The spectrum between a fast way and a slow way to manifest a creative endeavor and the time it takes


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The spectrum between a fast way and a slow way to manifest a creative endeavorand the time it takes
Making the necessary changes to move from the slow to the fast path
The essence of the process

Whatever is accessed is a seed conditions
Time to create the seed condition

Controlling factors in the flow path to manifest any creation

Creations totally within our being
Creation totally within the realm of Physical Creation
Creation which extend past the realm of Physical Creation
The twinkling of the eye

The natural path
The difference between the extreme can be of the order of years
The issue of the enculturated mind and the transcendental mind
The issue of aligning with the intention for our life and our creative endeavors

The slow path
The fast path
Becoming a conscious creator
Finding a fast way to become a conscious creator

One of the more frequent questions that arise in any truly creative endeavor is, "How long does it take?" The answer is that it depends. It all depends on what we desire to create and how willing we are to let go of our attachments and pay the price of the sacrifice of creation to do what we need to do.

In talking about the time it takes for a creative endeavor it needs to be remembered that a true creative endeavor is to bring into the world something not previously seen or experienced. Since mind only knows the past, mind is of limited value until it gains the minimum set of experience it needs to understand how to manifest what it desires. In this regard, how long it takes is related to how different the desired creation is from what has been experienced in the past. The greater the difference the longer it will take.

For anything we try and create, the path to manifesting ANY creative endeavor lies on a spectrum between a fast way or a slow way. The word "any" is capitalize here because it needs to be realized that many things we do that are different from our past, whether we realize it or not, is a creative endeavor. This is one reason why it is said the human being is a creativity machine that cannot not create.

The fact that many of the thing we do in life are creative endeavors, in turn, means that most things that we do have a fast path and a slow path. Since any thing we do may be summation of many smaller things, there will be generic issues that need to be addressed at many different levels to obtain the fastest path possible for any particular creative endeavor. Alternatively said, each of the contribution actions need to be place on a fast path. The good news is the issues we face at any level, in essence, arise from the same source and are similar in nature. Only the details are different. Once we understand the essential creative process, the issues become easier to address..

In any case, as a spectrum, we do have the options of choosing a path anywhere in between the two extremes. Depending on what we desire to create, for example like recreate an aspect of our life, the difference between the extremes can be on the order of years. The primary issue of each path is an issue of the focus of our attention and awareness and holding focus. The second issue is the ability to discern personal truth and to know what serves and doesn’t serve us and/or what we desire to create. Both of these together can be seen as the seed condition which will give rise to our desired creation.

Making the necessary changes to move from the slow to the fast path (Top)

Making the necessary changes to move from the slow path to the fast path is about accessing and optimizing the creative ability and creative power we have inherently available to us and to become a conscious creator.

We each are an infinitely creative being possessing an unlimited creativity who has choose to limit their creative power for the experience of being human in Physical Creation. There is an intention for our life which brought into this world that give us life and sustains our life. It is the source of our creative power. The more we access it and align with it, the greater the creative power we have available to us.

We, in essence are a creativity machine that cannot not create. As a human being there is a natural path of creation for our creative endeavors while being human. Then there is a spectrum of options between the end points which can be characterized as the fast path and the slow path. The natural path of creation for our creative endeavors essentially lies somewhere midway between the fastest path we can take and the slowest.

Relative to the time it takes to create what we desire, in many ways the fast way and slow way are analogous to the way nuclear fuel was traditionally made. In the slow process one starts with naturally occurring Uranium which contains a very low percentage of the proper isotope for nuclear fuel. The Uranium is converted to a gaseous form and the passed through a series diffusion filters which cause the Uranium isotopes to slowly separate. The process allows one to slowly get a higher percentage of the proper isotope. The fast process is more analogous to the making plutonium in a reactor for use as a nuclear fuel. In essence it is a catalyzed reaction. All the components are put into a reaction vessel and the potential fuel material is catalyzed by the bombardment of neutrons such that the potential fuel is transformed into plutonium. However, there are greater risks in the fast process and it needs to be watched and controlled much more carefully than the slow process.

The essence of the process (Top)

The essence of the creative process and what gives rise to the fast and slow process is that we need to free the creative life energy stored in the existing creation to generate the energy and to make room for our desired creation. Doing this requires and inner and outer sacrifice. There will need to be some inner change that will be reflected in the outer experience. We need to change how and what we think in someway to create the space within for our creation to manifest and be reflected externally. Effectively making these changes is what creates seed condition which will unfold into our creation.

Whatever is accessed is a seed conditions (Top): First and foremost, it needs to be realized that whatever is accessed, is a seed condition. The underlying controlling factor whether we choose a fast path or a slow path is that the intention we set to create something creates a seed condition. As a seed, it must be planted in fertile soil, allowed to germinate to grow and unfold. It must be properly nourished through its life if it is going mature and bear fruit.

From the creativity perspective, there are three phases to this process. They are creation of the seed condition, germination of the seed, and nurturing what has germinated to maturity. There three phases correspond to the rule of the dream rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny respectively.

