Creatively castrating the inner masculine


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine
What is creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine
Why the inner masculine is castrated or emasculated
How creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine is accomplished
Impacts of creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine
Restoring the inner masculine
Some questions for consideration

Background (Top)

Creation is a dance between the masculine and feminine. It is the creative tension between the to that gives rise to the energy of creation. It is the masculine aspect of the masculine feminine pair that gives rise to creation and it is the feminine aspect which nurtures a creation to both bring it into existence and sustain it.

Within each of us is an inner masculine and inner feminine. It is the creative tension between this inner masculine and inner feminine which gives us the creative passion and energy to create in and with our life. Our inner masculine is essential to creating a safe and secure space for our inner feminine to freely give herself to nourish our inner life.

The feminine looks to the masculine to make it safe for her to experience the unknown of life and that she is protected in life as she nourishes her offspring. There is a fear in the feminine that her energy will be taken, used and abused and sucked dry. This fear is both in males and females for both males and females have an inner feminine.

If our inner masculine and inner feminine are both allowed to come to maturity they will create an offspring which is reflected in the gift we incarnated to give. The maturity of the inner masculine and inner feminine is obtained in our inner feminine nurturing our truth and the inner masculine protecting that truth and thrusting out into the world in our truth and not the truth of any other whomever that other may be. That is, we must create the space within ourselves such that our inner masculine and inner feminine both come to maturity and then create an offspring that we desire to thrust into the world. That inner world then become reflected externally and the fullness and wholeness within our being will be reflected externally. .

If the inner feminine is mature, it is free to flow unencumbered and will inspire and excite the inner masculine to action in a creative passion to fulfill the intention for our life. If the inner feminine is not free to flow, it will not flow in a way that inspires and excites the inner masculine. Rather she responds to creating what the enculturated mind directs.

Given a rise in dissatisfaction, the inner masculine will move to create aggressively and passionately with full creative power. The natural thrust of the masculine is to cause change. An emasculated masculine cannot and does not have the power to recreate itself when dissatisfied. It has give its power away. If our inner masculine is poorly develop or the inner masculine is castrated, we will be unable to find the creative solutions we seek and/or thrust out to manifest them.

We each need to see and learn to intuitively understand how the inner masculine and inner feminine creative powers operate within our own being to create what we desire. Then as we create within, we will bring that creative power outward. More important, creation cannot occur unless the inner feminine is understood and honor in the way she needs to be honored. Society tends to castrate the inner masculine, such that it never learns to our truth and properly nourish our inner feminine. We cannot get externally what must come from within. Most seek to be nurtured externally when the nurturing must come from within. Unless the inner masculine is strong enough to speak and defend it truth internally against the programming received by the mind, it cannot adequately create the space for the inner feminine such that the necessary inner nurturing occurs.

What is creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine (Top)

To castrate is to removal of the reproductive organs in a male or female. In doing so, one removes the procreative function. To remove the procreative function, in many ways one removes the most important function of the male or female. It is the reproduction capabilities of the male and female which makes them different. To emasculate is to deprive of procreative power. It is to deprive of masculine strength and vigor. It is to impair the vigor of by cutting our or censoring the aspect or aspects which give strength and vigor.

The inner masculine is needed to both create a safe and secure space for the inner feminine to excite here to freely nurture her creation and thrust our truth nurture by the inner feminine out into the world . Relative to our creativity, to castrate or emasculate the inner masculine is to cause us in some way to follow the truth of another before we follow our own truth. As such, we become creatively impotent. We copy the lives and works of others. It needs to be restored to health and vitality before we can properly use the creative power that lies within the feminine and within each of us.

Why the inner masculine is castrated or emasculated (Top)

The passion that arises from our inner marriage is like a rocket which needs a way to control it. The main goal of any external authority is to get the passion and offspring from this inner marriage harnessed to do its bidding. However, without the proper focus it can be extremely difficult to harness. More often than not, rather than creating the space for the inner marriage, a space is created to castrate the inner masculine so the inner feminine can be harness in the manner desired to access and then control the energy..

