Perceived levels to our creativity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In working with our creative ability and creative power, we will experience what appears to be levels, areas, or compartments in our creativity. Although in time, we will come to see how and why these segmented area or levels are actually illusionary, they are quite real until we understand how we create them. Until then, we must work with them as if they are real.

Simply said these compartments only exist because of how we have fractionated and scattered our creative life energy. We can sort these myriad of compartments that we find in ourselves into one of four “levels” which we call the four traditional aspects of our being; the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects or levels of our life. All the aspects of our life will fit into one or more of these four broad areas.

Most of our current conscious creative actions work at the shallowest aspects of these levels and we keep these four aspects separate for it helps to sustain the illusion of Creation. Little time is spent actually seeing how what we believe spiritually influences how and what we think, how our emotions flow in accordance with those beliefs and how our actions in the physical world are directed by those beliefs. Most of our focus is outward and directed towards manipulating the physical aspects of reality.

Although we tend to hold these four aspects of being separate, at times, we experience what appears to be a deep flow or a rush of energy as we probe deeper into our creativity and adjust our spiritual and mental beliefs or we participate in some physical or mental creative effort. However, most of the time we keep these four aspects separate. For example, we will think nothing of running a physical experiment in a laboratory to see how physical reality really works or change what we do physically with our body to create better performance in some sport.. However, many are terrified at the thought of running the equivalent of spiritual experiments to see what really works.

More often then not, we are usually too concerned about surviving in the world and maintaining our image rather than looking at how our inner being feels and how that inner feeling affects our performance in the outer world. Similarly, we usually do not change what we do in the physical world to experience and feel the shift in energy as we experiment with different spiritually and mental beliefs. Most cannot spot what they are doing externally in their life that robs them of their creative ability and creative power to experiment to see what other ways of living look and feel like. Most are too afraid they will not survive in some way. Yet, because of how the inner world is reflected in the outer, we need to look to make the inner changes that will change our outer world. We tend to be too worried about how we look in the external world and we do not look within to do what we need to choose to change our internal world.

Much of the initial work in reconstituting and consolidating our unlimited creativity will be to work with the defined spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels or areas of our life as real and learning how and why they exist as they do and what they do in our life. In accessing and exploring our unlimited creativity for reconstitution, we have the option of accessing and delving deeper and broader into any or all of these levels. The more we access the greater our creative ability and creative power will develop. However, the deeper we go, the more we are able to see the illusion between the compartments.

What we will come to observe is that the effects on our creativity in accessing any one compartment can be quite different than any other and these effects will become more profound the more and more of these compartments or area we access and integrate. However, as a result of how the inner is reflected in the outer, there are corresponding changes to our external world that will accompany our new found creativity at any of the levels with our being we access. Our internal world is reflected externally in all ways. Simply said, the greater our creative ability and creative power, the greater the space within ourselves and within our external world that we will need to exercise that creativity. Correspondingly, the greater the changes we can expect to see in our world to accommodate and exercise our creativity. We need to remember, energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed. As we create the space for our new creations, a corresponding space must be cleared internally and externally to make room for this creation.

If we try to access a level of creativity and do not allow the corresponding changes within our being and/or in our external world, we either will be unable to reconstitute our creativity or if we do reconstitute it, we will be unable to sustain it. It will simply wither and collapse over time. It may appear as though our creative passion has been captured by some outside force or circumstance. However, in reality, we have not allowed the necessary changes for whatever reason to occur in our life.

It is here that clear intentionality is vitally important. We need to become extremely clear as to what we wish to create, or in what area or aspect of our being we wish to access for our creativity. We also need to have the will and self determination to follow though on what we desire to create. We need to become very clear as to the reason or intention that lies behind why we wish to create what we do or to access the creativity that we do. The “why” behind our intention hold more power that we can initially realize. But most importantly, unless we create the space to exercise our creativity and allow what needs to live our life to leave, we will lose the ability that we have in the same way we loose the strength in a muscle that we do not use.

The principles that we use at each level or in each area of creativity are the same. The amount of change that we will experience at each level is quite different so we will need to become extremely flexible in our life. The simplest recommendation and approach in reconstituting our creative powers is to initially start small and exercise the principles with small creative endeavors. Than as we gain familiarity with the principles and how the change manifests in response to our intention, we can expand outward encompassing more and more aspects of our being as we gain confidence in our creative ability. However, if life itself is forcing great change upon us, we may want to sent an intention to access a level of creativity corresponding to, or exceeding, the magnitude of the changes that is rising in our life. In doing this, in some ways, we gain control over the changes that are occurring and use them to propel our creative endeavors rather than being at their mercy.

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