A Healing Exercise

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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A Healing Exercise

The root of this healing exercise

The Questions

Using and processing the information

Family medical review exercise

Choosing to act

Based on the following three discussion, a shamanic view of healing entitled “One View on Loss and Regaining Creative Power,” the six types of accidents/illness, and “Some Thoughts on Healing” a healing exercise can be created. This healing exercise can assist you in the “Placebo illness” and the combination/mixture illness discussed under the topic of the “Creativity Perspective on Health and Related Issues.” How much intervention and assistance you will need from some type of healer depends on how strongly your conditions is tied to what you think it means to be a human being in this time and place. That is not something another can address. Only you can do that.

The root of this healing exercise (Top)

Health ultimately lies in directing our creative life energy into that which brings life into our being and sustains our being. That is usually accomplished of aligning the desires of the mind with the intention that brought us into incarnation. Fulfilment of that intention allows us to live life in passion with a passion for living. It will allow us to be in that safe space of inner satisfaction and of wonderment and Ah to freely enter the most creative state. It provides the freedom to be in that most creative state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of the universe. The root of our non healthy conditions lies in our loss of our ability to play and/or to freely enter the most creative state It is the loss of the ability to be in that state of wonderment and Ah of Creation.

Of course, we never really loss the ability to enter spontaneous and innocent childlike play. Rather, because of the experiences of life that thwarted our play, we develop response patterns to life that keep us from “making the same mistakes again.” We create response pattern to life to avoid the pain we experienced when our play was thwarted. However, usually this occurred very early in life when we had the mind and experiences of either an infant or very young child. Hence the response patterns we develop to protect ourselves are usually very childlike and based on a child’s mind. Usually they fail to provide the depth and breadth we need to face life as an adult. Quite simply, because our response pattern never change unless we consciously choose to change them, we end up responding to life as an adult though the mind of a child more often than we realize.

The concept behind this exercise is to first reestablish the ability to play and freely enter the most creative state of being. It is to face the pain of the past and replace response patterns developed as a child with adult response patterns to protect ourselves rather than childlike patterns. Then simultaneously or in series, set a clear intention and enter that state of play and create the conditions that will create an experience of life more in line with what one desires to create.

To begin the exploration of how and why we loss the ability to spontaneously and innocently play or freely enter that state of play, see if you can remember the circumstances or event(s) in your life that answer each of the following questions. For some of us, we may not have a conscious event to remember for it happened too early in life. However, become aware of what you feel in exploring these questions. We may not have a conscious memory of what happened, but we will remember what we felt when it happened. In any case, write what come to you the best you can whether they are feeling or vague comments about the answer. If you can’t remember anything or have no feelings, ask your intuition. Trust and honor what you get.

If you are one of the few who never stopped doing what the question addresses, look to where there are situation in your past, or in your life, where you are not free to do what is asked. Note those type and kinds of times and places. For example, “I can cry but only in private when no one is around, and even my family is gone.”

The Questions (Top)

  • When did you stop singing and what were the circumstances?

  • When did you stop dancing and what were the circumstances

  • When did you stop dreaming and what were the circumstances? (Dreaming as used here is not nocturnal dreaming but rather dreaming in one’s imagination thing to create.)

  • When did you stop crying or rather lost the freedom to cry - what were the circumstances?

  • When did you become too big to be held by mommy when hurt to process your pain and what were the circumstances?

  • When did you stop laughing or rather lost the freedom to laugh and what were the circumstances?

  • When did you stop freely exploring and discovering life without judgement and what were the circumstances?

  • When did you lose your spontaneity and what were the circumstances?

  • When did you lose your innocence and what were the circumstances?
    Here we are talking about innocence at all levels of one’s being, spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual innocence. So you could ask four separate questions: 1) When did you lose your spiritual innocence?; 2) When did you lose your mental innocence, 3) When did you lose your emotional innocence?; and 4) When did you lose your physical innocence?

Using and processing the information (Top)

There are nine questions. The answers to each question should be told to another. The story you tell around the answer should also address why you stopped. For example,”I stopped crying when I was five years old. The story is that my older sister made fun of me in front of my friends at my birthday party. I was too embarrassed to ever cry again.” If you are alone, write out your response as if you were talking to someone and telling your story.

If this exercise is being done with a group of people, it is recommend you tell your answer to your questions twice. Select a partner and share your answers, your stories and what you feel telling your story and listening to theirs alternating one question at a time. Become aware of how you feel and what you feel? Then select a second partner and repeat the exercise. In sharing your answers, note if you change how you tell your story and whether your feelings change as you tell as compared to the first time you told it.

After telling your answers and sharing your stories twice consider the following questions.

  • Did you notice you told your story differently the second time or were they always exactly the same?

  • What do you think that was or was not? If you changed your story, was it because: (1) you didn’t like the way you told it the first time; (2) you remembered something new; (3) was it because of the person you were telling it to; or (4) or was it what you felt or what you thought about what you should tell them?

  • Did you experience you ego arising wanting to out do the other person’s story?

  • Did you want to change the story you told because of what you heard from the other person?

  • Discuss any other comments or observations

Family medical review exercise (Top)

Review your family medical history going back at least to your grandparents if possible. Do the illnesses reveal anything to you about the lifestyle of the family and how it influenced your answers, for example, “We never were allowed to sing in my family.” Are there repeated illnesses that may reflect some aspect of the family being denied. That is, some ability or skill that is suppressed or never utilized as discussed under the topic of “Genetic illness and service to humanity.”

Choosing to act (Top)

After reviewing all that you have accessed and uncovered, for each question, ask your intuitive guidance if there is some ritual or metatheatrics you could perform to regain that aspect. Honor the guidance you get.

As you work to regain your ability to play and enter that most creative state, ask your intuition what you need to do, or how you need to live your life, to create what you consider a condition of health. Honor the intuitive guidance you get.

As you move toward that state of play and allow yourself to explore what you believe and why you believe what you do, you will also need to ask your intuitive guidance why you created the condition you now wish to heal. Unless you surface and understand the root cause of the condition even thought you heal it in its current form, it may arise again at some later time.

As you act on the advice of external healers in your life, you may also wish to ask your intuitive guidance as to why you were drawn to the particular healer(s) to whom you were drawn. Why them and not another or others. You may find there is much more you should do with this individual that just interact with them as a healer and with you someone seeking to be healed. Your condition may just be the occasion to bring you together and without the conditions you have you would have no reason to enter that individuals’ life.

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