Issue of celibacy from a creativity perspective


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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From a creativity perspective the real issues of sex and celibacy are the mixing of energy in the sexual process and the need for a single point focus in a creative endeavor to manifest our desired creation. To deny our sexuality is to deny the creator/Creator who created us, however we see that creator/Creator. But to engage in sex when it is inappropriate will simply thwart our creative endeavor. The issues are do our creative endeavor and/or the intention for our life require a mixing of energy or does the mixing of energy disrupt our single point focus where celibacy is more appropriate. The question is, "Do we inject our mind and what it thinks or do we surrender and allow the Universe to choose for us?".

What needs to be understood, if we surrender to the flow of energy giving rise to our desired creation and if the universe needs us to mix energy we will be enthused with a tremendous sexual desire and passion for a particular individual not as a soul mate but as muse. If, however, the universe needs us to be celibate there is nothing we will be able to do to get that partner our efforts will be thwarted in one way or another. That is, of course, without injecting mind and making a tremendous effort through the mind to have our sexual desires met.

Issue of mixing energy

One aspect of sex that few pay attention to is that sex is about mixing energy. Human biological sex exist to create variability in the human gene pool. Energetically, a similar mixing occurs between each individual. We literally mix energy with each other in sex. The energy exchange between individuals cause the energy of the thoughts and intentions one holds get both energetically mixed and be planted in fertile ground within each other. Although sexuality can create an experience as an adult which is a very close approximation to the warm fuzzy place we desire as a young child when we are hurt, it also an become a place of great confusion if not outright harm for we may be pickup things we do not intend in the interaction.

If one is mindful and aware, they can observe they know things or have feelings that are not theirs. Rather, it is what they picked up from the other individual. Some give the other clarity, others give the other confusion. The end result more often than not, the mixing of energy causes clarity to be lost. The recommendation is to developed a clear insight as to one’s truth nature before engaging in sexuality. In particular, we need to know the truth as to why we are engaging in sex for we will walk away from the encounter with something we do not expect or for which we cannot plan.

It needs to be understood that there is an ability in sex to open us to our feelings and gain access to the truth of our being and that of another. If one is at least aware of what occurs energetically in sexuality, they can begin to see glimmers of their internal needs and that of the other even if finding the truth of their being is complicated and confused by sexuality. These glimmers of truth can be quite useful if one becomes aware of their presence.

A thought on traditional ideas on celibacy

From a nonconscious perspective, as a minimum, the thought that is held in each of us is "to create a human experience" or "to become human" otherwise we would not be here. That thought, or its equivalent, is what created our human experience. But what we need to realize engaging in sexuality in any way reinforces our belief that we are human and not that our creative spirit desires a human experience. There is a profound difference in how we approach life to think we are human as opposed to only having a human experience. One goal of the traditional view of celibacy was to not do anything which reinforces being human, hence, maintain celibacy.

If we are tying to transcend having a physical experience and the human condition, it makes perfect sense to abstain from sex and sexuality to become celibate or otherwise we will continually be reinforcing the belief that we are human for that is what we have to believe to have the physical experience. Otherwise, if we really knew and understood we were not human but only a consciousness having a physical experience in a human vehicle, we would view and act in life very differently than how we have been enculturated to live. However, this is of course is true only if we understand our true nature.

It is the complexity of sexuality and mixing of one’s energy with another that is one reason why celibacy is often recommended when one enters a path to explore their true nature or seek some spiritual state. It is not because celibacy is necessary. Rather, what is necessary is a single point focus for what one desires to create. To explore one’s true nature, there is the need to maintain clarity and the mixing of energy can disrupt that clarity. As for creating a spiritual experience the tradition idea for the need to become celibate arises to achieve a different level of being which many interpret to be a spiritual level of being. The mixing of energy in sexuality, let alone the pleasures, simply diverts one from that single point focus for after all the spiritual is seen as separate from the physical. This of course bring up a very important point. To think there is a spiritual realm is to believe in separation. That is why celibacy is so often encouraged so that can obtain that spiritual experience. One must separate themselves from the physical in every way. But, to believe the spiritual is separate from the physical is a creation and a judgment of the mind. In oneness, there is no spiritual and there is no physical. There is just different forms of the same material of Creation and one is no better than the other. To think one is better than the other is simply a judgment of the mind.

