Shared vision - building a shared vision 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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A shared creation is a creation where each of the participants share the same rules as to how the creation will work and share common beliefs about the creation or the experience of the creation. For example, the human experience in Physical Creation is a shared creation. We are all held bound by, or to, the rules of Physical Creation. As human beings in a shared creation there are implicit and explicit rules to which we agree. In Physical Creation, we are hard wired to the rules of physical Creation through our bodies. There are things we can and cannot do because have a body and there are things we need for our body to continue to exist. A shared creation is not necessarily the result of shared vision and a member of a shared creation does not even need to be aware of the vision which gave rise to the shared creation.

A shared vision is a vision held collectively whole or in part between each of its members. Visions are normally held by single individuals. However, when a group of people work closely with each other and share a common set of experiences, beliefs and understanding about a topic, it is possible to have a shared vision. It is usually one individual gets the vision and, as they being to explain what they see, others too see it. There is a notable exception to this process. It is where a group of beings incarnate to manifest a shared vision. In this case the individuals are draw to work together and catalyze each other to move into their role without any visible reason for the relationship. However, this is not the normal case. In most cases someone will need to build a shared vision.

Building a shared vision is much more than getting individuals to agree. A shared vision allows for individual to operate toward a common end with little communication. The reason for this is the vision itself provides the path an individual needs to follow. Knowing their role, they can "see" what it is they need to do. It is in this way the pieces can add to a sum greater than any individual part for each piece is integrally linked through the shared vision.

In building a shared vision we need to understand, we each are a world unto ourselves. No one has our experiences and our perception. To build a shared vision, we need to create a sufficient number of shared experiences, facts, understanding, concepts and the like such that we can come to the same realization as to where the change need to go. However, this is much more difficult than one may first think. Creating a shared vision is to move past any letter of the law or spoken word and looks to what gives rise to what is being written or the worlds that are being used. It is to look at the energy that is being characterized. It is to look to the spirit of what needs to be done and what each needs to become to create the new organization. A share vision works with guidelines versus rules, laws and regulations.

It is not about enrolling individuals to participate in a common task or simply making a contribution to an effort. Rather it is about making a commitment to an effort. Analogously, the chicken makes a contribution to breakfast with an egg. The pig make a commitment with the ham. The pig becomes the breakfast. Similarly, we must become the vision or at least a part of us becomes the vision. The key in a shared vision is that the commitment comes from the heart of the individual where as a contribution comes from the mind. In a commitment, we give our life and a part of our being to the effort. A part of us must die and be transformed to become open to the vision.

One of the easiest ways to begin to create a shared vision is to see how the individuals in a group perceive a common energy. There is a true interpretation of what is and then there is our perception. In seeing how a common shared energy is perceive the individuals can begin to understand how each of them will need to change to move toward the truth of the situation. Within this discussion there is the freedom and the ability to carry on ‘meaningful’ conversations that balance inquiry and advocacy. Each individual is free to expose their own thinking effectively and make that thinking open to the influence of others.

In building a shared vision, it needs to be realized that sacrificing for the good of the all is not building a shared vision. A share vision allows the creative spirit within each of the individuals to flourish. With a shared vision any of the involved individual do not become less in any way. Rather the creative spirit within each individual is nourished by the shared vision.

What is important to understand about a shared vision is that it can and will manifest without a leader. Rather, each individual works seemingly independent on what needs to be done In many ways it is parallel process rather than a series process.

For those who work with a group of individuals and desire to manifest a particular end with a deep conviction, they may want to consider binding aka cords. The term "binding aka cords" comes from the ancient Hawaiian Huna tradition and is really about binding together spiritual power. It was a technique used in the ancient Hawaii traditions where individuals would tie two dreams or two prayers together. From the creativity perspective where energy and consciousness are equivalent forms of the same thing and where Creation unfolds from a oneness and interconnectedness, binding aka cords is about accessing and joining creative power. As used here, the concept of binding aka cords goes will beyond what was envisioned in the original use of the term in the Hawaiian tradition.

Binding aka cord is about making a conscious, clear and mutually agreed upon joint intention that address the deepest level of our being. We each can carry only so much energy. Binding aka cords is like increase the size of a rope or a wire by increasing the gage of the wire. This is done by entwining several thin pieces of twine or wire into a on a large entwined bundle so more overall energy is carried. Although each individual only can carry so much power, the total sum of the parts is greater than the individual parts. The goal of binding aka cords is about getting individuals to set the same common jointly held intention at each and every level of being and each of the member going to the source/Source of their being to direct their energy into that jointly held intention. Of course, there is a spectrum here of remaining very shallow or going very deep. Some thoughts about binding aka cords are found in the topic, "Binding Aka Cords." In considering binding aka cords with another, consideration should be given to creating a joint intention or joint declaration something like that reflected in the sample "Opening Prayer" and creation of an appropriate ritual demonstrating the comment of each individual to the joint intention.

If a group of individuals choose to bind aka cords, they must understand that they will not necessarily stay together. We need to remember, a vision is a creative endeavor. It is to bring into existence something not seen or previously experienced. Exactly how that vision will manifest is unknown to the mind of the individuals and as with any creative endeavor, the individuals must surrender to the energy manifesting the vision. As they each surrender to the energy from jointly held intention, they will be lead as appropriate as to who they are to manifest the intention/vision. Surrendering to that energy may cause the group to split and go off in different directions. To the mind it looks as though the group no longer works together but all are going off doing their own thing. But, on a deeper level, if the vision is held, one will find all the pieces are working together to manifest that vision and the vision itself will manifest. Whether or not the group comes back together as a visible collective may or may not happen. Here one must rely on and trust the creative process to deliver what is intended.

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