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 Three end point culminating experiences 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The journey of exploration into our unlimited creativity revealed three endpoints which can be seen as the culminating experience or peak experiences we can possible have while being in a physical body in Physical Creation. They reflect the three perspectives or three ways we can experience our creation - detached from the body and the ego and the "I;" detached from the body and the ego, and detached from the ego fully in the body. Of course, there is the forth perspective and the way we normally experience creation/Creation which is being identified with the body and the ego and the "I."

These are not necessary experiences or even goals unless we make them goals. Rather they are profound experiences which ultimately give rise to many of the spiritual practices created by humanity. Two of the experiences lead to the understanding that our awareness does not die and there is more to Creation than what our mind perceives. The third experience can be perceived as the ultimate reason for our incarnation. Or, alternatively said, the third experience is what we experience when we are free to experience Physical Creation as it was intended to be experienced.

The interesting fact about these three experiences is that although the three end points appear to be different, their difference in reality only reflect the perspective of the mind which experiences it. As discussed in the topic, "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind" our mind characterizes what we experience based on what we think and believe and the experiences we have had. Similarly what we think and believe determines the focus of our attention and awareness and how we are looking at the experience we have when we have it. How our mind is focused at the time we have an experience has a tremendous influence on what mind ultimately characterizes and believes about the experience. As a result, whatever we experience is biased by our mind so what we report as to what we experienced may or may not be an accurate reflection of what we experienced.

This phenomenon of how mind characterizes what it experiences based on what it thinks and believes and the experiences it has had is the essence of the illusion of mind. What is most important to realize about what is discussed here is that this culminating experience in whatever form which we experience it is available to us every moment. We do not have to create it. It already exists and we have access to it. What keeps us from experience it is our own mind and what we have come to think and believe as a result of the experiences we have had in our current life. To experience it we need to step out of mind. On this point it needs to be said that we each have already experienced this culminating experience as an embryo and new born infant. It is just that our current mind has no experiences which it can use characterize what we experienced. However, we can remember the feeling if we wish for the feeling is encoded or imprinted in our body. Some can remember the feeling and go back to characterize what they could not characterize or understand at the time they had the experience.

Relative to what can be called the culminating experience possible while being in a human body in Physical Creation, the human mind has characterized it three way. The three ways can be called: an experience of the Source of Creation, an experience of the infinity of our being and an experience of a total body sensual experience or a body or energy orgasm. What we experience depends totally on what we think and believe, the experiences we have had, and how we focus our attention and awareness through what we think and believe.

The Source of Creation: One way mind can characterize this culminating experience is as an experience of the Source of Creation often referred to as the Ultimate Accident. It is to stumble into an experience where we experience the depth and breadth of Creation in some way and experience no boundaries but total oneness. The key point in this experience is that we are outside of the ego, the "I" and any identification with the body. The perception or awareness of "I" in any form is not present. It can also be perceived as a cosmic consciousness or the awareness of the Creator. To have this experience we need to think and believe in such a way that the perspective we have both allows us to step outside the ego and the "I" identification and any identification with the body to characterize the experience for what it is.

For most who stumble into this experience the best their mind can do is to have an awareness of the light (free and unbounded Source energy) or an equivalent description and an identification with the light in some way. Usually their awareness returns with a residual knowing about their life and/or Creation that is beyond mind. Some, such as some shamans and mystics, retain the ability to go back and forth stepping into and out of the light.

The infinity of our being: The first way of having this culminating experience is very close to the second way we can have this culminating experience. The second way is referred to as an experience of the infinity of our being. In this characterization we remain in the awareness of the "I" but we do not identify with the ego or the body and experience the infinity and expansiveness of our being and the oneness of Creation. It is a cosmic consciousness but one of the creator rather than the Creator.

Relative to the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective this second perspective is reflective of the view from one of the individual points of consciousness where as the first perspective is reflective of the view from the consciousness within, or behind, Creation. To have this experience we need to think and believe in such a way that the perspective we have both allows us to step outside the ego identification and body and to characterize the experience for what it is.

For most who stumble into this experience the best their mind can do is to have an awareness of the light (free and unbounded Source energy) or an equivalent description but their mind does not identify with the light. Rather they see themselves as separate from the light. Usually their awareness returns with a residual knowing about their life and/or Creation that is beyond mind. Since there is the experience of the infinity of our being, one can return with the ability to see through time and space about particular aspects of Creation. To have what is known as an experience of the infinity of our being tends to be more ego centered experience that in the first way of having the culminating experience. Some retain the ability to go back and forth stepping into and out of the infinity of their being to access information. In these cases we would say they developed their psychic ability or they were left with a psychic ability as a result of the experience. Most shamans and mystics retain the ability to go back and forth stepping into and out of the infinity of their being in some way. They do so to either assist in healing an individual or to have additional mystical experiences.

The total body sensual experience: The third perspective, the total body sensual experience is the most interesting experience and many would say it is not on the same level of the first two, but it is. To think it isn’t at the same level is simply a judgment and perception of our mind.

In the a total body sensual experience we are able to step out of mind and the ego to totally be at one with the flow of energy enthusing our body and sustain our life. Some would call it an energy orgasm or a total body orgasm. The third experience can be perceived as the ultimate reason for our incarnation into a physical body for it allows us to fully experience and savor the physical experience at one with Creation. In they same way the experience of the Source of Creation as a cosmic consciousness is a consciousness experience or experience of consciousness of consciousness, the total body sensual experience is the energy equivalent of cosmic consciousness. It is an experience of oneness with the energy of Creation in from as opposed to an experience of the oneness of Creation without form. It is the equivalent experience of the Source of Creation or the infinity of our being but we are not detached from our body. Rather we fully experience and savor what it means to be physical. As said above, alternatively said, the third experience is what we experience when we are free to experience Physical Creation as it was intended to be experienced - the exquisite sensory experience that it is.

The key to all of these experiences

The key to all of these experiences is to be able to step out of mind. Although important as to what we think we experienced after the experience and how we describe what we experience, what we think and believe, the experiences we have had in life and how we have focused our attention and awareness at the time we have the experience are not as important as being able to step out of mind to have the experience and just be in the experience. If there is the desire to have this culminating experience in any form, the recommendation made here is to look to create it as we would look to create any other experience. It is to set a clear intention after having pulled the string to understand why we desire to create what we intend. Then look to our intuitive guidance to guide our path.

If we choose to do so, we can also set the intention to create as fast, easy, gentle and playful a path as possible. But to create this path, we will have to face all the reasons why we lost the ability to be in a state of childlike play. But facing the reason why we lost the ability to be in a state of childlike play is not a diversion. In fact, the more we are free to surrender be in the experience whether it be an experience of the Source of Creation, the infinity of our being or a total body sensual experience, we will find the more and more childlike we will become. We will find ourselves being able to return to a beginner’s mind and reconstruct our mind with a totally new perspective as to how creation works. At the center of that understanding will be childlike play and the understanding that Creation is ultimately consciousness at play with itself flowing into and out of form in a endless ebb and flow based on how consciousness has focused its attention and awareness based on how and what it thinks and believes.

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The infinity of our being
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The Ultimate Accident
The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind

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