How to access the intention for our life - the dream in our heart - the business of our life


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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How to access the intention for our life - the dream in our heart - the business of our life

Part I - Background
The basic issue
Why access the intention for our life
The goal of this approach
Background - what needs to be understood
The need for particular others
Where accessing the intention for our life leads
A fast way and a slow way
The best approach
Part I supporting files

Part II - The Journey
Necessary starting conditions
Part II supporting files

Part I

The basic issue (Top)

The business of our life, the intention for our life, is accessible in a knowing. It provides a clarity about what we need to do in life or with our life. This knowing is encoded in the body and what the body feels for our body is the perfect vehicle for the business we have to do in life. This knowing is available through an awareness which lies in what we feel - the deepest feeling to which we can go..

These feelings arise and come through the body tending to enthuse the entire body. Unfortunately, enthusing the whole body with life and energy includes the sex organs and the knowing which gives rise to the intention for our life may accompany feelings of sexuality. However, the feelings giving rise to the knowing lie beyond the types and kinds of feelings which can arise in sex but are often similar.

Consequently, because there can be sexual overtones when the whole body is enthused with the feeling of the business of our life or the intention for our life, most never see this knowing or use it for they act on the sexual feelings rather than the intention and become lost, trapped and/or distracted by the sexuality. Similarly, because the intention for our life can be perceived as a dream within our heart and there are sexual overtones in what we feel relative to this intention, many think it needs can be met in finding a physical partner, a "soul mate" and/or a beloved or a nonphysical partner in the form of the Beloved.

The intention for our life existed before our current mind as we understand mind came into existence. Consequently, the intention for our life it not something that can be readily understood through our mind. It appears to be only accessible through one of the deepest feelings to which we can go. In this regard, the intention for our life is something that is accessed out of mind as we know and understand our mind. The question and challenge is, "How do we get sufficiently out of mind and remain sufficient aware to access the feeling that provides us the knowing of what it is we are here to do?"

It is said "this knowing appears to be only accessible" because no other way has been found to bring this awareness into our mind. There may be other ways but they have not been found. The main reason for this appears to be the intention for our life existed before our mind as we know it came into existence. Until mind has the necessary minimum set of experience to be able to characterize this intention all we can do is follow the flow of energy which is gave rise to, and sustains, our life.

In following the flow of energy forward into life, we will obtain the minimum set of experience for mind to piece together the understanding as to what our creative spirit incarnated to do. If we look upstream toward the origin of the flow of energy we feel, and follow the flow back to the source of our creative life energy by looking to see what causes this flow of energy to increase within our being, we can also come to know the intention for our life. A combination of both techniques, feeling and piecing together the pieces mind has available to it, are used in the approach described below for they only differ in how we focus our attention and awareness.

What is discussed here in this approach is a composite of the lessons learned from others and provides a way that others have used to experience the sufficient depth of feeling to access the awareness that lies within it to come to know the intention for their life It provides a way to become intimate with what we feel and discern what we feel so as to be able to distinguish between feelings of sexuality and those that arise from the intention for our life which my be accompanied by feelings of sexuality.

What is provided may or may not be useful to you. Much of this process is focused on tiring the mind in a way that exercises our creativity and holds our creativity sacred. The approach is such we can safely step out of mind. That is, mind will feel safe enough and/or tired enough let go and step out of the way such that we become open to feeling. In doing so, mind allows our creative spirit to be released from the cage that mind created. In releasing our creative spirit we open ourselves to feel at the level we need to feel to access the awareness we seek.

Why access the intention for our life (Top)

Accessing the intention for our life whether seen as an intention for our life, a dream within our heart or the business of our life, is discussed in the topic "Why access the dream of the heart - the intention for our life." In summary, it is (1) about having the answer we need when we need it and accessing and (2) moving toward an understanding and an awareness that leads to an unending inner satisfaction that will seem to never run dry no matter what is happening in the external world.

The goal of this approach (Top)

The goal of the process described here is to get into the awareness that lies in feeling to access the intention for our life.

Background - what needs to be understood (Top)

To go to the depth of feeling where we can access the awareness to know the intention for our life is to take a journey. It is a journey in the sense we need to explore and address many of the reasons why we do not routinely allow ourselves to go to the depth of feeling necessary to access the awareness about the intention for our life. This journey, as with any journey, can be made faster, easier and gentle by knowing and using the experience and lessons learned by other who have taken a journey similar to what we desire to take. The topic, "What needs to be understood to access the intention for our life." provides a discussion of some of the concepts and principles that have been found useful to learn to create a faster, easier and gentler journey.

