What is needed for spiritual and creative maturity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creative spirituality is about consciously working with the realization there is no physical realm and no spiritual realm of Creation. There is only the flow of energy into and out of form as determined by how consciousness has focused its attention and awareness. Within the creativity perspective used within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, the concepts of spiritual and physical become one. Given the equivalency of energy and consciousness, to think there is a spiritual realm separate from the physical realm is to live in separation and to live in the illusion of mind.

Within this perspective, spiritual maturity is to move past the belief of a separate physical realm and a separate spiritual realm and to access and use our inherent ability to consciously work with both the seen and unseen aspects of Creation. Spiritual maturity is really about facing the truth of reality that we are, in fact, the creator of our experiences we have and the creator of the reality of those experiences. However, rather than accepting and living this fact and learning to feel our way through Creation as we need to do for any truly creative endeavor to understand how we create our experiences, we believe our mind and what it has experienced. Consequently, most of us do our creativity is done nonconsciously.

What needs to be understood, because of the way we physically mature, we think maturity will always occur naturally without our effort. We think as long as we are given enough time and are properly nourished, we will grow to maturity. Relative to creative maturity, this is in part true, but not completely true.

Our birthright and destiny is to become a conscious creator of our experiences and the reality of those experiences. However, since we are talking about creative maturity, we must choose to consciously create. Otherwise, we will not creatively mature. In many ways it is like a talent we possess. We may have an exceptional talent to play a musical instrument. But the natural talent does not develop unless we choose to play an instrument. The same is true for our creative ability and creative power. We have an inherent unlimited creativity but we have to choose to develop it. We must choose to become creatively mature. We must choose to create it. We must consciously choose to claim our birthright as a creator and then act on it.

To consciously choose to become a creator, whatever we desire to create, we must surrender to what is required to nurture the creation we wish to bring into the world. The natural growth process will only take us so far. Then we must choose. We must choose to become a conscious creator or remain in the realm where most of creativity is done at an nonconscious level. The question is, "What do we need to do or what do we need to become to creatively mature?"

As a human being, we each are a creation unfolding within the creative process. Our current mind only knows what it has experienced. As such it is rather presumptuous to think we can understand what it would take to become creatively mature such that we could fully understand that of which we are a part. Many see Creation a mystery. But it is not so much a mystery and being able to stand outside the total creation process and to see the process for what it is.

What is provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material about the creative process, who and what we are, the human physical experience, and the nature of Physical Creation, is constructed based on what we can observe when we stand apart from our lives as a detached witness, experimenting with the process as it is observed, and observing what goes on within Creation and the process of which we are a part. To think that knowing this information and working with it allows us to be creatively mature is misleading. It will get us started on the journey but we will be limited by how effectively we can get out of the process of which we are a part. There is more to becoming creatively mature than knowing something and even experimenting with it. To become creatively mature is to become something different. The question is, "In what way does one become different?" Or alternatively said, "What do we need to do to creatively mature?"

From our perspective within Creation, we truly do not know if it would take one life time, a multitude of life times or whether or not any one life time is only part of a process that spans many different realities of experience. However, there are two pieces of information that have come together to suggest what is needed to become creatively mature. Although one may think that what is provided here as to what is needed for spiritual and creative maturity is somewhat presumptuous, if we work with our creativity and the unseen aspects of Creation, we can being to understand how and why these are the essentials..

When the conscious journey into the exploration of creativity was started, the author spent a significant amount of time exploring what different psychics were capable of seeing/perceiving in the unseen realms. During the work with the psychics, he was told the creativity and writing which would result from his exploration was needed by the masses. At that time the author had no idea of what was needed nor what it meant to be needed by the masses, nor why it was needed.

Exactly what was needed and how the exploration into creativity and subsequent writing was never understood until almost twelve years after starting the journey and a good percentage of the findings were written. In cleaning out a bunch of old files, the author found an October 1996 edition of Common Boundary magazine. The magazine contained a February 1996 interview of Carolyn Myss. The comments made in the interview by Carolyn actually provides some of the answers as to what was needed by the masses and addressed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material.

