There are several dances that one
must step through that involve the masculine and feminine aspects of
creation the are key to becoming and conscious creator and the
creator of our experiences.
The first step is to realize there is a dance and
to dance we must learn to go into and out of balance. The first
dance is the
dance between mind and heart or better said, what is
symbolized in the heart. It is to learn the
view of the mind and the
view of the heart and spend a little time exploring each. It is
for mind to learn what lies in the heart and surrender to the heart.
In doing so, one begins to move into the dance between the
inner masculine and inner feminine. That dance gives rise to the
marriage of the inner masculine and inner feminine and an
offspring. That offspring is a new life and creates a new world
within one’s being.
As we move to act from the energy that lies within this marriage and
offspring we being to move into the world and act in the world
according to this offspring. That creates the
outer dance where the offspring of the
marriage of the inner masculine and inner feminine learns how to survive in the world in
which it finds itself. This dance is where we begin to access the
true depth and breadth of our creative power. The survival of that
offspring will change the world we inhabits. It is here we learn the
third dance and how to both be the creator of the experiences we
have and the reality of those experiences. It is here we moves to,
and act form, the
source/Source of our being and the source/Source of
creation/Creation. It is here the
creator/Creator and the creation/Creation are one/One. It is
were we experience consciousness/Consciousness at play with
itself/Itself. It is here we experience the
ultimate dance - the dance between the creation which
binds our energy and
true freedom
dance between the masculine and feminine aspects of creation
can be seen and or experiences in a variety of ways. The most basic
and fundamental way it can be seen
as a
dance between energy and consciousness. All the dances of
creation/Creation are in fact some variation of the dance between
energy and consciousness. The dance of energy and consciousness can be seen and
experience as a
dance of duality or the dance between the
observer and the observed. It can be seen as an
ebb and flow of energy or creating
something from nothing. However we experience it, we experience
a dancefreedom
A diagram of the possible dances we can do is provided in the figure
entitled “Dances of Creation” provided below. What dance we think we
do is determined by the perspective we hold as determined by the
focus of our attention and awareness and determined by what we
desire to create. What we need to do is to be aware of is what dance
is being called forth for us to do. But we will not know what dance
we are asking to do until the issues surface from our subconscious
and unconscious to
show us the level. However, what often happens is that our dance
is iterative. That is, there are layers and layers of issues that
need to be address to create what we desire. We start at a shallow
level moving deeper and deeper, seemingly to
spiral around iterating the process as we move deeper and

Each dance listed in the figure is
briefly discussed below. Appropriate hyperlinks are provided for
each for further discussions.
Dance of energy and consciousness: The first dance
indicated by circle 1 is the
dance of energy and consciousness. All
the dances are ultimately a dance between energy and consciousness
and the
observer and the observed. All that differs is the
perspective we hold.
Our energy flows where we focus our attention and awareness. Our
awareness awakens and is changed by the flow of energy it
experiences. There is a constant and endless
awakening and going to
sleep of awareness within an endless experience of creation as our
consciousness awakens and goes to sleep. As stated above, the dance between energy
and consciousness can be experienced as the
dance of
creation/Creation, the
dance of duality, a dance between the
observer - observed pair, the dance of the
ebb and flow of creation
into and out of form and creating
something from nothing as the
dance between form and no-form.
The dance of energy consciousness is the starting point of on the
diagram. It is the dance between what we feel and what we think.
Dance between mind and heart: The second dance, circle 2, is the
dance between mind and heart. Here we must alternate, not
necessarily equally, between the
masculine aspect and
aspect of Creation. The masculine aspect is reflected in our
thinking and symbolized by the mind and what mind wants. The
feminine aspect of Creation is the flow of energy within our being
and what we feel,
symbolized in the heart. When we localize our
awareness in the body we can feel through our body and our being.
When we localize our awareness in what we think and believe, we
experience the mind. When we focus on the experiences of this life,
we enter the
enculturated mind. If we focus on all the experiences
we have ever had, we experience the
transcendental mind. Most never
become aware of their transcendental mind and remain in their enculturated mind. We need to move from the view and perspective of
the enculturated mind to be
open to feelings what we are feeling in our bodies.
Dance between the enculturated mind and the truth of our being: The
third dance, circle 3, we face is the dance between the
enculturated mind and the truth of our own being. We are an
infinite creative being whose energy and consciousness permeates and spans the
infinity of Creation. This is the truth of our being and all is open
to us if we know how to access it. However, the experiences of life
and our enculturation and
lack of teachers, have caused us to believe we are something much less and other
than an infinite creative being as described here. The dance here is
to learn what arises from our enculturated mind and what arises
nature to our being and to know which is which. It is to learn to
know which we need to use to create what we desire. What we chose in
this dance determines how our
inner masculine does or doesn’t create
the space for the
inner feminine to mature.