The actual seed is a feeling and understanding about what we need to do in life that guides our actions in life. The seed and its growth is nourished by choosing to make our decisions in life in favor of, or in the direction of, the feeling and understanding we access about our life.

Our life does not change immediately. As we nourish the growth and unfoldment of that seed we recreate our life more in alignment with what we desire to manifest. The issue here is whether or not we have a sufficient clarity of intention, single point focus, and mindfulness and awareness to choose in favor of the awareness and whether or not what we desire to create is in alignment in some way with the intention for our life. Desires and intentions in alignment with the intention for our life are normally easier to manifest than those that are not. The reason for this is the intention for our life is the source of our creative power in this life.

Our past does not leave us. It is always there. The question is whether or not we allow the past and our current mind to control or unnecessary influence the decisions we must make. It is our past which determines both the difference in the fast and slow process and how long it takes to recreate our life to manifest what we like.

The seed condition, or what lies within the seed that allows for our intended creation to unfold is a feeling. It is the feeling we sense within our being that is created by the flow of energy which results from the intention we set. In accessing the feeling corresponding to the intention we set, we access an understanding about what we need to do in and with our life to manifest what we desire to create for there is an awareness in what we feel. We then need to make our decisions in life in favor of that feeling and the awareness within the feeling if we are going to create and manifest what we desire to experience.

Most of us are unaware of the process of how we create a seed condition for we raise the threshold for what we feel early in life when we lose the ability to creatively play. We are not aware of what we feel but only become aware of the thought that originate as a result of what we feel or the level of feeling becomes painful in some way. We think our thoughts are guiding our actions but in reality it is what we feel.

This is why it is important to know what we desire to feel that causes us to set any intention we set. We feel pleasure and we feel pain. We feel joy and happiness and sadness and displeasure. Our mind has its idea of what it thinks we desire to experience when we set any intention. But what we desire is really a feeling. If we do not have clarity about the feeling we wish to experience that gives rise to the intention we set, mind will cause us to create something that is not satisfying. Similarly, if there is a feeling we desire to have and it does not correspond to the feeling resulting from the flow of energy correspond to the intention we set, there will be a tension within our being. Our mind will be pulling us one way where as the feeling we really desire to have will pull us another way.

Time to create the seed condition (Top): Most of our efforts to create the seed condition is normally done nonconsciously. Most of us never pay attention to creating the seed condition. In many ways we are already seeded by our enculturation and the experiences we have had. We face an issue in life and we seek a creative solution to the problem or issue we face. We do not realize we can learn to create seed conditions that will allow us to totally change the situation or eliminate both the problem and situation we face. Rather we address the situation and continue to recreate the past in a new way. We do not go into our belief structure and who and what we think and believe to create the seed condition to allow a complete new situation to come into existence.

The question arises, "How long does it take to change our belief structure and what we think and believe to create the seed condition to eliminate the problem and situation we face?" The answer, again depends on the our mind and how strongly we are attached to things as they are. Changing our belief structure is a creative endeavor. As such, it too can have a fast path and a slow path.

The issue we face is understanding what gives rise to the slow path as compared to the fast path and what controls the time of the fast path.

Controlling factors in the flow path to manifest any creation (Top)

To manifest any intention, our creative life energy must be free to flow to dissipation in the creation and the creation freely unfolds. Any creation, and each part of a creation, is individually much like a river flowing across a continent from the mountains to the sea. Similar to the way the natural path for the river is determined by the terrain for the time and place in which the river flows, the natural flow path for our creative life energy which gives rise to the experience we desire to have is determined by the terrain created by our belief structure and what we think and believe.

The fast path represent those thing which can be done that speed up the flow of the river or shorten its path getting to the sea. In essence it is like cutting new channel But to do this one need to understand the whole process and why cutting a new channel could work and where the best place is to put such a channel.

The slow path represent anything that is done which impeded, redirects, or stops the flow of the river getting to the sea. We adjust the flow path by how we change what we think and believe and how we do, or don’t, freely embrace what we need to do.

Creations totally within our being (Top): In any creation, what lies totally within our being, there is nothing external that will stop or interfere with what we desire from manifesting. In these creation, we can look to no one other than ourselves for not getting what we desire. For example, no one outside ourselves is responsible for making us happy or sad and taking away our loneliness. To think someone outside is responsible is an illusion of mind and puts us on an endless journey looking to find someone who does not exist. There may be the need for someone to give us a certain type and kind experiences, but no one makes us happy or sad and no one leaving our life is a cause for our loneliness. Although what we create within us will be reflected externally, the external world only reflects our internal state and is not determining it - unless we choose it to do so.

Creation totally within the realm of Physical Creation (Top): There are creation which totally depend on Physical Creation. This is why many of us are here -to experience these unique opportunities that Physical Creation offers. To experience the fragrance of a rose, we need to smell a rose. But, we have no idea of what a rose smells like until we smell it. After we smell it and knows what it smells like, we can create the smell. But until we actually smell the rose we have no idea of what it really smells like.