The need for particular others (Top)

As said above, there is an awareness in feeling. As a result of the origins of Creation, the flow of energy giving rise to the experience we have, and the uniqueness of each individual within Creation and each situation, each situation we face, each part of the environment we face, causes, or is the occasion for, certain types and kinds of feelings to arise within us. Within those feelings are insights about creation/Creation, ourselves, and what needs to be done in the situation we face to allow the energy giving rise to the experience we have to flow freely into dissipation. Such feelings are unique to the situation and the objects/entities within the experience. Although the feelings may seem similar to other feelings we had or can have with another or within another situation, they will be unique to both the situation and what lies within the environment including the individuals with whom we interact. The particular feelings will never arise in exactly the same way as a result of being with any other individual or in any other situation. The implication of this is that certain particular individuals, environments and/or situations will cause us to access the intention for our life and there are some which can allow us to access it much faster and easier than others. The awareness of this fact can be used in our journey. Further discussion and guidance is provided in the topic, "The need for particular others to access the intention for our life."

Where accessing the intention for our life leads (Top)

Having studied creativity, entered into truly creative endeavors that lead into the unknown beyond mind and given the nature of a creative endeavor and the creative process, it is clear we cannot be foolish enough to attempt to explain, describe or otherwise attempt to characterize in any way what seeking to follow the intention for our life looks like. All that is known is what the end product will look like.

The end product is a seed condition. It is the seed condition for our creative spirit to unfold true to itself and all that comes within that free unfoldment. If that seed conditions is planted in fertile ground, held within our being and properly nourished, a new life will germinate, grow to maturity and bear fruit much the way any plant seed works. The new life which unfolds will be a life a life worth living and provide a freedom to our creative spirit characterized by living with a fulness of being and an inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is happening in our external world.

The seed itself is a feeling that contains an awareness. Creating the new life which evolves from this seed condition is to learn to operate and live from a deep internal compass. In doing so we do not become lost in life and do not become lost in the struggle of not knowing what needs to be done in the moment. Rather the awareness within the feeling allows us to know what we need to do in the moment. How long takes to grow this life depends entirely on how willing we are to hold focus and release what mind has experienced and what we think and believe as a result of those experiences.

Living the intention for our life is like the old proverb, "Give an individual a fish, the eat for a day. Teach them how to fish, they eat for a life time." Accessing the intention for our life is not giving people a fish but teaching them how to fish. It is about giving them what they needs so they do not become lost in life as life brings forth all the reason to abandon what lies in our heart Most approaches to life which provide the nourishment, strength and energy to move into life, which exist to date are the equivalent of giving people a fish. That is, the individuals need to keep coming back to some seen or unseen individual, individuals and/or type and kind of organization to find that nourishment.

Learning to live the intention for our life is to teach us how to fish so that any one particular individual or group of individuals are not needed to guide us and nourish us. It is to become a light unto ourselves to stand in our own truth without the need of assistance in terms of nourishing what lies within. It is to become self sustaining in that we find the nourishment within our own being and we create from and through an abundance of that nourishment. Although creation/Creation is not done alone and we will always need another for the experience we desire to have, we do not need to get our nourishment and satisfaction from them. Rather, we share experiences with them from a wholeness and completeness within our being and share life form a place of wholeness.

To build this world where we access and live the intention for our life is like building a bridge. A bridge needs two supports to cross from one bank to the other. There is the need to bridge the world as we know it and the world that is possible. One bank reflects the world in which we currently live and reflects the way we currently live in that world based on what we have come to think and believe as a result of the experiences we have had. The other bank is to live in a world where are not controlled by the experiences we have had but to expand into the depth and breadth of what is possible.

To move from one world into the other, we need a bridge. We need to be able to move into the world of possibilities found in our creative imagination  and explore what is possible. To do this, there needs to be someone in this world in which we live who says it is okay to cross and explore what is possible. This individual needs to be able to say, "I have been there and have come back." The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material is the result of the lessons learned of individuals who has been there and comeback.

Then there needs to be someone at the other end, in the unknown, who say, "It is okay to come in, I live here - find what you need then go back - if you wish, I can help you to explore the possibilities, guide you to what you seek, or just support you in your exploration." Then, when what is needed is found, this individual can help us to bring what is found back into the world as we currently know it to grow and evolve much the way we would plant a seed and watch it grow to maturity and bear fruit. Here again, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material provides of the lessons learned of individuals who live their and what they advise individuals to do who look to bring back what they have found.

A fast way and a slow way (Top)

Any creative endeavor can be achieved in a fast way or a slow way. Accessing the deep feelings which gives rise to the an awareness within the feeling containing the intention for our life is a creative endeavor we can elect to undertake. As such, the journey to access intention for our life can be seen to lie on a spectrum between a fast way at one end or a slow way at the other.

As a spectrum, we can also choose a path anywhere in between. The difference between the extremes can be on the order of years. The ends of the spectrum and what lie in between are discussed in the topic, "The spectrum of a fast way and a slow way to access the intention for our life." The choice is our as to what path we take.

What does need to be understood is that however we choose to access the intention for our life, what we do is we create a seed condition. That is, in accessing the intention for our life we access a feeling and understanding about what we need to do in life that guides our actions in life. Our life does not change immediately. Rather a seed conditions is created that will grow and unfold in our life if properly nourished. We nourish the seed which is unfolding by choosing to make our decisions in life in favor of, or in the direction of, the feeling and understanding we access about our life. The process works more at the subtle energy level than at a more profound dramatic visible way. In time, we find we recreate our life to a life worth living and to one the best serves us and what we incarnated to do.

