Fear of loss of attachments and not having our needs met 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are many things to which we become attached in life. Some are attachments to things we like to have and others are attachments to what we think we need. Then, of course, there are attachments to what we truly need. The questions is sorting them out. Although there is a fear in the loss of any attachments, what we really fear not having our needs met.

Fear of loss of attachments and not having are needs met actually involve three different things. There is the issue of attachments, the issue of the desires and wants of the mind and our true needs. The goal is to be free of attachments and wants of the mind and allow the universe to meet our true needs so that we can have the experiences we incarnated to have. The only and attachment and desire we should have is to fulfill the intention for our life and allow the fullness of being and what gives us a passion for life and for living to carry us there.

Some spiritual traditions talk of the need to overcome desire and remove our desires. It has been said that desire is the root of all suffering. From the creativity perspective, desire is neither good nor bad. Rather desire is the fuel for creation/Creation. It is our desire for our intention that allows manifesting to occur on any plane of existence. The suffering comes from attachments.

Manifesting is no more than the thought becoming action. By desiring and acting on our desires, we pull into our lives that which we desire and that on which we focus our attention. We desire based on the intention for what we want to experience. If we desire from the heart, we desire to have what we came to experience in this incarnation. If we desire for things of the enculturated ego, we experience things defined by that ego. Neither of these desires, those from the heart or the enculturated ego, are good or bad, they are just desire and we are following the natural process for manifesting on the physical plane. The question is, "Does what we desire whatever it is, serves us and who we understand ourselves to be?"

The first issue of which we need to be aware is what we hold onto in this life. To what are we attached. We can hold onto an experience that satisfies the heart just as much as we hold onto an experience that satisfies the enculturated ego. The "trick," if there be one, is to look to become like the wind. It is to have the experience you are having, savor it in mindfulness and awareness, and then let it go completely, and fully embrace the next experience.

We tend to hold onto things and memories in two ways. What we tend to do is hold on to that which we find pleasurable and then we desire it more and reject what is un-pleasurable and worry about those experiences coming back into our life. However, we need to understand, in worrying about the unpleasant, we nonconsciously pump more emotional energy into the un-pleasurable because we fear it more that we desire the pleasurable. In either case, we become attached to the pleasurable and attached to avoiding the non pleasant and are not free to flow with the situation at hand.

We live in a society that tends to judge and reject rather than accept and let pass. We are constantly telling each other what we like and dislike. We are taught what is good and what we need to seek and what is bad and we need to reject. So what happens? We consciously focus our attention on that which we like and dislike by forming a judgment. Then when anything occurs in our life, we cannot observe it and let it go. Rather, we observe it, hold it for an instant and judge it good or bad based on our past experiences or our beliefs, then attempt to let it go. You notice it is said, attempt to let it go. It is that instant of holding what one observes in the mind and judging it good or bad that focuses the attention of the mind sufficiently to keep that which was observed present in our nonconscious awareness and consequently we hold onto it. We can’t let it go once we have judged it unless we remove the judgment.

Because we have learned to judge what we experience, we cannot trust that the universe will give us exactly what we need when we need it for the beliefs and intentions that we carry, we hold and accumulate. We fear that we will lose what we have now, so we hold onto that which is currently in our life. We fear financial loss, loss of people, loss of experiences. We fear not having that for which we wish being met. We mix our wants with our needs and lack the perspective of what we really need..

What we need to understand is that, any intention that we set and hold with unwavering faith will focus our attention and awareness to manifest it in a way that can be support by the environment in which we find ourselves. In this regard, some intentions we hold may lay dormant until conditions are correct for it manifestation much like a seed lying dormant over the winter months. All that is needed for it to manifest will be provided, but that includes both the obstacles and the opportunities. We forget that obstacles are a need just as much as an opportunity is a need. If our intention is to visit a location that is across a river, the river presents itself as an obstacle that needs to be addressed before we can get to where you are going. It is the same for everything in our lives. Obstacles are the needs that must be removed for our intent to manifest, but similarly all the experiences, people, material necessities and the like that we considered opportunities that are needed to meet our intention will appear. We only need to trust. We tend to think of needs as being things brought into our lives and rarely discover that sometimes needs are things that must move out of our live before other things can come into our lives to meet our intention.

