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 Sex as a tool for destroying life 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The key to understanding how sex can destroy life is to understand to have life is about being free to grow and unfold true to who and what we are. When we are not free to grow, our life become restricted and confining and a part of us dies. Although the creation of life requires a death in some way as part of the sacrifice of the creation process for any new creation sex as a tool for destroying life is really about the capture and confinement of our creative spirit which gives us life. It is about how a person enthusiasm for life and living grow or shrinks as a result of their sexual relationship and entanglements. Actually each failed growth experience is a death and one becomes a little more hesitant the next time. Each time one has a sexual experience that is not expansive is a death in some way.

Sex is a two edge sword. In the same way it can create a flow of energy and create a passion for life and for living can rob us of our passion and our creative power in as just as powerful way. It does so by diverting and/or binding our creative life energy in unpleasant and/or undesirable experiences. As a minimum sex with the wrong person only takes on off course from what we desire to create. Additionally, because there is a mixing of energy, the sexual experience can be used to "dump" what troubles us into another individual. Or, it can be use to literally take another's energy and/or imprison and control another.

What is important to understand is that sex is literally and figuratively about creating life both within and without. There is always an offspring of any joining and can be spiritual, mental, emotional physical and/or any combination. But there is always an offspring. The flow of energy in the sexuality goes somewhere and will take on a life of its own. In that joining a part of each always goes into that offspring. The offspring is a creation, at whatever level of being it exists. As a creation it must be properly nourished. If that creation is not properly nourished and it dies, that part of us that has gone into that offspring also dies.

To freely engage in sexuality without awareness of the offspring will cause our creative life energy to be bound in ways that we do not understand. To call back and regain our creative ability and creative power it will take deep inner exploration to free the energy. This is one reason why it is so important to pull the string on the intentions and desires we hold about sex and sexuality to get the root of the desire or intention. We bind our energy at the deepest levels corresponding to where our intention originates. It we think sex is only about creating physical offspring and as long as we prevent the conception of an offspring we will think there are no issue to worry about. However we will still be binding our creative life energy spiritually, mentally and emotionally in such a way we bind ourselves to being human and the human physical experience. We then become puzzled as to why we cannot access the depth and breadth of our creativity and experience Heaven, the Kingdom of God or Nirvana here an now or even access the creative power to create what we desire. The key is to understand the energy behind our sexuality and what is really given rise to the energy flow which we feel in our bodies as sexual excitement.

The recommendation made here is to become observant and watch to see for yourselves the truth that is stated in the various topics on sexuality and creativity. However, to observe it, you must look at how the creative power of the individual grown or diminishes. Does their fullness of being grow and/or expand as a result of sex or there is a shrinkage and a loss of a passion for life and/or a loss of an enthusiasm for life in some way or withdrawal from life in some way. Then based on your observations, allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth and use what is effective in your life to create what you desire yet hold your creativity sacred.

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