Creating Rituals

Review of the Seven Chakra for healing


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The Seven Chakra System provides a way to view how our creative life energy flows into manifestation into our body. Knowing that our creative life energy flows through the chakras, the conceptual areas represented by the seven chakra provide a structure form with to review our life experiences and provides some thoughts at to what the root issue may be giving rise to the unhealthy condition we face. Rituals and/or metatheaters can be constructed to address what is found. Also listed are the corresponding sefirah of the Kaballah.

Seventh or Crown Chakra and the sefirah of Keter (Crown)

This chakra is representative of the beliefs and/or energy that we hold relative to how we view the unseen world of unmanifested energy or non localized energy and spirit. Although there is evidence to suggest areas or levels above the seventh chakra, the seventh chakra is representative of all those beliefs of the unseen world. These beliefs are above beliefs of judgment characteristic of the mind. To transcend the world of judgment is to live in the seventh chakra. It is beyond the beliefs of male and female, good and evil, right and wrong. It is beyond the beliefs of duality and separation. It is representative of the closest we can come to spirit and undifferentiation/separation and still be in the world.

The beliefs represented by the seventh chakra are best represented by the answers to the questions "What do I believe about the unseen world?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

Are there beliefs I wish to give up?

Are their beliefs I wish to incorporate into my life and live their truth?

Do I wish to request enlightenment on, or about, a particular topic, like my creative endeavor?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because of what I believe about the unseen world and how I act in the physical world?

Sixth or Third Eye/Brow Chakra and the sefirah of Binah (Understanding) and Hokhmah (Wisdom)

This chakra is representative of the mind and the beliefs and energy of the mind of how the world works. It is about how we understand the world and the wisdom we have or don’t have to live in the world. It is the seat of judgment and enculturation. Enculturation of what we have been taught about how we should live in the world. The sixth chakra is about our personal view of the world. It is representative of what we think and belief is true and is representative of beliefs about truth and what is true.

The realm of the sixth chakra is where we choose what is our truth and is intimately tied to the question, "How do you know what is true?" Based on what we believe is true, we judge everything that is internal and external to us relative to what we think is true. Consequently, whatever we think is true or believe is true is extremely important.

It is vitally important that we come to know our own truth as opposed to our enculturated truth and what we have been taught to believe. We need to know our own truth at least to ourselves, if to no one else. To feel doubt or fear that we may be "wrong" is perfectly acceptable for all that we believe is true until it is proven false. If what we believe is never proven or experienced as false that does not mean it is true. We still don’t know that it is true since we just may not have had the experience that proves it is false. So life is, and always will be, an experience of determining if what we believe is true or false.

If we are afraid to have the experience that may prove what we believe as true to be false, we will never know truth. A fear not acted upon is the most debilitating and power robbing action that we can face. In most cases what we believe is true about the fear we have we come to find is actually false. The second biggest debilitating and power robbing action is to deny the truth that we know.

Humans tend to be faced with a dilemma. There is that what we think is true and there is that what we feel is true. Thinking something is true comes from the mind and is the realm of the sixth chakra. What we feel is true comes from the heart and is the realm of the fourth chakra. Speaking and living our truth which is to bring what we think is true and balance it with what we feel is true and that balance is reflected in the fifth chakra.

If what we think is true is aligned with what we feel is true, life is pleasurable and we glide though life with relative ease no matter what we face and how terrible our external world looks. However, when what we think is true is not validated by what we feel is true we will have pain and the pain arises from the dissonance between what we think and what we feel. People then turn to a diversion whether it is a substance such as food, alcohol, tobacco or drug, or some activity such as sex, television watching, work, or any other activity that will sufficiently distract the mind from the disconnect between what the mind thinks and what it feels. Thinking itself is an addiction if we use it to deny or suppress what we feel and know to be true within our being. Although the feeling of pain is taken away from the conscious mind in one of its diversions, that pain still exist and will be experience by the nonconscious for the disconnection between what we think and feels is constantly present.

The easiest way to understand what we believes is to look what we judge as right or wrong, true or false. That which we just as true and correct are in accord with what we believe. That which we disagree with means that we believe the opposite is true or is the way the world should work. So the quickest way to find what you believe is to see what you agree or disagree with.

This chakra is best representative of the answers to the question "What is my truth?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

Are there judgments I should give up?

Do I need to give up who I think I am are versus who I truly am?

Are their limiting beliefs in my mind that are preventing me from being totally free that I wish to give up?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I have not explored my truth and what is true for me?

