Exploring the subconscious mind


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Exploring the subconscious mind
Cautionary statement
Exploring the subconscious and unconscious mind
The key to exploring the subconscious or unconscious mind
Getting started

This file follows the topic, "Exploring the nonconscious mind" Since this topic builds on the information contained in Exploring the nonconscious mind, consideration should be given to reading it first.

Cautionary statement (Top)

The approach to exploring the nonconscious mind is different than the psychological and therapeutic approach and the healing perspective used by most current medical and alternative practices different from the creativity perspective on healing. As such, an individual involved with any type and kind of psychological and therapeutic treatment and/or desire to explore healing with this approach should read the "Cautionary statement and disclaimer" found in the topic "Exploring our mind."

Exploring the subconscious and unconscious mind (Top)

Exploring the subconscious mind or the unconscious mind is an intention and journey unto itself. Although some discussion is provided for exploring the subconscious mind or unconscious mind is provided here and in related files, it is a journey unique to who and what you are and what you have come to believe about yourself and your world. Exactly what it will look like and what you will find is unknown. The recommendation is to being wherever and however you wish and then allow your intuitive guidance be your guide as you move into the journey.

With the perspective of a detached witness, exploring the conscious, subconscious and unconscious aspects of our mind is essentially the same thing and we can do it exactly the same way. We can look unbiased by our mind at the flow of energy which is giving rise to the situation we experience. It needs to be remembered, mind acts a lens or filter biasing what we experience. It is just that the lens has a conscious, subconscious and nonconscious portion. From the perspective of the detached witness, we step outside the lens or the filter to see reality for what it is and then look to see how the lens is biasing what we see. Whether something is in the conscious, subconscious or unconscious mind, it doesn’t matter. We have stepped outside the lens or the filter and all that is in the lens or the filter looks the same.

Without the perspective of the detached witness exploring the unconscious mind will be more difficult to explore than the subconscious mind for reason discussed in the topic, "The Subconscious and Unconscious." The main difference between exploring the subconscious mind as compared to the unconscious mind is that we will have memories from our current life to described what we remember in the subconscious mind. Since the unconscious mind arises from our transcendental mind, we will not necessarily have the minimum set of experience from this life to explain what we find in the transcendental mind. Here we will have to learn to rely on feelings and understand that whatever interpretation our current mind provides us about something from the transcendental mind may be in error.

Although our mind may appear segmented and containing separate compartments, it is not. When we explore our subconscious mind, we can expect to stumble into things which lie in the unconscious mind. When this occurs, often there will be non localized feeling, feelings in particular body parts, feelings with images that don’t seem to fit our current life, or simply images that don’t fit in our current life. When such feelings and images arise, it is wise not to discard them. Rather, it is important to take note of them and look for two thing. One is to look to see if how relevant they are to the intention behind the our exploration of our mind. The second thing is to look to see how "strong" what arises seems to be. The stronger the feeling and/or vividness of the image, the more energy that is associated with the memory and what needs to be freed for our creative endeavor.

The key to exploring the subconscious or unconscious mind (Top)

The key to exploring the subconscious mind is discussed in the topic, "Exploring the nonconscious mind." In this discussion, it is stated, "The human physical experience allow us to manifest who and what we are directly into physical form. But, as a human being, who and what we are is split between our consciousness and our body and the world in which our body exists. That is, our inner world is reflected in the outer. The world of our consciousness is manifested as our body and its environment. By looking carefully at the world we experience, we can begin to see what we hold in our nonconscious mind."

The world we experience has two parts. One part is the more like the backdrop or environment of our experience. It is the part that exists without us. This part of the world is determined by the creator of Physical Creation and the human collective within Physical Creation. It contains the rules of Physical Creation which we accept in order to have a physical experience as a human being. This aspect of the Physical Creation we experience is in our unconscious mind.

It needs to be noted the generic aspects of our human body is part of the backdrop of our experience. Our body is a particular type and kind of vehicle. It is a vehicle for having a human physical experience. How we create the body or why we chose the particular body we have, lies in our unconscious mind. How we use that body in our life and many of the conditions giving rise to its health and well being is governed more by our subconscious mind and the choices we make in life.

The personal world we experience, many aspects of our body and our immediate environment, is what lies in our subconscious mind. That is, we can choose the particular environment in which we live by what we come to seek in life. We have the option of living where we wish in Physical Creation and over time, humans have chose to populate almost all aspects of the globe.

If we look at how our personal world changes as we live our life, we can being to see aspects of our nonconscious mind. The basic framework for the human experience lies in our unconscious mind. The actual life we live overlays the basic framework and is a result of our subconscious mind. If our subconscious mind begins to move too far off from the life we incarnated to live as determined by the transcendental aspects of our unconscious mind we can expect to experience something that will cause us to move back into alignment or at least move in the direction of the alignment.