Carolyn Myss is a medical intuitive that has written many books related to spirituality and healing. The focus of the article was summarized as: "We have the capacity to create our own reality, but we must first develop the powers we are born with and mature spiritually." In the interview she talks about what is needed for this maturity to happen. In essence it was about what is needed to "grow up and mature" relative to our ability to create our reality.

What is in the article is her opinion, of course, and we cannot say for certainty the experiences of any human or collection of human can adequately describe what needs to be done for creative maturity. In this regard, we cannot consider her the last word in this area but she does have a good perspective on such a subject and tells us the direction we need to be traveling. After all, when she was actively doing medical intuitive readings she was shown to be 93 percent accurate in her medical diagnosis and she often did see why, or from where, an individual’s illness arose.

In reading the article, the author was surprised at how much of what had been written for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material addresses many of the comments she made. In this regard, what is provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material does provide a way to address what is needed. Or, at least what is provided provides a way to begin to "creatively grow up."

Exactly what is seen as being needed and where it is addressed or how it is addressed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is listed below. The italics represents the comments or paraphrasing of the comments made in the article as being needed for creative maturity.

We need a way to trust and have faith in the good design of Creation: This is accomplished in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material in several ways. One is the creative process lays out a description of the process used in, and/or, by Creation and ourselves to create our experiences and the reality of those experiences. The creative process was discerned by observation of the Creation of which we are a part. Understanding the process allows us to trust and have faith in the process especially if we see it work in our life. Additionally the way the variety of topics raging from physics and spirituality to sexuality and organizational creativity are integrated provides a way to begin to see and trust the depth and breadth of our creative power and how any one facet of our lives and Creation affects the others. Also a way is provided to see how our inner world is reflected in the outer.

We need to learn to participate fully in that design: Acting on the understanding and using the creative process as described provides a way to fully participate in Creation and become a conscious co-creator of Creation. Learning to trust the creative process and actively use it to become a conscious creator is the whole intent of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material.

We need to learn to live in the present: The approach used is to move individuals out of what they think and believe and to become aware of what they feel. To be in feelings and aware of what we feel is to be in the present. In being present to what we feel, we are present to the moment. In being present to what we feel, we feel there can be changes every moment. Being aware and focused on what we feel we are in the moment. Learning to become aware of what we feel and understanding the awareness that lies in what we feel goes a long way in helping an individual to learn to live in the present.

We need to detach from the past - especially from wounds, holding grudges, being a victim and the like: Here again, the approach is to assist the individual to get outside of what they think and believe and the limits imposed by the mind. When we begin to change what we think and believe the foundation is provided to begin to detach from the past in the way we have characterized it and look to other ways to reframe our past experiences. The discussion of the detached witness provides one way to help accelerate this reframing of the past. In addition to the understanding provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, rituals, metatheater, not doing, guided meditations and the like are recommended and used as ways to help address the reasons why wounds don’t heal, releasing our grudges and breaking free of a victim consciousness.

We need to see the power in each other instead of thinking that the other makes us powerless: The approach found in the topics "Origins of Creation," "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality," "How the inner reflects the outer" provides the understanding and foundation to see how the other in our life is only there to provide us the experiences we desire to have at some level of our being. In this regard, no one can make us powerless for we simply have asked them at some level of our being and given them the power to play a particular role for us. Since Creation is a two way street, what we take from another is only them giving us permission and power to play the role they desire to experience and us to play. Similarly, what we another take from another we are only accepting and playing the role given to us.

It is a time for merger - not a time for one gender to dominate the other: The inner is reflected in the outer. The first merger which needs to occur is the merging of the inner masculine and inner feminine that then is reflected in the merging externally. The merging of the inner masculine and inner feminine begins with learning to dance between the needs of the inner masculine and needs of the inner feminine and each giving the other what it needs not what we want to give it. There are extensive discussion files on the concepts of the dance between the masculine and feminine. When the inner feminine and inner masculine are properly nurtured, we do not seek fulfillment in another externally. Rather we seek to share the life that lies within us. What we need lies within and until we learn to nourish within, we continually seek an external other to give us what we can only give ourselves within.

