Two worlds of animating energy


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The world of inner creative power and energy
The outer creative powers and energy
Marrying and integrating the inner and out creative powers
Creativity, power and flow

It is stated in the discussion “Implications of the paper cutout and the corresponding holeWhat this means is that we have a certain amount of energy that lies within ourselves and there is a certain amount of energy that lies without. What we can do with this inner energy is what gives rise to our inner creative power and is totally controlled by us. However, the outer energy is what gives rise to the outer creative power and is controlled in two ways. One ways is it is controlled collectively. The other way is its control is determined by the cause which created it.

It can be said we, as human beings, are beings that stands between two worlds of energy. There is an inner world of energy and inner creative power/Creative Power and there is an outer energy and outer creative power/Creative Power. Each of these worlds reflect an energy that may or may not be managed by us depending on whether or not we learn how to do it.

The world of inner creative power and energy (Top)

One of these two worlds, the world of the inner creative power, only we can direct. It is the energy that makes us feel alive and makes life worth living. We can have health, wealth and all that one could ever desire externally. However, if this inner energy and creative ability is not managed and its flow understood, we will never find happiness. Many look externally for things which need to be created internally. Each of us will need to explore this energy in our own way to understand where it leads.

This internal energy can be harness and directed internally or externally. It is much like a river flowing to the sea across a continent. The flow of the river is directed to a predetermined end where the energy is dissipated, namely the sea. How it gets to the sea is determined by the landscape and the environment through which it flows. If left unto itself it will get there. However, the flow of the river can be harness and directed else where. The flow can be so harness that river itself becomes completely used and drained long before it gets to the sea such that it never reaches the sea.

What needs to be understood is that this flow of energy can be harness for an internal or external use. Additionally is can be harness in a way that serves or doesn’t serve the overall flow. What serves the flow concentrates the flow and in essences increase the power and energy available to the flow. What doesn’t serves scatters and fragments the flow and takes it in a direction different than intended.

Part of socialization process of each human being is to get the individual to give their creative power to some external authority or individual rather than one learning to manage it totally themselves. A significant part of our journey to access and release our creative power is to take back or call back the energy that we have in one way or another been intentionally or unintentionally manipulated to give away control. We need to take it back to direct it in a way that truly serves our own truth. This is necessary for only when we are truly served by the inner flow of energy that we can begin to see the real relationship between the inner and outer creative powers.

The outer creative powers and energy (Top)

The outer creative energy is what gives rise to a collective experience. It is an energy with which we can learn to work. It is something which we will never really totally control. We can learn to control aspects of it in the way we harness, water, wind or solar power or learn to fly. However, it is not something of which we can become a master.

The physical sciences have given us a tremendous understanding of this external creative power. Key to this understanding are the concept and principles which help us to understand how to harness a variety of the multitude of individual flows of energy which exist in the external world. But the question that begs to get answered is what is the relationship between the flow of energy within our being and the external world. In actuality, there are as many answers to this question as there are individuals. We each have our own experiences but those experiences do not necessarily arise from what is true for us. Many of us follow and believe what others have said rather than doing our own experiments. What is proposed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding is that you do some of your own experiments and look to hold your creativity sacred.

Marrying and integrating the inner and out creative powers (Top)

The power of modern science has been its methodology to do experiments. One of its requirements is that the experiment performed is independent of the one performing the experiment and independent of the location in which it is performed. That is, a scientist in the United State, Russia or South Africa can do the same experiment and get the same results as long as they can recreate the conditions of the experiment. However, there is one problem with this approach.

What is accessed may be true. It may be independent of the scientist performing the experiment and the location of the laboratory in which it is performed. However, it takes and scientist and a laboratory to make the observation. Although it is observed may be true for everyone, everyone will not necessarily be able to observe it unless they are a right type of scientist in the right type of laboratory. Something everyone can observe like a ball falling to demonstrate gravity. Most cannot observe many of the experiments performed to show the structure of the atom.

Engineering has been the discipline that has taking the laboratory science and makes it applicable to the common person. But then again, the common person can only use that truth which is discovered if the engineering is done properly. That is, the situation is arranged such that the desire phenomenon can be experienced because the correct conditions are created. This is the key to the external creative power. It is to learn how to create the conditions to experience what we desire.

The external creative power that you can access is totally dependent on the conditions you can create and what you access may not be translatable to another location because the conditions are no longer correct. Unless you do the properly engineering, you cannot take what you find under one set of circumstances to another location. This aspect becomes very important. It is here the relationship between the inner creative power and flow of energy becomes integrally linked to the external creative power.

Each of us are like a scientist in the laboratory. A scientist is only an individual trained to have a certain perspective. A laboratory is only a set of particularly arranged external conditions. What you see in that laboratory depends on the perspective you have. A biologist will not necessarily see what a physicist sees in the same laboratory. To take what you see and observer in the laboratory out into the world, you need to engineeri an approach to make a suitable environment.

For example, we observe in the laboratory that we can send a electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a receiver. By varying the electromagnetic signal we can transmit information. However, for me to take this phenomenon out into the world, we need to create a transmitter and a receiver that will work outside the laboratory. Otherwise, what we have found stays in the laboratory. The internals of the transmitter and receiver in essence create the conditions of the original experiment outside the laboratory in the real world. Of course, the receiver and the transmitter look little like the laboratory. If what we create is battery operated, we can take it anywhere. If it must be plugged into a electrical outlet, then we are limited to where we can plug it into an outlet.

