Our vessel


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Our vessel is whatever we use to have an experience of creation/Creation. In any creative endeavor, what we think and believe can be seen as seen as creating a vessel or container to hold and/or carry certain types and kinds of experiences. It is mind which creates the vessel and it is the mind which allows consciousness to fulfill the role of consciousness in the creative process to become the cause of the experiences it has.

Each individual point of consciousness defines itself by the experiences it has and creates an identity, an ego, that acts like a container or vessel to hold the experiences and reality that the consciousness has. This vessel acts as both a safe and secure space keeping the individual point of consciousness from having to face the unknown because it can live in a vast defined world of past experiences. However it also acts as a cage of our own making and limits the free expression of our unlimited creativity. Since each individual point of consciousness can expand to encompass the infinity of Creation, no matter how many experiences it has, and how it defines itself, whatever image it has of itself will be too small.

The analogy of a vessel is a good analogy for what we use to experience creation/Creation for any experience of creation/Creation is like taking a voyage or journey. Here it is the journey or voyage of experiencing a creation. In the same way the vessel both allows for the journey it limits what we can and cannot do on our journey. Additionally, any vessel we use is limited in what it can hold and carry. What we think and believe is what both holds the blueprint or form of the experience and limits what we can experience and hold in our mind during the experience.

However, as with any container, it can be filled with a variety of substances. So too when we experience Creation. We can hold experiences of Creation which give us the understanding to manifest what we desire to create. Or, we can fill our vessel with understanding and experiences which do not serve what we desire. We then become faced with empting ourselves of what is not needed and filling ourselves with what we need. It is an on going process continually accumulating and emptying ourselves by what we hold in what we think and believe to create the experiences we desire.

In essence we are a creative living process and our vessel is continually being recreated. The experience we have is continually changing and evolving by what we experience and allowing those experiences to change what we think and believe. The changes in what we think and believe then change vessel we have and what we experience.

For a human physical experience our vessel is composed to two parts or two vessels - our body and our ego. Although each can be seen and experienced as separate, each affects the other and it is this interconnection that gives rise to the mind body connection.

The body is created by the transcendental mind by either creating the body and the intention for our life or agreeing to use our body to fulfill the intention for our life as determined by some other. In either case, our body is for the purpose of having the experiences we incarnated to have. In may ways we can say that our body is our transcendental ego expressed in physical form as a human being. The other vessel is our ego. It is constructed by our enculturated mind and the experiences we have in our current life and what we have come to think and believe about ourselves, our life and Creation.

What needs to be understood is our body, the vessel created by our transcendental mind, is more than adequate for all that we will face in life to have the experiences we incarnated to have. However, we need to listen to our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and the awareness within the body to guide us.

The vessel created by our enculturated mind, the ego, is too small to fully comprehend both the intention for our life and how it is possible that we both create our experiences and create the reality we experience. Quite simply, our enculturated mind and the vessel it creates, the ego, came into existence as a result of what our transcendental mind created and does not have the minimum set of experience to understand what our transcendental mind created or why. As a result our enculturated mind and the vessel it creates will always limit us as to what is possible in our life.

To empty our vessel relative to the human physical experience, it is to empty ourselves of the aspects of our vessel created by the enculturated mind. That is, to empty ourselves of that which created our ego and return to a beginner's mind to experience what we incarnated to experience.

For most of us, to play our part or the role we incarnated to play, reflected in the intention for our life we have to empty the vessel. That is, we must empty the vessel created by the transcendental mind of all that the enculturated mind put into the vessel. In this regard, some of us may even need to reform one or more aspects of our vessel or undo some of what the enculturated mind created such that we are capable of living the role we incarnated to play. For most, this can be extremely difficult and frightening for we must live our role and the intention for our life even unto death of some aspect of our being if that death of that aspect is required to fulfill the role.

In any case, if we look to study the depth and breadth of our inherent creativity, we will come to find out, as a result of our enculturated mind, our vessel is too small to fully comprehend how we created and/or choose to undertake the journey for our vessel arose for, or as a result, of the journey. To understand how we created the journey and/or choose to undertake it we need to empty ourselves and create a new vessel sufficient large to encompass our intention for the experience we have, including the intention for our life. Similarly, to experience our unlimited creativity, we will have to shatter our vessel and empty ourselves to discover and explore, preferable in the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration, the true extent our own infinite being to create a vessel appropriate to encompass it

To achieve this end of emptying ourselves, there are two ways to empty ourselves. One way is to drain and fill and the other is to fill and drain. Each causes us to experience life in quite a different way. Emptying and filling is the fastest way but not the easiest. Filling and draining take longer but is less challenging. Each is discussed in the topic, "The need to become empty." However we empty ourselves, we then need to adopt as set of beliefs and a perspective which allows us to create vessel large enough to include experience of uncovering the intention which gave rise to the experience we desire to understand as to how we created it.

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