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 Creativity perspective on sacred sites 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Within the creativity perspective and the energy consciousness understanding of Creation where energy and consciousness are seen as equivalent forms of the same material of creation/Creation, a creation and the unfoldment of that creation is integrally linked to the environment of the unfoldment. What this means is that some environments are much more supportive of the unfoldment of an particular type and kind of creation than others. This phenomenon gives rise to the concept that some sites or locations are sacred. That is, one can more readily achieve particular spiritual or sacred goals at that location than at other locations.

From a creativity perspective, this is in part true. That is, there exists sacred sites or sacred locations which that are better suited for particular types and kinds of spiritual creation. However, several points needs to be considered.

The first point is that we cannot sacrifice just anything any time and any place and expect to manifest what we desire. The fact that sometimes a particular location is needed to go along with a sacrifice for a particular type of manifestation is what gives rise to the concept that there are sacred sites but that is only for the particular type and kind of desired creation. The need for special location is a function of what we are trying to manifest as opposed anything special about the site or the creation process itself. Often it is not so much a particular site as much as it is a particular type of influence which the site has to offer. For example, oranges grow well in places like California or Florida but cannot grow in places like New York State and Canada. Quite simply the environment of New York State and Canada do not support this particular type and kind of creation unfolding. However, both California and Orlando both offer locations that are conducive to what we desire to grow. The some concept applies at each and every level of our being for each and every desired creation.

It needs to be realized that as a human being, our creations have a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical component. Any particular environment can be conducive to any one or all of these components. The more a given environment can meet the true needs of each of these components, the greater the free unfoldment our desired creation and the more "sacred" the environment will appear. If our desired creation is spiritually orientated the more the true needs of the creation are met, the more sacred we will feel the particular environment is. However, if we shift what we desire to create, we will find the environment is no longer as sacred as was perceived. As times and beliefs changes, sites that were very sacred under one tradition and social structure are no longer sacred. This does not mean that a site loses its power for a particular type and kind of creation. It just means individuals not longer has the belief structure and desired creation which can capitalize on the "sacredness" of the sites. Then again, as the physical world changes, a given physical location may change it its appeal, accessibility or usefulness.

A second point is that any particular location can be made "sacred." We only need to establish the conditions which optimize the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical true needs of the creation being met. Often it is not the location but what we bring to the location and the environment we create in that location that provides what is needed.

A third point, which is often the most important point is that how sacred a site appears all depends on what we think and believe and if we know how to use what is offered by the site. If we do not know how to grow oranges, we will probably never realize we can grow oranges in California or Florida and capitalize on the environment they provide. Similarly, if we believe we can grow oranges in New York and do not realize the environment is not suitable for oranges, we will keep trying and trying and never realize what is wrong with our efforts. Relative to this point, it is essential we learn to become aware of the assumptions we may about what its we are trying to accomplish.

A fourth point, which may or may not be obvious, is a location which can be considered sacred as a result of the environment it provides for a particular type and kind of creation will not necessarily support related creations. We tend to put together in one group a lot of beliefs and as to what we consider is spiritual. Yet, all spiritual beliefs are not equal and do not require the same things of us. What is sacred for one type and kind of spiritual activity may be totally inadequate and even harmful to another. It is essential we have a clear intention for what we wish to achieve and look to meet the true needs of the creation allowing our intuitive guidance to lead our effort and not what our mind thinks we need to do.

The recommendation made here relative to sacred sites is that it all depends on what we desire to create. It is recommended that we hold our creativity sacred, not the location or what we do and allow effectiveness to be our measure of truth. If what we do and the location in which we do it allows us to both hold our creativity sacred and provides for the true needs of our creation and its unfettered unfoldment, then continue to do what we do where we do it. If however, we do not get the results we seek and/or we cannot hold our creativity sacred, then change what we do and./or where we do it to get our desired results. Of course, we will have to do our own experiments to see what works and doesn’t work for us. We can use the wisdom and lessons learned of others but we need to eat and digest all that is given to use and use what is effective for what we need to do.

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