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 Creating a critical mass of enlightenment 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2010 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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This discussion is a follow up and continuation of the discussion topics, "The fruit of an evolution in creative understanding and thinking - the Critical Mass of Enlightenment Vision," "A culmination in thinking and moving into action," and "Critical mass of enlightenment experiment." This discussion reflects the understanding obtained in the fourteen year exploration and documentation of the journey into the exploration of our inherent creativity and what was learned relative to creating a critical mass of enlightenment.

To summarize the essence of these files it can be said the author stumbled upon a book which suggested the time was becoming ripe for humanity to have a awakening as a result of obtaining a critical mass of enlightened individuals. The author took this thought one step further with the thought of actually creating that critical mass of enlightenment. That is, although it could happen quite naturally, it could it be accelerated. Analogously, one can create a critical mass of uranium to create a nuclear reactor through the gaseous diffusion process. The process is simple in concept but using this process is expensive and time consuming. However, one can apply some more modern technology and use centrifuges to shorten and accelerate the process. Or one can use an even a more sophisticated technology and use finely tuned lasers to accelerate the process further yet. Here the point being, with the correct understanding, and for lack of a better word, through a "technology of enlightenment," we can accelerate the enlightenment process and create that critical mass of enlightenment.

Of course two questions can be asked. One is, "What is needed to enlighten individuals or what keeps individuals from becoming enlightened." The second questions is, "Why would one what to create a critical mass of enlightenment?" The first question assumes what is writing in the literature about enlightenment is correct and enlightenment is not something other than what we think it is. The answer to the second question, which the author thought was obvious, is if enlightenment is what we are told it is and thought to be, a critical mass of enlightenment offered the possibility of humanity transcending its typical problems and issues to create that "heaven" here on earth.

Of course, there is the additional question, "Is such a world a place where individuals would want to live?" Here the answer is, "We don’t know for we have never experienced such a world." All we can do is create it and see if it works. We may find the existing world is fine the way it is or we may find something more enjoyable and pleasant.

The questions at the start of the experiment

When the author chose to undertake creating a critical mass of enlightenment experiment there were several unanswered questions which were noted in the discussions "A culmination in thinking and moving into action" and "Critical mass of enlightenment experiment." Over time, these questions were addressed in some way. The question were:

  • Exactly what thoughts or what type and kind of thinking allows for revolutionary changes?
  • Exactly what is enlightenment?
  • How would one go about combining or creating a group of individuals to create a critical mass of enlightenment
  • How does one learn to navigate in the unknown when mind cannot lead?

In addition to these questions there are some other things which also needed to be understood but of which the author was unaware at the time. The most important was that there were things which needed to happen to the author to destroy his mind as he knew and understood it. In essence, the author had to become enlightened to create a critical mass of enlightenment. But what the author needed to experience was unique to who and what he thought he was. That is, because of the experiences in his life, he had a particular way of thinking and believing as to how Creation worked. The key underpinning of those beliefs had to be destroyed so that he could see beyond his own mind. What he had to do was not what another had to do.

In addition, what the author needed to address was that we are a creative living process in the process of unfolding. Our mind is a part of that process. As such, mind can never stand outside itself and see the whole process. This fact needed to be both understood and a way found to observe the process of which we are a part.

The journey and a surprising twist to the journey

As discussed in the exploration of our inherent creativity where there was a conscious journey and an nonconscious journey. Similarly, there were actually two parallel aspects, journeys or paths relative to answering these questions. There was a conscious and a nonconscious aspect.

From the perspective of the conscious mind, the journey to create the critical mass of enlightenment experiment was derailed or diverted within a few months of starting to the point of the author losing interest in creating it. In many ways the idea of creating a critical mass of enlightenment was something highly improbable to the author’s mind at the time it was started given how much information needed to be understood and the time it would take to gain that understanding. As a result, it was considered more of something in which to dabble when time was available rather than taking it seriously as the primary objective in the author’s life. Hence, the author continued to look to create mind body foundation with is physician friend and, when the opportunity came to help an individual create a retreat center, the author acted to help them and seemingly become totally diverted from creating the critical mass of enlightenment.