The best approach (Top)

Realizing each of our journeys will need to be different, what is recommended here seems to be the best approach based on the lessons learned of other individuals who have undertaken such a journey. It is a starting point for your journey and exploration. It should not be seen as the path you ultimately take. At some point you will have to shift from external guidance to total internal guidance.

The approach provided here is actually a variable blend. It starts the journey leaning toward the fast approach with the option of even moving faster if we so chooses to do so. It then shifts to move to the slow path as we shift to using more and more of our internal compass, intuitive guidance, body wisdom and inner knowings to guide us. We then have the options of moving back onto or into the fast path to whatever degree we are comfortable in doing after we have learned and experienced the creative process.

The recommendation is as follows. Use what is provided to explore, experiment with, and develop your internal compass, intuitive guidance, body wisdom and inner knowings. Then, as you process what you discover and progress on your journey, you can begin to rely on your internal compass to guide you and allow your intuitive guidance, body wisdom and internal knowings to direct you as to what you need to do. In time you will know what you need to do whether or not your mind can understand what you need to do or why. You just know. Then, if you so choose, you can learn about the creative process and what it involves to move back to more of a fast path.

Part I supporting files (Top)
Why access the dream of the heart - the intention for our life
What needs to be understood to access the intention for our life
The need for particular others
to access the intention for our life
The spectrum of a fast way and a slow way to access the intention for our life

Part II
The journey

Necessary starting conditions (Top)

Although the journey to access the awareness about intention for our life starts from wherever we are, as with any journey, we should not just jump into it. There are things that should be done to prepare for the journey. There will be things that are needed on the journey and we need to be aware of them or how they can be accessed when necessary. The topic, "Necessary starting conditions to access the intention for our life," addresses what has been found to be necessary on this journey.

It is recommended each of the items in the file be addressed in someway before the actions are begun as described below.

Actions (Top)

To access and align with the intention for our life, there are a series of actions we can take that opens he door and prepares us to become aware of the feeling in which lies in the knowing about what we need to do with our life. Some of the actions can be divided into several steps which, as steps, should be taken in sequence. The remaining actions can be address in any way after the initial steps are taken.

The sequential actions are addressed in the topic, "Sequential steps for accessing the intention for our life" and should be done first, in sequence. The remaining actions are of two types. They are addressed in the topics, "The things we need to review and understand" and "Create a series of rituals and an initiation"

The actions discussed in "The things we need to review and understand" should be done before creating the rituals and the initiation. The topics provide actions to access information and understanding about ourselves and our past and provide a foundation for the rituals and initiation.

The topics"Create a series of rituals and an initiation" identifies the types and kinds of things we can do in rituals which will allow us to step into our unique creativity and the ability to consciously recreate our life. The topics also addresses why use rituals and the purpose of the initiation.

A third set of activities entitled "Parallel activities for accessing the intention for our life" should be addressed in parallel with the other actions we take. On this point, it needs to be noted that many of the topics discussed in "The things we need to review and understand" and "Create a series of rituals and an initiation" can and should incorporate the types of actions discussed in "Parallel activities for accessing the intention for our life"

There is no right way or wrong way to perform these actions. The particular actions themselves are not so important. What is important is how these actions focus our attention and awareness to surface what we feel and beliefs and judgements where we have blocked the free flow of our creative life energy. The goal is in performing these actions are actually two fold.

One is to become mindful and aware. We need to become mindful and aware of what we feel and the thoughts which arise in performing these actions and/or the thoughts we have about what we are feeling. It is to pull the string on what surfaces from the past and/or what judgements from mind arise in response to what we do.

The second is to use the actions to become open to see both the depth and breadth of our creativity and what we are capable of sensing through feeling. It is to understand what knowledge lies in the awareness available in what we feel and what we can see and know about creation/Creation and the creative/creation process. Knowing and discerning the intention for our life is only one such feeling we can access and come to know which lies in what we feel. But we will not know the intention for our life until we begin to see all that surface in both feeling and thought which is not related to that intention.

It needs to be remembered in all the actions that are performed to create any ritual that what is done is not so important. What is important are two things. One is to become mindful and aware of what arises and pulling the string to explore it origins. Then access the courage to change what does not serve us to move to live more in alignment with the truth of our being and what we incarnated to do. The second things is to create a emotional filled memory to catalyze and energize our creative endeavor. When our journey gets difficult, we can recall the memory of the ritual to remember to have our mind step out of the way and do what needs to be done and to know the seed for what we desire is planted, growing and unfolding. We are only waiting for it to bear the fruit we desire.

Part II Supporting files in sequence (Top)
Necessary starting conditions to access the intention for our life
Sequential steps for accessing the intention for our life
Parallel activities for accessing the intention for our life
The things we need to review and understand
Create a series of rituals and an initiation

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How we create our experiences

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