Joining the masculine and feminine aspects of creation


Creating a flow of creative energy

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Joining the masculine and feminine aspects of creation
Creating a flow of creative energy
The masculine and feminine joining at an energy level
Some thoughts and considerations in the masculine and feminine joining

Creating wholeness
A turning point
The intention for our life
Our bodies is the feminine aspect manifesting
Joining the terminals of the “creation” battery
Dealing with the infinitely dimensional nature of Creation

Creating a flow of creative energy (Top)

Creation is about energy. In particular it is about an ebb and flow of energy into and out of form. The topic “How does creation get started,” introduces how this process starts. It start with a thought which is held. But more appropriately, a thought held as an intention and/or desire with some passion for it to manifest.

creation/Creation is the experience of a flow of energy which arise in seeking the fulfillment of a desire. Whenever we truly want something we cause or create a flow of energy to arise within us that energizes us to act to fulfill that want. It is this flow of energy that we experience which gives rise to the experience of creation as creation and animates our life. In particular it is the experience of fulfilling the desire of consciousness.

In the creative/creation process, the separation of consciousness from what it desires creates a tension. This tension can be seen as the opposite poles of a battery. As long as our consciousness holds a desire and is unable to act on fulfilling that desires, there is a tension within one’s being. If we are open to what we feel we can feel that tension and it can be so intense as to give rise to pain. In turn, we either act on that desire or we seek to numb or suppress that pain and end up developing some type of addictive pattern.

In any case, there is an energy stored in the separation of consciousness from what it desires. It is here in this tension that it can be said that consciousness creates something out of nothing. Where there was no desire and no tension, consciousness creates a desire and a corresponding tension which, if acted up, allows an energy to flow. In reality it appears as thought we are creating something from nothing only because of our chosen perspective causes us to experience an unseen realm. What consciousness does is simply rearranges what it thinks and believes to create a push or pull within our being in such a way that we have the potential to feel an energy flow as the passion to create. It is like the discussion in “How does creation get started” that we create the potential for a flow of energy.

In looking at this tension between consciousness and what it desires as opposite poles of a battery, we only need to connect the terminals and we will cause an energy to flow. This flow of energy is the energy which gives rise to creation. The terminals of this “creation battery” can be seen as the masculine and feminine aspects of being. When joined or coupled an energy flows. When separated the energy stops.

In talking about the masculine and feminine joining, it is almost impossible to discuss the topic without becoming biased or influenced by our social, cultural and personal understanding and experiences with the masculine and feminine aspects and the joining of the male and female in sexuality. Our understanding of the terms masculine and feminine are tremendously influences by how we have experienced them played out by our selves and members of the same and opposite sex. In this regard, it needs to be understood there are what can be called two levels to the joining of the masculine and feminine creative aspects. One level is on the energy and consciousness level. The other is on the physical level where the masculine and feminine are embodied in the human body. 

In physical Creation the energy generated in the joining of the masculine and feminine aspects of creation is a bit difficult to see exactly how the masculine and feminine aspects operate to generate energy for several reasons. One reason is the energy generated that we experience is the result of joining the inner masculine and an inner feminine which resided in both the male and female bodies. As such, our own thinking and beliefs often mask how one or the other or both are operating in any one moment.

A second reason is that the body itself, whether male or female is actually an expression of the feminine aspect of creation. The body is the result of a flow of energy unfolding within physical Creation. In there regard there are aspects of the body which are actually the expression of the feminine aspect of creation of which we are unaware yet are influencing our actions and decision. The problem is the flow of energy sustaining the body becomes entwined with the flow of energy generated from the joining of the inner masculine and inner feminine. Often it is hard to discern which from which for ultimately the goal is to have these two flows of energy aligned. .

The third reason, and probably primary reason, is that the masculine and feminine aspect is not what most people think it is when we say joining the masculine and feminine. Most tend to think about the joining of a male and female body in sexuality. Although the masculine and feminine aspects are present, they are masked by the complexity of the human sexuality and our programming and experiences about sex. The web site “Creative Sexuality” is provided specifically to address the issue associated with our creative power, our creative spirit and human sexuality. Those issue are not addressed here.

The masculine and feminine joining at an energy level (Top)

On the energy consciousness level, the masculine aspect of creation is embodied and comes into existence in any act of consciousness. The feminine aspect of creation is embodied in the energy flow and comes into existence whenever there is a flow path, a coupling if you wish, for the energy to move to create and sustain a creation. It is the joining of the masculine aspect and feminine aspect of creation/Creation that supplies the energy for creation/Creation, which we experience as the passion to create. The masculine and feminine is like joining the terminals of the “creation battery.” As such, any creative act is an experience of sexuality and you may even feel sexual when experienced as a human.

