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 Nocturnal dreams and creativity 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Nocturnal dreams and creativity
Views on nocturnal dreams
An understanding to work our dreams
The awareness about the images of dreams
Creativity perspective on dreams
Symbolism in dreams
Using Nocturnal dreams

The creativity perspective on nocturnal dreams, the awareness of how to use nocturnal dreams in our creativity, and their relationship to our creativity is based on how they have been seen to be used by people in their life and their creative endeavors and includes the personal experiences of the author. No attempt is made as to explain nocturnal dreams other than being a connection between our nonconscious mind and conscious mind reflective of how our conscious mind, if aware of the energy giving rise to the dream, is characterizing the energy it experiences. We experience the energy giving rise to nocturnal dreams much the way we do to create our thoughts. In this discussion the word dream refers to nocturnal dreams unless otherwise noted.

Views on nocturnal dreams

When it comes to nocturnal dreams, it is probably safe to say there is still much discussion among psychologists, neurologists and the like as to the mechanics and significance of dreams. Also there are widely different perspectives on dreams. Individuals who follow the Jungian view will look at nocturnal dreams be being significant and even linked to the collective in the nonconscious. mind However, many others view dreams as simply electrical impulses in the brain creating an interesting neurological phenomenon.

Many look to find a technology to perfectly assess the experience of dreaming. Yet we have no such technology to perfectly assess our thinking, let alone assess the significance of dream. As a result we are left with one of two options. One is to look to the information supplied by those who have studied dreams in whatever way they may have used and piece together what the meaning of dreams my be. The second way is to us to use our own memory of the experience of dream or becoming aware of our own dreaming. Then do our own experiments and/or use our intuitive guidance as to their meaning.

Relative to those who studied dreams, it can probably be safely said there are fourth broad separate views of dreaming. Or, maybe better said, four types of dreams where an individual moves toward a beliefs in one of the four more than the other three views. Whether we subscribe to one view of dreams or four types of dreams doesn’t matter. What matter how we do or don’t use our dreams.

One view, or the first type of dreams, is dreams are simply a sorting, sifting and cleaning process of the mind. The basis for this perspective is there are the seemingly random dreams we have which tend to incorporate images of the mundane events of our lives like works, school and other ordinary activities of life. An analogy frequently used is that dreaming is the brain simply as "cleaning and de -fragmenting" the brain's hard drive. Yet some are of the view that even to say "cleaning and de -fragmenting" the brain's hard drive is given the process much more functionality that is warranted. Some of the more esoteric teachers look at dreaming as the unconscious sifting through our daily karma, looking for experiences of significance. Since most of this kind of dreaming activity is never remembered in the morning only reinforces the opinion there is no value to it.

A second view, or the second type of dreams, is that dreams are symbolic. That is the dreams have some power or significance if only we could understand the symbolism. The dreams may be a lucid dream of which we are vary aware we are dreaming or they are simply remembered upon awakening. Some of these dreams are so powerful in their emotional content they get our attention and wake us up at night. Whatever is occurring nonconsciously bubbles up and breaks through into our conscious mind. This second view of dreams gives rise to many schools of thought about dreams and their significance and gives rise to the variety of book on dream interpretation.

A third view, or third type of dreams, is that dreams are views of the future and messages from beyond. This third view of dreams is similar to symbolic dreams but they are considered more powerful than symbolic dreams for they contain information not readily available to us. These dreams would be called highly energetic and as such, tend to stay with us and are often lucid. That is we know we are dreaming and often these dreams seem entirely real. These dreams represent a powerful connection between the nonconscious and conscious aspects of our mind. The more we look seek to make our nonconscious conscious the more we can capitalize on information in dreams. In addition to these dreams being clairvoyant and foretell the future many view these dream as being a communication with advanced beings entering into our dreamworld to instruct us. However, this view usually assumes those non physical being who enter our dreams are advanced beings.

Depending on our belief system, these dreams could be interpreted as ascended masters working with us or simply an aspect of our higher consciousness trying to communicate to us and get a message of some importance to mind. How we interpret the dream depends on what we think and believe both in our Transcendental mind and our enculturated mind. The reason for this is the normal barrier between our transcendental mind and our enculturated mind is removed. Many people, especially psychics, meditators, and the like routinely report these kinds of dreams.

