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The concept of a familiar has several related meanings. As defined, it is a friend, close associate or intimate acquaintance; a spirit supposed to attend, serve and/or guard an individual often in the form of an animal; or, a form of an archetype in the form of an animal or events in nature representing a particular type and kind of communications from the unseen realms to a shaman, medicine man/woman or indigenous healer. Relative to creativity the third definition of the familiar is most useful although the second definition may be applicable in some situations.

The first definition, a friend, close associate or intimate acquaintance, has no specific application to our creative endeavors. It can apply to any one who has that intimate acquaintance with us or our work.

The second definition, a spirit supposed to attend, serve and/or guard an individual often in the form of an animal, is a rather interesting definition from an energy consciousness perspective. Many individuals have what called spirit guides. Spirit guides are spirits which help us in life and/or oversee our life. The concept of the guardian angel or higher self are related concepts which in essence function very similar to spirit guides. Exactly how spirit guides, guardian angles and the higher self operate depend on the traditions in which we believe. A familiar can be seen as such a spirit in animal form.

A familiar as used in this context does not require an individual to believe in the existence of the familiar. For example, a pet in your house could a familiar. If we find ourselves seemingly receiving mental images or thoughts from our pet especially related to helps us or guarding us in certain situations, it can be considered a familiar. This type of communication is not uncommon between sensitive individuals and their pets. However, it does need to be noted although we may own a pet, we can never own a familiar. If we try and control it, it often will leave and what help was given evaporates. Similarly if we are drawn to have a collection of statues, painting, books and the like of a particular animal which seem to give us power, relax us, and/or helps us some way in the work we do in life, that animal could be considered a familiar.

Also it needs to be noted that when talking about this kind of familiar, some may experience what can be called astral creatures in animal or other form that provide assistance. Here the familiar is sort of a cross between a spirit guide and an physical familiar. In essence, they all function that same way whatever form they take.

From the perspective within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material familiars can be seen in the traditional way discussed here or they can be seen as a part of our being we fail to otherwise acknowledge. That is, in the oneness of Creation and as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, all of Creation is an illusion. The separation we see is part of the illusion of Creation and the illusion of mind. We can perceive the external world however we choose for the purposes of having an experience of Creation. All the determined what we experience and how we experience the situation we face is simply what we think and believe. If we believe all is separate from us, then we will experience all the helpers in our life, and our enemies as separate and distinct entities. However, if we move toward oneness, we will begin to see these familiars are different aspects of our being that we have only materialized simply because it represents the easiest way for us to understand what needs to be communicated within what we currently think and believe. In time, we can find all within. But then, we need to take responsibility for all that lies outside of us for our inner world is reflected in the outer.

The third definition of the familiar, a form of an archetype in the form of an animal or events in nature representing a particular type and kind of communications from the unseen realms to a shaman, medicine man/woman or indigenous healer, is something we experience as we move into a deeper understanding of oneness. When we have a sufficient minimum set of experience, much like the shaman, and begin to see the world does not work the way our mind perceives Creation to work, we begin to see these third types of familiars. A familiar of this type can best be called a synchronicity in nature or Creation.

In this third type, we seek or consciously or nonconsciously need an answer to a question or information about a subject. Some type of animal or event occurs in nature which provided us what we seek or need, or leads us to what we seek or need. For examples in some traditions witnessing a shooting star after making a contract with the Universe or making a wish means confirmation of the contract has occurred or our wish is heard by Creation and will be appropriately acted upon. Another example is the snake that choose to sun itself all summer long in the bush outside the author’s front door the summer before a powerful transformation and shedding of the past occurred. Similarly the author witness the unusual death of a small animal followed by a tremendous lightening story followed by the death of another small animal within a two day period before another significant transformation in his life.

In these processes, our inner world is reflected in the outer. There are events occurring within that get reflected externally. The sacrifice of creation inherent in the creation process requires something of our existing inner world and something of our outer world to die. Significant deaths internally must be accompanied by the death of something externally in close proximity to our life. Similarly, when we go within to find answers, information and the like, we should not be surprised in the appearance of certain animals externally. For example in going to a meeting the author noticed a turkey vulture sitting in a very strange way on top of the light overhanging the road the author was taking to the meeting. The author chuckled to himself that the turkey vulture find a good place to wait for the next road kill. But the turkey vulture nevertheless had a curious and uncommon sitting posture as if it was part of the ornament of the light in a place where the turkey vultures never sit which caused the author to take notice. Only in hindsight did the author realize that something had died in that meeting within his being and in the meeting. The turkey vulture was simply a form of premonition and synchronicity of the what was to die.

As described here, this third class of familiars is simply a synchronicity of the oneness of Creation in the form of an animal or event in nature. We simply have to learn what is common to our life and what is sufficiently uncommon to represent a specific communication from the unseen.

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