Nuclear power represents the power of our higher self. It is the first time we have a power that is global that could damage us all: It is interesting Carolyn using a nuclear power analogy because the author always saw the understanding as the metaphysical equivalent of nuclear power. In fact, it was the idea of a critical mass of enlightenment experiment that evolved into a conscious exploration of creativity and the hope to find a way to create a gentle transformation into enlightenment for people.

In any case, the underlying assumption of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is we are individualized aspects of an infinite consciousness. We each are this infinite consciousness experiencing an aspect of itself. In this regard, all that lies within us is the infinite consciousness behind Creation. Our higher self is this infinite consciousness. They are one and the same. Within us is the power and ability to affect all of Creation. Within this power is the ability to affect Creation in a constructive or destructive sense. Understanding and using the material provided on the web sites allows us to consciously experience such power. However, what it means for our life is not what our mind expects or necessarily wants for along with it comes a responsibility to accpt conditions as they exists. And it needs to be understood, we incarnated in the form we have to have certain types and kinds of experiences. We did not incarnate to necessarily change the world but to experience the world as it is - but then some of us may have incarnated to change it. What we are here to do can only be known in accessing the intention for our life through the awareness which lies in feeling.

Pain is necessary, suffering is optional: A way is provided to being to understand how pain is a gift which we need to understand and learn how to use. In this regard, suffering is optional. We do not have to live in and with our pain. In knowing the gift of pain, we can learn to address what is giving rise to our pain and no longer have the need to suffer.

The message of Jesus and Buddha represents the next level of human development - that of internal empowerment. They represent the refined qualities of heart and mind. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material talks about two views of Creation - the view from the heart and the view from the mind. It encourages us to experience each separately and spend some time experiencing each independently so that we can begin to understand what view is provided by each. The ultimate goal is to learn to dance between each view to allow ourselves to creatively walk forward in life to consciously create what we desire. To experience each view independently is about developing our internal power. It is about being able to explore and know our mind and what we think and believe and to explore and know our heart and what we do and don’t feel and why. There is great power in doing these inner exploration that simply arise and is released as a result of the exploration.

It is a time of co-creation. Partnership between the human and the Divine: All of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is directed to providing a way to understanding how we are co-creators of the world we experience. It includes how within each of us is the power to recreate the world if we so choose to do so. However, it is not something that occurs instantaneously. Rather, we create the seed condition by how we focus our attention and awareness. We then cause that seed to grow and unfold in our life much the way a seed grows and eventually bears fruit when placed it in fertile ground and properly nourished.

We speak the words of creating our own reality but we have not yet learned to hold ourselves accountable to what we create physically. If we truly believe we create our own reality, we have to accept we created all of the reality we experience. That is, all of it. To deny our role in creating any one part of it causes us to deny our role in creating all of it. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides a way to understand how this is possible and that we do create all of it but most of what we create is done nonconsciously. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides some ways to access the nonconscious. It provides a way as to how we might go about changing our reality through using our nonconscious mind in a more conscious manner through our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and the awareness which lies in what we feel.

We have to go into a phase of narcissism but we must go through it: The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material talks directly for the need to become somewhat narcissistic and ensure our need are met. However it simultaneously shows how all that we experience including the reality we experience is our creation. Hence as we become narcissistic to ensure our needs our met, our awareness with the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding expands to including all of Creation such that the our needs become one with the needs of Creation. Here a dance occur. It is the dance between the inner and the outer and how the inner world is reflected in the outer. In this dance the issue of narcissism become irrelevant for narcissism can be seen as produce of the mind of separation as opposed to the mind of wholeness. When we are able to see how we create all that we experience our narcissism is no longer centered on the ego and the "I." There is a compassion, a deep compassion and forgiveness, that develops for all of Creation. Additionally, the awareness develops that Creation is our responsibility for it is our desired creation/Creation that we experience.

