The Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Intention

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Overall intention for the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology

The stated and ultimate intention

Why a conscious experience of the source of one’s creative power and creative ability?

The observation about our creative ability and power

The five things the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material seeks to create

Our problem - the trap of mind

Looking for a way out of our problem and a way out of mind

The stated and ultimate intention (Top)

The stated intention of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology is to provide the understanding and methodologies to allow you to access the creative ability and power to create whatever you desire.

Although that stated intention is correct, and this material will help you to do that, all of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity information is, in some way, focused on and directs you to the overall intention. So whatever Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material you use, you will be pulled, to one degree or another, by the overall ultimate intention of this material.

The overall ultimate intention of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology is to find a way for you to have a conscious experience of the source of your creativity power and ability and to consciously experience the depth and breadth of that source.

Why a conscious experience of the source of one’s creative power and creative ability? (Top)

It has been found a conscious experience of the source of one’s creativity power will cause one to become creatively self sufficient and creatively self empowered. The fastest, easiest and gentlest way to obtain creative self sufficiency and self empowerment is to just have such an experience. One’s entire life will be transformed in a twinkling of an eye and a seed condition will be created that will germinate, grown and unfold creating a way to experience life in a completely different way than what was created in the past. It is a way that provides for a much greater inner satisfaction that one could ever believe.

However, many cannot step readily step into creative self sufficiency and self empowerment without the ego getting in the way in some way. So to get one to the point of having such an experience five things were found to be needed. These five things are necessary based on the following observation about our individual creative power and ability.

The observation about our creative ability and power (Top)

If you study the origins of one’s creative passion, you will come to see there is an intention for your life or a reason for you being here. It has a tremendous influence on what we can and cannot create. Awareness of this intention provides an extremely important piece in understanding why one is able to create or not create what their mind desires. It help to explain why aspects of life are so easy for some and so difficult for others. One’s creative spirit, and subsequently one’s creative ability and power, is aligned with this intention. If one does not align consciously or subconsciously with this intention and the creative spirit which flows as a result of this intention in some way one will (1) never find an internal satisfaction no matter what one does and how successful they appear to be in life and (2) never understand the unseen influence as to why their life is unfolding as it is.

You can gain a knowledge of this intention. It is embedded in the flow of energy that flows from the source/Source of your being that brought you into this life and sustains you. It is expressed through the creative spirit. You gain this knowledge by aligning with flow of your creative energy as it flows from the source/Source through you and out into the world. However, you need to follow its lead - at least until you have some idea of where it wants to lead you to do so.

You need to align with the flow of the creative energy within your being through feeling. It is to become aware of the feeling of a fulness of being, expansion and/or a passion for life and living. When you are in alignment with this flow mind tends to be in a state of wonderment and “ah” at what is being experienced. That is, unless fear takes over and suppresses what you experience. Having a free will, you are, of course, free to choose to act to create whatever you want and direct the energy into anything you desire. There are no judgments on what you create levied by Creation for you do have a free will. But there are consequences for the time and place in which you live. Whether or not you can create what you choose is another issue. It is another issue the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity materials can also, hopefully, help you to address.

Hence, to access the creative power and ability to create whatever you desire, there is the need to have an conscious experience of the flow of energy that flows from the source/Source of your being and sustains you. To have that experience the following “path” has been found to appear to be the most direct route and is the approach provided by the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach.

The five things the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material seeks to create (Top)

The first thing is to provide the material to create the understanding such that an individual can establish a conscious intimate relationship with their creative spirit. This is necessary to energize their life and their creativity such that they can gain conscious control over the experiences they have to create what they desire to experience.

The second, which can be done simultaneously with the first, is to find a way to create the space for the creative spirit within the individual to be free to unfold true to its nature in whatever form it takes. In doing so the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity approach recognizes Creation is magical enough to allow each of us to live true to the truth of our own being and yet allow the other to remain free to do the same.

The third, which follows the first and second, is to find a way to create the space for the individual to consciously experience the play of their own consciousness. It is to consciously experience how they create the experience they have and the reality of those experience by how and what they think and believe. That is, to consciously experience being the creator of the world they experience. This cannot be done unless one develops some awareness of, and some intimacy with, their creative spirit and what it desires to create.

