Sample Format - Prayer to the Four Directions and Four Aspects of Being

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following is material developed by the author to assist himself and/or others to step into their own creative power. You may find the following useful in your own creative endeavors. It is provided here only as a sample. Although you may like with you see and use it as it is, it is recommended you develop an equivalent in your own words and in the way that works to empower you. Use creating the equivalent of the following as an opportunity to step into your own creative powers. Eat and digest what you think you want to use, then allow the insights to arise from your own being as to how you should use what is here, rewrite it or create your own equivalent.

This prayer was used to capture to the best of the author’s ability who and what he understood God and the inner and outer Creative Powers to be for the particular creative endeavor in which he was to engage. You may wish to create equivalent such prayers for what you will do that will capture your understanding about the Creation Powers of the Universe at this point in time as you start your creative journey or endeavor.

To create your own equivalent of what is provided here, is recommended you address any incompleteness your feel in what is provided. The creation of this prayer reflect such an action. This prayer reflect the author’s attempt to address the incompleteness that he saw and experienced in the religions and/or spiritual traditions and/or their prayers for which he felt he needed to address. The author always felt the need to align with the Creative Powers and desires of the Universe. But he found he was never given the tool that he thought effectively allowed him to do that. So, he created what he felt he needed. This prayer is provided here with the same recommendation. If you wish, take what is here and change it to reflect what you need for your creative endeavors. In doing so, you will be moving towards aligning your inner and outer creative powers.

Prayer to the four directions and four aspects of being

This prayer was modeled upon the cultural and religious traditions of some indigenous tribes in North America that addressed the four directions but did not seem to effectively address that creative aspects of the process nor the creative power within. In this feeling of incompleteness, the author set out to create a prayer that actually embedded a ritual that would honor the creative process and the inner and outer creative powers as he understood them.

Prayer to the Four Directions and Four Aspects of Being
(A Teaching and A Ritual to Empower Your Journey)

We look to the circle to remind us that we are complete.
The Circle, representing the All That Is since ancient times,
represents completeness, harmony and balance.

We remember we are one with the All That Is.
It is in the center from which all experience arises.
It is in the awareness of "I am" that our journey beings.

Each one of us, within the circle of our own time and place,
spirals towards the realization of the whole by our thoughts,
words and actions.
Based on our thoughts, words and actions, we spiral outward in a
journey of discovery as to who and what we are.
In discovering who and what we are,
we spiral inward into the oneness and wholeness of our being
in the awareness of what is.

Our journey is only as long as necessary, that is until we remember
who and what we really are.
We remind ourselves we are complete.
We only need to remember that
as we travel around the circle,
in an ever expanding and collapsing spiral.
We see the universe is
a process of constant movement as
subtle changes move in harmony together.

And what is our purpose of being here?
The ancient ones say to experience and realize the Great Mystery.
The seed of that Mystery, the wisdom of that Mystery, is in us.
It is the Mystery
that carries us around the circle of the four directions.

As we walk around the path of life moving around the circle of life
we recognize the gateways of North, East, South and West
are also the four aspects of our being
- the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
They are the gateways to refining and clarifying our consciousness.

Similarly, we recognize the lines connecting the four directions.
We honor the line between life and death,
between the East and the West

and the seeds that we sow in mind
and bear fruit in physical manifestation.

From heaven to earth, North to South - the will to be - is
the spirit made manifest
in the flow of the creative life energy in our emotions.
We honor the line from South to North,
completing the road of birth, life, death and restoration.

From East to West the warm winds send light across the circle,
our thoughts made manifest
With inspiration, caring, joy,
we make apparent our gifts to be shared.
West to East blows
the wind-that-blows-away-that-which-is-no-longer-needed.
In the manifestation and fulfillment of our words
we experience the fruits of our thoughts and the opportunity
to replant those we chose to continue to manifest
and discard those no longer needed.

We see the cross and dance of life are one.
The cross of spiritual thought flows into form through our emotions
and our thoughts are made manifest in the reality we see before us.
We recognize the opportunity to decide where we go, how we go.
We remember we are shaping the tomorrow with this moment.
It is our thoughts, word and actions
that move us toward the realization of the whole.
It is our choice as to whether we are spiraling every outward
continuing to fragment and segment ourselves by our thinking
or we spiral ever inward
by surrendering to the spirit that brought us into form and creation.

As the winter freezes the waters of earth, we look to the North.
We look to spirit,
that place of great teachings, to learn the lessons of our actions.
The North freezes the patterns of our actions
providing clarity of mind.
Spirit holds that which is as it is.
Frozen water provides the mirror
to reflect our actions to see the potential.

In the stillness of the North,
in the stillness of our own being,
we become aware of the balance of mind.
We learn the lessons of our actions
that transcend mind and what mind thinks.

We look at the causes in our life,
and the cause of our thoughts and actions.
We ask ourselves
"What are the ripples in my stream of time
and mind and relationship?
We remember
we can break free of the frozen patterns with willful intent.
It is in the power of our mind to choose
that allows us to break any and all the patterns
frozen within our being.

It is from the frozen patterns of the North that
we gain the wisdom to see through actions.
It is in a journey through the North that
we access the wisdom of spirit.
Here we learn understanding and the will to act on what we see.
Here we learn to be attentive and aware.
It is from the North, through spirit,
we learn to act with willful intention.

And what lesson do you ____________ learn
from the North and from spirit?
Are you attentive; are you aware?
Do you learn from your actions?
Do you act from willful intent?