However, nonconsciously, the journey continued. Within a very sort time, two things happened. One was the author was intuitively lead by his mystical path to create the conditions for a critical mass of enlightenment in his own life and experience the Ultimate Accident. The second thing was an awareness arose as to the possibility of creating a what can be called a gentle phoenix which totally consumed the focus of his attention and awareness for years. That is, he was consumed with finding a faster, easier, gentler and more playful way for an individual to transform themselves and recreate their life to access what, at the time, was inappropriately called the heart’s desire. The heart’s desire was an inappropriate name for what was accessed for the concept of the heart’s desire does not allow for a full realization of what exactly is symbolized in the heart and why a desire within the heart exists and what it means for our life.

In addition to a gentle phoenix to recreate our life to live what was in our heart, in time, the author came to understand the possibility of a gentle phoenix was possible for any creative endeavor we undertake. The gentle phoenix was not only for accessing what was called at the time as the heart’s desire but anything we desire to create. In any case, the author become quickly distracted by the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix. The possibility of creating it and giving it to humanity consumed him. His mind knew of nothing more wonderful to give humanity than a faster, easier, gentler and more playful way of facing the necessary transformation in one’s life. Usually the path to break free of the mind to fully surrender and experience what lies in the heart is very difficult if not painful. Many only come to the realization of what lies in the heart when they face life threatening illness if not a near death experience. Knowing the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix as opposed to life threatening illness was just to wonderful to pass up. As a result the author pursued understanding how to create a gentle phoenix for years. In essence, he consciously abandoned creating a critical mass of enlightenment.

Although unaware at the time he had experienced a gentle phoenix in creating the critical mass of enlightenment in his own life to experience the Ultimate Accident, he continued access the information and understanding to create the critical mass of enlightenment experiment. Only when he finished documenting the journey into the exploration of our inherent creativity and completing the essential writing he identified as needing to be done at the start of the journey did he come to understand he had all that he needed to create that critical mass of enlightenment.

Although he did not find "A" or "The" gentle phoenix he hoped to find, he was able to find a variety of ways to make the transformation process for any creative endeavor a faster, easier, gentler and more playful transformation if the individual was willing to do the work. Also he found the answers to the questions as to how to create that critical mass of enlightenment. Hence, this discussion topic on creating a critical mass of enlightenment.

Stumbling onto the possibility of gentle phoenix and being consumed by looking to find such a things was a surprising twist to the journey to access the information to create the critical mass of enlightenment experiment. In essence the whole journey become a nonconscious journey. Analogously, it was much like starting a journey in a submarine. There was a clear intention for where the journey needed to go. But, as soon as the journey started, the submarine submerge and was not seen again until it surfaced at it destination.

In many ways, the journey to access what was needed to create the critical mass of enlightenment experiment is very symbolic and similar to the journey of our life. We enter life with a very clear intention for our life and with the desire for certain types and kinds of experiences. But, as soon as we start that journey, we become distracted in some way. Something steals our attention. Yet, through the mystical path which unfolds in response to the intention we set, we continue on our journey without awareness of our conscious mind. Only at the end of the journey do we look back in what has been called the review of our life when we die, that is, the life we lived flashes before us, do we come to see how much we have completed that we set out to do.

Resolution of questions existing at the start of the Experiment

The answers to the questions which existed at the time the critical mass of enlightenment experiment was proposed were answered. The information was compiled in unawareness as the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material was captured. But it is worth noting, the most significant question which needed to be addressed was "What exactly is enlightenment?" However, the answer to this question was not about enlightenment as seen or discussed in the spiritual and/or religious context. Rather it was an enlightenment about the creative process of Creation and how we create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences. The most significant issue in the difference from the traditional understanding of spiritual or religious enlightenment centers around not trying to avoid pain and desiring to transcend the human physical experience as in most spiritual and religious traditions. Rather, it was about learning to understand and use the gift in pain create that Heaven, Nirvana or Kingdom of God here and now.

