Creation Building Block 045

A Safe And Secure Space


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The building block that you seek has not yet be totally rewritten and formatted for the web into the format and content found in “Creation Building Block 000 Energy Consciousness - the “Mud” of Creation.” The summary discussion for this building block and available hyperlinked discussion files are provided.

Creation Building Block 045
A Safe And Secure Space

Summary as found in the Creation Building Blocks
Discussion topics on this building block
Additional/supplemental discussions
Contemplations and/or exercises
Building block as a divination tool
Related topics

Why are hyperlinks created to files that are incomplete and not fully loaded

Summary as found in the Creation Building Blocks (Top)

  • A safe and secure space is a space created specifically to allow a creation to manifest and unfold. It is an environment created that is capable of fully nurturing and sustaining a given creation and allows the creation to unfold according to its true nature with little influence from its environment other than to fully nourish and sustain it.

  • What the safe and secure space looks like depends entirely upon the creation that will be manifested.

  • Although each creation is unique and original, and never having been seen before, that does not mean we will totally lacking in what it may look like and what its needs may be.

  • All creation unfolds from existing conditions.

  • You can use the knowledge of the starting materials to understand what hazards the new creation may face and what will be needed to nourish and sustain it.

  • Ultimately we will need to rely on keen observation and our intuitive guidance to know how to hold the safe and secure space.

Discussions on this building block (Top)

The building blocks are, in essence, a restatement, an integration, and/or different perspective on principles and concepts that were found to be important in giving rises to one or more Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Applications. The following topics contain discussions on or about this building block. 

Safe and secure space
Nurturing feminine creative energy

Additional/supplemental discussions (Top)

Additional discuss of any salient points which need to be addressed, if any.

No additional discussions provided at this time

Implications (Top)

One issue we all continually face is we do not fully understand and/or pursue the implications of what we know and believe. Often we never take what we think and believe to their full implication. What is suggest here is that we ask the question, “What does this building block really mean - in possessing the understanding contained within this building block, can we really continue to live the life we had lived in the past?”

No implications provided at this time

Contemplations and/or exercises (Top)

Each building block can be studied as a musician would study exercises to learn to become proficient on their instrument. We have the option of becoming more aware of the building block in our life and/or become more attuned to using it in our life and our creative endeavors. The following contemplations/exercises are provided as a starting point to explore this building block and/or on which to do our own experiments. Some exercises can be used for more than one building block and may overlap with others.

We should not be limited or constrained by these exercises in any way. Nor is what is listed below complete. There is the need for each of us to do our own experiments for each of us are a creation and a world unto ourselves.We can only explore our uniqueness by doing our own experiments and investigations into that uniqueness. We need to access our own creative power and creativity ability and use our creative imagination to construct the type and kind of experiments that we need to do. If we need to have permission to do such experiments and investigations, we can use the guardian consent form found in the topic, “Guardian Consent Form for the Spontaneous Playful Child Within.”

No contemplations and/or exercises provided at this time

Building block as a divination tool (Top)

If the Creation Building Blocks are used as a divination tool of the unseen and this building block arises, consideration should be given to the following interpretation as to it meaning. However, it needs to be emphasized, although we may use the insights of others, including those found below, we need to learn to develop and use our own intuitive guidance, body wisdom and understanding. There are no mistakes in a truly creative endeavor. There are only learning experiences until we obtain that minimum set of experience to understand how to create what we desire.

Generic considerations to all building blocks which arise are:

  • Lack of knowledge: Consider the possibility that we do not know enough about the building block and what it means. Consider the need to learn more about the building block and to do some of our own experiments with the building block to explore what creative power and creativity ability it provides us..

  • Influence of past experiences: The implications of this building block may be acting as an obstruction to what we desire to create. That is, for whatever reason of the past, such as our loss of creative play, we are not free to either accept what this building block has to offer or what it means for our life. Here we will need to do whatever is required to remove what is keeping us from facing the implications of the building block.

  • Acting on what we get: It is recommended, whatever we get, we need to become aware of the intention we hold for consulting a divination tool and consult our intuitive guidance  as to what we need to do and/or how we need to respond to the response we get. We then need to honor the intuitive guidance we get.

Specific to this building block:

No specific interpretations provided at this time

Related topics (Top)
The feminine creative aspect of creation/Creation

Why are hyperlinks created to files that are incomplete and not fully loaded (Top)

One question that may be asked is, “Why are hyperlinks created for files that are not fully  loaded?”

There are three reasons for this.

One is the hyperlinks identify the next priority for topics that should be addressed. There are many topics that can be addressed. The hyperlinks help identify the additional information to support those topics that are already placed on the web. However, the number of hyperlinks tend to be multiplicative. Each file loaded may have several hyperlinks and the number of new files grows faster than the material that can be addressed with currently available resources.

The second reason is the file topics let you know the depth and breadth of the subjects that you creativity can address. The file topics identify the types and kinds of topics impacted by our inherent creative power and abilities and the hyperlinks help identify some of the interconnection between those topics. In this regard, the files identify what is available to you in and through the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology.

The previous fact leads directly to the third reason. Calculations indicate, given the time available, the amount of material to make available, and the current available resources, it could take on the order of several years to format all the material about our inherent creative power and ability and provide it all on the web. Since one intent of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is to give individuals what they need the question is, “Out of all the possible topics that can be addressed, what topics do individuals wish or need to hear about?” To address this, each file has a “contact” hyperlink. That link provides an email which contains the subject line of the file accessed. Those topics which receive inquiries as to the availability of content of the file will rise in the priority list of things to be addressed. Otherwise, priorities will be set based on what the author feels lead to do. So, if you have a specific interest or need, a request should be made. Your request will help raise your interest closer to, if not to the top, of the list of files to be reformatted to be addressed.

If you desire information on this topic or any other topic, you can use the contact link above or click here


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