When the experience we desire is of Physical Creation we must follow the "rules" of Physical Creation to get that experience. We may accelerate the process of Physical Creation by manipulating the rules of Physical Creation. But, we cannot manipulate the rules until we learn and understand them. Hence, to consciously create our experiences of Physical Creation, we must learn the rules of Physical Creation and then work within those rules. Otherwise we will respond to the what occurs in Physical Creation as opposed to becoming a co-creator with Physical Creation.

Creation which extend past the realm of Physical Creation (Top): One thing which needs to be understood is that there are other realms that coexist and overlap with Physical Creation. Heaven and hell are such places. Many look to Heaven, the Kingdom of God, Nirvana as places to obtain or go which lie outside of the human body and/or Physical Creation. However, many teachers talk about obtaining Heaven, the Kingdom of God and Nirvana here and now.

What needs to be realized is that within the wave particle understanding our energy may be localized into the form of a human body but a part of it also permeates all of Creation. So too any other part or aspect of Creation. A part of every creation permeates every other creation. Although Heaven, the Kingdom of God, Nirvana, Hell and the like may be another realm of existence, a part of them exists here and now, right where we are, wherever we are. All we need to do is properly focus our attention and awareness and we can find ourselves in Heaven, Hell or any other place.

However, to sustain ourselves in any other realm we need to follow the rules of that realm. If we can overlap the rules of Physical Creation and the rules of the other realm such a Heaven, the Kingdom of God, Nirvana or any other realm, we can create such a place here and now. The question is, can we focus our attention and awareness to sustain us ourselves in such a way to meet both the rules of Physical Creation and the other realm we seek.

The twinkling of the eye (Top): Whether we realize it or not, we can access any realm of Creation including Nirvana and Heaven here and now, or create what we desire in the proverbial twinkling of the eye. It can occur in a moment and does occur in the twinkling of an eye. The flow of our creative life energy instantaneously shifts to manifest that on which focus our attention and awareness. The question is, "Is our belief structure such that it allows for the instantaneous manifestation of the flow of energy into the experience we desire." What needs to be understood is that we carry many competing nonconscious, if not competing conscious, intentions which divert or obstruct the flow. This is neither good or bad. It is just the way the creative process and our mind work to give us the experience of creation/Creation..

The instantaneous shifting of our creative life energy is why accessing the Source of Creation is referred to as the Ultimate Accident. We can create the conditions that optimize the possibility of having the Ultimate Accident at any time for we are never removed from the Source. It is only the illusion of mind which keeps us from consciously experiencing the Source

However, if we do create the space and have it occur in the moment, we will be unable to sustain it. This is simply a result of the fact we did not create the conditions to sustain it. Accessing the Source of Creation or an experience of Nirvana and Heaven here and now is one thing. Sustaining it is another. But it must be remember, most of us do not incarnate into Physical Creation only to escape Physical Creation. We incarnate to have particular types and kinds of experiences. The easiest way to experience the Source of Creation, Heaven, the Kingdom of God, or Nirvana here and now is simply to surrender to the flow of energy created by the intention for our life. It is there we have a direct access to the Source. It is only a matter of how we focus our attention and awareness to experience either the Source or any other realm of Creation.

The natural path (Top)

The natural path for the manifestation of our creative endeavors lies closer to the slow path end of the spectrum rather than the fast path. In this regard, the slow path is the more natural path to manifesting a creation than the fast path. It lies closer to the slow path for the process is essentially nonconscious. That is, our conscious mind is unaware of the process and what is happening. Our in being unaware is out of the picture. It is the way most people create their experience in life. The hidden secret of Creation is that we are the creators of our experience and the reality we experience but we are not conscious of that fact or how we do it. It is the fact the process we use is nonconscious is what allows this path to exist. Otherwise mind would interfere. In fact, mind’s interference is what gives rise to the slow path.

Alternatively said, the natural path is the fastest the slow path can be. The natural path is a pivot point. It is the point where mind is uninvolved in the actual manifestation of the process. The slow path is where mind interferes with the creation process because of what it thinks and believes and the decisions it make. The fast path is where mind constructively assist the creative process to allow it to move faster where it can.

The natural path of creation is simply to follow the feeling of the flow of energy creation to manifest what we desire to create. Usually it is a deep inner feeling very close to our heart for it is something we create that we think will fulfill the desires of the heart. Often it is described as a feeling of play. Or it is characterized as doing what we find to be "fun" or "enjoyable."

Yet these are an improper characterization of the feeling we use to guide us. Rather, the feeling we experience is really a feeling of wholeness. What is not recognized because we are creating and mind is of limited value in a truly creative endeavor, is the feeling we feel is of wholeness, completeness or satisfaction at what is happening for we know we are manifesting what we desire as the creator. Creating what we desire as the creator is to be whole for that is who and what we really are. However, most create what they have been programmed to create as a result of the experiences of our life and feel some type and kind of separation within their being. Whether what we create is satisfying and enjoyable as we expect entirely depends on how much our enculturated programming and experiences of this life divert us away from the intention for our life.

The most powerful creative feelings are those which go to the source of our being and/or to the source of our life at each and every level of our being to create a new life. It is the experience of simultaneously addressing spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically what lies within our being and unique to our being.