Enlightenment is discussed in the topics, "The creativity perspective on enlightenment," "A view of enlightenment from the creativity perspective," and "Creative enlightenment is about understanding and using feelings."

Relative to the creating a critical mass of enlightenment, the key understanding is as follows. Enlightenment is about understanding the creative process, how we create our experiences, how we create the reality we experience and become a conscious creator of the experiences we have. It is to understand who and what we are is perfectly manifested in Physical Creation as our body and its environment in a one to one mapping. Each and every aspect of our being is somehow reflected in the Creation we experience. We are the creator experiencing its creation as discussed in the topics, "Origins of Creation" and the "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality." For us to become the creator of a world we wish to experience, we have to become both the creator and the creation. We have to chose what we wish to create and then become it. We cannot give what we do not have. We cannot experience another world or reality unless we become that world and reality ourselves. We are in the world we are experiencing because of who and what we currently are for it is a reflection of us. To experience a different world, we must become different. We need to take responsibility for what we experience and not look to any blame any other or as the cause of what we experience. To manifest any creation, we will need to ask ourselves, "What do I have to become to create what I desire" and then we will need to detach ourselves from both the current identity we have and from the creation we desire to become that detached witness. Then, from that position of the detached witness we allow whatever that needs to change internally and externally to change to manifest what we desire for our inner world is reflected in the outer.

Creating the critical mass of enlightenment

There are two ways to create. One way is the masculine way, the other is the feminine way.

In the masculine way we go out and do whatever we think we need to do to create what we desire. In doing so, we face a trial and error method until we gain the minimum set of experience to create what we desire. This is the primary way science is done. For example, the solvent sold today WD-40 is so named because it is Water Displacement Formula 40. In creating the solvent which could replace water thirty nine attempts were made to create such a material. This does not mean the first thirty nine attempts were failures or mistakes. Rather they were learning experience to gain that minimum set of experience to know what works.

The feminine way to create is different. It is to create a seed condition and then plant that seed in a fertile space which can supply the nutrients it needs to grow and unfold. It is more like the way we plant a seed in the ground and allow the seed to pull from the unseen world below ground the nutrients it needs to grow. We can use a similar process for anything we desire to create.

Although there are things which can be done reflective of the masculine way to create the critical mass of enlightenment, it has been observed, a faster and more effective way is to actually use the feminine way. It may seem longer if not impossible, but the feminine way offers the faster, easier, gentler and more playful way to create it.

As for the critical mass of enlightenment experiment and creating that critical mass of enlightenment one only needs to create the seed condition and then plant that seed in fertile ground. In time it will grow and bear fruit. As such, the question becomes, "What is the seed condition and what or where is the fertile ground in which to plant it." Additionally, one can pursue aspects of the masculine path to compliment the feminine path and the growth of the seed which is planted.

All that keeps us out of, or from, what is called enlightenment is our mind. The question is "How do we get out of mind and into the understanding and awareness which is called enlightenment?" Key to getting out of mind is "not doing" and coming to know we are not how we define ourselves and Creation at is most fundamental levels does not work the way we think it does. To do this there is the need of a paradigm which allows us to step out of mind with an accompanying shift in consciousness and allows for the free unfoldment of our creative spirit and what lies in the heart.

The seed condition

A critical mass of enlightenment has been created on the individual level. The author created the conditions to become enlightened about the mystical path for our life and how we both create the experiences we have and create the reality of those experiences. The understanding has been used to create the space for others to have a gentle phoenix and to access a sufficient level of inherent creativity to recreate their life to a life which best serves who and what they find themselves to be. Some have transformed there life as profound as that found in the Shams - Rumi story. The understanding to create such a gentle phoenix is what is provided in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material. How effective the author is at providing the understanding to create your own critical mass of enlightenment is a question only you and answer. But, what is clear, is that when a sufficient number of individuals come to understand how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience, there will be an enlightenment available to humanity to recreate itself and what it means to be human in a way never available previously in recorded history.