Dance of identity. Circle 4 is the realization of the identity of
the Source and Its Creation and the source and its creation. Any
creative endeavor ultimately takes us back to the
Source of Creation
for all
creation/Creation arises out of the same material of
Creation. When the
inner feminine is free to nurture true to itself
there is a direct unobstructed, unbiased, awareness of the Source of
Creation even if that awareness is subconscious or unconscious. It
is that conscious, subconscious or unconscious awareness of the
Source of Creation which provides an
inner satisfaction that never
runs dry and a feeling of wholeness and oneness with all of
Creation. When the inner feminine is not fee to be true to itself,
we experience the source and we seem to live in separation from the
Source. This is the illusion of mind and actually one of the
functions of mind. Mind will create an experience of whatever on
which mind chooses to focus and allows us to experience that on
which it focuses as a separate entity experiencing Creation. Mind
exist to provide an experience of creation yet creates the perceived
separation from the Source by causing us to lose the awareness that
we are the creator of the experience we have.
As can be seen in the flow diagram above, our ability to access the
Source of Creation is ultimately determined by our mind. The dance
is between living true to ourselves or living our enculturation.
Living true to ourselves is what creates the space for an awareness
of the
source/Source of
creation/Creation. The more we live true to
ourselves the more we nurture the
inner feminine the more we move
from the source to the Source. If the inner feminine is sufficiently
nurtured and protected by the
inner masculine to live true to
itself, the probably of experiencing the
Ultimate Accident is
significantly increased.
It needs to be noted that as long as we see and experience ourselves
as a separated individuated consciousness, we will not have a
conscious experience of the
Source of Creation. The two are mutually
opposed. We may be fully aware of our connection with the Source and
operate from that level with an
inner satisfaction and feeling of
wholeness, but we will not consciously experience it except in brief
moments through the
Ultimate Accident when we step out of mind in
conscious awareness. To think otherwise is only to be trapped in
mind and the reason for this is discussed in the topic “The problem
of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of
mind.” The goal, if there is one of this
dance, is to be able to dance at the doorway stepping into and out
of the Ultimate Accident and a conscious experience of the Source of
Dance of the inner masculine and inner feminine: Circle 5 is the
dance of the
inner masculine and
inner feminine. It is the marriage
or merging of the inner masculine and inner feminine to create an
offspring that we present to the world that meets some desire of the
world. It needs to be noted here that this offspring is created as a
result of less than a mature inner masculine. This means that our enculturated programming and experiences in life have a significant
influence on how we are responding to the world. This means we are
meeting the world on its terms as a creation within a creation. It
is the cause of what we experience. Here we tend to have more of
victim consciousness where we are at the mercy of creation. In
essence the world tells us, ‘This is who and what you am and this is
what I want from you.” We, of course, believe what we see external
to us and give the world what it demands of us.
Dance of the mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine:
Circle 6 is the dance between the
mature inner masculine and the
mature inner feminine. It is a marriage that results in
our charisma
which is our gift to the world and meets a need of the world. Here
we do not listen to the world. Rather we operate from
guidance. Rather than the external world being the cause, we become
the cause. Here we move into the
reason for our incarnation and the
forces which pulled us into
incarnation. We become a cause to change
the world in response to what we, as a unique
consciousness, has to offer Creation. Here we move into the realm of
becoming the Creator of Creation as that cause of Creation.
The inner creative power: All the dances above the line separating
our inner creative power from the outer creative power is about us
accessing the creative power within our being. We access our
creative power through our feelings and direct that creative power
through what we think and believe. We merge our
inner masculine and
inner feminine in some way and present the
offspring of the
relationship to the world.
Our creative ability lies in what we think and believe and how we
choose or don’t choose to access our creative power and then direct
it. Our creative power lies in what we feel and how much passion we
access. All is available to us through the
Source of Creation and is
reflected in the fact our energy and consciousness permeate all of
creation. The fact that all is available to us through the Source of
Creation is what lies behind the importance of
inner masculine being
able to mature and properly provide the space for the
inner feminine
to mature. It is the mature inner feminine that opens the door for
accessing the Source of Creation. With the mature inner feminine, we
may not consciously experience the Source of Creation as in the
Ultimate Accident. But we can be in a direct and open communication
with the Source of Creation. We access the Source through learning
to work with our intuitive guidance and how our subconscious and
unconscious presents the information our intuitive guidance provides
to us.
As we being to see how our intuitive guidance works and where is it
is accurate and inaccurate, we can begin to learn how to consciously
use our subconscious/unconscious connection to the
Source of Creation. Most importantly, we can use that connection when we
return to the Source in a creative endeavor and when we enter the
most creative state of being or the
second most creative state.
The outer creative power: Our outer creative power is determined by
the dance we do with the world. It is determined by the
offspring we
present to the world. The most important realization one can have
about accessing the outer creative power is that what we access is
determined by the inner state we create and the offspring we present
to the world. It is here most have their difficulties and lose what
creative power and ability that is available to them.