The fourth view, or fourth type of dreams, involves the concept of synchronicity. In this view the dreams reflect the significant coincidences that get our attention. A typic example of synchronicity is where we are thinking of someone we have not see or heard from in a long time just before they call us or we receive an email from them. Synchronicity in dreams are reflective of dreaming about a person, some information or the like that we have never seen before and then find a picture, book, article or the like about this book or information appearing in our life.

Although dreams of synchronicity can be seen as a subset of prophetic dreams there is a difference. The main difference between dreams of synchronicity and prophetic or clairvoyant dreams is timing and what we are seeking. Prophetic dreams tend to provide information which does not reflect something we are seeking and is information in the more distant future. Dreams of synchronicity tend to reflect information related to things we are seeking in life even if we are not consciously aware we are seeking it and there tends to be a very short time frame between having the dream and then having the experience in our life.

In talking about dreams and the information they provided it is appropriate to be aware of what level of consciousness we tend to view Creation. In the oneness of Creation where all is seen to be interconnected and emanating from the same Source of Creation, any distinction as to types dreams becomes meaningless. The most energetic aspect of our being for how we have focused our attention and awareness is simply rising to get our attention.

The issue with dreams is not so much how we classify them but rather what do we do with the experience we have. Do we access and use the information they contain or simply discard them as irrelevant. We can treat them a simply the process of mind cleaning itself of it daily experiences and discounting their value and go about our lives as if the dream never occurred. Or we can examine them more closely. Often a dream experience fully explored can change our lives. That is, if we choose to act upon the information provided in the dream and the guidance it provides to further our unfoldment. The dream discussed below is one such example of how we can learn to use the information provided in dreams. The key to dreams is to look at the images which arise from any energy we sense. Mind does it best to characterize the energy it is experiencing based on the past experiences it has had. The only issue in dreams is when it accesses and uses experiences from our Transcendental mind or even the human collective for which our current mind does not understand.

The recommendation is that dreams of which we become aware be reviewed as any other energy we sense or experience we have. Dreams should be viewed on the same level as our internal guidance, body wisdom or second knowing.

An understanding to work our dreams

Although there are common elements to dreams, dreams exist and function differently in each individual. Exactly how they arise, how we can use them, the information they present and the like is slightly different for each individual. In particular the images, symbolism, archetypes and the like may or may not be translatable by another. The images, symbols and the like of dreams arise from our own unique set of experiences of Creation. In this regard a dream can be interpreted entirely differently by different individuals. The only interpretation that will be accurate is that provided by the individual and only if the individual learns their own internal imagery, symbolism and archetypes which are used. Another’s interpretation can be used to explore different options about the energy which gives rise to the dream. However, we have to learn to interpret our own dreams.

In actually, nocturnal dreams are a communication form our nonconscious mind. As experienced by the author, dream can communicate ideas, future events, past events, the path we are following in life or simply information about a situation. But, they are not necessarily a communication in the way pain is a communication. Pain is a response provided by our mind when a specific threshold is being exceeded or exceeded. Dreams are more about how our mind is interpreting and processing the energy we sense. In this regard they are more like thoughts

What is interesting about using nocturnal dreams is that I had always noticed every since I was a small child, I could sleep on something to get an answer. Often as a child, I had a question and knew that if I went to sleep I would have my answer when I awoke. But I stopped using that technique by the time I got to college. I allowed myself to use it later in life but not the way I did as a child. As an adult I specifically started to "seed" my dreams by making what I would call a dream request. That is, I wanted a dream or awareness as to an answer to a specific question. I would write out a request expecting answer either as a dream or as an awareness within the morning. I would continue asking the question every day till I got an answer. Usually an answer was revealed within one or two nights.

When I began to write, I started to use my dreams and early morning awareness differently than like I did as a child. I found that whenever I was working a given topic, I often awoke in the morning with a variation of issues or aspects I had not considered and usually a better way of presenting what I was trying to address. Often I would get a dream about the topic on which I was writing that also provided some type and kind of information. I did not have to do anything in this process other than to be aware of what arose. The process occurred quite naturally. All I needed to do was to surrender to what arose.

Although I had identified the need to address nocturnal dreams and creativity as topic which needed to be address when I first started to write, it was a topic I seemed to avoid writing about. Although I continued to get insights about the material on which I was writing continued uninterrupted, I know that in some ways I was becoming puzzled as to why my dreams and some of the tremendous magic I experienced in life was no longer there. Immediately before and after the experience of the Ultimate Accident there was a tremendous magical quality to life. Slowly over time that magic seem to leave and seemed to become more and more infrequent. The more I tried the share what was found the more the magic seemed to evaporate. Eventually I stopped looking for the magic and just being to redo and reformat all of the writing I had done for web posting and ceased to be concerned about sharing what I had accessed.

