Our life and the honey bee

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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If some asks us "What is your life really about?" we would reply with our life story. There would be a story we tell about our life that reflects what we think our life is about. However, what our life is really all about can be best described as that of a honey bee.

If you would ask a honey bee "What is the story of your life?" it would probably tell you a story about making honey. It would go into a discussion of the issues and problems it faces in flying to the flowers to get the nectar and then flying it back to deposit it in the hive. It would probably tell us how successful it felt and what it gathered or how disappointed it was at not being able to get all that it desired. We could be assured it would tell us about the issues in the hive and how the queen show favoritism. Then again it may be perfectly content in everything that happens.

However, no matter what story the honey bee tells and how it tells its story, its story does not reflect the accuracy of all that the bee does. The story would most probably not tell us how it pollinates the flowers in the process of making the honey. That piece would only be seen if one stepped beyond the perspective of the bee and making honey.

So too our lives and the story we tell. We are like the honey bee. There are things our lives impact of which we have no knowledge or understanding. The story we tell will not accurately reflect who and what we are and what we are really doing with and in our lives. But, it is only in telling our story can we become aware of what we really do. It is only in telling the whole story and then standing back and looking at the story, its context and its interconnection with all the other pieces that we can begin to see our true journey in life. If we are observant and able to truly talk to the individuals whose life our life touches can we being to see the true depth and breadth of what our life causes to happen or not happen as may be the case.

There are things we nurture, just be being true to ourselves and living our truth that lie beyond our awareness. Then there thing we do, or do not, allow to be nurtured by allowing our mind and it judgments to step and determine what we do in life. We cannot give what we do not have. The question is, "Are we living a life that nurtures our true needs?" for it is only nurturing our true needs, not the desires and wants of our mind, that we will be able to nurture the true needs of another.

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