Paradox of creating the space


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The paradox of creating the space is that it is a masculine act to choose to act to create the space but it can’t be done properly without a feminine nurturing energy. Creation is the result of the masculine. The masculine must choose to thrust. Yet, no creation can occur unless it is nurtured by the feminine. Once the seed for creation is created, it must be placed somewhere to grow and unfold. Similarly, once the seed condition is established, it must be maintained until conditions are correct for the seed to be conceived and germinate. The feminine is essential for both these steps.

The energy provided by the feminine, the feminine creative energy,  creates the womb where the creation will grow and unfold. The mature feminine nurturing energy is willing to give of herself and become whatever she needs to be come to nurture the creation in the way it needs to be nurtured grow including her own life but not at the expense of her life. Without the mature feminine nurturing energy, the creation can only unfold true to itself to the extent the feminine nurturing energy has matured. Alternatively said, one cannot give what they do not have. A space cannot provide for the full maturity of the creation within the space unless the space itself has reached full maturity. The feminine cannot create a mature space to nurture a creation unless it has reached maturity.

The paradox of creating the space is that the space for creation has both a masculine and feminine aspect. Both the masculine and feminine are needed to create a safe and secure space for creation internally and externally and each has an ongoing role in maintaining that space.

The feminine aspect of being is what nurtures and sustains a creation. The actual space that is created is part of the feminine aspect. The feminine must give a part of herself to hold this space to nurture her offspring. The way a female carries a child within her womb is a good example of this. Relative to the feminine aspect, the space for creation can be considered the womb of creation. In this regard, there will be a birth and the new creation will have to leave the womb which nurtured and sustained it.

The masculine aspect of being is what protects the space of creation being held by the feminine. In the same way a man is expected to defend and protect his family, the masculine must defend and protect both the feminine and the space she creates to nurture her offspring. The feminine aspect of being can only nourish the creation to the extent her needs are met which includes the safe and secure space to be free to nurture her creation.

Here lies the paradox. The masculine needs a mature feminine to mature. But the feminine needs a mature masculine to mature.. So there seems to be the proverbial Catch 22. To resolve the paradox one needs to dance. But it not about the masculine and feminine alternating the lead in the dance. Rather it is about the masculine choosing to, and becoming, more feminine than the feminine to sufficient nurture the feminine so she is able to mature to be able to provide the mature nurturing feminine energy to nourish the desired creation. It is then the feminine can become sufficient secure to nourish both her creation and then, in turn, nurture the masculine for the masculine to thrust into the world creating the space for the offspring to grow and unfold to it full potential.

Since the masculine is the aspect of creation that thrusts and is responsible for creation occurring, it must choose to surrender to the needs of the feminine to nurture the feminine if it desire its creation to manifest. The paradox is that ultimately, the masculine must choose to become feminine to create what it desires and surrender to the needs of the feminine. Then when the feminine is strong enough, the masculine can then be supported to thrust out.

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