Personal mastery


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Personal mastery will be defined slightly differently depending on the context for which it is defined. As used here and in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and applications, personal mastery is about accepting our birthright and becoming a conscious creator of the  experiences we have and creator of the reality we experience.

Personal mastery is really about two things. It is about knowing oneself for having acted on the ancient recommendation to "know thyself." But it is also not about possessing something for we are infinite creative beings. In knowing oneself, we also know the ongoing never ending process to explore the infinity of our being. In this regard, personal mastery is an ongoing process and a life long effort and discipline. One who has obtained this personal mastery is aware of what they don’t know and how much there is to explore and understand. Yet, they have a profound wisdom of their own inner world and how it is reflected externally which gets translated into a powerful self confidence. But, this self confidence is not seen as arrogance or pride at what they have come to understand about themselves and Creation.

The question arises, "What exactly is meant by ‘knowing onself’ - what is required to know oneself and how does one go about doing it to gain personal mastery?"

What exactly does personal mastery mean?

The following are characteristics demonstrated in individuals who have obtain personal mastery. All individual will not demonstrate all these characteristics. But it can be expected any one individual who has gained personal mastery will demonstrate many of them. They are a natural byproduct of personal mastery and not something one needs to work to develop. All we need to do is to take the inner journey and come to know ourselves.

Personal mastery is about knowing and understanding how our actions affect the world we experience. Within personal mastery, learning is not about gaining or acquiring information but acquiring the ability to create whatever ability is needed for what one desires to create. In essence, it is to understand how we create the experiences we have. Learning how our actions affect the work is about gaining personal mastery. But, until we understand exactly how, we do not gain mastery.

Understanding exactly how we create our experiences requires us to make aspects of our nonconscious mind conscious. It requires us to pull the string on the thoughts we have and the response we have to life to see what lies at their root.

Personal mastery is about continually clarifying what is important in life and to create a single point focus for what we desire to create. It is to be aware of how the mundane of the world continually distracts and pulls our focus off what we desire to create. As such one who obtains personal mastery looks to never lose focus and looks to gain greater and greater clarity to see the truth of the current reality as clearly as possible. Personal mastery is to look to have a very clear intention to create a life worth living for one is aware of what they do now is creating the future they experience. They look to become impeccable in all their actions. They know we many not make the best decision but by being impeccable, they make the best decision possible in the moment for the understanding they have in that moment.

Personal mastery understands the creative tension and the need for the creative tension to create the flow of energy necessary to unfold the desired creation. Rather than avoid the pain and discomfort that can result from that creative tension we to look for the gift in the pain to understand what is being communicated about the situation being faced. Personal mastery is knowing how to generate and sustain the creative tension to manifest the desired creation by learning the dance between heart and mind and learning to walk in balance between the two. Personal mastery is to gain clarity as to the desires and wants of the mind and the desires and wants of the heart and learn to discern their difference.

Personal mastery is about gaining as sense of purpose for one’s life and being a part of something larger. This sense of purpose usually gets translated into a vision with discernable goals of attainment. Those who obtain personal mastery are able to detach from the experience they have and see reality for what it is and not through the filter and biases of what mind wants and mind’s judgments of right and wrong, good and evil. They do not see what arises externally as an enemy or an adversary. Rather, they see the other only as the means to provide the experience they have created for one reason or another. In being detached, they are able to perceive and work with the forces in a given situation. They are able and willing to surrender to the forces of change and let go of what needs to be sacrificed for the new creation. They are capable of surrendering to the flow of energy giving rise to the desired creation. They are inquisitive and will pull the string on whatever is experienced to understand what is giving rise to the experiences they have.

Individuals who gain a person mastery tend to operate more from an internal compass and internal guidance system rather than looking to external authorities for their direction in life. On one hand they become more difficult to manager for they do not take direction as well as one who looks to external authorities. However, if they have chosen to work for an organization to fulfill their purpose for their life, they really don’t need to be managed and tend to just know what needs to be done.

