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 Sexuality can be the language of reconstitution 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creativity is the language of consciousness that consciousness uses to express itself. In understanding the creative process we can see that sexuality can be the language to reconstitute ourselves into wholeness. The physical attractiveness that comes from the body and inherent to the body is the motivating factor in each being reexamining themselves as to why we are pulled the way we are pulled to another. That is, sex provides a ready made vehicle to understand why we are pulled one direction as opposed to any other for that reveals how we have scattered and fragmented our creative life energy.

A deep inner longing that is often experienced as the desire for the beloved and the attraction of the muse is the essence of the internal and external reunification and reconstitution process. The sexuality we feel is only the flow of energy within our own being pulling us to reconstitution our creative ability and creative power. It represent the movement out of an existing form into a new form. To do so we need to step into our creative ability and creative power to dissolve our existing world to create the new. Most do this nonconsciously. However, we can awaken to the process and become a conscious creator.

In understanding the Origins of creation/Creation and how the observer - observed pair arises, we can see that all is a reflection of itself. In understanding how the inner is reflected in the outer, we can use what we experience internally to discover our internal workings and how our internal working is causing them to act externally. Just as the sex organ is only a small part of the entire physical experience and of the body, the person that we are drawn to merge with is only an small part of the entire universe that is us. When we move past the sex to transcend the sex and sexuality and flow with the energy we see the truth of the statement that the whole world before us is our beloved and our muse. To focus only on one person keeps us bound to the human physical experience and bound to the belief that we are our body, only a human being, and who our ego thinks we are. Only when we align with the flow do we see that we can transcend the human condition and the human experience we have and that the vehicle we are using is only the current expression of our creative living process. This does not mean we leave our physical body, it only means we are no longer attached to it or what it represents.

Sexuality can start a specific dialogue between two individuals and allow communication physically, emotionally, telepathically, mentally and spiritually utilizing all the physical, non physical and mental senses with the explicit purpose of causing intimacy at each and every level of being. Here telepathically refers to the interconnect of all that is and our ability to access any part of facet of all that is through this interconnection. However, rather than recognize sexuality for what it is and respect it for the Divineness it can awaken in each other and Divineness within ourselves, we instead focus on our judgments, biases, opinions, expectations and the like, the ego issues, and creation conflicts and differences causing us to move into deep separation within our being and with others. In doing so, we put ourselves asleep and unaware in the process.

In this regard, it needs to be understood, being human means that for whatever happen in our lives we will always find an external cause for whatever happen. We always find someone or something to blame for what we ourselves create. Sexuality will always have a facet that will be seen externally for it the external cause to create and sustains life and further the unfolding of creation. Sexual always causes us to look outward.

However, as we open ourselves to the creative experience which encompasses sexuality, we will being to see several things. We can being to see we have an inner masculine and inner feminine which is being reflected externally. We will always look to that external reflection as the cause of what we are experiencing but it is the relationship of our inner masculine and inner feminine we see before us. Also we will see the sexuality will open the flow of our creative life energy creating a passion for life and for living within our being and further the unfoldment of our own being. However if we control it in any way whatsoever, it will keep us bound within the past and keep us unaware and asleep.

Any attempt to control sexuality rather than being free to flow with it, will cause us to fragment and scatter our creative life energy and cause we begin to go to sleep and become unaware. In regards to going to sleep, sexuality has traditionally been regarded as one of the great obstacles to spiritual realization. Spiritual enlightenment is about awakening and we can’t awaken if we continually go to sleep. The tradition recommendation has been to totally avoid it and abstain from it and if we could not abstain from it, tolerate it only as a necessity to sustain life.

Yet the avoidance of sexuality help to castrate the inner masculine and subsequently castrate the creative abilities of individuals and, in many ways, humanity itself. The choice to contain the sexuality we feel within defined limits and boundaries has causes created limits and boundaries on human creativity and what limits and boundaries are capable of producing - separation and war. Currently humanity is only a shadow of what it can be and is capable of becoming.

The truth of the matter is because of how our sexuality is tied to both biological preferences and enculturated opinions, it offers a tool for awakening that is unparalleled for understanding the biases, judgments and filters we are using to view Creation. It can operate on several different levels when it is understood. In understanding how consciousness awakens consciousness we can see how sexuality provides us of the most powerful vehicles with which to explore an awareness of our being and to awaken parts of ourselves we didn’t know we had.

The impulse to hunt for another and to give pleasure to the body through sex is more than a normal biological urge and comes from the deepest levels of Creation. It is the vehicle Creation uses to awaken Itself and each individual point of consciousness to the depth and breath of our being. The impulse to hunt flows from the deepest longing within our being to reunite thought oneness and the pleasure we seek in the joy of creation and dissolution into a new creation. The biological urge is only the programming that helps us pull us fully into the human physical experience to experience what we ourselves have created. However, because of how consciousness so readily forms judgments and opinions as to what it likes and doesn’t like, there is a bonding impulse in sexuality that is perceive to exist both sexually and emotionally. However, in reality it is based on our mental programming. The bonding issue if of the mind not the body. Although there are chemical in the bond that causes boding and the body needs and desires physical intimacy, the body does not bond. The mind is what bonds through its attachments by how it chooses with whom it will have and not have sex. 

Sexuality is so powerful such that in understanding why we are lead as we are with our sexual preferences, we will find the key to understanding and transcending the ego. Sexuality contains both a biological preference that pulls us into the body and makes the body feel alive. Additionally, it has an enculturated component that overlays the biological pull. The enculturated component is entwined with the enculturated ego and who it thinks it is. To move past sexuality into the energy causing the sexuality we enter the true essence of our being. If we learn to move past the sex of sexuality and utilize the physical intimacy of the body without denying or suppressing the sexuality, awakening can occur. It occurs for we are allowed to see the nature of attachments, the nature of the body desires and needs as opposed to wants, and we access the wisdom of the body.

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