Most have been trained to
castrate the inner masculine and live by
our an enculturated programming. Many have obtained great success
doing what the world desires and directs them to do. However, if we
look at the results, only a few rise to the top and really achieve
the success that is promised. Additionally many who are successful
do not have an
inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what
is happening in the external world. The key is to understanding
there is a great creative power that can be obtain in understanding
how the both physical and social external world works and learning
how to use them. However that is only part of creative power that is
For centuries humans have tried to access the power in a external
God in one way or another. All cultures have their gods or God and
all have their prescribed ways of accessing the power inherit in
God. However, if you look at the results, they are much less
successful that those who access the physical and social external
world. In fact, much of the success attributed to God in societies
is not so much a result of the power of an external God as it is in
the harnessing the social creative power under the mask of God.
Mobilization of societies for “holy” wars is probably the best
example of this. But then there are a handful of individuals who
seemed to actually have access the power of God. There are great
healers and individuals who seem to do wonderful, Godlike things.
Here the key is how the individual has coupled the inner and outer
creative powers.
Coupling the inner and outer creative powers is the key to accessing
external creative power. Most have focused on harnessing the
physical or social creative powers at the expense of what some would
call their inner spiritual creative powers. Those who purse the
external spiritual creative powers tend to neglect the external
physical and social creative powers. What is not realized for most
is the
relationship of the environment and the creation and there is
not spiritual or physical. There is just what is. Our energy and
consciousness permeate all of Creation simultaneously through the
wave-particle aspects of energy. What we experience entirely depends
on where we localize our awareness.
What is key is to realize that our internal world is reflective of
our external world. We are the creators of our experience and the
reality of those experiences. What we create is usually done at a
subconscious or unconscious level. More often than not it is done at
a subconscious level based on enculturation and the experiences life
has provided to us. Few go directly to the intention for our life.
Most allow it to be a undercurrent influencing their life but not
directing their life. In essence our creative power and ability is
scattered and fragment much like a regular flashlight as compared to
a laser.
The issue it to align our conscious, subconscious and unconscious
beliefs and intention such that we create a laser like focus of our
creative power and ability. What that means for each of us is a very
unique path. Only we can do that alignment. We can use the
assistance of others and we can use a guide to hold us accountable
to our own truth. But we must do the work. No one can do it for us.
The external creative power we access is sole determined by the
marriage of our inner masculine and inner feminine and the
we present to the world.
In presenting our inner
offspring to the world, we then need to
decided how we are going to dance with the external world. Do we
dance in a way that allows the offspring to freely grow and unfold
in the world true to its own nature. Or, do we dance in a way that
causes the offspring to wither and even die. Or, do we dance in a
way that causes us to recreate the world we experience. The choice
is ours.
The outer dances - the outer dance and the dance of the Creation
with Creation: Circles 7 and 8 represent the outer dance. The outer
dance is a spectrum of possible dances. There are two extreme
versions of the outer dance. The outer dance is between the inner
world and the outer world such that what appears before us is the
experience we desired to have created by the
marriage of the inner masculine and inner feminine.
The offspring of the encultutated mind: On one extreme there is
circle 7, the dance between the outer world and the
offspring of our
inner masculine and
inner feminine where the
inner masculine is
totally castrated. Here the inner dance is determined by our mind,
outside programming and enculturation. This dance will provide a
feeling of separation and even possibly isolation. We feel a
separation and look externally for someone or something to fulfill
it. It can look for a Beloved or a beloved but the issue is we are
not giving what needs to be given internally. Only in maturing the
inner masculine do we create the internal conditions such that we
can give what we seek externally. Here we seek another to fulfill
the self and our creations tend to be self serving in an attempt to
fulfill externally what needs to come internally.
Our charisma: Then there is Circle 8, the opposite extreme where the
dance is between the outer world and the
marriage of the mature
inner masculine and mature inner feminine. This extreme view (Circle 8) in conscious awareness is the dance of
creator/Creator with its
creation/Creation. This dance provides
a feeling of wholeness, oneness and fulfillment. We feel a wholeness
and completeness unto ourselves. There is a deep
inner satisfaction
which come to us no matter what is happening in our external world
when release
our charisma. Life if not necessarily easy but there is
a deep satisfaction and nothing is needed externally to fulfill us.
It is from this space we can share life and give to another without
demanding them to fulfill our need. Here we seek to create with
another to create something that goes beyond the self.
Ultimate dance: There is the ultimate dance we face that is not
listed in the figure but over shadows all of our dances. It is the
dance between creation and
true freedom. To create an experience and
have an experience of Creation,
we need to bind and limit the flow
of our
creative life energy. We need to “fix” our energy into a
given form to create the environment we wish to experience. Yet we
need to be able find
true freedom to be free to create what we
desire without any attachments. It is this dance around which all
else is centered. The question is, “How free are you to be true to
yourself and flow like the wind - coming with nothing and leaving
with nothing - where each experience we have is truly savored and
enjoyed no matter what it is and how mind judges it?”
Related topics
The outer dance
The third dance
Ultimate dance
Dance of creation/Creation
Dance between mind and heart
Inner masculine and inner feminine
Dance of energy and consciousness
of the masculine and feminine
Dance of Duality - the essence of creativity
The observer - observed pair and the nature of duality
The ebb and flow of creation into and out of form
Something from nothing
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