Some characteristics of personal mastery

One who has gained personal mastery is continually looking to expand their understanding and creative ability and creative power. But, it is not to gain power or control over others. Rather, it is to expand their awareness to live more consciously to create the results they seek in life and to obtain the result of a life worth living.

Individuals who have obtained a personal mastery tend to be more committed in what they undertake as compared to the normal person. What they undertake is not just a decision and commitment from their mind. That which they become involved is most often related to the fulfillment of their vision and/or purpose of being. Similarly they tend to take more initiative relative to what they undertake and are willing to take a deeper and broader responsibility in what they do.

Intuitive guidance, body wisdom, inner knowing and the like are some of the chief tools of personal mastery. In obtaining personal mastery it is as thought a whole new set of tool become available to deal with life.

One who obtain mastery has learned to learn from their experiences. More importantly, the live the old adage, "An individual learns from their experience, a wise individual learns from the experience of others, and a fool never learns" and have become wise. They have developed the ability to reflect on their thinking while we are acting or making the decision. They look to see how their actions affects others and what they may cause to happen in the future. They know that what they say and do in the right moment can ripple out far and beyond. They have learned to make their decisions in awareness and look at the causes for the experiences they have. They make decision without worry about the consequences for they make the best possible decision they could make. They become impeccable in all their actions. In becoming impeccable in their actions they need not worry about seeing the consequences to know if they did the right thing. In being impeccable, they could not have done any better.

One who has obtained personal mastery runs their own race. They take the inner journey and become true to who and what they are and live that truth.

Individuals who have obtained personal mastery don’t look to place blame for people are doing the best they know how. When one who has obtained personal mastery are faced with an individual performing inadequately, inappropriately, without understanding, lack of awareness or whatever, they realize the individual is doing the best they know how. They have nothing but compassion for the individual and looks to see what, if anything, they can do to assist the individual in seeing differently.

Personal mastery causes the individual to consciously or nonconsciously to reevalute their code of honor and develop a code of honor which places living their truth at the top of the list. It is difficult for them to do anything in life other than fulfill the purpose for one’s life. They may or may not readily provided assistance to others to find the purpose for their life.

Individual who obtain personal mastery do not become fixated on events. They are able to detach from what is occurring. They can look at the bigger picture to see the pattern and all that is coming together to create the experience as it exist. Or, they can pull the string to follow the cause effect chain  backward or forward to understand the cause of what gives rise to the experience they have or to see where what is occurring is leading.

One who has gained personal mastery tend to become involved with activities that allow them to fulfill their purpose in life. As such, they are willing to become a creative shape shifter to become what the situation requires. They will educate themselves to obtain what they need to fulfill what is require for the task at hand and provide for the true needs of the situation. In being able to become a detached witness, they stand back and apart form the wants and desires of the mind to provide what is truly needed to nourish the unfolding creation for which they have elected to participate.

Obtaining personal mastery requires the understanding there can be a huge difference between intellectually knowing and experiential knowing something. They know any activity does not work as theoretically envisioned. They will do the necessary experiments and prototype ideas for action before that ideas are implemented. They look for the hidden problems, incomplete thinking and conception, and other unforeseen obstacles in moving from conceptualization into implementation. They are willing to work well outside the way business is currently done to explore the unknown to gain the minimum set of experience to manifest what is desired.

Pushing a situation become must less of the preferred way of doing business to one who gains personal mastery. Rather, they obtain clarity of intent and purpose as to what is to be accomplished, step out of mind and detach from the particulars of the situation and surrender and flow with the energy their intention has created. They realize energy follows the path of least resistance and the resistance encountered is that mind in some way is not willing to let go of what needs to be sacrificed in the creative process to allow the new creation to unfold.