As we grow into life, experience life and become enculturated in one way or another, we move father and father away from the deep feelings that truly satisfy us and the natural way of creating. Rather we respond more and more to what the world demands of us or how we think we need to be in the world. Mind steps in and we do what mind thinks needs to be done and the natural path to creation is essentially lost other than the deep undercurrent arising from the intention for our life provides to our life.

The key to the natural path is that mind does not interfere. Rather, we do as we feel lead to do to create what we desire. This, in turn, gives us a bench mark as to the time it takes in our creative endeavors. The natural path is how long a creation will take without the interference of mind in any way, in either a positive or negative way. When mind becomes aware of the process without true understanding, we move away from what we have to face because of our past experiences, or we act thinking we know what to do when we don’t we create the slow path. The length of the slow path is determined by how much mind interferes with the manifestation process.

The fast path is determined by mind stepping into the process in a constructive way. On the fast path, mind understands the process and works with the process. It is willing to let go of our attachments and whatever is needed for the sacrifice of creation and willing to face and address any issue or obstacle arises.

As already said, as we grow into life, we allow mind to interfere more and more with our creative endeavors. It is why the recommendation is made to set a clear intention which including knowing the feeling of what we desire to create, calibrate our internal compass and surrender to the flow of energy created by our intention and address whatever arises as an obstruction. It is to navigate from the heart. This recommendation is made for it will at least get us moving back to the natural path of creation.

If one is willing to study and learn the creative process, do their own experiments to know what is effective in their life and allow effectiveness to be their measure of truth, they can move past the time line for the natural path onto the fast path. How fact a conscious creator they can become is determined by how much they are willing to make the nonconscious conscious and surrender to the intention for their life to access the source of their creative power in this life.

The difference between the extreme can be of the order of years (Top): For any creative endeavor, if we knew how to create what we desired, and we were willing to create what we desire, we would already have it. What keeps us from getting what we desire is either the lack of knowledge as to how to create it or we block, suppress, avoided or are unwilling to face things within ourselves that keep us from what we need to do. In either case, the issue is mind. Either mind does not have the necessary minimum set of experience to know how to create what it desires or it keeps what is needed in a cage of its own making. Usually it is a combination of both. That is, to get the minimum set of experience needed to create what we desire, we have to choose to think and believe differently to create those experiences. To choose to think and believe differently because the inner reflected in the outer, something in our external world will have to change to allow for the time and space for the new experiences.

This, in turn, leads us to how willing we are to let go of our attachments and face the sacrifice of creation to create what we desire. The more we are willing to jump in and do whatever needs to be done, the faster we can create what we desire. However, even when we are totally willing to face and do whatever is required, something need to grow and unfold in Physical Creation. If we want the inner experience to savor the taste of fresh tomatoes picked off the plant, we must first be in a part of the world where we can grow tomatoes. We may have to we move to where we can grow tomatoes. Even if we do move or are in the correct location, we may be unable to plant the tomatoes until the seasons change to support the plants growth. Then, even when we plant the seeds, water and nourish the plant, it will take about sixty to eighty days to get our tomato. Even if we are willing to everything as required when required, it may take some time to get what we desire.

But, what needs to be realized, no matter how long it takes when we do everything that is required as required, anything we avoid doing or facing only extends the time it takes. What ultimately determines the difference between the fast path and the slow path is our own mind.

The issue of the enculturated mind and the transcendental mind (Top): The issue between the fast path and the slow path is ultimately the mind. Getting past the habits of the past is also a creative endeavor and can be fast or slow. Getting rid of habits can be seen to lie on a spectrum between the extremes. But the issue is a little more complicated for we have two minds. We have our enculturated mind and our transcendental mind. Our enculturated mind is the part of our mind which arise from the experiences of our current life. The transcendental mind is the part of our mind that is the result of the experiences we have ever had.

Which aspect of our mind becomes important depends on exactly what we wish to create. To access what we desire contains one set of issues. Sustaining the experience of what we desire is another The conditions required for accessing and sustaining an experience are different. Often we can access an experience by working through the issue of the enculturated mind. However, to sustain the experience we need to work through the issue of the transcendental mind and often face the intention for our life and what it requires of us. This is especially true if our desire is to access another realm of Creation when we are incarnate in Physical Creation having a human physical experience.

To become aware we can create something and have the passion to create it is one thing. To bring what we desire into Creation is another. To sustain that creation is a third. This is why reference is often made to obtaining the assistance of the Rainmaker and the Dream Midwife and Dream Nanny. There are three processes here.

Fist we need to become aware of the possibility of what we can create and then create the conditions to access the Source to create the seed condition for that possibility. This is where the assistance of the rainmaker is useful. The role and function of the rainmaker is to create the occasion for the nourishing waters of life to flow and allow us to "grow" the experience of the Source such that the experience we desire can be created. The dream midwife helps to create the experience of the Source to birth the awareness and the seed condition to bring it to life within the individual and into the world. The dream nanny help to protect and nourish that awareness of the Source and the seed that has germinated and birthed a creation as it grows within the individual and the world so what is desired can be sustained it in the world.

