Playing a role for another

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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How we play a role for another can be seen as a direct result of physics of creation/Creation as reflected in such topics as the "Origin of Creation," "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality" and the "Implications of pair production in our creative endeavors." However, the initial insight came from something much simpler. As discussed in the topic, "A foolish thing," the author has set the intention to become unconditional love. At the time he thought it was only about learning to accept and tolerate people as they are. But what he came to understand, only our enemy loves us enough to give us the experience of having an enemy.

For an individual to become our enemy to the point they could risk their life because we could be so angry as to kill them, only someone who loves us would give us such an experience. Although it may be done at a deeply nonconscious level, nevertheless, only our enemy loves us enough to give us such an experience. If they did not love us, they would simply think at some level of their being, "Why do I want to give them a experience where I can get hurt? For someone who truly loves us and are willing to nourish our true needs, there is nothing they would not do for us, including risking their own life.

It was this experience that caused the author to realized that we do play a role for each other. In realizing our enemies play a role for us, he began to look at how we play roles for each other and only the other can gives us the experiences we desire to have. In time he came to see how we play a role for another could be understood by understanding that all of Creation arises out of the same material of Creation found within the Source of Creation. Any given form of creation is much like a cutout and a hole in the fabric of which it is cut out. However it was in understanding our enemy is the one who loves us enough to gives us the experience we desire to have that the author could see how we play a role for each other.

Seeing that all raises out of the same material of Creation, and in the nature of the observer observed pair we can begin to understand how creation/Creation is not done alone. What is in front of us, no matter what it is, is only what we ourselves have somehow, in some way, asked to experience. If we are the observer we need that other whether it be a person, object or an experience to give us what we desire and to be that observed. For us to experience a sunset, there must be a sun to set. For us to experience a landscape there needs to be a landscape to experience. For us to experience a lover, we need someone to love. For us to experience congestion on the highway, we need a multitude of others to create that congestion.

Now we can play a role for another in one of two ways. One way is generically. The second way is a result of our uniqueness. Generically, we incarnated to have a physical experience as a human being. So there are a multitude of experiences we have that are really nothing more than being human. We play a role for others and they play a role for us. We need food to eat so we go to the store to buy food. The individuals in the store needs to make money so they play a role for us at the store and we play a role for them at their work as a customer at their store. Our interaction with them is little more than giving us the experience of being human in today’s world. Similarly, to be a human being often involves accident, illness or disease and, depending on what we believe, we go to some type of person who call themselves healer to heal us or help us to heal the condition we face. If we only need a prescription for a particular pharmaceutical any licensed doctor can give that to us. There is nothing unique about the experience we have. However, if we need the unique insights of a particular individual and/or a particular tradition, then we need to go a specific person to get what we need and how we play a role for another becomes more important and lead to the second way to play a role for another.

The second way we play a role for another is through our uniqueness. Because we are unique, another may need our uniqueness to give them the particular experience they desire. Similarly, we may need the uniqueness of a particular other to give us what we desire. However, most of the time even if we seek the uniqueness of a particular other, there are enough similarities between individuals such that unless we are extremely good as discerning the energy we experience, we will find several individuals can give a close approximation to the experience we desire to have. The greater the difference between what we desire and the experience we have the greater the feeling of discomfort or that something is missing in our life. The less we can live our truth and find that individual that will allow us to fully express our truth, the more we will we feel something in missing in life.

A twist to this phenomenon of needing another is when we claim a particular identity in what we do. If we claim an identity, we need others to give us that identity and the experience of that identity. To be a teacher, we need someone to teach. To be a brother, we need a sibling. To be a husband we need a wife, to be a healer we need someone to heal. For any identity we claim, we need another to give us the experience of that identity. Here we need to become aware if the identity we claim actually causes us to become creatively self defeating. For example, if we desire to heal people to ease the suffering of people, to get our identity as a healer, we need to create sick individual whom we can heal. However, if we were to see ourselves as a creator and only desire to help individuals create a world that better serves us and them, we would not seek to heal people. We would not need to create sick people to heal. Rather, we would seek to help individuals create a way of being in life such that they find health as part of the way they are choosing to live. We may work with individuals who need to heal but we get no reward for healing them in any way. Our reward comes from helping them create something which better serves them. The fact that healing is something we help them to do has no real meaning for us and is no different that if we help them to learn to ski or play baseball.

