created each other.

As we transit across the Chakras moving into the seventh to a new view of the world, we may literally feel and sense all that has, or is happening, to males and females respective to our sex. As we transits through the collective consciousness of what it means being male or female in the world to beyond being male or female we may feel the pain and the anger of all that has happened to females and males.

Since we are not longer attached to a tribal beliefs and no longer accept the tribe’s identity of being male or female, we are open to all identities that there are or have been. All the atrocities that have been perpetrated on females or males now becomes a potential reality to the female or male. The reason for this is there is no protection offered by the tribe’s identity of being female or male. Those beliefs have been discarded in disconnecting. It is at these times we may feel irrational or otherwise unexplainable fears. We may in fact seem crazy, appear crazy or feel crazy.

It is hear the traditional Kaballah story of four who elected to study the mystical tradition of the Kaballah is most appropriate. One went crazy for he could not rationalize what he saw and experienced. One became a atheist because he had no choice but to refuse what he saw and experienced. One died because he was unable to deal with what he saw and experience and the fourth became a mystic. Alternative said, we have to die to who we are. We have to give up our belief and understanding about God. We cannot rationalize what we see and experience by our mind for all we can do is embrace what we see and experience and live it. We have to become all four individuals to complete the journey and we will experience each of them in our own way.

The greatest obstacle that will arise is fear. Fear, however, is just a natural part of the process because most of us have been conditioned to respond to the unknown through the fears we have experienced in our past. Fear has great ability and power over us because we have a tendency to deny it presence and existence. It is the classic "Catch 22." We fear the fear, or what the fear represents, so we deny the presence of the fear in some way so we don’t have to face it whether it is real or not. We have a strong need "not to know" around fear for if we "don’t know" we will not have to face what we "don’t know." If we know, then to speak our truth and live our truth, we are forced to face our truth of what we know and face the fear. However, the very denial of that fear give it great power and ability since it now controls an aspect of our life that we will never face as long as we don’t face the fear. We effectively then shut of a portion of our creative life energy denying it creativity and it availability in our lives as a creative force. Once the fear is recognized and examined it loses much of its power over us for many of our fears are based on past experiences or situations that no longer exist. We only think we do. Hence fear helps to create the illusion surrounding our lives. However, there is a great tendency in the mind to project past actions and past experiences into the future and we think the future is more of the past and we never allow the future to unfold unfettered from the past.

Transforming the ego

When we look to transforming ourselves, we need to remember that one of the key functions of the mind is to help the body to survive. As such, the mind will always remove the body from what it fears is a threat to the survival of the body. Since most individuals have allowed our ego to be linked to the body, the mind will also do everything it can to protect the ego from anything that the mind thinks will destroy the ego. However, to live the heart and follow the intention for our life, the ego must be surrendered and that surrendering feels and looks like the ego will die. Although the enculturated and conditioned aspects of the ego must die, the ego itself can never die for it is only the physical representation of our creative spirit and our creative spirit cannot die. So in the end, the mind keeps running from the illusion that the ego will die when, in fact, the ego only needs to be transformed.

However the transformation cannot occur unless we are willing to release the way we looks at: what we own or how we are owned; how we attempt to control or are controlled; where we derive our self-esteem; how well we follow or don’t follow our heart and our intuitive guidance; how effectively we speak and walk our truth or don’t; how we judge the world we see and experience; and how we view our role and part in that world we are seeing and experiencing. Addressing each of these areas in ritual is one of the easiest and quickest ways to allow a transformation to occur in our life whether it be to live totally from the heart or only to create a new set of experiences. The ritual allows both the time and place to consciously address each issue that is interfering or obstructing the intention that we wish to manifest.

Since much of our experience in life is determined by what we think about the situation rather than the reality of the situation, any literal or symbolic act, and how we perceive that act, can be seen as reality. Hence the ritual has the power to change our memories to correspond to the perception that we are now having. It is an extremely powerful technique and is best summarized as fighting illusion with illusion.