It needs to be understood that in creating our own experiments and/or rituals we become a creator. It is at this time we are in the most correct frame of mind to talk to the Creator, or what some would call God. It needs to be realized, the conversation of a chemist to another chemist is different than the conversation of a chemist with a lay person. Similarly, the conversation of a physician to a physician is different than the conversation of a physician to their patient or a lay person. Similarly, the conversation of a creator with the Creator is different than a non creator with the Creator. In the conversation as creator to Creator, we can have the most direct and equal conversation that is possible. It is at this time our conversations are most powerful, insightful and revealing.

The issue of aligning with the intention for our life and our creative endeavors (Top): Aligning with the intention for our life does cause us to move to the source of our creative power. However, in consciously moving to live the intention for our life, another issue arises that often interferes and extends the time to create what we desire.

As said above, we are never removed from the intention for our life. It is inherent within our being. The moment we set the intention to access the intention for our life whether we realize it or not and whether we feel it or not, we move towards that intention. What this means is that no matter how we are currently living our life, we will move to the life experiences we incarnated to have that we need to have to build our future, including going back are regaining something from the past we may have missed.

What needs to be understood is that many experiences of life build on other experiences. There are experiences we incarnated to have that require other experiences first. For example, to perform on a music instrument before an audience, we must first learn how to play the instrument. When we set the intention to live the intention for our life, our creative spirit will start where it find itself and seek to get all the experiences it incarnated to have. Some may be unattainable because we simply missed the opportunity and it cannot be regain in this life time. But there are other experiences that we may have missed but we can go back and get the experience. Or there may be experiences we need to go back and get because they are an essential building block for a later experience.

In this regard, many start along the fast path and suddenly find themselves pulled, pushed or in some way force to go in a totally different direction. It may even seem as though they abandoned their journey and have given up following the intention for their life. But nothing can be father from the truth. If we have truly set the intention to access and live the intention for our life and hold that intention as a single point focus consciously or nonconsciously within our being, then we can be assured we are simply moving to address what we need to do. Unfortunately for some it may be a traumatic as an accident, illness or disease they face that pulls their life into a totally new direction and where they need to be in life.

If we have set the intention to also make our journey as gentle as possible, we need to understand the accident, illness or disease we face maybe the gentlest way to get back on track. Our mind judges by its standards and what it has come to believe. It does not judge based on what is the fastest, easiest and gentlest way to fulfill the intention for our life. Often only in hindsight can we see how some of our greatest misfortunes are the greatest opportunities we have in life. The issue here is to become very clear on what we intent and learn to trust the creative process to deliver what we ask and not judge what we receive by the judgments of our mind. Allow ourselves the benefit of hindsight and to know that until we get the minimum set of experience our mind will never know what our life is really all about.

The slow path (Top)

The slow way is actually an attempt to use the natural process but mind thinks it knows better. The slow path is to set the intention to access the intention for our life and then surrendering to the flow of energy arising from that intention. That is, our mind stays our of the way and makes no attempt in any way to influence the process other than navigating from the heart and doing what needs to be done to honor our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and inner knowing we receive on the subject to the best of minds’ ability. The slow parallels the way we would have lived our life is mind had not injected itself early in life. It is the feminine path of unfoldment for we simply nourish the process and do whatever the process requires us to do as it arises. However, mind has a great difficult in staying out of the way. In most cases, mind steps in to do what it think needs to be done or it wants to do and the process takes much longer than if we could fully align with the natural process..

Whether we realize it or not, the slow process is to work through each item, issue or obstacle and creating whatever we need to do one step at a time at our own pace. When mind steps in to do what it thinks needs to be done mind we are actually facing one of the obstacles preventing us from creating what we desire. Eventually mind learns that what it thinks was incorrect and that obstacle is removed. In the slow process our creative spirit slowly comes out into the world somewhat analogously to testing the temperature of the water as on goes into a swimming pool. How long it takes totally depends on how much effort we put into creating the actions described and to process what we experience.

The key to making the slow path faster is surrender. If our mind maintains control and leads at a pace at which it is comfortable can add years to our effort. What we experience in the slow process is that much of our effort is spent in taming the mind and teaching it to follow the heart, to navigate from the heart. How stubborn our mind is will greatly determine how long the path takes. Work done through the mind and having the mind retain control will take years. It can be done but it is a slow process for what we seek to change is not of the mind. Mind is usually too stubborn to change because something is imposed. Most of the time will be spent educating the mind and making it safe for mind to step aside and experience what is learned. In doing so, the new experiences mind has within the creativity perspective and holding our creativity sacred, causes what mind thinks and believes to shift. Eventually, if we stick with the process, we will be willing to step out of mind and surrender to what needs to be done..

The disadvantage of the slow process is that it can take as long as it does. The advantage of the slow process is many of the obstacles and issues that prevent us manifesting what we desire are addressed, removed or compensatory measure put in pace during the process of creating the seed condition. Consequently, when the seed conditions is finally created, it lies in fertile ground and will grow quickly if properly nourished.