Getting started (Top)

The approach to exploring the subconscious mind should be to start two parallel efforts and allow them to grow or move into each other. One effort is to develop the ability to become a detached witness. To do this, we must learn to have the awareness of our mind stand apart from our mind. That is, we detach ourselves from our memories, thoughts, and the like to just observe and witness them. That is, we do not see them as our thought, our memories or our experiences. We are only observing and witnessing what is happening to the body we are using to view and experience Physical Creation. We need to become mindful and aware of all that we think and feel but rather than think, "I feel a pain in my arm" think, "This body has a pain in its arm or I observer there is a pain in the arm." It is to take no personal ownership of what occurs. Just witness and observe it. With practice this will become second nature to us.

The second activity is to just being to explore our subconscious mind in whatever method or way seems appropriate at the time and allow our intuitive guidance to lead. The easiest way to begin to explore our subconscious mind is to use our conscious mind to trigger memories and then pull the string on either the cluster of memories or the weave they create. Some of the activities that have been success are as follows:

Telling our life story: Creating a life map and telling our story have been two very effective techniques. In the life map, there is the added aspect of the images we choose to use and pulling the string as to why those images as opposed to any other. When we tell our story or discuss our life map, we need to pay attention and make note of addition memories that surface in our discussion.

Guided meditations: Guided meditations can be use to surface subconscious memories and issue relative to any topic. However, a guided meditation increases the potential to access the unconscious mind. A guided meditation can get mind to characterize the best it can the answer we seek and will go to whatever aspect of our being that best addresses the answer.

Metatheater: Metatheater can also be use to surface the subconscious aspects of our mind and is similar to the guided meditation in that it increases the potential to access the unconscious mind. In fact, anything which will cause us to spontaneous respond such as a ritual, games, play and the like, can be used to surface subconscious memories and behavioral patterns. However, we need to become mindful and aware of what arises and not become lost in the imagery or feelings. To create an experience which causes an angry response to arise does not mean we need to act on that anger. Rather, when it surfaces in exploring the subconscious, we need to pull the string on the current situation to see what is giving rise to that anger. What gives rise to that anger will either probably be very rich in memories of our current life or it will open the door to our unconscious mind.

Our intuitive guidance: We can also explore our subconscious mind by realizing that our intuitive guidance is characterize by our mind based on the programming and experiences it has had as are any interpretations made by our mind as to any feelings we have which arise from our body wisdom. How our mind characterizes or interprets any energy we perceive is based on our subconscious mind and the experiences and programming of our current life. We can use this fact by asking whatever intuitive guidance or body wisdom we receive as to what other interpretation or possible way of viewing what we experience is possible. The alternative way that we are given provides an idea of how accurate or inaccurate our mind may be at its initial characterization or interpretation. That in turn reveals what lies in our subconscious.

Body memories: As we work the body it is possible to access the memories contained within the body. By doing some type and kind of body work with the intention to access our subconscious we may be come aware certain movements, positions, sensations and the like we encounter in the body work my trigger or give rise to memories. If such memories arise and we do not recognize the memories, we can pull the string on those memories and ask our intuitive guidance for where are they arising and what do they means. We may find that as such time we move past our subconscious mind and a doorway opens to the unconscious mind and to experiences we have in prior existences.

Nocturnal Dream: Become aware of the nocturnal dreams we have as we journey through our exploration. Need to become aware of any body sensation and feelings that accompany the dream as we remember it in the morning. Often we will be left with just a feeling with no mental pictures or images. For any dream we have we can always ask our intuitive guidance for further information or clarification about anything in our dreams.

Flashes of insight: As we work our unconscious, we can expect that often when least expected, there will be a flash of insight about a given topic or issue. Often they come like a flash of lightening. When they arise it is helpful to record what we experience and any information that may be contained in the inside. Often we are given what appears to be fragmentary information but when viewed in the overall context and with other sources of information value information is invaluable.

Our symbolism: In exploring the subconscious it is very useful to become mindful and aware of the symbolism used by our mind to characterize whatever we experience whether it be in dreams, flashes of insight or in what our intuitive guidance provides.. We need to remember, our current mind only knows what it has experienced. It will use the memories of those experiences to characterize whatever we experience in the future. The imagery in our dreams, guided meditations, intuitive guidance and the like reveal what is in our subconscious mind. In addition to paying attention to our dreams, intuitive guidance, insights and the like, we need to become aware of the actual imagery that is used. It is most appropriate to ask, "Why this imagery or way of characterizing as opposed to another and/or from what past experiences does this imagery my mind is using come from?" In pursuing these types and kinds of questions, will begin to see the what lies in our subconscious mind and allow us to become aware of the programming we are using to live our life. The memories we access will tell us why we think and believe the way we do.

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