Origins of the concept of the masculine path to create a gentle phoenix


A Gentle Phoenix discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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At the time the author experienced the Ultimate Accident and the experience of the source/Source of creation/Creation, there was a very clear experience of the oneness of all of creation/Creation and the most creative state of being. It was a profound life changing experience. In many ways the journey into the exploration of our creative power and creative ability could have ended at that moment. Normally it would have. But simultaneously there also arose an awareness about the possibility of a gentle phoenix coming into existence. In some way that possibility of creating a gentle phoenix became the deep motivation for continuing the conscious journey into exploring creativity.

In essence, the author created a critical mass of enlightenment or, maybe better said, a critical mass for enlightenment was created. A series of situations were created unknowing by the author at the time to shatter his understand of Creation and that he had learned about Creation. In creating the occasion to stumble into the Source of Creation there was an enlightenment about creation/Creation in moment in what could be called the "twinkling of the eye." All that he understood was shattered in a moment. Although it would take years to fully digest and explain what was learned and understood, it was the awareness of the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix which caused a continued exploration into the nature of creativity and the nature of Creation.

At the time, given what the author had experienced in life that prompted him to pursue a journey into the exploration of creativity and the realization of the existence of a creative spirit in each heart, the concept of a gentle phoenix had certain implications. It implied a faster, easier and gentler way for an individual to transform themselves and their life to allow for the free unfoldment of their creative spirit. There was no recognition or awareness that the free expression of our creative spirit would allow us to both access Nirvana and Heaven, that Kingdom of God, here and now. Within the author’s mind, the two concepts of Nirvana and Heaven seemed totally divorce from each other and both divorce from the freedom of the creative spirit found within the heart.

Only in time, did the author come to understand was that the Heaven, as Nirvana, individuals so desired could be obtained in one life and here and now in the moment, in the "twinkling of an eye.". There is no need to wait till after death and/or to transcend the physical in any way. We simply needed to know how to live in the free expression of our creative spirit. In doing so, we will access both Nirvana and Heaven. To live the free expression of our creative spirit is Heaven on earth here and how. To know how to remain in the free expression of our creative spirit and not become encumbered by Physical Creation is to transcend the physical and the issue of being bound in any ways. It is to learn true freedom and learning to become like the wind with each experience we have - coming with nothing (no expectations) and leaving with nothing (no attachment and/or judgments, positive or negative, good or bad). It is to enter the Nirvana so desired by many.

In many ways, it was embarrassing to the author to come to realize through all these years of his journey exploring creativity to find a gentle phoenix, he didn’t really know what the possibility of a gentle phoenix was really all about. There was a expectation and assumption on his part that the gentle phoenix was only about the finding a faster, easier and gentler way to free the creative spirit and to create whatever we desired. It was only when he stumbled across some information that talked about and presented Heaven as an evolving concept within humanity that he realized the key to Heaven and Nirvana was the free expression of our creative spirit. That is, what humanity has sought for centuries actually lied within each heart, here and now in this moment.

Although he knew whatever a gentle phoenix was about, it was about a way to help people live the free expression of what is symbolized by the heart and to express the truth of their being in a relatively faster, easier and gentler way. But, he never thought of it in terms of enlightenment and/or finding "Heaven" and/or "Nirvana." It fact, he puzzled as to what the original vision of a critical mass of enlightenment was really all about and exactly how the gentle phoenix was related to it. Then in time, he saw the critical mass of enlightenment was only about creating the critical mass for his own enlightenment to stumble into the Ultimate Accident. That, in turn, lead him understand there was the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix for people. The possibility of a gentle transformation for individuals to be able to live the truth of their being and free their creative spirit. In time, the pieces came together to see the gentle phoenix was really about creating a way for each individual to access and free the creative spirit within their being. That freed creative spirit would, in turn, lead them to Nirvana and Heaven, here and now.

What become clear in simultaneously teaching a workshop on pain and understanding why the Buddhist say it takes lifetimes to become free and transcend the need to reincarnate into the Physical Creation, the author realize that much of humanity’s thinking has been focused on escaping pain. Consequently, humanity has never really looked at the whole picture. It understanding pain it is clear the issue is not about transcending the physical conditions and/or escaping to heaven. The issue if for us to creatively grow up and become adult creators. That, in turn allows us to outgrown physical Creation. In doing so, the attachments to the physical plane that keep us bound simply no longer fit who and what we are. It is much the way we outgrow our clothes as we grow up into adults. It is not about transcending our childhood toys and clothes. We out grown them. This realization brought the author back full circle to a journey started almost twenty years earlier when he had what can is traditionally called a "calling." The voice in the calling inquired of him "Who will protect my children?" It is about the equivalent of children learning to grow. It was about each us to creatively grow up, claim our birthright and become adult creators.

In coming to see how we create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences, and how we need to adjust our thinking, we cause ourselves to out grown the world in which we find ourselves. So too the issues of living our hearts, expressing our true creative potential, finding heaven, escaping pain and the like. When we are free to live what is symbolized in our heart we no longer have the interest in much of what the world seeks. Quite simply we no longer have the ego and interest for much of what the world has to offer. We transcend the physical world yet can remain fully in it.

Given the perspective about Creation most have been given it is very difficult to understand how and why we can find and access Heaven here and now with the existence of pain in our life. Most associate heaven as "pain free," or, at least desire heaven to be "pain free." But pain is not understood for the gift that pain is and what it really means in our life and for Creation. It is not understood it was the desire and the longing of the Creator for a playmate with whom to share Its experiences that caused this Creation to come into existence. Whenever we touch the depth of our being we will find a deep desire to share life with that playmate or playmates. It is what fueled and fuels Creation. That pain will never go away.

What has been learned in the exploration of our creative power and creative ability is that an immature creator will run way from pain. They refuse to take responsibility for what they experience. In doing so, they do not see the complete picture. An adult creator will take responsibility for what they experience and understand how to use the gift that lies in pain.

In exploring creativity is clear a gentle phoenix can be had at one of two levels. One is we can create whatever we desire in a relatively faster, easier and gentler way when we understand the creative process and take responsibility for what we create. The other is we can access Heaven and Nirvana in one life time and live in them here and now if we so choose. It each case is its about learning to follow our own heart, the flow of our creative life energy, and allow it to carry us there. The key piece is to experience each experience we have like the wind. Come with nothing, leave with nothing, only savoring each experience in the most passionate way possible.

We all come equipped never to leave Nirvana, never to leave Heaven. We come with the ability to creatively play as that very young child. There is no need to transcend the physical or die to find heaven. We lose the ability to remain in these states only because we lose our ability to be in spontaneous and innocent childlike play. All that keeps us from living in them is trying to remain in the world the way the world wants us to be. Rather, we need to learn to live the truth of our being. We only need to become adult in our creative activity. We then simply outgrow the physical and the attachments which hold us here. That in turn is a form of enlightenment. Enlightenment is not what people think it is for enlightenment is beyond the enculturated mind and what the enculturated mind can conceive. We have an enlightenment as to how to create a gentle phoenix for any transformation we need to take for any creation we desire to experience.

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