The rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny overview


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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The concept which gives rise to the creative shape shifter, dream rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny comes from a story told to Jung by Richard Wilhelm. It refers to an individual, a creative shape shifter, who is capable of aligning themselves with Creation as it is. In doing so, as a result of how the inner is reflected in the outer, they create a space around themselves which allows whatever is in that space to also align with Creation as it is.

Any creative endeavor can be seen as creating a seed condition which when planted in a fertile space grows and bears fruit. As a seed, it must be planted in fertile soil, germinate and grow and be properly nourished throughout its growth process if it is going to mature and bear fruit. From the creativity perspective, there are three phases to this process. They are creation of the seed condition, germination of the seed, and nurturing what has germinated to maturity. There three phases correspond to the role of the dream rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny respectively.

The rainmaker becomes the occasion for a fertile space within another to be created for what lies in the heart of the other to manifest the seed condition to germinate, take root and grow. They create a safe and secure space for the individual to process the pain, fear and whatever else has keep their creative spirit bound and unable to be free to express itself. The rainmaker becomes the occasion for the individual to create the conditions within which calls forth the nurturing and nourishing waters of life, the free flow of our creative life energy, our creative passion, to create that seed condition which will give rise and grow to what we desire to create and/or experience. (More on ..... the dream rainmaker)

The dream midwife and dream nanny are rainmakers that nurture what grows after the rains come.The dream midwife assists in birthing that dream to take a form in the world. They do what is necessary to bring the dream held by the individual into the world. The dream midwife becomes the occasion to birth the awareness to know what to do to create what is desired and to germinate the seed or bring the new life into the world. (More on ..... the dream midwife)

The dream nanny helps to ensure a safe and secure space until the dream was strong enough to “stand on its own two feet” and go into the world The dream nanny help to protect and nourish that awareness of the Source as it grows within the individual so the individual can sustain it in the world. (More on ..... the dream nanny)

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