Fifth or Throat Chakra and the sefirah of Hesed (Mercy) and Gevurah (Severity)

This chakra is representative of the belief about our strength of will, our will power and how we choose to act in the world. It is the level of speaking our truth as we see it or not speaking our truth. Remembering that thought becomes word and word becomes action, this chakra is the strength of our will to live our truth such that our thought are perfectly matched with our deeds and actions. It is that bridge of the taking the thought and making the words of those thoughts become flesh or manifest in the physical world.

This chakra is representative of the answers to the questions "Do I speak and live my truth in all ways and walk my talk in all ways?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

Do I walk my talk?

Do I speak my truth?

Do my actions correspond to what I believe?

Do I freely express my truth or do I deny what I know?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I have not spoke and/or walked my talk?

Fourth or Heart Chakra and the sefirah of Tif’eret (Beauty)

This chakra is representative of our beliefs and energy connections relative to being/existing and why we are in the world. It is about the free flow of our creative life energy into our creative passion. It is representative of our beliefs about emotions, passions, about life and about living and how we feel about things.

The beliefs of the fourth chakra or heart chakra are not the same as the heart’s desire and/or our creative spirit. The heart’s desire encompass all the beliefs about the creative spirit and what it and our physical form represents as seen from within, and above, the seventh chakra as opposed to our beliefs of our enculturated mind about the world and our physical form. Our heart’s desire is the beliefs of the creative spirit about our essence as individualized energy consciousness as expressed in Physical Creation. The heart's desire is the translation of those eternal truths of our creative spirit into beliefs and feelings.

The beliefs of the fourth chakra represent our beliefs and feelings about the creative spirit and our physical form as viewed from within the sixth chakra or the mind. The fourth chakra is what we feel about the world and what we think our physical forms represents in the world based on enculturation. The beliefs about, and of, the mind are of our past experiences in this incarnation. They are representative of what we think and believe physical or non-physical world we currently use to express the individualized creative spirit.

The beliefs of the fourth chakra are best described as to how we interpret or think about what we feel about something. Although the creative spirit expresses itself by what we feel in, and about life, our mind interprets these feelings of the heart by what it believes about the world and it has come to understand beauty. The heart’s desire and the beliefs of the fourth chakra are only in alignment once one has stepped out of their enculturated mind and who they think they are and what they think they represent in the world.

From a creativity perspective and holding our creativity sacred, the heart chakra is very important. Love, passion, passion for what we love in life, are seen and experienced as coming through and from the heart. For many of us there appear to be many focuses for our passion for each of us have many loves. But we have only one true creative passion.

From the view of the mind, both love and passion are irrational, illogical unpredictable, and uncontrollable. To fully live them they require surrender and mind will lose control in that surrender. However, life of any type, whether it is physical life, or the life within an organization, life is conceived in passion and it is passion that is responsible for life. Whether that passion was a passion of unconditional love or was a passion rooted in only a sexual lust for procreation, life at any level of being was, and continues to be conceived in, passion and through passion.

In that same way, life at any level of being is born with passion, a passion to live and experience life. Unfortunately, most individuals are conditioned by the world they grow up to turn off and in many cases, kill their passion. As a child grows, they learned to fear and it is fear that slowly strangles and kills passion. So rather than living and embracing life, individuals learn to exist and "get by" minimizing their fears rather than expand and grow pushing the edge of their being in the same way a tree expands and grows beyond its previous form. What we think and believe that stifles our passion or allows it to flow freely are found around the heart chakra.

A true passion acted on in any one facet of our being will awaken the parts of our psyche and our being that had been buried years earlier, sometimes deeply buried, for whatever reason. In this awakening we may also awaken the fears of the past that originally strangled our passion. Fear itself is natural to the earth plane and exists to help us to survive and prevent us from be harmed from things or situations that are dangerous. From this view, fear should not be judged as good or bad but only something essential to life. To be scared in certain situations is natural. However, to be paralyzed by the fear of the situation is as dangerous, and sometimes more dangerous, as never experiencing the fear in the first place or facing the fear to do what needs to be done. Our fear will ultimately have to be confronted and understood as to what it is that is considered unsafe. We need to overcome the fear if we desire to live a passionate life, a life that embraces life and all that it has to offer.

Passion draws and stimulates passion. Living passionately in any one facet of our life and stepping into our fears as they arise can be expected to "bring out" or cause our sexuality to come alive. This is quite understandable for when we live in passion that energy flows through and enthuses our entire body to bring it life. This includes the sexuality aspects of our being. To choose to live passionately will most probably cause us to confront our sexuality and how we express that sexuality in the world.