Often the slow process is seen as a healing process where the individual is healed through successive healing stages. Similarly, if a proper focus of attention and awareness is maintained, one can take an individual with all their personal problems and, slowly, through a series of healing processes (psychotherapy, past life regressions, massage therapy, acupuncture, western medicine, meditation, etc) the individual becomes a relatively cleared and enlightened individual to become a conscious creator.

The slow process tends to be were we allow life itself to surface the habits of the past. This slower process is much the way a seed grows and pulls what it needs from the unseen world. The path is feminine in that we nurture our intention by continually moving looking for where in our life we have given away our creative ability and creative power and create a victim consciousness. It is to look at which arises in life to see how what we think and believes denies our creative responsibility.

In working the slow path and deal with what mind thinks and believes we will come to see there is a very powerful illusion of mind that has permeated spirituality. It will be seen there is something individuals seek. It is unseen and individuals do not know exactly what it is they seek. They feel a separation and desire a wholeness. They feel it in their heart as a desire for a Beloved or a beloved such as a spouse, partner or soul mate, or even a desire to create an impact or mark in the world. Since what they seek is unseen to their mind, they turn to spirituality looking outward for addressing what they feel rather than inward. The question is, "Why do they turn to spirituality?"

Since what the seek is unseen they think spirituality which deals with the unseen will give them the answer and to find what they seek. But what we seek is inside ourselves and ultimately can only be access through or with another who shares a similar desire at each and every level of our being. That is, another individual who is willing to give us the experiences we desire to have that compliments the experiences they desire to have. The desires to not have to be identical but they do need to be similar and not in conflict with each other.

This is the point that is extremely important in two ways. The first way is in each needing to share the same non conflicting desire does not mean what is expressed is not conflict. A warrior who desires to experience being a warrior will have to be matched with another individual who also seeks to be a warrior in some way. The individuals may express tremendous conflict between each other in the expression of their desire but their desires are in perfect harmony. This is what it means that creation is not done alone. We need that other to give us the experience we desire to have. It is at the level of the origins of creation/creation and expressed in topics such as "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality," that the desires do not conflict. The non conflicting desires bring both individuals into a reality where they can have that desired experience.

The second point in the need for the non conflicting desire is that each need to share the same non conflicting desire for it is only in the creation of the offspring with another that arises from that desire that one will find what they seek. It is in the experience of the offspring they will find home. There they will find contentment. There they will find fulfillment. What we ultimately seek is the experience of the creator for that is who and what we are. To experience the creator, we have to become a creator to experience it. But creation is not done alone. We need another or others to give us the experiences we desire. The question is, "Are we willing to see that other individual in our life, no matter how enjoyable or dis-pleasurable the experience they provide us, is only fulfilling the desire we have at some level of our being?"

Most will never come to this realization consciously. It requires too much from their mind to embrace it. To embrace the concept that we are the creators of the world which so many dislike requires us to step out of mind, to step beyond mind. It requires us to embrace without judgment the experience we have. Most will have an experience of the creator nonconsciously where they can feel the experience yet not be conscious of exactly what they feel. Most of us will fight the experience we have with our mind only preventing ourselves from having what we ourselves seek.

Hence the fast and slow path. The fast path is to consciously step into the realization of being the creator and choose to create in accord with the rules of creation and the creative process. The nonconscious path, the natural path, is to operate from the feeling of being a creator and allow the feeling to guide one into creating. To feel being the creator, we have to step out of mind to access the deep feelings which flow from the source of our creative power and allow them to lead our life. The slow path is to fight the idea that we are in any way the creator of our experiences. It is to remain a victim looking for someone else as being responsible for what we experience. In particular, it is to look to the individual who gives is the occasion to experience what we desire to experience as the cause of what we experience.

The issue in escaping the slow path is not to challenge the mind for mind will only defend itself and make the path longer. Rather it is to learn to act totally from our intuitive guidance and use mind to create things such as rituals, metatheaters and the like to honor our intuitive guidance in a way that allow us to access our feelings and allow our feelings to lead.

The key to escaping the slow path and accelerating the time it takes to create what we desire is to access our nonconscious guidance. It is to learn to follow the lead of our inner feminine through our intuitive guidance. We need to learn follow the feminine and surrender to the flow of energy arising from the feminine nurturing aspect and not to thrust out in the masculine aspect found in mind.

To escape the slow path we need to become more feminine and we need to use our inner feminine to nurture our truth. Mind however sees surrendering to the feminine as an attack on the mind. The reason for this is mind will change in the realization of the feminine and that change is in essence a the death of an aspect of mind. It will be force to face the realization that the true creative power within each individual is through the feminine and not the masculine. Mind will have to face its own death. Humanity has worked exceptionally well to develop the mind and its ability to understand creation. Humanity has done poorly at developing our ability to feel creation and learning feel our way through any creative endeavor, which includes our own lives and Creation Itself.

The fast path (Top)

The fast path is about becoming a conscious creator and a light unto ourselves to know what we need to do when we need to do and to do it without reliance on the external world. In this regard, the fast path has two parts. One is to access and optimize our creative ability and creative power that is inherent within our being. The second is to navigate from our heart to manifest our creative endeavors and for mind to learn and understand the creative process and to understand there are "rules" of Physical Creation and we must work within those rules for what we desire to create.