For this to occur, there needs to be a critical number or mass of individuals who come to understand and live their truth and give and/or create the space for others to live their truth before it can happen. What is provided by the author’s story and how he created the conditions for the Ultimate Accident is one such path. The guidance provided in such topics as "Becoming our truth," "Feminine Creative Power," and similar topics within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material reflect the lessons learned from creating the space for others to have their own enlightenment. The lessons learned from these paths can be used by others as appropriate for their life.

However, since each path is unique, the more effective path is simply to calibrate the internal compass to what provides a fullness of being, fullness of life or feeling of freedom in what is done in life. Then use the internal compass to guide our life and learn to navigate from the heart. Such a path addresses our uniqueness and provides the fastest and easiest way. The gentleness is added by becoming wise and looking and the lessons learned from the experiences in our life and what we have learned and the lives of those who made such a journey. The most important lesson learned in creating gentleness is letting go of our attachments, surrender to where the flow of energy which creates a fullness of being leads us and to the extent possible to become like the wind. The playfulness is gained by addressing the reason why we placed our creative spirit in the cage of our own making and doing the work to freeing our creative spirit from that cage.

Finally, when all is said and done, to learn to become like the wind, the underlying message is that there are two paths to our life. One path is the enculturated path or the path of the mind. It is reflective and based on what mind thinks, what mind wants and what mind has been lead to believe about itself and Creation. Then there is the mystical path that is offered to us every moment of our lives. It is reflective of the reason which brought us into life. Both these paths will influence our life and in the same way we need two legs to walk, we need each of these paths in life if we are going to engage life.

The goal of life can best be described is to bring these two paths, the ensculturated path and mystical path into a oneness such that what we think about life and are lead to do from that thinking is fully in line with what the mystical path ask of us. It is to learn to navigate from the heart and allow our heart to determined the direction for our life and have mind make it possible. This, of course, is much easier said that done simply because how Physical Creation pushes us into the mind and out of our heart. In not being able to merge these into one path, the goal is to entwine these two paths in a converging spiral such that we are continually moving toward one path.

Converging these two paths into a single path is done by learning the two views of creation and spending some time in view of the mind and the view of the heart to learn what each provides. Then, it is to learn to dance and dance between the mind and the heart in an ever tightening dance. Learning this dance is to calibrate the internal compass and learning to navigate from the heart using the fullness of being, fullness of life, feeling of freedom and other equivalent feelings as the compass point.

The seed condition which needs to be planted to create the critical mass of enlightenment is the understanding discussed here. The explored information on creativity suggests humanity currently does not have a readily available paradigm which allows individuals to access the depth and breadth of their inherent creativity to create what they desire. Many of the existing paradigm touch upon pieces of the necessary paradigm but the do not create that space for the creative spirit within each individual to be fully realized. One reason for this is creation/Creation is not done alone and we need that other or another to give us the experiences we desire to have. As a result we keep looking externally for that other and we forget our inner world is reflected in the outer. We must first do the inner work and make the inner changes to allow that other to enter our lives to give us what we desire. Without doing the inner work, we do not draw to us the individual we need.

However, only we can do the inner work and what we need to do is unique to each of us. We can use the lessons learned of others. We can use the guidance and advice of someone who has made such an inner journey. But what we need to do is unique to us and no one can do the journey for us. All we really need is an individual or individuals who give us the space and allow us to do what we need to do and, as appropriate, participate and help us do what we need to do. In this regard, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material provided the paradigm for both in individual who needs to take the inner journey and for the one who holds the space and assists as appropriate. As such this understanding and material is the seed condition for creating that critical mass of enlightenment and accompanying gentle phoenix. A better paradigm may be found in the future, or this material may be rewritten by another to say more eloquently what is said. But at this point in time, no other paradigm was found to do what this understanding and material does. The lack of the existing paradigm was the whole reason for creating the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material.