The masculine aspect of the creative process is any thrusting by consciousness to create, to mold reality into a new form. The masculine act is to cause energy to localized into a given form. The thrusting by the masculine to create what it desires creates a separation from what is. That separation creates a tension between the masculine and feminine that fuels or energizes the creation. It is the joining with the feminine that the energy which fueled the separation is released. The completion of the masculine act is to establish the connection with the feminine for the energy of creation to dissipate or dissolve the form to flow out of separation and back into wholeness. The masculine must hold that focus on, and/or connection with, the feminine to keep the energy flowing until the creation is finished.

The feminine is the flow of energy in accordance to the situation created by the masculine act. The energy flows to provide the desired experience of creation as it dissipates and returns to the source. The process is analogous to the form of a river being lost as it flows and dissipates in the sea. The feminine aspect of the creative process is seen as the nurturing and sustaining aspect of consciousness which holds the form of the new creation in such a way that the new creation is allowed to grow and unfold according to its own nature within the environment it finds itself. The feminine aspect is the return portion of the outward masculine thrust.

To thrust with the masculine is to create separation. To flow with the feminine is to create wholeness and remove separation. Without the masculine connecting with the feminine separation continues. The separation is experienced as some type of a longing. It is expressed as the longing for something external to itself to complete itself. It is this longing which causes the desire to create to arise. It causes a desire to seek that which will satisfy the longing. The longing creates a tension. The greater the tension the greater the energy and passion to create that can be generates.

It is the passion or energy for creation which ultimate arises from the longing that is made available in the joining of, or a coupling of, the masculine and feminine creative aspect. For any creative endeavor we undertake the energy and passion we feel is what allows us to create what we desire. The energy is allowed to flow to dissipation only as the result of a joining of the masculine and feminine. All our creative energy and passion ultimately arises in the longing to join the inner masculine and inner feminine.

What is important to note here is the joining of the masculine and feminine at an energetic level is not the type and kind of joining one thinks about is human sexuality or even the physical connection a wire makes connecting the two terminals of a battery. Rather the joining and coupling is the way consciousness is able to focus its attention and awareness to “ground” the flow of energy or to create a flow of energy. Any flow of energy needs a “low” point in which to flow. Exactly how consciousness creates the low point within what it thinks and believe does not matter. What matters is there is a way of thinking and believing which causes a flow of energy, a passion, to arise within our being that causes us to act to create whatever it is we desire. The Conceptual Formation Step and the Creating the Space Step of the creative/creation process is where we arrange both our internal and external world to create that “low” point which will ground our energy. The concept of the beloved/Beloved, the muse, oaths of loyalties, the object of focus in a meditation such as a mantra, image or sutra, and the like are all ways that are used to create the “low” point into which we can direct the flow of our creative life energy.

Some thoughts and considerations in the masculine and feminine joining (Top)

Annihilation (Top): It is the tension which results from the separation of the masculine and feminine is what gives rise to the energy for creation. Their joining and the subsequent annihilation of an inner and outer forms analogous to the annihilation of the particle-antiparticle opposites  release the energy for a new creation. Although we may not be aware of exactly what we do when we rearrange what we think and believe to generate the energy to create, but, in reality, we uniting the masculine and feminine complements and annihilating a part of our inner and outer worlds. What is annihilated is the form or arrangement of the internal and external world that caused the separation to come into existence. The flow of energy for any creation must come from somewhere. There will always be a sacrifice for creation of the existing form to free the energy for the new creation. What this means is we can expect any feelings of sexuality acted up to cause a sacrifice of some part of our inner and outer world. This fact, and the awareness of this fact, if properly used, can allow sexuality to be use as a tool to create enlightenment.

Creating wholeness
(Top): In essence, consciousness separates itself from wholeness through desire. Desire is the raw material of creation. In holding a desire, consciousness experiences itself separate from what it desires. The masculine act is to thrusts out by choosing to hold and purse the fulfillment of a desire. It seeks the feminine aspect to which it can connect that will fulfill the desire. It is in seeking fulfillment of the desire the separation is bridged and the masculine and feminine are joined. The energy of creation then flows giving rise to the experience of fulfilling the desire. In this regard to be in the masculine aspect of creation is to thrust out to end the separation of consciousness created by its desire.

A turning point
(Top): The joining of the masculine and feminine represent a turning point within a the creative/creation process which gave rise to masculine and feminine aspects which are joining. It represents the point of reversing an outward flow of energy flowing into separation. It is represented by the annihilation of the existing form, whole or in part, giving rise to that outward flow. The inward flow allows the creation of a new form and unfold. The new form is determined by the created seed condition and the inner and outer environments in which the energy is released. Given the equivalence of energy and consciousness, the flow of energy release is a new life that can awaken and become a life of its own or awaken and an aspect of the creation through which it flows.