In this regard, the fast process is about first becoming a conscious creator as to what we desire to create and then creating it. Here we are faced with the proverb, "Give an individual a fish, they eat for a day - teach them how to fish and they eat for a life time." The true fast path is to become a conscious creator and become that conscious creator in all we do. It is to learn how to fish. However, most seek only to create a fast path for their particular creative endeavor and end up going over the same old ground again and again. They end up keep needing to come back and ask for a fish rather than learning how to fish.

What happens when we do not learn how to become a conscious creator and a light unto ourselves is the fast process causes our creative spirit comes out too quickly. Rather than testing the waters of the pool, one simply jumps in - no matter how hot or cold the water may be. This, of course, can be quite a shock. The problem here is that unless one has the courage to face the pain and fears of the past and effectively deal with them and hole focus through all that arises, the past will surface and the creative spirit will be recaptured. If the creative spirit is recaptured, we end up on the slow process. One cannot hesitate on the fast process or allow mind to interject itself. It must be done quickly before mind can regain control. We must be willing to face whatever arises when it raises.

Until we become a conscious creator and a light unto ourselves to face whatever arises when it arises, we will need the assistance of a rainmaker, dream midwife and a dream nanny. They are essential as is a totally safe and secure space to address what needs to be addressed. In the fast process, one needs to let go of everything and be willing to go wherever the flow of energy within one’s being leads. For most of us, this is too much to ask and our ties to the existing world in which we live prevent us from taking the fastest possible path.

What usually occurs is someone will start out on the fast path and be overwhelmed from something of the past that causes them to move to the slow path. This is not necessarily bad and often is no more than the individual moving to something life experience they incarnated to have. This point brings up something not readily realized. That is, when we set the intention to access the intention for our life, we being to move into it immediately whether or not we realize it.

The fast path is really about becoming a conscious creator. It is about creating metatheater, past life re-enactments, creativity workshops, strong rituals and the like to make the nonconscious conscious to surface the and address the reason why we put our creative spirit in cage. This process forces us to confront our emotional binds in a quick, dramatic fashion. Although there may be quick release of a lot of emotionally bound energy, it can be quite trying on the psyche. This process is not for everyone. Of course our ego always think the fast past it is for us. Sometimes it is but more often than not it isn’t.

If we are willing to step out of mind and let go to use the body, the body wisdom, how the body feels, and what is available to the body, accessing our inherent creative power can be done surprisingly quickly. How quick? As short as a weekend under the correct established conditions but it does take few weeks or months to establish those correct conditions. However, one will need to have a deep passion and/or an understanding of what is found to hold onto what is found until the body memories are sufficiently strong to hold our truth. Otherwise, the memories of the past will return and pull us back towards where we started.

To take this fast path, we need to be able to follow our internal compass. It is to enter a shedding process and takes a tremendous focus of our attention and awareness. Our lives need to become a single point focus. It is to learn navigate from the heart and to have our heart and our internal compass intend the direction for our life and have our mind attend to the details to make it happen. It is not about mind doing what mind want to do. Rather it is to do what needs to be done. To attend to the details requires us to understand the creative process and to understand there are "rules" of Physical Creation and we must work within those rules for what we desire to create. If our mind is unwilling to learn and understand the creative process and the rules of Physical Creation it will keep us off the fast path.

Additionally, until we develop the ability to hold an unwavering focus, we will need the assistance of another to keep us focused. We need them until either we access either an experience that is of sufficient magnitude that allows us to no longer work to keep focused or we access and release our creative passion.

The fast process can be characterized as the use of conscious methods to surface memories, patters or habits as to where we have given away our creative ability, or creative power, if not created a victim consciousness. It is to act and have conscious awareness of what is happening and the awareness to chose to act on the information that comes in the awareness through both our internal awareness and external awareness of what is occurring. It is to use a balanced masculine and feminine approach where there is an active thrusting from the truth of our own being as opposed to our programming and we are consciously acting within the creative process and the rules of Physical Creation to get what we desire.

We create an experience to create a seed condition. It is through a clear intention coupled with an appropriate "not doing" exercise that is more of a ritual and/or meta-theater experiment created with our own creative power that shatters the ego and frees the energy for our creation. It is to experience the depth and breadth of our own creativity that lies within our being. This experience of what is possible coupled with the clear intention creates the seed that grows in our life. As the seed unfolds and grows, a dropping process starts. The work required is to keep focus in following our internal compass and addressing what arises.

To access and explore the nonconscious we need to take the perspective of the detached witness and view our life as a creator experiencing its creation. From this perspective, mind can play a bigger role and quicken and shorten the journey for it now becomes a vehicle to create an experience rather than the experience.

If a person is willing, those optimal conditions can be created. It was found many try and do the most intense and fastest way but they find it necessary to back off and move into the longer seven year program.