As the sun rises from the depth of space dispelling the darkness
we look East.
The sun of the East melts the frozen waters
and gives understanding.

In the awareness of "I am"
we learn the powers of mind and the powers of discernment.
We can come to learn who we are and how the universe works.
Within this understanding
we can choose to focus our attention and awareness

to change the patterns that lie frozen in spirit
and brought us into our current form.

From the East comes many gifts:
illumination, the wisdom of inspiration,
integration, understanding the expression of mind,
and the gift of knowing.
It is from the East that comes the realization that one is alive.
The East provides the rising face of consciousness to say,
"I am that I am."
It provides for seeing things as they are--
"I am a person thinking here now" and
our realization comes alive, our gift becomes identified.

It is through the wisdom of the East that one perceives thought.
That thought is the desire that moves us around the wheel
and perceives the power of thought
as a co-creative function in the world.
One learns to choose thoughts that benefit all,
in compassion, in generosity.

And what lesson do you ____________ learn from the East?
Have you learned to look for the pattern
and lesson that come from the frozen North?
Have you allowed yourself to see
in the illumination of understanding in the light
that the sun and power of discernment brings?
Have you accepted the gifts of the East?
What are your gifts that you bring?
And what are your thoughts - do they benefit all?

As we turn to the South, and the waters of spring rains
drop from the clouds to form canyons,
so do thoughts form the patterns of people.
Through these patterns our creative life energy flows
and can be perceived as our emotions and feelings.
To understand the canyon, valleys
and patterns within our own being,
we only need to look at our emotions,
and see where are feelings flow or do not flow.

It is the warm wet summer winds of the South

that supply the rains reflected in creative life energy
within the flow of our emotions
which nurture and bring the seeds of thought to fruition.
Renewal, regeneration, the seeds of tomorrow,
are all being planted now, in this very instant.

The South nurtures them all; the South sustains them all.
The seed carries the traditions, the thoughts of our ancestors,
Those things that have given cohesiveness to the world we live.
It is in the springtime planting, the seeds of our actions, that take form--
the dance of life takes form.

Yet the spring is now as it is in every moment.
It is in the rain and flow of our creative life energy,
the meaning of Yin and Yang, father and mother, is revealed.
It is in the nurturing power of our emotions that
the seeds of life are cherished, bringing forth abundance.
The seeds of life carry forth the blessing or curse of the ancestors.

It is the power of our mind and understanding
to select the seeds of good cause from the past.
We choose to plant seeds of good cause
and regeneration in clear intention.
In clear intention, the fire of the will stirs the heart
and melts the frozen past.
We understand what it is to plant seeds of good cause
unto seven generations
and so choose to plant those of good cause.

And what lessons do you _____________ learn from the South?
What are the traditions of your ancestors that are carried forth?
Are seeds of good cause planted in clear intention?
Are they seeds of good cause unto seven generations?

As the sun sets in the West,
all the thought forms one has generated are met.
Our thoughts create the reality we experience
and they are reflected in every aspect
of the physical world before you

The physical plane is the grounding of spirit.
It is spirit manifested.
All that is in spirit
is reflected in some way in the physical world you experience.

It is in the West, the physical world manifested, that
the fruits are born, the birth of something new is being planted.
The experience of life and karma is in the West--
assimilation, integration, and the balancing of experience.

The West brings the possibility of the dissolution of desires,
the understanding of patterns, and the wisdom of the particulars.
The West allows for the casting away of pain,
shame, and blame, for nothing is wasted.
Everything is recycled to meet the needs of the people.

The West is a place of old age, the death of the ego.
The West is the door in and out of consciousness.
We realize that we have come and that we can leave.
Yet there is something to give for something to return.
In the West is the transforming fire, the gateway to clear light.
It is in the West and the physical world
we see before us that we can create the Phoenix.

It is here in the West,
in the understanding of the fruits of our actions,
that we can recreate the world of our choice.
We grow wise in the West and in our physical experience
and meander back to the center.

Here we can see the manifestation of one's life
through the transformation of negative attitudes.
It is here we choose to benefit the entire circle of life.
We choose the land of boundless light or
a return to begin again with a deepened commitment,
to rekindle the wisdom fire in all beings.
It is here we cast our doubts and fears.
In the West one transmutes consciousness and decides
"I shall walk around this circle of life for the beauty and
the enlightenment of all beings."

And what lesson did you ____________ learn from the West?
Have you cast your doubts and fears?
Has the negative been transformed to benefit all?
Do you choose to rekindle the wisdom fire in all being?

In reviewing the circle of life,
the uncertain person is propelled around the circle
by what lies within their spirit and their emotions.
The student of life analyzes
and recognizes general patterns of their emotions and feelings,
and their outcomes, and chooses to act with care.
The wise recognize that in their own mind all things are reflected.
They seek to make clear their own nature
thereby charting their course around the wheel
in actualized right action.
And _______ the uncertain person, the student or the wise, how do you choose?

It is in the center from which all experience arises.
It is the awareness of "I am" that our journey beings.
Each one of us, within the circle of our own time and place,
Spiral towards the realization of the whole by our thoughts,
words and actions.

Based on our thoughts, words and actions, we spiral outward in a
journey of discovery as to who and what we are.
In discovering who and what we are,
we spiral inward into the oneness
and wholeness of our being in the awareness of what is.

Our journey is only as long as necessary
until we remember who and what we really are.
We remind ourselves we are complete,
we only need to remember.
And you, ___________, do you choose to remember?

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