Creativity perspective on forgiveness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creativity perspective on forgiveness
What it really means to forgive

In looking at the definition, forgiveness is about forgiving. To forgive is to grant pardon for, or remission of something. It is to cease to demand a penalty for something or some act. It is to cease to blame or feel resentment against someone or something. To be forgiven is to have freedom from penalty. From a creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred, when we look at what forgiveness means, it really means about shedding a victim consciousness and reclaiming and reconstituting our creative power that we have given away for one reason or another.

The approach within the creativity perspective whether we think we need to be forgiven or another needs to be given forgiveness, is to reclaim our creative power and in doing so we restore the creative power to the other.

Background (Top)

From a creativity perspective and how we create our experience and how we create the reality we experience, whatever we experience we either created that experience or agreed to participate in that experience at some level of our being. What is difficult to understand is that to feel or think that we need to be forgiven or the other needs our forgiveness is to create a victim consciousness and give our creative power away. Additionally we cannot give what we do not have and our inner world is reflected in our outer world. If we do not find some way to forgive ourselves, we really can’t give forgiveness to another. Whatever is inside is, in one way or another, reflected externally.

To truly achieve what we desire to achieve in forgiveness, we need to go within and fetter out the cause of having created the experience in the first place. We need to explore our belief structure and what we think and believe to see what gives rise to either the desire for the experience we had or why we agreed to participate in such an experience. Rather than think about forgiving or asking for forgiveness, what first needs to be done is to realized that we did agree to participate in the experience for some reason and we need to go within and explore why.

How we do this exploration is to use the methods we feel most comfortable with to use to explore our mind to find what lies at the root of the experience.

What it really means to forgive (Top)

What it really means to forgive is to realize we and the other are doing the best we can with what we have been given to date. If we really and truly understood something different, we would act and respond differently. We may think we or the other should respond different and/or should know better but if we really did, we would act differently. When we learn a stove is hot and we can get burned in placing our hand on the stove, we no longer do that. So too anything we do in life. When we really understand something we act accordingly for we know the consequences if we act otherwise.

Most of us really do not know or understand the consequences of what we think and believe. To know and truly understand we create our experiences and the reality we experience by the thoughts we have, we would choose to think different thoughts about ourselves, the other and the world.

Forgiveness is about realizing that each of us arise from the same Source of Creation and are composes of the same material of Creation. In our deepest essence we are all the same. To live in our truth and act from the depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power is to enter and exit each experience in life like the wind. It is to come into the experience with no expectations and attachment and leave the experience with no expectation and attachments. It is to fully savor the moment.

However, it is very difficult to do as a human being. Throughout our life we have all had experiences where we have assumed a victim consciousness because another or Creation Itself did not treat us fairly and/or some how abused or used us as perceived by our mind. Similarly, we all have had experiences where we have used and abused another in some way.

What need to be realized that as a creator, at some level of our being, consciously or nonconsciously, we have either created, or agreed to participate in, each and every experience we have. As such, we have only experienced what we have agreed to experience no matter how hurtful and painful it may be. Similarly, any other individual has agreed to the experience which we provided them. We may not always be aware of why we do what we do. But as a creator, we are none the less responsible for what we have experienced and what we have created. Of course, it is beneficial to pull the string on the experiences we have which center on the need for forgiveness in one way or another to see what in our belief structure caused us to have the experiences.

In this realization, we can come to see each of us are only doing the best we know how with what we have been given. We can give all the reasons in the world why we, or another, should act, think or believe differently. But if we look hard, we will find we, as they, have never been given the tools to act, think and believe to do otherwise. It is in this awareness that we can truly forgiven ourselves and another. It is in this awareness that we find compassion, a truly deep compassion.

In the awareness of this deep compassion, our whole perspective of Creation changes and forgiveness is not longer needed. There is only compassion for the human condition in which we find ourselves and a desire to free the creative spirit within each heart. The compassion does not arise form a perception that there is anything wrong with the human conditions as such. Physical Creation is what Physical Creation is. Rather it is that there are so few individual who create the space for the creative spirit within each individual to find the freedom it seeks to unfold true to itself.

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