But to engineer a device to take what we find in the laboratory into the world, we have to think differently. The thinking that allowed us to observe the phenomenon in the laboratory will not necessarily allow me to take what we found into the world. We have to look at the conditions in the world and compare them to the conditions in the laboratory. We have to figure out what aspect of the laboratory must be somehow packaged and taken into the world and be supported by the world. That is, do we change the environment of the world to support what we want to take into the world or can we take what we want into the world without changing the environment.

We can create a hand held battery operated transmitter and a hand held battery operated receiver and take them where ever we wish without changing the environment other than sending a signal through the environment. However, we can also build a transmitting tower and a battery powered hand held received. Here, have change the environment by constructing a transmitting tower. However, what we can do with a hand held receiver and hand held transmitter is different than what we can do with a transmitting tower and a hand held receiver. They are similar but different. The question is what do we wish to create?

If we make an observation in the laboratory but can’t take it into the world, we have essentially accessed the external creative power but we can do nothing with it other than enjoy what we experience in the laboratory. If we can engineer a way to take what we find into the world, then we have harnessed the external creative power.

From a creativity perspective, we are a scientist in the laboratory. We have a unique perspective on Creation and we make an observation in the environment in which we find ourselves. The observation of the experience we have is in many way our experiment. However, unless another person has our same perspective for what we observe much like a physicist with a physicist, they will not see what we observe. We may be looking at the same thing but we will see differently. Additionally, what we observe depends on the laboratory we are in. Give a different set of circumstances (a different laboratory) we would make a different observation. Similarly, if we wish to take the phenomenon we observe to a different location, we have to look to see what needs to be created to take it there. To take what we observe out into the world, we will most probably have to engineer some way to do so.

One of the big problems we have as a human is that we have a profound inner experience given the conditions in which we find ourselves. Yet that inner experienced is integrally tied to what we think and believe and the environment in which we had the experience. Our first problem is that the experience itself changes what we think and believe. As a creative living process, we are continually changing ourselves by what we experience. A profound experience changes our perspective. So the perspective that created the experience we have is no long available to recreate the experience. It is a similar but a different perspective.

Relative to creativity, what is usually lost is our innocence about what we create. Creativity takes us into the unknown which has not been previously experienced or significantly different. Here mind is of little value. When we start out, we have no ideal of exactly what will need to be done to create what we desire. We are innocent about what we desire to create. As we gain the minimum set of experiences to create what we desire, we are no longer innocent. We lose our innocence and mind begins to take over. We are no longer free to create as we once were.

To experience the thrill of discovery is different than the experiencing what we discover. To have an experience of the creative powers to create is different than having an experience of what was created. Often we mistake the thrill of creating the experience with what we experience. So, rather than realizing the thrill was creating the experience we seek to repeat the experience. This is a very important concept. What we need to do to take the thrill of creating out into the world is different than taking what we have created into the world.

Creativity, power and flow (Top)

Creativity is about creating. Power is energy in motion at a given moment. It is about energy flowing into or outs of something over time. When attempting to access the inner or outer creative powers of creation, we need to be creating. Creative power is not something we get. Creative power is something we are.

Most of us seek to access creative power whether internally or externally to create what we desire. We look at creative power as a battery. Once we get this battery that stores energy, we can carry it wherever we go and have the energy we need to create what we desire. This is especially true for accessing the external creative power that we see in God. We look for a way to pray, mediate, do rituals and the like to access this external creative power. We fail to realize that creative power is a current. It is a flow. It is something we mut become.

What this means is we must feel the alignment with the flow for what we want to create. A current flows between two points. The current we create will flow between were we are now, our starting conditions, and what we desire to create whether it be an object or an experience. We then chose to act and look to see what we feel moves us to that end point and align with that flow. We pray to God to create health but we do not act in a way that makes us feel healthy. We pray to God to relieve a burden but we do not act in a way that we feel the burden being lifted. The power comes in acting not looking for God or any other to act.

The most difficult thing to realizes is that creative power is about flow. We cannot think flow. We must feel it. We must look to see if what we feel is carrying us toward what we desire to create or moving us away. There are two ways to use mind and what we think in a creative endeavor. One way is to know what we desire to create and hold focus on that end point. We must become very clear of “ground point” were we are directing our energy.

Energy flows as a result of a potential difference. What this means is that energy flows from a place with energy or the energy is concentrated to a place of less energy, or the ground point. Our desire accumulates or collects the energy within our being such that what we desire become the ground point or focus of where we are going to direct this focused energy. The greater our focus the more energy we can muster. The greater our desire, the greater the passion to create what we desire and the more energy we can cause to flow to create what we desire.

We can then do one of two things. One is hold focus on the feeling we desire to allow our feelings to lead us to do what we desire to create. The other way is to hold focus on what we desire to create and do what we think needs to be done to create it realizing that often the feeling is more important that what we think we want. In either case we must act.

It needs to be noted is that we think we have accessed the creative powers we attribute to God because we feel we have access it. We do prayers, rituals and the like and hope that God is satisfied and that He/She/It will support our efforts. Then there are those times that we know God is with us for we feel it and there is nothing we have to say or do.

Working with this external creative power is to realized there is a flow of energy to Creation and we are each part of that larger flow. The difficulty we face with this external creative power is to discern what part of our experience is a result of the flow of energy of this external energy and what part do we ourselves create. To stand out in the cold rain and experience being cold when we have the choice of stepping into a dry warm house and experiencing warmth is not the result of the external world. To build our house on a flood plain and then have it flooded is, again, not the result of external world. The external world is doing exactly what the external world does. It is our choice as to what we experience in this external world. The question is, “How have we engineered the situation to create what we are experiencing?” How do we engineer our lives to create the feeling we desire to have in anything we do in the world?.

Next step in the overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles
Accessing Your Animating Energy

Previous step
Its All About Energy

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