The bottom line is that engaging in sex mixes energy. Unless the intent of both individuals are aligned, having sex tends to distract one from having a single point focus for what they desire to create. This is why celibacy is often recommended. It is not because the sex is bad or wrong in some way. Rather the mixing of energy interferes with holding a single point focus for what we desire to create. This of course become a bigger issue if our goal is to transcend the physical and not be attached in any way to Physical Creation. Quite simply if we need to hold a single point focus, sex with the wrong person, or the right person with the wrong intention, will take one off course because of the way one shares energy in sex. To engage in sex and not lose our single point focus is to engage in sex within a joint intention and the energy is put into the intention.

Creativity perspective on celibacy

From a creativity perspective and meditative perspective, celibacy does not mean denying our sexuality in any way. Rather, celibacy means not bringing any other’s energy into our space through sex. There is a difference. It is hoped that some will come to see and understand this difference as we become intimate with ourselves thought mindfulness and awareness. If we explore sexuality, we will come to see it is nature’s way of mixing energy - stirring up the pot so to speak - to cause new and different forms to be created and survive. It is a way to ensure the future is not a repeat of the past. To be celibate and yet become intimate about sexuality means to explore the nature of energy and the nature of our sexual energy within ourselves before one attempts to mix their energy with another.

Sexuality has been used as a weapon of control possibly more than any other way. It has been used to control the breading of children, political alliances, and the subjugation of others especially the subjugation and control of the individual’s creative spirit of another for one’s own pleasures. On one hand, the answer that has been provided to not falling into the trap of sexual control and manipulation has been celibacy. It has been, and is practiced, by both the masculine and feminine aspects of being. However, celibacy itself has been used as a weapon of control. Little attention has been paid as to the issue as to what is actually lost in becoming celibate and using celibacy as a protective mechanism, if not a control mechanism, as traditionally done. In some ways celibacy is like castrating a bull such that it is unable to fully function and only serves to be eaten by another to sustain another. In fact, many traditions intentionally encourage celibacy to castrate one’s creativity so that one is more readily controlled. Although celibacy appears to be about controlling sexuality, sexual reproduction and the trap of control and manipulation, it is really about castrating one’s creative life energy and one’s unlimited creativity.

When celibacy is mentally chosen (as opposed to Universe imposing celibacy in a creative endeavor), it causes one to separate from their own creative life energy. Here again, when one is enthuses with creative life energy it permeates one’s entire being. To deny its presence in any part of the body causes interference with its flow and the manifestation of the intention for one's life whether one realizes it or not and/or the intention they hold. The separation experienced in celibacy is within one’s own being and separation from themselves and from what they incarnated to do.

Because sexuality is such a powerful creative tool, and it is so hard to control someone who lives in their creative passion, and because there is a always the possibility of falling prey to the manipulation and control of another in sexuality many fear it. If one is not willing to face their sexuality, one must understand why they are unwilling to face it if one every hopes to claim their birthright as a being of unlimited creativity. To claim one’s birthright as a being of unlimited creativity and exercise that birthright, one cannot deny the Creator or any aspect of the Creator’s Creation. Rather one needs to become that "Mind of the Creator" to understand why Creation is the way it is and then utilize it as it is. Then from within that space and that understanding, one can choose to change Creation. However, in that space of the Creator and within the understanding of the "Mind of the Creator" one will find everything is really fine the way it has been designed.

In many ways the choice of celibacy, especially as one begins to awaken to the true nature of the universe, is a state of fear and/or control. Fear can arise from several perspectives. One of these is the fear that one would be lost in the flow of energy into and from one’s being and one would lose control over their life. Similarly, if one engages in sexuality they could become attached to the sex itself or their partner such that they again lose control. Of course, they could always be manipulated and controlled by another through sexuality. Hence there are many things one can fear. Celibacy can give one the impression they are safe from these fears. However it is only an aspect of their being they will never fully know and in doing so, limit their unlimited creativity in ways they never imagined.

