An evolution in understanding


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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At the time of the Ultimate Accident, there came to the author an awareness of the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix. The concept of a gentle phoenix concerned the possibility of a faster, gentler and easier way for individuals to recreate themselves That is, to claim our birthright as being of unlimited creativity and to recreate our life. We each need to recreate ourselves much like the Lion Cub in the Story of the Lion Cub in the discussion the “Human Conditions as seen from the Creativity Perspective.” We need to recreate ourselves to either manifest what we desired in our life or to live more in alignment with the truth of our being and the intention for our life. It was a faster, gentler and easier way as compared to the methods and approaches currently used and available and/or used in the past. Such a way was found and the finding are compiled on the web site entitled “Gentle Phoenix Creative Guidelines.”

This concept and the possibility of creating such a gentle phoenix became the single point focus for the author’s life. The author knew of nothing more wonderful than the possibility of making life a little more gentler and easier for people to claim their birthright or to create what they desire. Yet, he had no idea what so ever of how such a thing could be created and what would be required. It truly as a creative endeavor into the unknown. In many ways it provided the single greatest frustration that author every experienced. All he could do was totally surrender to the creative process. That in turn, required him to surrender his life to the creative effort. That surrender was probably the single thing that was most responsible for the destruction of his ego and his past.

The Ultimate Accident shattered his ego and how he understood Creation worked. But our ego fragments are tremendously adept at reconstituting themselves if they are given the space to do so. Our inherent ability to reconstitute ourselves is the essence of the phoenix process of which we all are adept and doing, at least on a subconscious level. Surrendering to the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix prevented any re-emergence of his ego based on his past. The evolution nature of the creative process and the requirement to surrender to the process kept the ego from reconstituting itself based on the past for he had to continually step out of his mind to explore the unknown.

We cannot escape the ego. It will never leave us for it is the vehicle which consciousness uses to experience its creation. To think we can escape and/or transcend it and experience Creation/creation is simply the illusion of mind. The question is, “How do we construct the ego we have and do we allow our ego to change to create something different?” For the author to find a way to create a gentle phoenix, his ego as constructed by his past and the experiences of his life had to die. A new ego had to be reborn and constructed that allowed for the possibility of a gentle phoenix if he were to find such a thing. He had to become the phoenix.

To recreate ourselves, we become both the phoenix and the scarab. The phoenix destroys itself to rise out of the ashes in a new life. The dung beetle, a sacred symbol of ancient Egypt simply eat what is excreted by life, which is our past, and takes from it what can be used to create a new life. The creation process will do this for us if we surrender to the process.

The creation process to which the author surrendered was directed toward obtaining the set of minimum set of requisite experience to understand each of the piece of the puzzle that were needed to create that gentle phoenix. In the process of exploring those pieces the author ego’s had to change to accommodate the exploration that was required. The path that needed to be taken could only be felt in the moment and known by mind only in hindsight. He was continually out of mind and what mind wanted so ego was always at a lost to define itself. It was as an unfoldment and an evolution where he was lead by the process. For the duration of this process there was only one thing the author could do. All he could was hold a single point focus to create that gentle phoenix, become extremely mindful and aware as the Universe presented the information and understanding, step out of mind and surrender to whatever was required by what surfaced that lead toward that gentle phoenix. All he could do was feel his way. In essence he was blinded and could not see where to go. He had to feel his way.

He had to be aware, awake and alert to capture the understanding and to be free to act as required, when required. To be available to do this, the evolution of the material essentially required him to withdrawal from much of life to be ready to either write what came to him or have the experience which give rise to another piece of understanding. The author was routinely lead to experiences which allowed him to gain the understanding that was required.

Yet, more often than not he had no idea as to how to proceed. Each night as he went to sleep, he asked what do he need to do to find a way to create a gentle phoenix and what he had to do to create it. He then needed to surrender to what arose in his intuitive guidance as to how to proceed. The journey was a path of surrender in all ways. In many ways it was if the author was pregnant and what needed to occur was well beyond his mental control. He had to give to the creation all that was required by the creation. He could not give what he wanted to give. He had to give what was required by the creation.

The writing which you read was very much a surrender to what needed to be said. The material evolved and unfolded. The author knew he needed to write but he routinely said, “I don’t know what to write.” He would simply stared at a blank sheet of paper or a blank computer screen. Then, before he realize it, he was writing and he was often astounded by what he had accessed and written.

Some would say that he was channeling and/or communicating with non physical entities. However that was not the case. He was very aware he was only accessing information that lied within his own being. He only needed to create the proper space for it to come out. More often than not, the proper space was surrender. Surrendering to what needed to be done in the moment, completely out of mind and any thinking, judging and/or expectation as to what was happening.

In reflecting on the journey, three comments can be made about the unfoldment of the concepts and understanding within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material .

The first is that it was as if a seed condition was created and planted in the author at the time of the Ultimate Accident. At the time of the Ultimate Accident there was a personal experience of oneness/Oneness and the author was imprinted with the experience of the Source that took time to digest. But along with this imprint of the Source, the author was also impregnated with an understanding inserted into the fertile ground created by the experience of the Source.