When the inner masculine is castrated, the individual becomes internally docile, creatively impotent and easily follows an external authority. The inner drive which arises from the inner masculine is gone. The inner feminine is then lead to nourish whatever the external author tells it to nourish even when it is at the expense of the individual. Once the programming that castrates the inner masculine takes root in the mind, the individual remains under the control of an external authority their whole life. Although the potency and fertility of the inner masculine can be resurrected, it is very difficulty to do alone. More often than not a powerful feminine presence (not female but feminine) is needed to awakening and resurrect the castrated inner masculine.

How creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine is accomplished(Top)

Castrating the inner masculine is about teaching another to deny their own truth in any way intentionally or unintentionally. The inner masculine is castrated in the sense that we have been taught to follow the truth of another before we follow our own truth. In this regard, many social rules are used to castrate the inner masculine of both males and females

When we look outward to get what is not being supplied from the inner masculine, what we are really seeking is to compensate for an inadequate inner feminine that has not been properly protected by the inner masculine. That is we do not know how to nurture our own truth and what we need to do to express that truth so we follow the truth of others. .

It has been observed most of us are not generally taught how to consciously raise the feelings within our being and what we can use to raise/excite our feelings. Rather, the inner masculine is castrated by the enculturation and socialization process to direct our feelings toward what society finds acceptable

Similarly we are not taught to look to see what really serves us and helps us to create a life worth living based on our own heart and the uniqueness of our being. Rather, most are taught to serve a system of some type - religious, spiritual, social or cultural. Rather than teaching us about our own creative spirit, how to access it and how to manage it, we are taught to follow whatever our "teachers" direct whether those teachers be care givers, social elders, state person or the like.

We live in a world where it is hard to accept the other as they are. We are taught to live according to norms and standards as opposed to our truth. We live in the world where if we are not same, we must either become acceptable or must leave. We are influenced, coerced, or other wise forced to be the same or we are ostracized. What we find is that we are each unique and we are not like "them," whoever "them" may be. We find we are not acceptable as we are and we must be ourselves elsewhere. We are not free to be in the masculinity of our own being and thrust forward to create and manifest the world that lies within our heart and our being.

However, we tend to fail to pay attention to what happens when people deny themselves to be acceptable. We fail to see how they shrink. How they become smaller and smaller and eventually not worthy of anything. They have no self confidence, no self worth, and no strength of will to trust outward. This is what has happen to people over life times and why we have so many people who seemingly can’t understand what it means to take responsibility for their life and how important it is for one to choose what they wish to create. This is what is meant in the ancient Eastern traditions by reincarnating into a lower form. When we are not able to step into the masculinity of our being to create what we desire we bind ourselves to a wheel of karma where we become stuck unfolding in the same pattern again and again or worse yet, slowly eroding the creative power we have to become more and more bound. One needs to develop that strong masculine identity to break out of any pattern or habit that one is in. Otherwise we will need external assistance to help us get out of the cage we ourselves have created.

Emasculating the masculine: The inner masculine is about choosing to thrust and to create whether we are talking about a male or female. Yet the process we all face in incarnating actually tends to emasculate the masculine with ultimately significant repercussions. Because of how we are raised and how any culture, family or individual thinks the universe works, most have their masculine aspect of being emasculated by how they are told what they need to believe by their early care givers and those in authority over them. They are not taught to follow their inner truth.

Additionally, no matter what they are told, the early child readily copies and mimics the actual patterns of their care givers because they are the only model the child has for learning how to live and respond in the world. In being told what to believe and coping the pattern of others before one can consciously chose and decide for themselves, they are unable to freely explore the beliefs they hold to see which they need to keep and which they need to throw away. Most are taught to chose for themselves only in very narrow aspects of life. Most are expected and taught to follow the prescribed tradition whether it be academic, profession, religious, social or otherwise. As a result the masculine aspect of one’s being never fully develops either to become aware of itself and how it needs to live to become true to itself.

What we think and believe and how we think and believe greatly impacts whether or not the masculine aspect of our being becomes emasculated or can fully express itself true to its nature. To believe we can discover and know truth ourselves and access it within our being and then freely act on it is to be fully in the masculine. An emasculated masculine aspect of our being will be unable to look for truth other than what they are told to believe.