Essential to gaining personal mastery is to adopt a model, paradigm, perspective or view of oneself and Creation which allow one to step into their full creative ability and creative power and reflects their truth and is consistent with the experiences they have had in life. They do not look to use the model or paradigm of another unless it fulfills their truth and is effective in their life. The model or paradigm they adopt provides a way to detach from their actions and provide an openness to see reality for what it is. In particular it allows for a way to see how we are not separate from the world we experience and that our action have an impact on our world. The model allows them to understand that the problems they see as being caused by someone or something external actually arises from their own action and how and what they think and believe.

One who obtains personal mastery realizes that success is not always their success. They realize they are part of a larger process and only playing a role. They are not attached to the role they play and do not identify with that role. They are ready and willing to change roles as required. They are aware of the  undercurrents to Creation and are willing to surrender and riding the applicable  undercurrent for the situation they face. They are aware that the needs, desires and intentions they have which are motivating them may come from something outside themselves. In this regard, they look carefully to ensure they are properly attuned to the current that both serves the unfoldment of their creative spirit to fulfill their purpose in life and that of the situation in which they have elected to participate.

Obtaining personal mastery

Obtaining personal mastery is a personal choice. No one can force another to take the inner journey, nor can any take the journey for another. One may learn from the experience of another but each journey is unique no matter how many similarities seem to exist.

Personal mastery is best learned or rather easiest learned with the assistance of another who creates a safe and secure space for one to obtain personal mastery. It can accelerated if there is someone in one’s life who has obtain mastery and daily lives that mastery as an example. Actions speak louder then words. Someone living personal mastery is a greater teacher than words or books.

There is the need of a safe and secure space to create the space were the individual are free to explore their own truth. The individual need to be free to experiment in their creative imagination and in what they feel to access the awareness which lies in feeling to allow the vision to come forth. It needs to be a space where the individual is free to challenge the way business is currently performed, break with tradition to explore what others seek to avoid, and be free to inquire as necessary to find that vision. The most important thing that can help one obtain personal mastery is a supportive environment.

To obtain personal mastery, several recommendation can be made. One is to calibrate the internal compass and use it to guide the decisions one makes in life. A second recommendation is to know that one is running their own race and that the life created will look different and be different than any other. It is to understand the success criteria of others included those given in early life by our care givers and enculturation are not necessarily valid for our race. Rather, we allow the feeling of fullness of being and inner satisfaction guide our life.

A third recommendation to gain personal mastery, we need to become mindful and aware of our thoughts and how we think, and ultimately, why we think the way the do and have that thoughts we have - as opposed to any others. This includes the need to adopt a model, paradigm, perspective or view of oneself and Creation which allow us to step into our full creative ability and creative power and reflects our truth and is consistent with the experiences they have had in life. We can use the model or paradigm of another if it fulfills our truth and is effective in our life. Whatever model or paradigm we use, should provide a way to detach from our actions and provide an openness to see reality for what it is. In particular it should allows for a way to see how we are not separate from the world we experience and that our action have an impact on our world. It should help us to understand that the problems we see as being caused by someone or something external actually arises from our own actions and how and what they think and believe. Find such a model and adopt it. Do not worry about getting it right. Eat and digest whatever model looks adequate using what is effective and discarding the remainder. We need to allow the model to grow and unfold as we become more aware and confident in our own creative power. Pull the string on the thoughts we have to see what belief structure and associated beliefs are giving rise to that thought.

We need to take the inner journey and look to see what really lies within our being and what gives a passion for life and for living. Then we need to go live that passion the best we can in the world. The more we can live our creative passion and what gives us life, the more our awareness will unfold as to what lies within our own being. The key is to do those things in life that gives us life and expansion within our being for those are the things that brought us into the life. They are the experiences that will carry us to the source of our life and ultimately the Source of Creation. As we learn to live that life we will gain personal mastery.

The challenge to gain personal mastery is to do nothing other that live and become our truth. We do that by living what gives us life and allow for an expansion fullness of being resulting in a blossoming of our own creative spirit.

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