Addressing Creative Step/Guideline #13

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Become the embodiment of your creative efforts

Implementing Creative Step/Guideline #13

Creative Step/Guideline #13


Be the embodiment of the creator - live your truth in the world

Your life is the proof of your creative power

Only in sharing do you create the world you desire

Creative Step/Guideline #13 (Top): In awakening to the creative power available to you, you have to practice these principles becoming the embodiment of your creative efforts by actively living your truth in the world. In doing so you carry this understanding to others by allowing your life to be the proof of the creative power available to each of us. It is only in sharing your experiences and these principles when and where appropriate do you create that world in which you create what you desire.

Background (Top)

As you become mindful, aware and awaken, you begin to see what takes you away from what you desire to create. In fact, often, you can being feel as thought the universe does not want you to create. You will find that you have a choice. You can either chose to “fight” or struggle with the world to do what you need to do or you can “convert” them to understand why you need to do what you need to do. If we attempt to fight or struggle with the world, we are giving away our creative power for we are holding the other responsible for what we desire to create. In one way or another we are trying to get them to change. However, to share the creative process with another and give them the space for their creative spirit to be free to unfold you are taking responsibility for changing the world to create what you desire and do not give your creative power away. In giving another permission and the space for their creative spirit to flow freely, you do the same for yourself. They may not agree with you and they man not support you but the important point is that you are not giving your power to them. Rather, you come to the awareness to look to someone else to support your efforts.

Be the embodiment of the creator - live your truth in the world (Top)

In awakening to the creative power available to you, you have to practice these principles becoming the embodiment of your creative efforts by actively living your truth in the world.

When you awaken and become aware that there is a creative spirit within your being that desires to freely express itself, you also become aware of what keeps you from freely expressing what this spirit would like to experience. Now you can either blame the external world for not giving you what you need or you can become creative and figure out how to get what you desire. Remember, no one sees and experiences the world as you do. Even if you and another are at the same place at the same time experiencing the same thing, you will each experience it differently. So no one will really understand exactly what you desire to experience nor will they understand how to create that experience for you. You will have to do that. Additionally, since your mind has not consciously experienced the depth and breadth of the creative power available to you, it will not be able to lead you to what to do. You will have to allow your feelings and intuitive guidance to lead you.

It needs to be understand, what I perceive as freeing and protecting your creative spirit you may perceive as binding and enslaving. Unless there is an ongoing communication about what you feel the other person will not know what is really freeing and enslaving you. Additionally, much of what you experience as freeing or enslaving is determined by your mind and what it thinks and believe. You need to look to your feelings to see if you are feeling an expansion and fulness of life within your being.

Your creative spirit naturally moves to flow freely and unfold true to its nature. What keeps it bound is how and what you think and believe. So ultimately, you need to choose your way in the world which allows this creative sprit to freely flow and you will know by what you feel, not what you think.

Now what is important to understand is this creative spirit will not of its own nature keep another captive or bound. Nor will it move to restrain the flow of another. This creative spirit is wise and it knows that if it tried to control another, it is enslaving itself. It knows that if it ties to control another, rather than being free to express itself, it must move in response to the other and as such, the other keeps it bound. Only in giving freedom to the other does the creative spirit free itself.

So in living our truth, you will give freedom to yourself and the other which brings us to the second part of this Creative Step/Guideline.

Your life is the proof of your creative power (Top)

In doing so you carry this understanding to others by allowing your life to be the proof of the creative power available to each of us.

Talk is cheap and many talk about things and dream but never act. Many theorize as to what the full potential of the human being may be, but few act to make it a reality in the case of themselves and especially another. Your life becomes the proof and testament as to the truth of these steps and what you have learned.

Additionally, most of what one learns to do in life is done by example and/or others showing us the way whether we get the information from a book or some other source. The world and Creation is too big to do everything ourselves and learn all that can be learned by ourselves. Most of our learning is from others with little originating solely from within ourselves. In living our truth, talking about what it takes to live that truth, and talking about where we had judged ourselves as successful and failing, we teach others and show others another way to live in life. We become a light that shines the truth of our being and shows others that they too have a light within themselves that needs to shine forth.

To begin to move into the world, create a “toolbox” of items that best symbolize your creative power. Know that in possessing the toolbox and putting all these symbolic items together, you have concentrated your creative power and that you have all the power you need to create anything you desire. You can add to your tool box as you reveal to yourself hidden powers, talents and/or abilities. Allow the possession of the toolbox to provide you with the ability you need to share your truth with another and be your truth in whatever form you choose. In your own way, find a way to share your life and what you have learned. Explain to yourself and/or another how each item symbolizes a part of your creative power and what it provides. However, don’t act out of obligation but allow the true desire to share from within the depth of your being provide your motivation and from within.

Only in sharing do you create the world you desire (Top)

It is only in sharing your experiences and these principles when and where appropriate do you create that world in which you create what you desire.

First and foremost, you can not give what you do not have. When you can give something to another, you must first have it yourself. To create the space of freedom for another to freely express the truth of their being, you have proof positive you can give, and have given, the same to yourself. You may feel and/or think you deny your truth from time to time and cannot always hold that safe and secure space for another. But you need to remember. It is only the wisdom that you have within you that surfaces to be able to hold that space and that you even know how to do it. You may doubt that you have it, but it there. You only need to act as if it is there. The wisdom that you surface is what will guide you and keep you in freedom.

The second items is if those around you are not free, they cannot allow you to be free. Although they may not consciously seek to bind or confine your creative spirit, their mind will keep them bound. They will be unable to respond to you in the way you need them to respond in order to have freedom of movement. By sharing and being your truth and give that space to another, they in turn can learn and give it back to you

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