The masculine is represented by mind and what the mind thinks. If the mind sees itself as separate from creation it will be dualistic ("I am this..." I am not this...") and its actions will causes separation and division. If it sees itself interconnected and at one with all that is, its actions bring wholeness. However, the masculine tends to be mental and seeks to control and make happen the way it wants creation to happen. More often then not, mind develops the ego and the ego see itself as separate from the rest of creation. So its actions to create are frequently seen and felt as predatory. That is, the ego readily takes rather than gives. Although that may not be the intent of the action, the fact that action lies within the ego identity a predatory feeling is causes to arise.

It this regard, the ego can be seen as masculine where as our creative spirit, the essence of our being holding the nurturing the form created by Consciousness to play the role it was created to play is feminine. So too with the body. The body is feminine for it is the vehicle created and holds the form for the experience that consciousness desired to have. Yet the masculine does not always function in the way that it discovers and learns it truth. As was said above, the inner masculine is often taught to be emasculated and it never fully expresses itself when the masculine has been in any way denied, suppressed or otherwise hurt.

Specific beliefs: What is interesting is that there are specific types and kinds of beliefs which will castrate or help castrate the inner masculine. Some of the beliefs are as follows:

The belief in a spiritual realm. The belief in a spiritual realm as separate from the physical tends to castrate the inner masculine for the unseen  creative power of Creation are seen to lie outside oneself in some spiritual and unseen realm, often poorly inaccessible to us.

The belief of not being worthy: We are all created out of the same material of Creation. No thing is better or worse than another Such beliefs are opinions of the mind and nothing more. To believe so robs us of our creative power.

Not holding our creativity sacred: Any believe that does not allow us to hold our creativity sacred cause us to deny our truth in some way and emasculates our inner masculine.

Impacts of creatively castrating/emasculating the inner masculine (Top)

There are a variety of impact of having the inner masculine creatively castrated or emasculated. Most importantly, the individual becomes internally docile, creatively impotent and easily follows an external authority. The inner drive which arises from the inner masculine is gone. The inner feminine is then lead to nourish whatever the external author tells it to nourish even when it is at the expense of the individual. Once the programming that castrates the inner masculine takes root in the mind, the individual remains under the control of an external authority their whole life. Although the potency and fertility of the inner masculine can be resurrected, it is very difficulty to do alone. More often than not a powerful feminine presence (not female, but feminine) is needed to awakening and resurrect the castrated inner masculine.

If the inner feminine is mature, it is free to flow unencumbered and will inspire and excite the inner masculine to action in a creative passion to fulfill the intention for our life. If the inner masculine does not have the desire to create a safe and secure space for the inner feminine the inner feminine cannot mature. If the inner feminine is not free to flow, it will not flow in a way that inspires and excites the inner masculine. Rather she responds to creating what the enculturated mind directs. If the encultured mind is responding to the external world, the external world essentially controls the energy of the inner feminine and uses it for its purposes. Most enculturation and social actions tend to creatively castrate the inner masculine.

Many, if not most, both males and females alike, have had their inner masculine castrated and the dreams of others planted in the fertile womb of the inner feminine. The result is that the inner feminine is unknowingly forced to nurture the dreams of others rather than her own dream. Additionally, if our inner masculine is poorly develop or the inner masculine is castrated, we will be unable to find the creative solutions we seek and/or thrust out to manifest them.

There is an illusion in that the masculine mind pretends that it is enjoying itself in what it does. But usually the individual is not allowed to be themselves, to be who they want to be and how they want to be so they are angry and the mask it. The masculine aspect of being tends to be angry at what it is denied the ability to be who and what it is. What needs to be emphasized here is that this is true for the aspect of being in both males and females. It is the masculine aspect of one’s being where one is not allow to be true to itself. The first anger arises around those who emasculated it. The second level of anger arises at not being allow to be free to be who and what it is. Once the two angers are addressed the masculine takes charge to create what it desires. If it surrenders to the dream within the heart, it will find the Source of its being and opens the door to a return to the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration lost in childhood.