But then about the time I had completed ninety five percent of the topics I had originally identified as needing to be addressed, some of the magic began to return. There was a shift in what I experiencing after two unexpected experiences of death on within 24 hours of each other plus one tremendous lightening and thunderstorm between the two deaths. When I experience the second death I knew something within had died and something had ended. What I was I was not aware.

At this time, there had been two things on which I have been working. One is to finish up the writing as fast as I could to be free to go and do other things in life. The topic on which I was working was the energy consciousness perspective of sleep and the role of dreams in sleep. The other was I had been reviewing several past emails I had with an individual about play and the experience of play. So play, dreams and sleep were on my mind.

The awareness about the images of dreams

Probably the best way to address about what lies in dream is to use the body and content of an email I used to communicate to a friend about a particular dream which arose as a result of play, dreams and sleep being in my mind.

There was an individual who began to ask me about creating play and the freedom to play. When asked about creativity and play my mind naturally when to the spontaneous and innocent childlike play at the discovery and exploration of oneself and one’s world and the most creative state of being. My mind went to what I experienced when I experienced the Ultimate Accident and stumbled into the Source of Creation. In planning to meet with this individual, my mind was going over the things I would I needed to share about the inner journey and the role of play. In many ways my psyche was being prepared for a realization about nocturnal dreams.

Just before the planned meeting with this lady on the subject of play, I awoke about 5:30 from a dream. In the dream I went back the Navy Nuclear Power School. In the dream I was showing the staff and instructors how to get organized to present an understanding of nuclear energy and how to use it. [It is interesting to note, when assigned to the Nuclear Power School I was instrumental in causing a rewrite of the physics curriculum]

In my dreams I had frequently gone back to the Navy Nuclear Power School. In going back again, I was some what troubled as to why I as going back there gain. It was like I had the feeling, "Why, Nuclear Power School again? What is this all about?" The dream was interesting but I then asked myself intentionally what it was all about. I asked "Why Nuclear Power School and what is it about Nuclear Power School such that I keep going back there in my dreams? It over thirty years ago?" Interestingly, I was not asking what the dream itself was about. I was asking only about why do I go back to Nuclear Power School and how and why was Nuclear Power School so important in my dreams? Then, in a flash, I understood several things.

What is most interesting about this dream is the images of the dream had nothing to do with the individual with whom I was preparing to meet, nothing to do with play or anything I have talked to this individual about in the past or even my writing. The dream seemed to be totally irrelevant to what I was doing in my life at that time and what was occupying my mind. The images were from well before I started my work on creativity. Yet, when I looked behind the images and what the images were communicating I was surprised. What I saw was what was needed to communicate to this individual about play but much more. In particular, in seeing the energy behind the images, I realized it was much the same experience I had with psychics and learning to look behind their images to see the energy they accessed. Consequently, I got up and recorded some notes. The notes I recorded below were clearly both for my self about sleep, dreams and play and about the things I should share with this individual about play and energy.

The insights which flowed in the flash of insight in looking at the energy behind the images are as follows.

My own imagery: The first insight was becoming aware of the depth of my own internal symbolism. As I explored this dream I began to see I never really fully explored and learned the language of my own inner world. What the Nuclear Power School meant to me was very unique to my being but I never explored the depth of its symbolism. I always assumed I know what the images meant and always assumed as I was lead to believe a more literal interpretation of the image. Only in asking to understand the symbolism of the Naval Nuclear Power School did I come to see what it really represented to me.

Mind is characterizing the energy we experience: Probably the most powerful insight was how our nocturnal dreams are simply how our awareness, which we see as our mind, is interpreting the energy changes occurring and which we are sorting in our brain and body as we sleep. That is, the dreams we have are only our mind characterizing the energy it is experiencing as we sleep much the way it characterizes the energy we experience when awake. There is no real different between the origins of our dreams and the origins of our thoughts. However, in sleep, mind is only more free to use all that we know and have experienced rather than just our current experiences. That is, the boundary between the Transcendental mind and the enculturated mind become porous as does the boundary between the nonconscious mind and the conscious mind.

