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 De-programming how we think the universe works


Changing enculturation

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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We have a logic in our mind, which consists of our beliefs and how they are structured to fit together, that works very much like a computer program. An input signal comes in, that is, an energy experienced. It is processed by the analytical, thinking and judging mind. An output signal, some action we take or thought we have, comes out in a very predictable way based on the programming. Although we think our mind is highly variable it is actually programmed to function and response in a given fashion. We may not see ourselves making a consistent sent of decisions. But if we look back over the past we will see a path that is quite logical as to how it formed. In many ways we are quite predictable.

Much of which is discussed based on the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and its application is a very different way of thinking and viewing the world. Most probably it differs greatly from what many of us have learned early in life. In early life, our body wisdom is busy growing our body and we do not learn to use the body wisdom to guide our life. Additionally, well before our conscious mind is able to fully focus our attention and awareness to manipulate the body and take some control over our environment, as a young child we learned to both mimic the individuals within our environment, and we learned who we think we are and how we have defined ourselves by the individuals within our life and the experiences we had.

As a child, we grew older and become exposed to more and more of the enculturation of the world in which we grew up. That enculturation determined how we viewed ourselves and how we believed the world worked. However, what we learned and mimicked, and how we defined ourselves is not usually conducive to accessing our unlimited creativity, nor fulfilling the intention for our life, nor manifesting what we desire to create. There are many aspects to our being in the form of habits and early conditioning that we have learned very early in life and we will find necessary to change or modify. In essence, we need to restructures or recreate ourselves for the world we wish to create and experience. Because of how we humans learn and our brain develops, synaptic structures are created in the brain that "hard wire" the learning experiences we had and the body itself stores memories of the experiences we have had. Hence the effort to access our unlimited creativity to create the Phoenix and recreate ourselves will both literally and figuratively require reprogramming and restructuring the current brain and mind and our body. The overall process can feel as though we are in a rocket trying to break free of the pull of earth’s gravity and in many ways we are.

The question of course becomes, "How do we go about de-programming ourselves?" The answer is that we are like the scarab and can recycle the past and the waste products of the past into a new life. We are the Phoenix and we can choose to destroy ourselves and rise from the ashes. In some ways we destroy ourselves but at the same time we simply rearrange all that we experienced into a new from and a new structure which best serves what we desire to create. Also it is not rejecting the past and responding against the past. Rather it is about using the past with a new perspective.

We being the process by looking at the story we tell about our life and maybe even drawing a life map. We review the past with the intent of looking at the decisions we made and pull the string to understand why we made the decisions we did the way we did. It is to look at why did we not choose some other alternative. It is not about judging any decision right or wrong, good or bad no matter what the outcome had been. The idea is to look at the reasons and basis as to why we chose as we did.

When we begin to see the basis of the choices we made, we can also being to look at the beliefs which gave rise to those choices. We can pull the string on what we believe to understand if what we believe is something we came to believe because of our personal experiences or whether or not we simply accept and believe something another has told us. In this awareness we keep the beliefs which serve us and help us to create what we desire and replace those which do not. We only need to look to see what is effective in our life and use and retain what is effective.

Exactly what is involved depends on the programming we have received in life and what we desire to create. The most important de-programming centers around those beliefs which impact our creative ability and creative power and whether or not we are able to hold our creativity sacred. The question is whether or not our programming allows us to embrace the depth and breadth of our creativity or does it rob us of our power. We will need to take a careful look at how we believe the universe works and look to see if we have given to ourselves the power we have and whether or not we can take responsibility for what we have created and will create.

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