Becoming a conscious creator (Top)

The fast path is to consciously step into the realization of being the creator and choose to create. The natural path is to operate from the feeling of being a creator and allow the feeling to guide one into creating. To feel being the creator, we have to access the deep feelings which flow from the source of our creative power and allow them to lead our life.

To become a conscious creator takes about seven years holding ourselves or being held accountable to making our decisions in life in a way that serves our being. That is, to learn of our internal compass, calibrate our internal compass and learn how to hold ourselves accountable to following and using it for every decision we make. It takes seven years not because it takes that long to form a habit and learn to use the internal compass. Rather it takes about seven years to cycle around the various aspects of life to faced all the nonconscious programming we have been give and the variety and various ways it influences our life.

An individual can be fully equipped to act in about eight months. However without someone or something to hold them accountable they will be unable to sustain the effort the past and habits of both the mind and the body will recapture the individual’s creative spirit. In same ways a rainmaker brings the awareness of our inner truth to light within a few weeks. It takes about eight months to find a way to birth that truth into the world with the help of a dream midwife. It then takes about six to seven years for that truth to be free to stand in its own truth without the help of another. Until that time, another is needed, the dream nanny.

There is nothing wrong with this and there should be no judgment on it. Rather it is just that some things take time to grow and evolve. Some of us are just a little better prepared for such a journey and some can do if faster than others. It is much like learning a skill. With practice it takes a certain amount of time to learn the skill. However, if you have a natural inclination the skill can be learned much faster and a higher level of proficiency can be reached in a shorter time. We each are unique and we need to work at our own place. We just need someone or some way to be held accountable to our own truth. We need to be held accountable to make each decisions in our life toward what serves us.

Yet, there is one way to make it much less than seven years. It is to choose to learn to become a self staining light unto oneself. But for that to occur, one essentially needs to enter a type of "boot camp" where one is stripped down and rebuild. It essences it is to die and give up the past - all of it. What is needed from the past will be recycled in a new way. The remainder will simply drop. Yet the return on our investment of our life or the "prize" an we get is not what our mind will want for we will learn to see Creation much differently than how we were taught about Creation or previously experienced. As such, we will choose to act quite differently that what our ingoing mind could begin to understand. Exactly what this faster, shorter path would look like is unique to each individual. Generalities about what will need to be faced and how to face what occurs can be made. However, each path is unique.

Finding a fast way to become a conscious creator (Top)

There is the expectation that we can find a way of saying what needs to be said or some type and kind of workshop or some teacher can be found that could get us to see what needs to be done such that we can transform ourselves in the" twinkling of the eye." But the truth of the matter is it does take years to move individuals along to from where they begin to living the truth of their being to experience Nirvana and Heaven here and now. It can only be done so fast. The issue is the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical habits and memories we hold. The nature and design of the body and the mind as reflected in the human physical experience is to hold us to past which we experience in this life time. In some ways the journey is like trying to escape the pull of gravity to go to the moon and beyond.

Of course, when viewed from the Buddhist tradition and the context of several life times of work reduced to a few years, even if it is ten years, is quite an improvement. Yet, it is very clear, with the right experience, we are forever changed and the path is set to become a conscious creator and access our inherent and unlimited creativity We most probably will not change our life immediately but a seed will grow within us such that the seed unfolds into an understanding. That understanding causes the shedding of our attachments of the past. We simply outgrow the past similar to the we outgrow our clothes in childhood. Our past just no longer fits who and what we are.. In that freedom from attachments of the past our creative spirit is free to unfold. In that process we find Heaven here on earth and we find Nirvana without transcending the physical.

It is clear we can take life times off individuals finding Nirvana and accessing Heaven here and now. We can do it in one life time - maybe as long as ten years or more, but nevertheless we can access them. We only need to (1) access our internal compass, (2) allow it to lead our life and (3) have one person hold us accountable to our heart and our truth until the have the passion for their own truth and its free expression. It is then we will be able to stand on our own two feet.

But then it can even be done faster. All that needs to be done is to create the space for the us to have the "correct experience" coupled with a particular awareness about who we are and how creation/Creation works. The experience we create and the understanding we access will become a seed that causes the attachment of life to simply fall away. The issue is then no longer working in any way to find Nirvana or to find Heaven. It is to know it exists here and now and we are simply keeping ourselves from it because of how we have been lead to think creation/Creation works. The different is night and day. However, all the ghosts of our past memories and habits will continually male their presence known trying to pull us back to into the past.

The question is "What is the "correct" experience?" There are two parts to this answer. One is that since we each are unique, the experience will be different for each of us. What the experience should be is determined by our own past. The second parts is common to every individual and has two parts. One part is it must be something we elect to create. It must be something we take responsibility for creating and for what we experience because we choose to create it. The second part is that it must come from our own heart and our intuitive guidance. Another or others can assist us and they may even suggest the general framework of what needs to be done. But we must elect to do it and take ownership of what we do. In taking ownership of the experience, we must put our imprint on it in some way. For example, looking at the extremes, another may create an experience based on a dream or vision we have or we take the idea of another and create an experience of that idea in our own way. But, in any case, we need to take ownership and responsibility for what we experience and what we create whether or not we create it ourselves or give our creative power over to another.

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