What was observed is for particular types and kinds of experiences my mind always go back to the Nuclear Power School experiences. Probably my mind was aided or prompted to go back to Nuclear Power School because I watched about 20 minutes of a program about nuclear submarines on the History Channel while I was writing before I went to bed. Nevertheless, it was going back to Nuclear Power School which prompted me to ask why do I go back to something so old in my life and to see is was simply my mind trying to characterize the energy I was experiencing. In this particular dream it was the energy to create the experience to share with this lady an understanding of play and the nature of creative play.

The nature of the energy giving rise to what was being characterized as play: Probably one of the more profound aspects to the awareness which arose in this dream is all the information that was within the dream. My mind was characterizing the energy I was experiencing as going back to Nuclear Power School to show them how to get the instructors and staff organized. But when I look at the energy to explore the information in the energy I was surprised to see what arose.

In seeing my mind was only characterizing the energy I was experiencing, I was prompted to do much as what I learned to do with the psychics. It is to go about looking behind the images presented to see and understand the energy realizing mind is only characterizing what it is experiencing based on its past experiences. That in itself was tremendously important. Then I realized the dream was telling me is all about energy, a particular kind of energy metaphorically equivalent to nuclear energy and that is what I need to talk to this lady about. What needed to be communicated really wasn’t about play it is about energy and knowing how to use the energy playfully as consciousness at play and the need to become like the wind for each experience we have. But when I focused on the energy there was an awareness about the energy reflected in the next five paragraphs.

It became clear to me that the play in which this individual expressed such an interest is really about the energy which gives rise to what we experience as play. Mind only characterizes the experience of the free flow of energy as play. So the issue is no so much to do and act on what mind thinks and understands about play. Rather it is to pay attention to the energy which is giving rise to the play and is it free to follow the flow. That is, it is about feeling and being open to feeling. We need to learn to look past the images and look at the energy which is giving rise to the images. It is about learning how to work with the free energy without causing the freedom to be lost. It is about how and were we lose the ability to play and why. It is about how we bind our energy in our positive or negative attachments rather than letting go.

Since the body is localized energy or analogously energy converted to mass as we know is possible as reflected in Einstein’s equation ( E=mc2 ) and the pair production phenomenon, it is about learning the role of the body and working with the body to allow that energy to continue to freely flow. What the energy of the dream was telling me was what needed to be shared with this lady was about understanding the non nocturnal dreams we have in two ways. One way is how our mind is characterizing what we experience. The second is about understanding what the energy we are experiencing is telling us about what is happen in our body, in our lives and in the world we are experiencing. Related to the energy flowing in the body is that since sex is part of, or an aspect of, the body, it is about understanding some things about the energy of sex and how we use sex does or doesn’t allow the energy to flow and/or accessing energy and passion and why. Also, since the body is energy and energy and consciousness are really equivalent, it is about an awareness which lies in the body and how to access this awareness and what it means for, and about, our life.

The key is about learning how to play and work with this energy. It is about learning how to play and what to keep private (not secret or hidden, just private) and what to be free to express in the world.

It is about understanding that our body is energy and in the way body needs to rest and go to sleep, consciousness in its equivalence of energy and consciousness also needs to go to sleep and rest. When consciousness goes to sleep is about allowing what lies in consciousness to what can best be described as settling down and allowing for a clarity to arise. Analogously it is like stirring and bunch of dirt and debris in a glass of water and if the water sits, things settle out. This is what I knew as a child and routinely used.

Understanding nocturnal dreams is about how and what I experienced in this play and how the play does and doesn’t shift as events and people change in our life. In this regard it is about energy and consciousness a the role individuals play for us and how much what we think and believe as to what is happening in our life and what our experiences really mean. It is about understanding what it means to the other or rather the repercussion on their life when we attempt to be fully be in that play of energy. It is about learning how to know how we are served by our play and who does not serve our play and what happens when someone engages in play without conscious awareness that it is play.

It is about understanding how consciousness awakens consciousness and we each awaken aspects in each other and how the play can allow us to experience what can be described as only magical and mystical. It is related to the playmates we have in our life and what each do or doesn’t allow us to experience as a result of what they do or do not understand about play. This then leads to the issue of clients versus playmates, what is the difference and the need to not to confuse the two. This also includes what it means for play and the freedom of play for it is about choosing to play within one’s own understanding of play or to dance between one’s own understanding of play and the other’s understanding of play. This is to realize our mind each have a different set of experiences. What I see as play is not necessarily what you see as play. The trick is to dance between the two views and focus on the energy that arises in what we consider play and the energy we experience.