We need to allow our needs to be met: This is probably the most important issue the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material addresses. That is, we cannot give what we do not have. If our needs our not met, we do not live in a wholeness and fulness within our being. Rather, we live with a lack in on way or another. What we lack internally we then seek to get externally. In doing so, we take from the world rather than give to the world. When our needs are met, we share from an abundance from within and we are complete unto ourselves. In being complete unto ourselves, we can create the space for another to find wholeness and completeness within. The question is what are our needs? What we need is not what mind thinks and believes. We feel what we need and our feelings will take us to the proper way to have those needs fulfilled. More often than not, what our mind thinks we needs is simply programming based on the experience it has had. Mind does not have the awareness to meet our needs when we enter the realm of a truly creative endeavor. That is, something not previously seen and experiences. We must be open to what we feel and follow the feeling through our internal compass.

Currently there is no model of healthy intimacy: It is not claimed that the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides a model of healthy intimacy. However, what is provided goes a long way to develop a healthy intimacy. In particular it talks about the need to become extremely intimate with our creative spirit and what our creative spirit desires to create. Acting on what is provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material requires us to become very intimate to what we think and believe and the limits and boundaries our mind imposes. It requires us to become extremely intimate with our body and how and what we feel and don’t feel. In becoming intimate with our creative spirit within ourselves, that intimacy is reflected externally and we can become intimate with those external to us. In this regard, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material does provide a model and away for healthy intimacy.

Currently there is no model for healthy power: Here again it is not claimed that this Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides a model of healthy power. It does provide a way to ensure we begin to use our creative power in a healthy fashion. It provides a way to see how our accident, illness, disease, pain and the likes arise by how we do, or do not, become aware of what truly serves us. It looks to create a life worth living It looks to show how what we experience, whatever it is, is only the produce of our own internal world and thinking. Within this understanding, we go a long way to developing a healthy relationship with whatever creative power we access.

Currently there is no model that says, "I am more empowered if I help you" Our model is, "I am empowered if I disempower you." The model provided in the topics The "Origins of Creation" and "The observer observed pair and the nature of duality," and "How the inner is reflects in the outer" directly addresses the issue how we become empowered if we empower the other.

Currently there is no model which says, "My way of getting healthy is to help every body else as well as myself." Here again the models and approach used in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, in particular, how the inner is reflects in the outer, directly address this issue. It is this point which is central to the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material for Creation is not done alone. We only call into our lives the experiences we desire to have and the individual or individuals to provide those experiences. Our problem is we do this nonconsciously rather than consciously. Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material looks to make what we now do nonconsciously conscious.

We are making the globe our tribe. We are redefining what tribal is from biological to consciousness and to the tribe of the mind where we share ideas. This is addressed in the awareness of the equivalency of energy and consciousness and how although energy and/or consciousness is localized in a particular form, they still span all of creation through the infinity of Creation. This means we can localized and resonate our energy with those never seen in, and through, a common set of beliefs. But to do this, it is about learning how to use the nonconscious mind consciously.

Now we have to make the globe our tribe otherwise we are not going to make it. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material does not make any judgement as to whether or not we need to "make it" for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material see all that we experience is simply consciousness at play with itself. Rather it provides an alternative way to move from a world of separation to one of wholeness and interconnectedness. It provides a way to understand we can ether create through conflict and separation or merging and wholeness.

It is our option to participate in life joyfully or not. It is the only option we have. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material speaks to this directly. We have a free will. We are free to change whatever we wish to experience and there are no judgements on what we experience. There are consequences and some of the consequences are more pleasurable than others. But it is our choice what we experience. We can choose to create something that serves us and creates a life worth living or we can create hell here and now.

The journey of consciousness goes to our weakest link because that is where we are the most unconscious. So if we fear, that is where we need to go until we get our power back. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material does not deny or dispute this point but addresses it differently. Rather, what the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material would say is that energy follows the path of least resistance and most energetic thing we need to face arises to be addressed. Whatever we most strongly resist stores enormous energy and is standing directly in the way of accessing a significant portion of our creative power and creative ability. In this regard, exploring the unseen world of the nonconscious mind is strongly resisted by many because we do not know what is there. However, it is moving into the exploring the depth and breadth of our nonconscious mind and learning how to use the infinite nonconscious mind with a finite conscious mind that we find and access our unlimited creativity. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides a way to see why this is true and how to do this. The fears which arise are simply the aspects of the past where we where unable to properly understand what we were facing or we were unable to do a proper hazards review and face the real or perceived hazard in a way that made the path safe for us.