In any case, celibacy can be seen as control either from the view of controlling what flows into and out of one’s being or simply as a control of one’s being so that mind is always in charge. If one looks to celibacy to assisting creating a spiritual condition and/or to escape or transcend physical life, ultimately it only causes separation from the Source of being that they seek for the Source lies within and is access in the flow of energy we feel, including the feelings of sexuality. Even if we create a spiritual life separate from the physical we will still be living in separation and separate from the Source of being.

Looking to create a spiritual condition separate from the physical causes three separation. Trying to create a spiritual reality separate from the physical reality one is experiencing first causes one to deny the Creator who created them and Creation for sexuality is given to an individual in the same way as eyes, ears, a nose, arms, legs and any other part of the human body. Sexuality is something to be understood and used and not denies. Second they deny the Source of life that is sustaining them in physical form for the body is enthused in all parts with life. Third, one denies Creation, the place we currently find ourselves, for we are in a physical body with sexuality. To deny it is to deny the creation that we are.

However, it needs to be understood, celibacy is far less damaging than trying to create a spiritual reality through the use of sexuality for celibacy only causes separate and detachment within and from oneself. If we try and use sexuality to create spirituality we also cause separation within our partner. We cannot be present to their needs and give them the physical intimacy that would be required if we really cared about them as a created entity with a body and a spirit. Since we are focused on the spiritual we will not see what they, as a created physical form, needs to experience. Whether one become celibate or uses sexuality to create spirituality as in Tantra, both cause the individual to become separate from Creation and their creative life energy for there is no separation of the spiritual from the physical. That is the most important point that needs to be realized. There is no separation between the physical and spiritual for our energy permeates all of reality just as an unmanifested spirit. The only difference is we have localized a significant portion of our energy or our spirit in a body to have a human physical experience. To deny the body our spirit created and sustains in any way is to deny our spirit and ourselves, let alone the Creator and Creation.

Obtaining clarity about celibacy

To feel celibacy is needed is because sexuality is not understood as the creative tool that it is. But celibacy is not the solution. Being mindful and aware of our desires, intention and what we experience in life in any moment is necessary. It also needs to be noted here that because sexuality is part of our being, to know the truth of our being, it is something each of us will eventually have to explore. How we do so is an issue each of us will have to face and the way we do it will be unique to ourselves. The recommendation made here is that before we start to explore sexuality we have some idea of the truth of our being so we don’t get lost in the exploration.

The complexity of sexuality and mixing of one’s energy with another is one reason why celibacy is often recommended when one enters a path to explore their true nature. It is not because celibacy is necessary. Rather it is because sexuality is not understood as the creative tool that it is. But celibacy is not the solution. The creative aspects of sexuality and some items that may be of help you in the area of sexuality are discussed on the web site Creative Sexuality and not addressed here.

Obtaining clarity in what one feels

Often what we feel as flowing from our heart and enthusing our entire being become confused between sex and love. Since we feel the energy in our heart we think it love but because we also feeling in our sex organs we see it as sex. To discern what we are really experiencing, we need to have some experience of sex in some way to see it is not the sex which one is feeling. This is why it is important to have stimulated and played with the body before one ever engages in sex with another. We don't have to have sex with a person. It is about knowing how the body feels and responds to the energy it senses.

It needs to be realized sex with another could be just mutual masturbation when there is little feelings beyond the sex. However, when one feels the need to call forth the creative passion of the other the feelings are quite different. Similarly when the other seeks to call forth our creative passion that feelings are again different in a third way. When both seek call forth the creative passion in each other the feelings are again different a fourth way. All that is really needed is one intense physical sexual experience in awareness to bring our attention and awareness to see what we feel in sexuality and compare that with what is flowing from our heart and enthusing our entire being, When an individual has such an experience, they will never become lost and celibacy ceases to be an issue for they have the ability to not get lost in the mixing of the energy and they known there is no real reason to engage another if it is only going to be mutual masturbation

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