The Releasing Your Unlimited
Creativity Applicability
Some specific areas of application
Some examples of actual applications
The Releasing Your Unlimited
Creativity approach can be used for finding creative solutions,
innovative ideas, and an alternative way of approaching any
situation including how to live your life and/or respond to any
given set of conditions. It is applicable to any or all areas or
aspects of life - spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, private,
professional, social, individually and/or collectively in a group or
organization . (More..... on the application)
Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity can be used to help you obtain
objects and things, but its focus is toward creating the space
within your being to allow what is best described as your creative
spirit to become free to create what you desire. It is most useful
when you need to make an internal change to obtain what you desire.
In this regard, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is
most useful to recreate one or more aspects of your life, or an
organization cultural life, that are no longer serving what you
desire to experience.
Most, individually and organizationally, find and embrace its
usefulness when faced with change management - managing elective or
nonelective change and/or during life transitions - if not outright
desperation. However, it greatest benefits occur in using it to
become proactive to feel the need for change and begin to change
long before one is forced to respond.
The unique blend of science and mysticism provided in the creativity
perspective allows for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity
understanding to addressing a broad range of creative endeavors. As
an interdisciplinary mix, it can reach into any aspect or area of
your life. It can address spiritual, mental, emotional and/or
physical issues as well as issues that are personal, social or
professional, individually or collectively. Some find the depth and
breadth of what can be addressed through this understanding too much
to be believed. However, when the creative spirit is understood and
a creativity perspective adopted, it becomes obvious all these
seemingly different subject and topics of applicability are related
and interconnected. Ultimately, our creativity and what we are
capable of creating is determined by how and what we think and
believe. So, any application will require a change in thinking in
some way. Hence, relative to applications, you will see what appears
to be an inordinate amount of focus on inner types and kinds of
issue simply because any creative effort starts from the inside.
From a creativity perspective, if the inner work is not done, it
cannot support that outer changes that will need to occur to
manifest what we desire. This is why we often are frustrated in
creating what we desire. Sufficient inner work is not done. Although
many things seem impossible, often more is possible that what we
first imagine. In fact, if you look carefully, nothing is really
impossible. You can carefully you can almost always find a way to
envision what is impossible happening. However, it is just that for
a given environment at a given time and given place in which we find
ourselves, there are only certain things that can be done. The
questions for any application are does one need to change to respond
to the environment, does one need to change the environment or do
both need to change in some way. Most tend to change how they
respond to the environment.
Many don’t realize they have the creative power and the creative
ability to change the environment. They look for creative solutions
that fit the environment rather than being prepared to change the
environment. The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach always
looks to understand how the inner world needs to change to support
what one desires to create but it also look at the environment. It
looks to see if the environment can be changed and how to access the
creative power to change that environment. And, of course, it
realizes how you change the environment depends on the environment
and any change in the environment requires how you respond to that
changed environment.
What you personally can use this material for is determined by your
intention - what you desire to create and why you desire to create
it. As said above, it needs to be noted many of the items on the
following list are internal items. The reason for this is our
ability to create anything first arises from within. Hence one needs
to do the necessary internal work to create something in the
external world. The most surprising observation has been how our
perspective as to what is important externally changes as one
consciously accesses their creative ability. Whether we accept it or
not, most of us rely on the “muse” in some form or another - some
external motivation or inspiration to create.
Few operate from a truly self generate internal motivation. Most of
our internal motivation comes from past programming and not our own
unique truth. Those who are motivated by an internal motivation that
arises from one’s true self and not programming tend to appear a
little crazy to the external world. The reason for this is they are
willing to be different based on their own internal guidance and
inner motivation. In any case, when we consciously access our
creative spirit, we find what catalyzes our actions changes and most
often decouple from our previous ideas and desires. Many do remain
but they are held in a different way.
For those looking to manifest a physical object or a particular
physical experience such as a car, a house, a retreat center, a
business or the like, it needs to be noted that when one gets in
touch with the source of their creative power, their desire will
most probably change. Many of us have been programmed as to what
success looks like in life for us, and what we need to do to obtain
it. However, when we access the deeper levels of our creative power
we find there are other things that better fulfill and serve what
lies behind our original desire. The Releasing Your Unlimited
Creativity will take you to what lies behind and what is giving rise
to the desire your are consciously aware.
The most powerful use of this material has been for career changes
and life transformations both individual and organizationally.
Organizationally, significant effort has been to refocus employees
as their job and/or life changes as a result of organizational
changes. Relative to this fact, whether applied individually or
organizationally, most of the applications have been to establish
clarity as to the direction an individual needs to go in their life
and the actions they must undertake. The applications in one way or
another, have been to access and follow that internal guidance
system. Then with a true clarity of intent and a guidance system to
follow, the path becomes relatively straight forward.