How the understanding was to go into the world: In addition to the information that I needed to share what this lady the dream also addressed how this understanding about energy was to go into the world What is also interesting about the dream is it gave some understanding that went back to the warrior women at Reading. The symbolism of the warrior women at Reading was there would be males and females who had a highly developed understanding of how the feminine nurtures a creation who would take this understanding into the world. I became aware that the individual whom I was going to meet and talk about play was a part of that gathering of about six women of similar interests as to what they were seeking in life. These woman and the sex other women could very possible be a group of these warrior women.

I always knew the understanding about the creative spirit and how to work with its energy was the equivalent of nuclear energy. In the dream I was meeting with the instructors and show them what needed to be done to teach people how to use nuclear energy. In some ways this lady may be one of the women reflected in the woman warriors in Reading, as the other ladies in their gathering.

In the dream all were men and they were all in officer uniforms. In the dream I remember all the officers at the table moving back for me to talk directly to the senior officer present. So I wonder if this lady is not the one who will lead others. I have always known I am a teacher of teachers. Maybe this lady is the teacher of the warrior women.

An overall conclusion: I had looked to interpret dreams before. But I never looked deeply into the symbolism of the dreams. That is, I took the symbolism of the dream to be what I felt was a logical interpretation of the symbolism. I never looked to see the energy what was being characterized by the dream. I never asked, "Why this particular symbolism as opposed to any other?". In looking to answer this question I found it most interesting what was revealed behind the images of the dream. As a result, I will never seen nocturnal dreams as I did in the past. I now see how our mind processes the energy we experience consciously, nonconsciously and what some would call those psychic experiences of the future.

Creativity perspective on dreams

The creativity perspective on dreams is dreams are really no different than how our mind works to create our thoughts. That is, dreams are all about what energy we are sensing. Our being and body are always sensing and processing energy based on how we have focused our attention and awareness in, and through, how and what we think and believe. That fact that our conscious awareness is asleep does not mean we are not sensing and processing energy nonconsciously and the energy of Creation stops flowing. The question is to what have we awaken and are we aware of what of what we sense which has awakened us. In many ways the whole creation process and experience of creation/Creation is simply awakening and going to sleep relative to what we sense at each and every level of our being.

Whether we are awake or asleep, mind is seen to characterize any energy it experiences based on the experiences it has had. The question is whether or not we are aware of what we experience and whether or not mind has the experiences to adequately characterize what it has experienced.

It has been said in other discussions that we are flow of energy which has awaken to the awareness of its own existence. In a similar and consistent way, a dream of which we are aware is an energy to which we have awaken to its existence as being experienced in our body or being. In this regard there are two types of flows of energy which we can experience. There are flows of energy which arises from within our being and flows of energy which arise from outside of how we have defined ourselves. In both these cases we may or may not have the minimum set of experience to probably characterize what we are experiencing.

What is occurring in the dream process is one part of the mind is communicating with another. When we are awake, our conscious awareness does not always pay attention to what we feel and the energy we sense. More often than not it is too preoccupied to what is happening as perceived by how it has focused its attention and awareness. When we are asleep, that conscious awareness becomes unaware but we are still sensing the energy we experience. We never stop senses the energy. What is missing when we sleep is the filter used by our conscious awareness is gone. When we can become the detached witness, our conscious awareness sets our normal ego filter aside and how and what we think and believe to just observe knowing how the observer can change what we observe. What is important about dreams is that unless we become aware we are dreaming and move into the dream to play with the dream, we remain more as a detached witness observe the dream.

What we need to understand is the conscious awareness through the ego identity we give ourselves, by how and what we think and believe and how we have focused our attention and awareness, is much like a dictator or less onerous, a "control freak." That is, it causes us to look only in a certain direction and in a certain way. It does not tolerate other aspects of the changing that focus. Although there are many aspects of our being that gives rise to the definition we give ourselves, our particular perception, our motivations, our behaviors, our decisions, our choices, and whatever world view we may have, the ego with which we identify in any particular moment determines our focus. The question then becomes what do we allow ourselves to see? In the dream state, this ego filter is inactive and we can see things we would not otherwise see.

The mental images of the dream and associated emotional content which may be present is key to understanding dreams. The issue we face is the mental images of the dream and associated emotional content which may be present is unique to the individual and an individual process. The dreams of one are not the dreams of another.

What is interesting about dreams is that some are so vivid we think they are real. In this regard, they are much like memories. We can have a real experience or we can create a metatheater to simulate a real experience. Although one is real and the other is simulated, our memory see both as real. This is one reason why simulator in training can be so effective. The mind remembers the simulator experience as real experience. Then when faced with a real situation, it just remember what we did previously.