The fertile ground

Based on the exploration of our inherent creativity, humans tend to become consciously creative and access the energy and passion to act only when they are dissatisfied with what is or there is discomfort if not pain at some level of their being. However, more often than not, rather than come to use and learn the gift in pain, individuals act to numb, suppress or otherwise avoid the pain. In doing so, they create an addiction or addictive behavior of which thinking and a thinking addiction is the most prevalent and least understood and least recognized addiction. That is, we think rather than feel. In doing so, we shut down our ability to feel. In doing so, we both "harden are heart" and shut down our intuitive guidance that is essential to leading us through the unknown.

In any creative endeavor, there is a required sacrifice of creation and one must be willing to pay the price required by that sacrifice. More often than not, we are somehow attached to what needs to be sacrificed. Rather than letting go, we hold onto what we are attached and cause ourselves pain. We then act to avoid, numb or suppress the pain rather than letting go of what needs to be released. In not letting go, in addition to causing ourselves pain, we thwart our own creative endeavor and then become puzzled as to why we cannot create what we desire.

The fertile ground are those individual dissatisfied with either their life as it currently exist or they are dissatisfied what the world currently has to offer. In that longing for a better life and/or better world, they will look for another path. They will look for an alternative way or an alternative view. They will look for something which allows them to create a life worth living and a life which better serves them.

An alternative to the issue creating the fertile ground

The issue creating fertile ground is dissatisfaction with life in some way. The fertile ground are those individual dissatisfied with either their life as it currently exist or they are dissatisfied what the world currently has to offer. In that longing for a better life and/or better world, they will look for another path. They will look for an alternative way or an alternative view. Unfortunately most experience pain or some type and kind of set back in life before they begin to look for that alternative way or alternative view. But this does not have to be the way. There is an easier way.

The single issue we face in accessing the enlightenment described above is our mind. It the realization that mind is what keeps up from both the enlightenment many seek and the inner satisfaction which never runs dry no matter what is happening in the external world we experience, we can avoid much pain, discomfort and suffering. By exploring mind and what we think and believe we can come to understand how we are attached to aspects of life and/or how we bias what we see and experience. In that awareness we can make changes which can help us avoid if not eliminate the pain, suffering and/or discomfort we would otherwise face.

Relative to becoming enlightened and participating in creating a critical mass of enlightenment for humanity we have a choice. Analogously it is like experience of giving breakfast to another. We can serve breakfast, contribute to breakfast or become breakfast. The waiter or waitress serves breakfast and simply moves the food from one location to another. The chicken contributes the egg for breakfast. However, the pig becomes the breakfast in the form of the ham or bacon. To help someone become enlightened in some way is to function much like a waiter or waitress. To create a safe and secure space for someone to do the world to become enlightened is to contribute to the effort much like the chicken give more that just a little time like the waiter or waitress. However to become the phoenix to destroy oneself and transform oneself to become enlightened is to be the pig and become the breakfast.

Whatever we choose is our choice. The more we can let go of what we think and believe and let go of that to which we have become attached, the easier and gentler the journey can be. If we can surrender to the flow of energy of the transformation the faster we make the journey.

The approach

Within the understanding presented here, the approach to create a critical mass of enlightenment is surprisingly simple. The difficult work in creating the critical mass of enlightenment has been completed.

The approach is simply to place the needed paradigm on the web with sufficient points of access and allow those who long for that better life and world to find it. They are then offered the choice to act on what they find or discard it. When a sufficient number of individuals choose to act on this material, a critical mass will be reached. It is then that humanity will have the wisdom within its collective conscious to jump to a new way of being or it can choose to continue on the path that it has set based on the past. The choice is, was, and always will be ours, both individually and collectively. But the seed is planted and the ground is fertile.

For all practical purposes, the critical mass of enlightenment experiment is complete. All that is needed is to maintain the paradigm which has been posted on the web, nurture the seed as needed, and wait and see what unfold from the seed that is planted.

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