The Tarot


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The Tarot is a set of playing card with images that has its origins traced back to at least Fourteenth Century Italy. The cards have moved from playing cards as such to foretelling by how the cards are laid out and what images arise.

One tradition states the card were created about the time the Library of ancient Alexandria was burned. Knowing that they were being invaded and their wisdom could be lost, the teachers of Alexandria are reported to have created a series of images and captured them on cards to preserve the wisdom the Library.

From the creativity perspective, the Tarot represents one of the many ways that the infinite Creation is captured in pieces so as to be understood and managed. It can be said the Tarot is one attempt to put infinity into a box. The concept of putting infinity into a box is discussed in the topic, “How do you eat an elephant?

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