
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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What is the Kundalini

Kundalini is a concept from Indian mysticism. The kunalini is seen to be a form of our primal life energy or life force which would be called our creative life energy within the creativity perspective and the energy consciousness model. Within the Eastern traditions, It is envisioned as a coiled serpent existing at the base of the spine in the coccyx or sacrum area. It is probably symbolized as a coiled serpent because it represent the potential of a great and powerful energy to be release much the way a coiled serpent can strike out. It is seen to reside at the base of the spine because there are often sexuality feelings which arises as this primal creative life energy is released to flow and enthuse the entire body. It most individuals it is perceived to dormant. However as a primal energy it is always flowing and active to some extent giving us life. Otherwise, if it didn’t flow we would be dead. The question is how open are with for it to come forth to recreate our life.

The energy of the kundalini remains low and seeming inactive as a result of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical resistance to its activation. Things like fears, defensive reactions to life, the desire to control our life as opposed to surrendering as a result of our enculturation and experiences in our life to this energy all keep it bound. Form the creativity perspective it would be said we have place our creative spirit in a cage of our own making by what we have come to think and believe and the experiences we have had.

Awakening the Kundalini

Wakening the kundalini is about freeing ourselves through identified spiritual and yogic practices from the resistance we ourselves impose on it. Alternatively said, within the creativity perspective the kundalini is described as simply an experience of our creative spirit kept bound in the cage of our own making by how and what we think and believe. As we remove that things that keep the kundalini bound, such as fear, pain, anger, defensive and/or protective response patterns to life and the like, our creative life energy becomes free to flow and unfold in Creation. When this occur our creative power increases as does our enthusiasm and passion for life.

Traditional Eastern spiritual practices look to free this energy in one way or another through meditation, prayers, yogic type practices, rituals, ceremonies and the like. Tantra also employs the use of our sexual energy in addition to traditional yoga type practices. Various spiritual groups claim to be more successful than other and each does seem to be more efficient for particular types and kinds of egos. However, there is no one practice for we all are unique and we each bind our creative life energy in relatively unique ways. Here we must look to allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth and use the practices that are effective for us. But we will most probably need to do our own experiments to find the practices that are most effective. Here the use of our internal compass and intuitive guidance can be of great benefit to led us to the practices that best serves us.

Tantra is an Eastern mystical practice which works with the sexual aspects of the Kunalini. When doing Tantra there are many techniques, recommendations and even schools of thought on how certain things should or shouldn’t be done. But, in one way or another, they all focus on awakening the Kundalini and taking the awakened energy upwards for spiritual enlightenment. They all incorporate some type and kind of meditation practice. Usually the meditation practices are kept secret and only passed on until the individual has obtained a certain level within the tradition. That is, it is about the control of the energy rather than flowing with it and allowing the flow of energy to lead..

One issue with the Kundalini is that there are teachers who claim to be able to awaken our Kundalini and/or burn and/or liberate us from our karma, our limiting response patterns to life, limiting views and perceptions of life and negative emotions and/or behaviors. Although there are a variety of practices which can be used, often there is some type and kind of energy transference either taught or experienced in what would be called a healing context. The "laying of hands" is a typical methodology that has been used for millennia. However, we must be aware. We are the one who does or does not release our bound energy, not any other. All they do is create the space for us to have the experience we think we need to have to release that energy.

As methodologies go in and out of popularity, we can see various schools of thought and methodologies come and go which will teach particular methodologies. Often those who practice such methodologies perceives themselves to be healers and are often called healer for their intention for acting is said to be to heal the individual in some way.

The question is two fold. "Are any of these practices really any effective and if there is a healing as there often are, form where do the healing really come when the practice does not necessarily work in all cases?"