What needs to be understood here is the identity we choose becomes very important to the world we desire to experience and/or create. There is a subtly where that many are not aware. If we seek to create a world where individuals find freedom, we need to be careful if the identity we choose for ourselves bind another in some way. Many of the identities we choose for ourselves bind others. The key is whether or not we identify with the role we play, that is, "I am a whatever." Or, do we see ourselves only performing a role for another. That is, " I am playing the role of a whatever, a whatever is not who or what I am. I am an infinitely creative being only experiencing a whatever."

For example, to go to war to fight an enemy or even just to compete on a team sport against another, we have a choice. We can hate and despise our enemy or we can realize, in another time and place, the individual with whom we are fighting could be our best friend. In realizing this, our energy is not bound in hate or anger such that we rob ourselves of our creative power. We realize we play a role for them and they play a role for is. Their job is to make us either angry enough we want to kill them or they push us into a situation where we need to fight and response as that soldier we desire to experience.

In many ways it is as thought we are in a great stage play. We each have role to play and the role was given to us before we entered the stage. We are not the role we play and the individual before us is only another actor playing a role for us. The two of us together, each playing role for the other, allows each of us and the others in our lives have the experience we desire to have.

What is important here is how we do, or do not, bind our energy and rob ourselves of our creative power and/or the creative power of another. If we see ourselves only playing a role, we can become like the wind, entering a experience with no attachments and leaving the experience with no attachments no matter what happens to us. Here we can step into and out of the role as necessary. If we identify ourselves with the role, we begin to believe we need to defend that role and we take what happens to us personally. We become resentful, angry, unfulfilled and experienced a myriad of other feeling that rob our creative power. We become bound to that identity and loose the freedom to move into another experience. We stay bound to the past.

When we see ourselves only playing a role we are free to give up that role when it is no longer needed. For example, the human collective will go through different stages of development and understanding. At one time wooden warship dominated the seas and each wooden warship has a complement of carpenters to keep the ship seaworthy. However, when iron and steel replace wood, carpenters were no longer needed. If we see ourselves playing the role of a carpenter on a wooden warship and the technology changes, we are free to change with the technology and give up our role as a carpenter. However, if we identify being a carpenter as the technology changes, we will experience pain for we see our livelihood and identity dying. The same is true for a role like being a parent. We can see ourselves as the parents of our children never to leave that identity no matter how old our children become. Or, we can see ourselves playing the role of the parent and when they become an adult, we change our role to something that better serves us and who they become.

This actually has some very profound implications for the human collective as we come to better understand how Creation works. For example, much of modern medicine was developed without any consideration or though as to how what we think and believe affects our health. Now modern science is finding that there is a mind body connection. How big a connection can be debated. Nevertheless, if medicine practitioners hold to their identity as a healer, they will have to deny how much the individual is responsible for their health. That in turn hold the human collective bound to the believe healing does not come from within but needs some outside intervention.

If humanity comes to find individuals do create their conditions of health from within and from what they think and believe and how they choose to live life, the whole identity of a medical practitioner will have to change. They will have to move away from being a healer to being a consultant on creating health. Some may see this as a very subtle change. However it is revolutionary and it is the thinking of individuals and their identification with the roles they play rather than seeing themselves play a role that holds humanity bound to the past.

The key is to learn we are a infinity of our being who has elected to have the physical experience as a human being in this time and place. As such, we will play a multitude of roles in this experience and we need to become like the wind. We need to become free and unattached to each and every role we are asked to play but we need to play each a role with all the passion the role requires of us. Otherwise we will feel and incompleteness in our life.

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