We will need to decide if sexuality and its expression is something that we fear in some one in one way or another. But to live in passion it is a fear we cannot run away from but need t understand and appropriately embrace wish to embrace. How we choose to express the sexuality which arise will always be our choice It only needs to be understood how we choose to express it will impact other aspects of our being since the limits and barriers we places on any passion influences the all other aspects of our passion within our being. After all, we are not separated and compartmented as some think. All parts of our being are interconnected and each influences the other. The topic, "Creative Sexuality" was created to help individuals address the issues of sexuality when they arise relative to our creativity and its creative expression.

The beliefs of the fourth chakra are best described as to how we interpret or think about what we feel about something. This chakra is representative of the answers to the questions "What do I feel about ______?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

Do I allow myself to feel?

Do I deny what I feel in any way?

Am I free to live and express what I feel?

Do I live my heart?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I been unable, unwilling or afraid to live my creative passion and what gives me life?

Third or Solar Plexus Chakra and the sefirah of Hod (Splendor) and Nezah (Victory)

This connection is representative of our beliefs about who we are in the world, our identity in the world and questions and issues about self worth and self esteem. These beliefs are best represented by answers to the questions "Who am I?" If we don’t derive our self esteem from our eternal beliefs of our creative spirit and as an individualized consciousness, then we derive our self esteem from the world of our expression and our self esteem is tied to that expression.

To live in and from and above the seventh chakra (to transcend the physical and our body) means that we derive our self esteem from who and what we are as individualized energy consciousness and a creative spirit. It is more about a creative spirit having an physical experience and not a physical body with a spirit.

Additionally, a self-esteem derived from the creative spirit is never changing. It is and always will be. It knows who and what it represents in any incarnation in any reality, at any time and in any place, no matter what is happening in the moment. This is why unless we derive our self esteem from the creative spirit, every time your physical world changes our self esteem will have to change. Every time our self esteem changes there will be a stripping away of that identity and result in what feels like a Dark Night of the Soul.

There only needs to be one Dark Night of the Soul in our life. It is only a matter of how we plug into our reality. If we plug into our reality through our creative spirit then we will expressing ourselves independent of our reality. If we plug ourselves into our reality first and get our identity from reality, every time our reality changes, we will have to change, hence another Dark Night of the Soul. We can choose to do it as often as we like. Just get our identity from our reality and sit and wait, it will come as assured as the sun will continue to rise. It is just the way it is.

The key is to obtain our self esteem from within our being and our Divine connection with the All That Is. It is to rely on no external source for understanding who and what we are.

These beliefs are best represented by answers to the questions "Who am I?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

What do I allow to determine your self esteem?

Is my self esteem determined from within?

What do I need to give up to fully determine my self esteem from within my being?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I derive my self esteem form other than my creative spirit and the intention for my life?

Second or Spleen chakra and the sefirah of Yesod (Foundation)

This chakra is representative of our beliefs about control. Who we control or who we allow to control us and how we control and how we are controlled. The beliefs in this area are best representative of the answers to the questions "what do I seek power over and how?"

Being human, all of us will have areas or aspects of life in which we seek power. That is, there are areas or aspects of our lives that we seek to have things or people to respond to the way we wish. This in itself is not bad or negative. Being incarnate and having free will, we desire and wish things and that desire or wish in itself is an attempt to control what enters or leaves our life.

We need to be able to understand what it is we seek, wish for it and then let go of how the universe manifests what we seek. To attempt to make it happen opens the door to being caught in a power struggle. It is a power struggle between us and the universe as to how and in what particular fashion our will will manifest.

The key to our creative endeavors is to desire with all our heart holding a single point focus for what we desire but yet become like the wind free and unattached as what we experience in, and with, our life.

The beliefs in this area are best representative of the answers to the questions "What do I seek power over and how do I seek that power?" and "To whom and to what have I given my power over to?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

What do I have to give up that is controlling our power?

What am I trying to control in life that I need to give up?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I have been obsessive about controlling something or some aspect of my life?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I have given my creative power away to some other, seen or unseen ?

First or Root chakra and the Sefirah of Shekhinah (Kingdom)

This chakra is representative of our beliefs about ownership. It is about those things we seek to own and possess. It is about the kingdom that we build on the physical plane and what which we claim as our own. It addresses many aspects of "I am this..., I am not that.." and "This is mine and this is not mine."

The beliefs in this area are best characterized as answers to the question "What do I own or seek to own, and why?" and "Who or what owns me and why?" Relative to this question we can ask ourselves:

What am I attempting to own and possess and why?

How do I allow to someone to own me and/or my life or my creative life energy in some way?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because of what I am attempting to own something?

Where have I created an unhealthy condition in my life because I have allowed myself to be owned or possessed by another?

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