The following are some of the areas of application and actual
applications for which the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity
approach has been used. In applying the Releasing Your Unlimited
Creativity approach, these subjects can be addressed simultaneously
or separately.
Some specific areas of application
Although there are a multitude of items addressed in the Releasing
Your Unlimited Creativity technology, some particular items are:
Orchestrating the organization
Creating an improvisational organization
Creating organizational cultural change
Learning to appreciate your own unique creativity.
Understanding why you do, and don’t, get what you desire.
Viewing your life as a creative living process
Balancing your need for ownership and control within the creative
process as the old falls away.
Learn to free time and energy to create what you desire.
Finding more bliss and joy in life.
Obtain an inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is
happening in the external world..
Becoming self-empowered in your spiritual, emotional, mental and
physical life.
Harmonizing your creativity with others.
Using the world of infinite possibilities.
Understanding abundance in life.
Provides an integrated creativity theory.
Mindfulness and awareness.
Intentionality and manifesting an intention
Role of sacrifice & ritual in creativity
Understanding your individual world view
Using the unseen reality of Creation
Recreating your life & your reality
Learning to dance between heart & mind
Balancing the masculine and feminine aspects within one’s being.
Merging individual realities to create common ground
Some examples of actual applications
The following are some areas of actual application or more
appropriately, the results of heloing individuals establish a
conscious link with one’s internal guidance system:
Refocus career paths for individual involved in organization
Retooling and reenginering organizational structures to meet
changing needs.
Creating organization cultural change to meet new demands on the way
business and operations need to be implemented.
Improve workplace quality, safety and health.
Bring one back “home” to the source of their being and the source of
their creative powers. Here one can access an abundance of life and
creative energy that one can feel and experience to create what you
desire. It provides an understanding about abundance in life and how
to create it and sustain it. It address how abundance of this
creative energy will not necessarily guarantee financial abundance
or success in the eyes of the world. Yet you life is immeasurably
more rewarding.
Address the deep longing many feel within their being that has been
characterized as a longing for the Beloved/beloved as found in may
mystical traditions and/or that perfect soul mate.
Access the passion within one’s being to energize one’s creative
needs with an engine to power one’s creative endeavors with an
unlimited supply of fuel.
Learn to appreciate one’s own unique perspective and creativity and
to understand the origins of one’s individual unique world view.
Take one beyond that obtainable in yoga and meditation. It provides
a way that one can you to take the internal calmness within your
being that can be accessed through yoga and meditation into the
everyday world and not lose that calmness no matter what is
happening in your life and what you are doing
Provide an understanding of the traditional muse and the
relationship of sex and sexuality relative to one’s creative
endeavors. Additionally, because this methodology is about accessing
the source of your creative power it is about accessing the Source
of Life Itself. In this regards, it has been used to obtain
spiritual insights through the use of the sexuality as it arise in
one’s creative endeavors that goes well beyond what one can obtain
in traditional Tantra and related spiritual sexuality practices as
they are currently taught.
Stimulate and catalyze one’s creative efforts in the traditional
realm of the seven muses such as art, music and theater or simply to
become more creative in the applications of one’s job or life to
research new and inventive solutions, tools and/or techniques.
Provide some understanding why you do, and don’t, get what you
View one’s life as a creative living process that constantly
recreates itself by, and through, the experiences one has to free
oneself of the past.
Overcome or escape victim consciousness and/or, allowing one’s
creativity to be held hostage by some external force - whether it is
an object, person, organization or a belief.
Provide a way to utilize the world of infinite possibilities and the
unseen realms of Creation. The creativity perspective it provides
acts as a change of optics to allow you to step out of your current
mind set and/or group think to move beyond tunnel vision to discover
and explore the true range of possibilities open to you.
Understand there are no errors or mistakes in creativity. There are
only learning experiences and it is about learning what does or
doesn’t serve one’s creative needs.
Provide a way to allow one to forecast their life to see what lies
in the future if one’s stays on the path they are currently
Assist one to get to the root of their addictions and/or addictive
behaviors to create something that better serves their needs.
Provide a way to reenter that most creative state of being that we
were all born into and can only be described as the spontaneous and
innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of oneself and
one’s world.
Provide an improved understanding of the intent, purpose and
usefulness of such ancient traditions of alchemy, astrology, and
many mythological traditions and the basis of many New Age concepts.
Provide a different perspective on the nature of accidents, illness
and disease and the relationship of mind and body that gives rise to
such things as placebos and miracles. This understanding can then be
used in consultation with, and of course, under the direction of,
your healing practioner to supplement the use of traditional and/or
alternative medical approaches.
Assist one to find an employment that addresses the “business of
your life” for which you incarnated.
Provide the basic principles and concepts that allow you to build
and construct the life that you came to live and not for which you
were programmed to live through your enculturation.
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