The intention for our life
(Top): There is a flow of energy that sustains us. This flow of energy arises in response to a consciousness seeking fulfillment of a desire. That desire is the intention for our life. There is a desire of some consciousness that will be fulfilled by living our life in alignment with the intention for our life. Satisfaction in life arise in the fulfillment of that intention. When we are unable to live the intention for our life we can expect to feel the pain of the consciousness that holds the desire for we are that consciousness or an aspect of that consciousness expressing itself.

Our bodies is the feminine aspect manifesting
(Top): Our body is the result of a flow of energy expressing itself within physical Creation. As such our body is the manifestation of the feminine. In this regard, we should care for our body as we would care for the feminine aspect of creation. She needs to be given a safe and secure space in which to nurture her creation. Simply we need a safe and secure space to allow the body to express itself and what it feels for the creation sustain by the body are the experiences it has in life.

Joining the terminals of the “creation” battery
(Top): It is said above that the masculine and feminine aspect of creation functions like the terminals of a batter. The holding of a desire creates two poles of a “creation” battery. A tension is created when consciousness is separated from what it desires much the way a tension is created between the positive and negative poles of a battery. When the poles are connected an energy flows. However, the masculine and feminine joining is not a joining in the way a wire is connect to a battery. The joining is accomplished by and through the focus of our attention and awareness. Our focus acts as the wire connecting the terminals.

Seeking fulfillment of the desire is the connection of the masculine to the feminine aspect of creation. An energy is generated in seeking the desire. The masculine act of creation is to thrust into creation to unite consciousness with its desire. To thrust out in seeking to fulfill the desire is the masculine connecting with the feminine. The masculine looks for the suitable space and way to manifest the desire. In find or creating such a space with the correct environmental conditions, the masculine becomes connected to the feminine aspect of being and a flow of energy results. That flow of energy unfolds into manifesting an experience of the desired creation. That connection causes a flow of energy to arise that is experienced as creation. In time, an annihilation of the existing form occurs to complete the flow of energy and the energy is fully returned to support a new creation.

Dealing with the infinitely dimensional nature of Creation (Top)

Creation is multidimensional and infinitely dimensional. In any one moment there are an infinite number of masculine and feminine aspects connecting with varying amounts of energy and at various points in the process. They are all overlaid to give rise to creation.

We, as individual humans, are an ongoing creative process, a creative living process, within layers of on going processes - layers above us and layers below us. We are influenced by the layers above us and below us as we influence them. Hence, there will probably always be an masculine and feminine joining occurring somewhere in our life. Additionally, as an awake consciousness within a creativity machine, we continually create new flows of energy. It is hard to discern exactly which flow of energy is giving rise to, or dominating, the experience we have. As such it is hard to discern a single process and see it for what it really is without cross over from other overlaying creative/creation processes.

To fully understand the joining of the masculine and feminine aspects of creation and remove overlaying creative/creation processes to see a single process, there are five aspects to consider since often one or more of these aspects are overlapping.

One is to look at the joining purely as part of an energetic process. That is, to see the process as the analogously equivalent of coupling of opposite poles of a battery created by an outward thrusting of energy and an inward flowing of energy. In the coupling of the masculine and feminine, the connection is made to allow the reverse flow of energy to being. That is, the flow reverse from an outward thrust into separation into a inward flow toward wholeness.

The second is to become aware of how we personally experience the masculine and feminine jointing. That is, being multidimensional beings within a multidimensional Creation, there are creative/creation processes that, whole or in part, gave rise to the reason or reasons why we are in a male or female body. What needs to be understood, is there are many things that our awareness desire to experience in life. In choosing to have an physical experience, there was the question as to whether a male or female body would be the better vehicle given all the experiences one desired to have. For some experiences it didn’t matter if the body was male or female. For others, a particular body type is essential. As we move into those experiences where the energy shifts from a outward thrust of separation seeking the experience to having the experience, feelings of sexuality can be expected to arise.

We will experience feelings of sexuality if a masculine - feminine joining occurs in one of those processes. The greater the process contributed to our being male or female, the greater the sexuality we will feel. In many ways the sexuality one feels is the desire for a new creation, a new way of life. The question is whether or not one is free to engage the new life that is created. The struggle many people have with sexuality is the new life that it causes to enter one existing life. With or without sexuality, if we are unwilling to let go of what needs to be annihilated in the process we can experience a dark night of the soul.

The third is to become aware of how we experience any sexuality we do feel in the time frames before, during and after joining for that information will tell us where the energy is free or not free to flow into the new creation.

The fourth is to become aware of how we experience the joining of the inner masculine and inner feminine. In extreme cases it can be experienced as the Kundalini rising.

The fifth is to become aware of how to use the masculine and feminine joining to create a new flow of energy. This is a topic address in Creative Sexuality.

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