We need to be willing to embrace and call forth what we fear to move past it This is addressed in the paragraph directly above. What we fear is simply keeping a part of our creativity captive in a cage of our own making. We need to do a hazards review to see what the true hazard is in what we fear and institute some type and kind of compensatory measures to safely address the hazard and move past the fear. This is, of course, easier said that done. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material attempts to help make it safe to do so by understanding the creative process and what we may expect in any creative endeavor.

We need to change our vocabulary to one that reflects what we desire to create: The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material provides a familiar but yet new vocabulary. It provides a creativity perspective where we hold our creativity and that of another sacred and provides as associated vocabulary. This vocabulary, in turn, provides the basic vocabulary that allows us to create what we desire. The vocabulary used within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material speaks to us as a co-creation of Creation. It speaks to us as a creativity machine and consciousness at play within itself. It creates the strongest vocabulary and concept of how it is possible that we create our experiences and how we create the reality of those experiences.

Knowing something is not the same as mastering the discipline. Having a thought is one thing. Embracing all that we think and do relative to that thought is the process of making what that thought really means. This is addressed in two ways. One way is that intellectual knowing and experiential knowing are addressed and we are encouraged to make our intellectual knowings experiential by doing our own experiments. The other ways is create a single point focus for what we desires to create. For anything that we wish to experience, we need to look at all we think, say and do/choose to see if what we are thinking, saying and doing/choose supports and serves to move us toward what we desire to experience. It is to embrace all that we think and do relative to that thought to make our lives and experience of that thought.

We need to learn to calibrate ourselves relative to what we desire to create. Remind ourselves to call ourselves back to what we desire whenever we find ourselves getting negative relative to what we desire to create. This is the essence of using the internal compass. We need to calibrate our internal compass and then use the internal compass to guide all that we think, say and do. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material also encourages us to become mindful and aware to know where we have focused, or are focusing, our attention and awareness in the moment. This is why the recommendations is made to calibrate the internal compass and use what we feel guide our life - that is to navigate from the heart.

Superstition is a level of spiritual belief. It is about survival. We need to become more aware of our superstitions and what we think and believe that directs us into that superstition. Replace what we think and believe with something which better serves. Superstition is really about believing something works when it really doesn’t. Superstition does not hold up under direct observation to see if what we believe is actually true. As advised by the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, it is recommended we allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. What we need to do to look at what we think and believe and why we think and believe what we do to see if they are really effective at creating the experiences we desire. If what we find is not effective, the recommendation is made to find something that is effected. We are encouraged to do our own experiments within the understanding there are no mistakes. There are only learning experiences as to what does or doesn’t work.

We forgive not for the other but for oneself to get our power back. As brought out in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, what is very clear in looking at how we create our experiences, forgiveness is not for the other person. Anything that we hold against another whether it be hate, anger, grief, thinking and/or feeling we have been harmed by them or whatever, we are robbing ourselves of our creative power. It needs to be remember in how the inner reflects the outer, we have in some way consciously or nonconsciously asked for the experience we have. We have only give the other control over us for the purposes of having our desired experienced. To think they caused what we feel rather than realizing they provided an experienced we desired to have for whatever reason, is to continually give away the creative power that originally caused them to enter our life. In forgiving them, we release our attachment to what they caused us to experience and we call back our creative power to create something that best serves us.

To love someone is to cause our life force to increase. We need to follow the commandment to love another as ourselves. That is, we give to the life force to increase it within ourselves. Love, as discussed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, has many different meanings and interpretations. To give unconditionally to any creation, whether ourselves or any other creation, causes the energy that created and sustains that creation to either flow freely to sustain that creation or to increase the flow of creative life energy for that creation to further grow and unfold true to itself.