Our wants, on the other hand are things that we think we need but really don’t need to satisfy our intentions. If we really want something, turn it into an official intention and see what obstacles arise to meet that want. We will be surprised. The difference between a need and a want may look small, but there is a vast difference in what it may take to manifest the two. For example, we need food in proper nutritional balance to live and, in setting the intention to live, we desire food. Now, we can trust the universe to supply us the food that we need and it will. However, it may be both pleasurable food and un-pleasurable food, both completely and fully fulfilling our nutritional needs,. But some of what is provided we probably wouldn’t choose if we had a choice.

But, suppose we say, even though I have a great range of foods being made available to me, we say I want only vegetables. There is nothing wrong with this selection, it is just that the range of food that is available to us is still the same to meet our needs. But we now reject many items that are available because of our choice based on a want and not a need. If we turn our want into an intention and say I intend to eat only vegetables, all the obstacles to doing that will arise. In particular, many restaurants many not have the menu to support our tastes and we have to look for the restaurants that will meet our needs for this particular intention.

However, we can look at things differently. Suppose that being a vegetarian was integral and key to the life experience we intended to have, such that we do not want or choose to be a vegetarian,. In fact, we may not like vegetables but prefer some other diet. But, for whatever reason, the only way we can have the life experience we need to have is by being a vegetarian. In this case the universe will respond quite differently. We may never have heard of the concept of being a vegetarian. But because we need to have a certain life experience, we would be drawn to eat only certain things because a strong passionate feeling or dietary condition physically manifesting requiring a vegetarian diet and those things to meet that diet will be made necessary to sustain our life for the experience we need to have. This kind of case is representative of the kind of life where we discover we are doing a particular practice or adopting a way of living without ever have been taught or being consciously aware what we do are within an established practice or of a particular tradition or philosophy.

Another way of looking at this is, if we need to be a vegetarian, we will be lead to be a vegetarian, and the universe will support us being a vegetarian because it is needed for the experience we need to have. However, we can intend and choose to be a vegetarian, but the universe will treat that just like any other intent we desire to manifest. It is not necessary for the experience that the universe intended us to have. Rather, is an experience we choose and is needed only as the end in itself as a result of a choice in this life. In one case, that of the what we desire from the heart, the universe is providing the experience for us. We don’t really have a choice, we are in the experience whether or not we consciously choose it. The Universe addresses the obstacles that we need to overcome so that It can provide the experience for us. In the other case, that of our conscious choice, the universe is providing the opportunities to us for the experience in order for us to continue to consciously choose to have the experience we have chosen. The universe will seem to respond differently to those two situations, but it will still manifest both.

Relative to wants and true needs, there are places were spiritual traditions really confuse the issue of what is appropriate for an individual. Typically, we tend to copy what seems to work for others. The fact that Buddha went out and meditated and received enlightenment, causes many to go out and meditate in hopes of having the experience that allowed Buddha to awaken. The only problem is that the experience we need to have to awaken is not the experience Buddha needed to have Our experience may be to go out and kill an adversary in battle to become awakened. Or, it may be to rise on the corporate ladder and find out the ladder is against the wrong wall. Or ,maybe it is to live our life through our children, only to discover the children have no intention of living the life we desired them to live. Living the life we were meant to live will awaken our consciousness most efficiently in this incarnation. Trying to have the experience of others and choosing a path other than our own path of awakening will not meet our true needs, no matter how hard we try. Trying to prevent experiences from happening because they may not be pleasurable according to our judgment and choice our life experiences will also not awaken us. What we need to have will be given to us, no matter how bizarre the experience seems to be. Holding onto people, places, things, or experience will not give us what we need to experience. We only need trust the creative process that our needs will be met and let go of everything. We need to have the experience we are having at the moment and let it go to be open to the next experience. To the best of our ability we need to learn to let go of the experience we have and become like the wind - coming with no expectation and leaving with no expectations.

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