There was a seed that was planted and impregnated within the author based on the intention held by the author at the time he experienced the Ultimate Accident. At the time he was intent of finding a way to free in another what was symbolized in their heart. He was looking for an alternative way to live life. A way that could provide for more joy and satisfaction that could be given to people that what he was seeing the lives of the people he encountered in the workplace. That seed took the form recognized by his conscious mind as a gentle phoenix. It was birthed eight months later as the awareness that we each possessed and inherent unlimited creativity that could be used to recreate ourselves and manifest what we desire.

Unknown to the author at the time, what he experienced and writes in the previous paragraph is a key step in the creation process that we routinely use subconsciously to create the experiences we have. That is, we unknowingly return to the source/Source of our being and insert in that fertile space a composite intention of all the intentions we hold when we have the experience of the source/Source. That seed condition then grows and unfolds within our being cause us to have certain types and kinds of experiences.

What was different about the author’s experience was that he latched onto the awareness of the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix because of the composite intentions he held. He felt the passion and energy that went with such an intention. He then simply used his internal compass to follow it. Since the concept of an gentle phoenix was so appealing to his mind, he made it both a conscious and subconscious single point focus for his life. If it had not been appealing to his mind, the flow of energy would have still been there and it would have had to flow to dissipation one way or another. Rather than it flowing to an unconscious dissipation, he allowed it to flow consciously. By holding a conscious mental focus on the concept of a gentle phoenix, he also continually fueled and nurtured its creation and unfoldment. In the end, the author was lead to the understand of how such a gentle phoenix could be created.

The essential piece to create that gentle phoenix was birth into the author’s awareness eight months later as the awareness that we are beings of unlimited creativity. We need to access and release that unlimited creativity if we are going to get conscious control of what we experience in life. That awareness coupled with the single point focus as to the possibility of creating a gentle phoenix set a trajectory that grew and unfolded into both the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology that provides the foundation for creating a gentle phoenix.

Yet although a trajectory was set, it was no where near a straight line going from one point to another. Rather the growth and unfoldment was both a spiral and onion like in its nature. It was spiral like in that there was a continual circling around revisiting older topics at deeper and deeper levels with a new awareness with the end seemingly never in sight. It was onion like in that each revisit was at a new level of understanding as if another layer was peeled off as you would peal the layers of an onion or another curtain or veil was removed. The question was, “When will it end?” The end came in the awareness of how to create a gentle phoenix outlined on the “Gentle Phoenix Creative Guidelines” web site.

Throughout this journey it was about growing and unfolding. It could not be forced. The author had to surrender to the understanding and allow it to come out at its own pace. There was nothing he could to do accelerate it. If he tried to do what his mind thought should be done, he simply diverted his energy and had to go back to where the diversion started. First things needed to be done first and if he stepped off the path he had to go back to where he stepped off.

In many ways the author did not see the importance of journey itself. Only when he went back over his life looking for the origins of the understanding of the material on the web sites did he see certain links and interconnections. Only then could he exactly see where those insights come from and how long it took for certain realization to surface in his awareness. In time, we came to observe how the outer was really reflecting the inner all through the process at a subconscious level. But most importantly he came to realize there was a subconscious direction for the his life. It was his mystical path and he began to see how it became reflected outwardly. It was when that mystical path become reflected outwardly the awareness surface. The more he let his mystical side surface the greater the awareness which arose. But he had to surrender even when the outer world was calling him to do otherwise.

There is one note that does need to be made here about the growth and evolution of this understanding. There are undercurrents and there are deep undercurrents of energy which give rise to the experiences we have. Some appear circular that seemed to repeat themselves where as others are more of a spiral. Others or move of a trajectory that flow from one point to another not necessarily in a straight line. Some seem to take on a life of their own. Some pop to the surface as a physical manifestation that gives rise to physical events as we physically experience them.

Some the circular and spiral patterns give rise to the season and movement of the planets. Kept purely on the physical realm, these patterns give rise to physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy and the like. Overlaid with metaphysics and the ability of some to perceive beyond the physical these currents give rise to things like astrology. However, until we get the minimum set of requisite experience about these deep undercurrents to properly characterized them before the manifest physically, we will not have a correct interpretation.

What the author has found is the best way to look at any creative endeavor, especially one that will take several years is that creations grow and unfold. They are created by a seed conditions. The seed condition is created within fertile conditions, will grow and unfold. The seed condition can be simply an effect becoming the cause for the next effect in an unending cause - effect chain or it can be changed and modified. It can become the cause of a new cause-effect chain. In either case the seed condition will germinate and grow. It will draws from the unseen realms what is needed to manifest as a physical creation and/or experience. The final manifestation looks nothing like the seed that created it. Similarly the fruit of the manifestation that creates the seed for the continuation of what has manifested looks nothing like what has manifested. Quite simply, the apple seed that gave rise to the apple tree looks nothing like the seed. Similarly, the fruit of the apple tree which contains the seed for the next generation looks nothing like the apple tree.

The key to conscious creation is to become aware of the seeds we plant and what the seeds look like that are created by the existing creations. To become aware of the seeds and the what produces them, we need to become mindful and aware of what get planted in our  mind.

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