In many ways this is why sexuality becomes an issue in adolescence. As the individual starts to become mature, sexuality raises it head as an issue to create a life for the individual's charisma be born and go out into the world to create the life the individual incarnated to live. However, the conditions to create the charisma have never been established for the inner masculine and inner feminine were never allowed to come to maturity in childhood. That is, we are not taught to learn to nurture and live our truth. Rather than understanding the relationship of sexuality with our creative spirit and sexuality supplying the energy to create the life for the charisma to unfold, it is seen as more as a biological function. Individuals are not taught how to access the inner nurturing feminine creative energy and to create the conditions for the truth of our being to be conceived, gestated and birth into the world. When our the inner masculine creative energy thrusts out into the world, rather than trusting from our own truth, we thrust out based on our enculturation. That causes us to look outward for that opposite or even same sex to fulfill what is needed to be filled within.

Both males and females who have not learned to nurture their truth looks for that feminine energy to nurture what they cannot do themselves. This, by the way is the conditions for most of us, even most of the females. Those who have not learn to thrust into the world in their own truth look to an external authority figure to give them truth and tell them what to do. They look to God, a teacher, an social author, a parent, whatever, to tell us how to thrust. Most of us are like castrated bulls for our inner masculine is castrated early in life. That is, our inner masculine has never been allowed to grow and mature so we are lead by those whom seems to know better than us. When one learns to access their nurturing feminine creative energy to nurture their own truth and thrust out with the inner masculine in their truth, they become a light unto themselves. Many of us will need to recreate ourselves later in life to correct this condition if we every desire to find the truth of our being and release the depth and breadth of our charisma.

Restoring the inner masculine (Top)

To restore the inner masculine to vitality, we need learn our own truth. We need to be willing to step pass the programming, enculturation and experiences we have had to come to know and understand our own truth. We do this by learning to hold our creativity sacred, doing our own experiments on truth or about truth, and allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. We need to look at what is effective in our life to give us an experience of a fullness of being, and inner satisfaction and/or a passion for life and for living. What is effective in our life and serves us will allow us to grow within and we can literally feel an expansion and fullness within our being. What does not serve us will either be not effective in our creative endeavors and/or we will experience a shrinking and/or contraction of our being. Since some creations are of long duration, the feeling of expansion versus a feeling of shrinking and expansion will be the more usable measure of truth for us.

When we can stand in our own truth we will be forced to become separate in some way from others in our life so as to develop that strong masculine facet to desire and to act on that desire. To become a conscious creator we need to separate and then consciously and knowingly desire to annihilate the existing form in the way it needs to transform and consciously surrender to the creative process. It is the way we grow up to become conscious creators of reality and our experiences. The masculine has to create for itself and then at some point it will need to realize another person wants to be cared for and loved. The masculine must learn not only caring about one’s self for the masculine aspect of one’s being to grow up and mature. It must first care and give to itself in a way it needs to be cared for not in the way another wants it to be. Then it needs to recognize not to be so much self centered and want for itself. It needs to recognize there is something else outside of itself and it must create the space for another to become who they need to become. The masculine must become the feminine in that it needs to learn to nurture another. We cannot give what we do not have. To give another the type of nourishment they need we need to be able to nourish ourselves in the properly way.

Some questions for consideration (Top)

The following questions are some questions for consideration as to how we each make a contribution to castrating the inner masculine of ourselves and others. The recommendation is to look at the questions and look to see our role in denying our own truth or getting another to deny their truth in some way.

  • How did we collectively create a world where we are unable to live the truth within our being and freely thrust out in that truth in the strength of our own being to manifest it in the world?

  • What is our individual role in this corrective effort?

  • Why have we so readily learned to surrender our power and follow the lead of those in authority no matter how they lead?

  • How come nobody seems to readily accepts the other for who they are and allow them to be free to live and express the truth with their being?

  • Why are we so afraid that the wisdom within our being that grew us from a fertilized egg into an adult cannot continue to guide us through life?

  • Why are we not taught to follow that wisdom?

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