This is what unconditional love really is. It is to give and nurture a creation in the way it needs to be nurtured and not what we want or think we need to give it. We cannot give what we do not have. When we give unconditionally to another, we are also giving unconditionally to ourselves. If we truly give unconditionally to ourselves, we will know how, and will give, unconditionally to another. When we feel unconditional nurturing from within ourselves or outside our selves our creative life energy will increase. There is an abundance within for we move to consciously experiencing the Source of Creation. The unconditional nurturing will cause either the blocks to the free flow of our creative life energy to be removed or the total concentration of energy itself to increase. We will experience an expansion within our being, a fulness of being, a fulness of life and a desire to engage life.

The life force is impersonal. We find the impersonal threatening. We look for romantic and personal contact which gives rise to the life force rather than realizing what it is. Probably the hardest things for a human being "to get" and understand is that Creation, all of it, is impersonally. Yet it is simultaneously very personal. It is as personal as we allow ourselves to be personal with Creation. We, ourselves, are what is personal. We all seek that playmate who or can meet us in the most personal and intimate ways and places. Yet, the inner is reflected in the outer. Only when we allow ourselves to be intimate and personal with our own creative spirit can we find what is outside of us personal and intimate. We need to realize we have to dance between the personal and impersonally just as we must dance between heart and mind. When we are in the heart we will find the personal. When we are in the mind, we find the impersonal.

Like it or not, higher truth ultimately wins one way or another, either through the shadow side or through the power side. We create consciously or nonconsciously. We are a creativity machine which cannot not create. Conscious creating is simply about making the nonconscious conscious. The more we seek that which is true that cuts across time and place the more we move toward truth that are applicable anywhere, anytime and any place. Once exposed to such a truth, we cannot go back. Deeper truths lie dormant within us until awaken. When awaken, the dormant consciousness cannot readily go back to sleep without causing us to enter a different creation/Creation. For us to forget a truth once revealed causes a new creation. To remain in the unfolding creation we are in, any truth revealed will continue to unfold in concert with that creation for that creation is what awakened that truth. They are ultimately one and the same. Think of a flower blossoming. Once it begins to blossom, it only goes one way or dies. So to a truth awakening. It only goes one way. If it is denied or suppressed, the unfolding creation dies. In some ways we can say this is what hell is. It is the suppression and/or denial of truth. To deny or suppress the truth keeps us bound in a creation with little freedom of movement. When truth is revealed, there is an expansion and fulness. There is a blossoming of that truth into the unfoldment of creation. As we access our truth, there is a blossoming and unfoldment in our life.

The spirit needs honor, integrity, wisdom, harmony. If those are present, the body and our life will take care of themselves. These are the quantities that make life flow within us. To whole focus of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is to provide these qualities. To hold our creativity sacred as recommended within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and embraced by the creativity perspective we will naturally honor the spirit, access its wisdom, cause us to act with integrity and experience harmony in our life. We only need to look to see what allows us to experience an expansion of our being and allows us to experience a fulness of being, a passion for life, a passion to engage life and a passion for living. That we do in calibrating our internal compass and accessing the intention for our life. In looking to access and living the intention for our life we honor the creative spirit which incarnated. In honoring that creative spirit, all else follows including the health and wisdom to create the life we incarnated to live.

Sometimes we are meant to experience the consciousness of mystery - to not know and to live in what it is like to not know. And to see where that takes us. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or bad, it is an experience of consciousness. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material directly addresses entering any truly creative endeavor is to step out of mind and enter the unknown. It provides ways for mind to understand this fact and hopefully quite the fears mind may experience in entering the unknown. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material looks for ways to make it safe to be out of mind and what we have come to know and believe. Understanding the creative process and understanding that we are an unfolding creation within that process greatly assist us to live in the unknown and experience what appears to be the mystery of life. To be able to freely embrace any creative endeavor and to step out of mind surrendering to the flow of energy giving rise to the creation we desire to experience is to freely not know and live in what it is like to not know. This is the world in which we live as a conscious creator. It is to live in the world of the mystic and the shaman.

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