This principle is the basis of simulation training used throughout the military, commercial and emergency preparedness industries. It is used to simulate and create the illusion of experiences that cannot normally be had. For example experiencing battle conditions or sever and/or catastrophic accident scenarios such that if the real conditions are ever faced, we can face the situation in full confidence because we have already "been there and done that" through simulation and have nothing to fear from the real situation. Of course we will have to face the true unknowns of the situation at hand, but we will not be controlled by the irrational and illusionary fears that destroy the self confidence to deal with the unknown.

The process of ritual essential works like this. The belief structure that we carry in our mind creates and image and an illusion about the experience we have. There are may different ways to view any situation we experience by what we believe about the situation and what is happening in the situation. Our response to a person being stabbed on a street corner on the TV screen is quite different than viewing that same person being stabbed on that exact same street corner when viewed from across the street. Yet both could be only an act, yet both could be real. Our response is determined solely by our beliefs about the situation and the illusion we have created around that scene by our beliefs. Our memories will remember only the scene and what ever we choose to believe about what we saw.

We normally never go back and correct any of the misconception we may have had about what happened. Without actively going in and changing the memory, either that memory stays in our being as it is, or it get replaced by an updated memory or a more encompassing experience to shifts the beliefs that hold that memory in the form that it was remembered. For example, if we think the stabbing we saw was real we will always remember it as real. However, if someone later tells me that we staged a stabbing on the street corner we were looking at the time we were watching all those memories suddenly change but we never had to go back and change each and every one.

Orsen Wells demonstrated this with his radio broadcast in the early days of radio where he announced that the world was being invaded by space men. Although he announced what he was doing, and it was only a simulated radio broadcast, those individuals who tuned into the middle of the broadcast, believe it was true and panicked. Unless our memories were somehow corrected to be informed that all we hear was only a staged radio broadcast, we probably still believe earth was invaded. In fact, there was a subsequent movie comedy made based on this event called Buckaroo Bonzi with Christopher Lloyd whose premise was that the invasion was real and Orsen Wells leaked the information but it was subsequently covered up and spacemen were actually still on earth. Ritual does the same type of thing. Knowing what beliefs that are causing the obstructions and diversion of our energy, or knowing the obstructions or diverse without knowing exactly what beliefs are causing the obstruction, we can construct a ritual or simulation to give we a different experience.

Whether the experience is real or simulated, the experience itself has the power to change the beliefs, memories and obstructions that are interfering with what we desire to manifest. The new experience frees the blocked or bound energy allowing it to be re-channeled based on the desires and intentions of we. Through properly designed literal or symbolic actions and words experienced in ritual, we can have the necessary experiences to change whatever we wish to change. The power to change always lies within is. In working within a context that can be understood by us and creating a safe and secure space to experience the world differently than we have in the past, our belief structure can be changed.

The questionnaires based on the Seven Chakras are designed to assist in revealing the limiting beliefs and barriers that surround the particular intention we wishes to manifest. It is then our choice to choose to have a ritual developed around the beliefs that are revealed to experience the world differently than the past. We can design the ritual themselves, have another design it, or design it with another. The ritual is developed in conjunction with us and structured on our intention. It will incorporate what we believe and don’t believe, and what we find acceptable and not acceptable. The process itself will contain quite a bit of dialog, information gathering and review of our history and our personal story before the ritual is actually performed.

If the ritual is performed with someone, what is actually performed at the time of the ritual will not always be revealed before hand to us. There is a very clear purpose for this. As with life, life must be faced with a certain element of unknown. We each have a rough idea of what tomorrow will look like but we just don’t know exactly what it will look like and there is always that unexpected significant difference that we never expected. To make the ritual effective, it needs to have the same elements. The ritual is based on our past being projected into the future but it with a twist. The experiences in the ritual will designed such that the limits of the past will be demonstrated as no longer being an effective, or the only, measure of truth. The ritual targets specific beliefs we currently carries to demonstrate to us there are other alternatives that what we currently believe. We will have an experiential knowing and be able to see that we are free to choose between other alternatives to manifest our intention as we choose.

The ritual does not give the answers nor solutions to manifesting an intention. What it provides is the understanding and ability to see that the past is no longer the only view of the future and other options are available. In understanding other options are available, we are no loner bound in past ways of thinking and we will being to look for the option that is best for our particular intention.

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