Dream can be just a vivid. It is not uncommon to be searching for something in a dream and then finding it in a given location. Then when we are awake, when we go looking for that something. We go and look where we found it in the dream because the dream was so real. Yet, we are puzzled in that we do not find what we look for. We fail to understand what we look for never existed where we are looking because of the dream. But then, if the dream is of a prophetic nature or a dream of synchronicity, we will find what we seek where the dream said to look.

Symbolism in dreams

When it comes to the symbolism in dreams, some are of the opinion there are standard symbols and some even go to as set of universal symbols or archetypes that have similar meaning to all humans. Here the question is whether the symbols are common to all human or does the similarly of the human experience give rise to standard symbols. For symbols that arise from activities that are inherent to the human process like eating, sleeping, defecating, giving birth, creating life and the symbols can be expected to be similar in meaning across cultures. But then, the human experience will change and be somewhat different as expressed from culture to culture, and from time to time. So even the symbols which arise from the collective as a result of the common human experience can have slightly different meaning from culture to culture.

The issue and key in dreams is the symbolism. Each of us need to become aware of our own symbolism. Each of us need to become our own interpreter of what the dreams are communicating to us. To do this we need to learn the language of our inner world. The more we use our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and the like, the better and more accurately we will understand our dreams. We can listen to the interpretation of others, but we need to eat and digest what we told and ensure it both makes sense to us and our intuitive guidance is in agreement. What we are told needs to feel correct.

There are typical symbols which seem to be reoccurring. But here again how others use particular symbols needs to be in alignment with our inner symbols. What does need to be understood is that sometimes the symbol is literal and we do need to be open to a literal interpretation.

For example a church, temple, mosque or synagogue can be literal but they often represents our body as in the concept that our body is the temple of our soul/spirit.

The attic of a house or building can represent our head/mind especially when we are looking out of the attic window in a dream but then it can just represent an attic..

Heat can represent a flow of energy within our being or we are heating things up to destroy it as in a fire.

Fire is often about transformation as are snakes. Fire can also represent purification as in a chemical separation process.

Light is often representative of wisdom and knowledge as in becoming "en-light-ened."

Swords are often about cutting and can be representative of the mind for mind is what causes separation.

Shattering of glass or something like a ceramic vessel can represent the shatter/transformation of the ego

Glass barriers or transparent screen often refer to self imposed limitations, mental barriers, ego controls and the like.

This list is obviously very short. But it gives some idea of how symbols can be interpreted. Each and have both a literal and symbolic meaning. But the most important question is, "what is our mind trying to characterize by the symbol it has chosen?" To understand this deep issue we need to ask, "Why this symbol as opposed to any other?" and we will being to see the fine points of the energy which is being characterized.

The more we use our intuitive guidance and body wisdom we will begin to see there are a set of images and a set if interpretations preferred by our nonconscious mind. The more we can learn this set of images and their implications, the more powerful our dialog with our nonconscious mind as to what it desires to experience and not experience..

Using Nocturnal dreams

When it come to dreams, there is the need for awareness. Not necessarily looking to be aware of our dream but to be aware of when we have them and the information they contain. It is recommended that we keep a pad of paper and a pen near our bed to record our dreams upon awakening or if we awaken as a result of a dream. As a minimum we should out line the dream if not record it the best we can. One can keep a journal but a journal is not really necessary. Just a pad to record them as we remember them. Taking some time in the morning to use our intuitive guidance and feelings about the dream to review these dreams can be very revealing.

Also, before we go to sleep, we can ask our psyche to reveal information we desire or answer a question for us. If we are persistent each night, we will find we will get a dream which reveals what we seek or how to proceed in life to find what we seek. Or, we will awaken in the morning with such an awareness.

For dreams that are bizarre, we only need to realize that our mind is doing the best it can to characterize the energy we are experiencing. The more our mind does not have the past experiences to fully characterize what it experiences, the more it will try and piece together what is being experienced based on past. We should not be surprised by dreams that seem confused and with the juxtaposition of many unrelated images. In these cases, we should ask, "What is my mind trying to communicate to me?" and then be open to what arises. By focusing on an the feelings of an energy we have previously not experienced, we can begin to discern what aspects are familiar to us and those that are not. In discerning what is not familiar to us, we can begin to explore that which we have not previously experienced and open ourselves to surprising insights about ourselves and Creation.

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