The fourth also follows the first and second but is independent of the third. It can be achieved simultaneously with the third or separate from it. The fourth is to create a way that the individual becomes sufficiently self empowered and courageous to develop the strength of will to (1) align with the flow of energy that flows from the source/Source and sustains their life and (2) follow it where it leads no matter how the external world judges where it leads and what is asks the individual to do. One needs to have the strength and self confidence to follow its lead long enough to understand why their life was created in the first place and where they are being lead in life. This knowledge opens the door to the unseen influences directing their life and what they can or cannot create.

The fifth does not directly follow the other four above for there is no logical and/or direct way for the fifth to occur. We cannot make it happen. We must allow it to happen. All the work and effort creating the above four experiences increases the possibility of the fifth. The fifth is to direct the individual toward having a conscious experience of the depth and breadth of their own creative power - that is, a conscious direct experience of the source/Source of their creative power. This experience puts everything else in perspective and opens the door for an experiential understanding and application of the true depth and breadth of one’s unlimited creative power and ability.

This fifth aspect is simultaneously both the easiest to experience and yet it is the most elusive. It is the easiest to experience for one is never removed from it. There is nothing to attain or obtain. We need to do nothing other than being true to oneself at each and every level of our being and just be. However, it is the most elusive for with a functional mind, we cannot “just be”for two reasons.

One reason is that few can live true to their being because of the past experiences of mind. The ability to just be is lost in growing up. Or, rather, we should say we have misplaced it - we have place it somewhere but forgot where we put it. We lose it because we mold ourselves to the world we experience. We mold ourselves to our care giver’s expectations, our society, and to the world itself to either be acceptable and/or to remain safe and not get hurt in some way. Our creative spirit withdraws to protect itself. Or, if we don’t mold ourselves to be acceptable, we react to our care givers and society and mold ourselves different than what our world expects. Yet in either case, we don’t live true to ourselves but are responding to the external world.

The second reason for the inability to directly access the source/Source is the nature of mind. Mind cannot and will not find a way to make this state happen. All mind can do is create the space to allow it to happen or make the possibility of it happening more probable. To think otherwise is to be in mind and the trap of mind.

Our problem - the trap of mind (Top)

Our problem is we will never consciously access the magic and magnificence of Creation if we are in mind. The mystics have said that mind is an illusion. The reason for this is that mind does not allow one to see and experience what gives rise to Creation and to mind itself. Quite simply, mind is an on going ever changing process and the product of Creation. Each experience you have changes your mind in some way. Each experience either reinforces what you believe and your past to further “fix” and solidify your mind, or it causes you to shift what you believe expanding what you believe becoming more flexible. In any case, mind is always changing and evolving becoming more fixed and inflexible or more flexible in how and what it thinks.

When you are in mind you cannot see and experience the “stuff” of Creation out of which mind arises. It is much like riding in a car, airplane or any vehicle. When you are in the vehicle you cannot see the vehicle for what it really is. Depending on how the window is designed and the view it gives you, you could look out the same window and be in a car, plane, train, bus, or ship. Hence the conclusion, mind is an illusion for mind is not seen as real but the “stuff” that gives rise to mind is seen as real.

But mind is not an illusion. It is real. It is a creation and part of Creation just as much as the world you see and experience in front of you. In fact, mind is what gives rise to all that you do and do not experience. It is what channels and/or controls one’s creativity spirit to both (1) create the experience you have and (2) to reveal to ourselves exactly who and what we are. Without the limits and barriers imposed by mind on the free flow of our creative spirit you would never be able to experience yourself. The limits and barriers imposed by mind allow you to see what the “stuff” of Creation can really do and how to manipulate it to create what you desire. However, those same limits and barriers act as a cage of your own making such that they do not allow you to experience the truth of what is and the full depth and breadth of who and what you are. Mind does not allow you to experience what is giving rise to mind. That is, it does not allow you to see you are an awareness that has no specific identity. The awareness is only having an experience within a give created form (the current mind) that creates an identity (the ego) because of the experiences it has had.