The answer seems to be two fold. One is that we cannot give what we do not have. In the presence of someone who has done the necessary work within themselves to free their creative life energy, they can give that space to another. However, the other must be open to either do the work or step aside their limiting beliefs to experience the gift that is given. Hence the concept of a true healer versus charlatan. But the one called a healer is not healing. They are only creating the space for the healing to occur. If an individual had done the work and/or is open, what they do is less important than being in the presence of one who had done the work. The issue whether or not the individual is willing to do the work required to free their kundalini or their creative life energy/creative spirit and they have the experience the desire or think they need to have when they do it. If someone believes an inner transformation can only be done with difficulty, they will have to experience difficult before they allow the transformation to occur. If they believe freedom for their creative spirit lies in some secret tradition, process or methodology, they will not release their creative spirit until the are given those secrets.

Also someone how does the work does not look to create disciples. Rather they look to free other from whatever binds them including external teachers. A charlatan or unscrupulous teacher will look to be seen as the cause of what happens such that the individual becomes dependent on them. Often this dependence is created nonconsciously simply because individual believe in a tradition more than they believe in the creative power that lies within themselves.

The bottom line is that we must do our own work to free the kundalini. What we need to and experience to do this is unique to us. Traditions may help us but we nevertheless must do the work. No tradition will ultimate work for us. We must do what is unique to us to do. We must be free and willing to experience to find that path that works for us.

Kundalini in the creativity perspective

The free flow of our creative life energy enthuses our entire being with life and it will create overtones of sexuality many have such an experience in the Kundalini experience which occurs in many mystical and spiritual practices. Yet such feelings can arise in a purely secular situation. It all depends on whether or not we are moving closer towards the experiences we incarnated to have and the business of our life. What we do with the energy that arises is another issue.

The kundalini rising surge of creative passion, a new enthusiasm for life all would be reflected if this aspect of our creativity returning on its own. This however is not a spontaneous healing as one would associate with an illness or disease. Rather it is just our ability to live life in such a way it is safe for this lost soul part to return. Or alternative said, it is safe for us to freely express that aspect of our creativity. That is why spiritual and esoteric techniques which create the space for phenomenon like the kundalini rising or a person being "born again in spirit" cause a feeling for life and new enthusiasm for life to arise. The same effect will occur whenever an individual is in a safe and secure space for denied parts to be expressed. It can be with an individual or within a community of individuals where the lost soul part feel safe to return. When these denied parts of our being do return there is a surge of passion for life and for living. Yet, it is only about creating that safe and secure space for one to be free to live true to their being however it expresses itself.

Kundalini is about feeling and a flow of energy and we can look at it either way. If we see it as a flow of energy within our being, we are, in essence, separate ourselves from the flow. If we allow ourselves to experience it as feelings, we become one with the flow. In being the flow we can move the focus of our attention and awareness upstream to see its origins or down stream to see where it is flowing. Here we open the door to see through time and space and open the door for an experience of the traditional siddhis. We also open the door to see creation for what it really is.

However we choose to look at it, the Kundalini appears to start at the base of the spine and rise upward. What the author never saw discussed in the Tantra world was a corresponding flow of energy that flowed downward, in essence opposite the Kundalini which was just as powerful. This downward flow of energy is more like the flow path of energy discussed in the Kaballah mystical tradition. Nor was there any discussion, in any tradition studied by the author of the flow of energy that seems to originate in the heart and flow both upward and downward simultaneously which can be experienced as more powerful than the Kundalini or the corresponding downward flow of energy. Consequently the recommendation is not to focus on the kundalini or to see it as an experience to be obtained. Rather is it more about being open to feel the new flow and surge of energy arising from within our being and we pass through the Dark Night of the Soul and the stripping away of our enculturated ego regardless of what direction we may think or feel it is flowing.

In actually we can experience all three simultaneously. The flow upward is experienced as an awakening and/or an enlightenment. Hence many experience the upward flow in traditions seeking to become enlightened. The flow downward is seen as a calling or focus of something we must create and bring forth into the world. The calling is experienced more in those who still see the creative power lying outside themselves in the hands of some God or Divine entity. The flow outward from the heart is experiences as oneness and expansiveness of one’s being to embrace all of Creation. Here one sees how they can be the creator of their experiences and as such, willing embrace all of Creation in love as their creation to have the experience they desire to have.

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