The reason why we don’t routinely experience the magic of Creation is because we have never allow ourselves to truly experienced the depth and breadth of our own creativity and the Creative Power of Creation. Yet we can experience it in any moment for we are subconsciously using it every moment. Once you have stumbled into a conscious experience of depth and breadth of your creative power without the imposition of mind and what it thinks, you will see for yourself how shallow we live life. You will see why such an experience of onself and the Creative Power of Creation is so important. So the question is, “How do we consciously experience the depth and breadth of our creativity and the Source of Creation and to see for ourselves what we really are - how does one get out of mind to see the “stuff” of Creation?”

Looking for a way out of our problem and a way out of mind (Top)

I have had a profound experienced the Source of Creation. It is what created the occasion for me to write these words and create this website. I have also read and compared the lives of those, who in one way or another, have been called a “master,” a great teacher or mystic because they too are reported to have experience the depth and breadth of their creative powers or the Source of Creation. In this comparison it became clear to me that what any individual tries to creates, including me, to get another to have an experience of the Source is based on how their particular mind interprets what will need to be done based on their past experience. It will not be what any one particular individual needs to do. What is provided may be true and generically applicable to many individuals. But there will always be an aspect that is unique to you and only you can find.

The problem is whatever one creates from mind to access the source/Source of one’s creative power is not what is needed for another. Any given mind creates only what it thinks needs to be done. As such, it makes no sense trying to create anything to guide people towards the source of their creative power and/or the Source of Creation. All one can do is create the space for an individual’s creative spirit to become free and allow that creative spirit to guide the individual into their own being to make the experience more probable. This is done by getting the individual out of mind to become intimate with their creative spirit so they can trust it. Then stepping out of what they think and believe to follow their own creative intuitive guidance. Other than that, nothing much can be done and will simply make the journey harder than necessary.

What became clear is that we each have had, do have, or will have a conscious experience of the Source of Creation. Since it is always with us and we are always connected to it and using it all the time, it is only a matter of time for us to realize it. However, we usually don’t recognize it for we don’t have the minimum requisite set of experiences to understand it. We can recognize it as we being to accumulate the experiences that make up that requisite minimum set of experiences.

The problem is that the Source of our being and the Source of our creative power is creatively infinite. When we are out of mind and its limits and barriers and have an awareness of the experience of the Source, we can experience the infinite in a conscious fashion. However, to try and recall the experience in any way, communicate to another, or otherwise try and express what we experienced, we filter the experience through mind. We characterize the experience the best we can based on what mind has experienced. Hence we attempt to put infinity into a box in the way we are attempting to layout as a path. That cannot be done. We cannot put infinity into a box with mind as we normally know it and understand it.

The question is, “How good of an approximation is the path or way that the individual creates?”. The interesting thing is that whatever we say, express or create to return to the Source will be based on our past and be reflective of the experiences we have had. As such it will be inaccurate for we don’t really know what allowed us to step out of mind and experience it in the first place. We think we do but we don’t. We will have an approximate understanding, but not the correct one. We think it was what we were doing at the time or how we prepared ourselves in some way. But we really don’t know. And to think we know is to be in mind and its limitations. So no matter what we think we need to do to create that experience for ourselves or another will not be correct. No matter who we are and what we say and/or think about the experience of the Source, it will not be accurate for it is only an interpretation by our individual mind. But, nevertheless, there is a great power in knowing this and it can become the key.

A part of me finds a deep sadness in all of this. The result is that no matter what one creates and/or says about how to access the Source and no matter how noble their intention, what is said is only based on how their mind understands it and will be reflective of their past experiences. It will always in some way be wrong for one cannot put the infinite into the finite box of one’s own mind. But this is true for each of us. Nothing anyone can say about how to access the Source will be ultimately correct. Each of us will package the experience we have based on our own unique past and it will not accurately reflect how to get the Source as to what needs to be done. All that can be done is to create the space for another to do what they need to do. But the question is, “What is it one needs to do and how does one find it out when their mind cannot tell them?

Believe it or not, the answer is provided in the five steps above to become intimate with your creative spirit and feel you way to it. The key is feeling. It is using mind to remember and focus on the feeling and follow that feeling - to follow the feeling that arises from the flow of energy that sustains us to take us to the Source. It is to use mind to follow the feeling and to see what allows a expansion and growth of that feeling in our life. If we do that, along the way we will stumble into, or rather, fall into the Source.

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